Individual Details

Thomas Mims

(15 Jul 1736 - Bef 2 Sep 1793)

Although Thomas and Mary have been ascribed by some researchers to Richard Mims of Darlington, SC as parents, they don't seem to be. No child Richard was baptized in Goochland. No son Richard was named in his will...and Richard was certainly living in 1793.

At least one researcher claimed that Thomas was a son of John Mims, a nephew of David. The following deed probably to Thomas's father-in-law, was witness by John & David Mims.
10 Apr 1739, Goochland DB 3, p.213. John Wright purchased 358 acres from Robert Mimms. Witnesses inclued John Mimms and David Mimms.

Thomas and Mary married in Goochland children and the births of several of their children were recorded in The Douglas Register. The family lived there at least until after the baptism of son John, in 1774. In 1781, daughter Martha married in Charlotte County, so sometime prior to that, the family had moved.

Thomas died in Charlotte Co. His will dated 16 Feb 1793, was proved 2 Sep 1793. In order to pay debts, he requested to sell a 100 acre tract and if that was not sufficient, to sell stock. He gave a featherbed and furniture to daughters Elizabeth, Judith, Mary Barnes, and Sarah - all apparently unmarried. Daughter Martha Vaughan received a heifer. Son Thomas to have part of land bought from Stith. His wife Mary for her natural life or widowhood to have the old tract with the dwelling house, the furnishings, livestock, etc., with son John to have the land at his mother's death. Executors: wife Mary, Francis Barnes Sr., son-in-law William Vaughan, and Archibald Farley. Wit: Griffin Dodd, Thompson Farley, Beverly Belcher.

At least three children whose births were recorded in St. Northam Parish, are not mentioned in the Will - David, Drury, and Frances (it is possible that daughter Sarah was in fact, Sarah Frances).

Nov 1805. The widow Mary and John Mimms sold 155 acres in Charlotte Co to Robert Moore and they moved to Caswell County, NC

Charlotte County Will Book 2 pg 33
In the name of God Amen. I THOMAS MIMMS, of Charlotte County of Virginia and
the parish of Cornwall, being indisposed in body, knowing it is appointed unto
all men once to die but am perfect mind and memory, do make, ordein (sic) &
establish this my last will and testament in the following manner & form
revoking all others.
First I recommend my body to be buried in decent manner & form at the discretion
of my executors.
Secondly all my just & lawful debts to be paid by selling one corner of the land
I bought of Stith lying in the cross between Cargills Road. The road that
leads from Roberson's old School house to M.C. Nah's old store & joining Mr.
Farley's line, being one hundred acres more or less and if that will not suffice
as much of my stock as will pay them off.
Thirdly, I give and bequeath to my daughter ELIZABETH MIMMS, one bed and
furniture to her & her heirs forever.
Fourthly I give and bequeath to my daughter JUDITH MIMMS one bed and furniture
to her & her heirs forever.
Fifthly I give and bequeath to my daughter, MARY BARNES MIMMS one bed &
furniture to be hers & her heirs forever.
Sixthly I give and bequeath to my daughter SARAH MIMMS one bed & furniture to be
hers & her heirs forever.
Seventhly I give and bequeath to my daughter MARTHA VAUGHN one young heifer,
three years old to be hers & her heirs forever.
Eightly I give to my son, THOMAS MIMMS, part of the land I bought of Stith lying
between the great branch, Roberson's School House branch, and Roberson's back
line the land being between the two said branches to be his and his heirs forever.
Ninethly I loan to my well beloved wife, MARY MIMMS the old Tract of land
whereon my dwelling house stands with all the premises appertaining hereunto
during her natural life or widowhood. Secondly, I loan to my well beloved wife,
the balance of the household & kitchen furniture and stock after the debts are
paid and the legacies are taken out during her natural life or widowhood.
Tenthly I give and bequeath to my son, JOHN MIMMS, the balance of the land at
present and his mother's part at her death or marrying to be his & his heirs
I also appoint my well beloved wife MARY MIMMS, FRANCES BARNES, SENR. WILLIAM
VAUGHN, my son in law and Mr. ARCHIBALD FARLEY my sole Executors to act as above
Whereupon I do utterly disallow, revoke and disannul all other Testaments,
Wills, Deeds of gift, legacies & ratifying and confirming this to be my last
will and testament.
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 16 day of February
in the year of our Lord one thousand Seven hundred and ninety three.
Signed, sealed and acknowledged in the presence of:
Griffen Dodd, Thompson Farley, Beverly Belcher
At a Court held for Charlotte County the 2nd September 1793.
This last will and testament of Thomas Mimms dec'd was presented in court by
Frances Barnes and William Vaughn, two of the executors herein named & the same
was proved by the oath of Thompson Farley and Beverly Belcher two of the
witnesses hereto subscribed and ordered to be recorded. The said Frances Barnes
renounced in open court tht burden of Execution of said will and on the motion
of the said William Vaughan who made oath according to Law Certificate is
granted him for obtaining a probate of the said will in due form he giving
Security. Where upon he with JOHN MIMMS, his Security entered into and
acknowledged their bond according to Law for that purpose. Reserving Liberty to
the other Executor & Executrix, herein mentioned to join in the probate thereof
when they shall think fit.
Test. Thomas Read.
Truly recorded.


Birth15 Jul 1736
Marriage23 Dec 1756Goochland County, Virginia - Mary Wright
DeathBef 2 Sep 1793Charlotte County, Virginia


SpouseMary Wright (1736 - 1805)
ChildDavid Mims (1760 - 1793)
ChildElizabeth "Betsy" Mims (1762 - )
ChildThomas Mims (1764 - )
ChildJudith Mims (1765 - )
ChildDrury Mims (1767 - 1793)
ChildFrances "Frankie" Mims (1769 - 1793)
ChildJohn Wright Mims (1773 - 1835)
ChildMary Barnes Mims (1775 - )
ChildSarah Mims (1777 - )
ChildMartha Mims (1770 - )
FatherJohn Mims (1705 - 1779)
MotherSarah [Mims] ( - 1777)
SiblingJohn Mims (1731 - )
SiblingMildred Mims ( - )
SiblingSarah Mims ( - )
SiblingAnne Mims ( - )