Individual Details
Richmond Pearson
(1751 - Bef Aug 1819)
Historical Sketches of North Carolina from 1584-1851, by John Hill Wheeler, Lippincott, Grambo & Co, 1851, p.385
Richmond Pearson, late of Davie, when it was Rowan, was born in Dinwiddie County, Virginia, in 1770 [this date is impossible and should likely be more like 1750] and at the age of nineteen came to North Carolina and settled in the forks of the Yadkin.
When the war of the Revolution broke out he was a Lieutenant in Capt Bryan's company (afterwards the celebrated Col. Bryan, of Tory memory).
After the Declaration of Independence, at the first muster which occurred, he requested some in whom he could rely to load their guns. When Capt. Bryan came on the ground, he ordered all the men into ranks. Pearson refused, and tendered his commission to Bryan. Bryan ordered him under arrest. This was resisted, and he was told that the men had their guns loaded. Whereupon they came to a parley and it was agree by the crowd, as matters then stood, the Bryan and Pearson, on a day fixed, should settle this national affair by a fair fist fight, and whichever shipped, the company should belong to the side of the conqueror, Whig or Tory. At the time and place the parties met, and the Lieutenant was victor.
From this time the Fork company was for liberty, and Bryan's crowd, on Dutchman's Creek, were Loyalists. This anecdote illustrates by what slight circumstances events of the period were affected.
When Cornwallis came south, Pearson, with his company, endeavored to harass his advance, He was present on the first of February, 1781, when General Davidson fell, and witnessed the fall of that brave and meritorious officer. He was a successful merchant and enterprising planter. He effected the navigation of the Yadkin, from his mills, on the South Yadkin, to the narrows, and from thence, by land, below Grassy Islands, thence, by water, to Sneedsboro, which was then a rival to Cheraw. He died in 1819.
By his first wife, Miss Hayden, he had three sons, Jesse A. Pearson, Joseph and Richmond Pearson, and Betsey, who married Hon. John Stokes...
Found online. Notes of Samuel Bryan whose brother William married Mary Boone, sister to Daniel Boone. Samuel was the only member of his family, loyal to the Crown.
In the summer of 1775 the residents of Rowan County's Yadkin Valley divided into factions over the crisis with England . Samuel Bryan, an owner of a significant plantation along the Yadkin River that included a mill, tavern, ferry, and fishery, was among the first prominent citizens to openly declare his allegiance to the crown. He and 194 other residents of Rowan and Surry counties sent an address of loyalty to the royal Governor Josiah Martin in the fall of 1775 . Shortly thereafter, Governor Martin charged Bryan and other loyalist leaders to embody their militias to support him and the crown. Bryan claimed to have raised a "great number of loyalists" and prepared to march them to Cross Creek (Fayetteville) to join the loyalist forces. According to legend, one of Bryan's subordinates, a Lt. Richmond Pearson, challenged his authority to use the militia to support the royal governor. A brawl ensued. Bryan lost the fight and many men of the company threw their support to the Whig cause. Nevertheless, Bryan, who still held considerable prestige among many men in the area, and his remaining followers, marched to Cross Creek where they joined the gathering loyalist army. The loyalists attempted to force their way to the seacoast and anticipated British relief. Converging Whig forces, however, routed the loyalist army on February 27, 1776 at Moores Creek Bridge. Many of Bryan's men were captured. Bryan, however, and a number of his followers escaped capture and made their way back to Rowan County . He and his followers spent the next year in hiding "in Obscure corners of the Country."
Pension Application of Jacob Trout - S1780
Rowan Co, NC Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions, Aug 1832. 20 Aug 1832, appeared Jacob Trout age about 83 years. Entered the service of U.S. under Captain Haden [Douglas Haden], in the Regt commanded by Col. William Loftin under General Rutherford. He served six moths and was marched from Rowan Co to Wilmington. Previously he was drafted but his parents being old and infirm, they helped him hire a substitute. He gave the money to Capt. Richmond Pearson, who hired the substitute for 12 months. He has a certificate of his discharge. Signed: Jacob (x) Trout.
24 Aug 1832. Richmond Pearson made oath that sometime in the year 1830, the Discharge of Jacob Trout was put in his hands to procure a bounty of land in Tennessee, but he found that Trout was not entitled to land. He has lost it and does not remember the name of the officer, but it was for service in the NC militia.
Note: Richmond Pearson who served in the Revolution was already dead - this must be his son who has lost the discharge certificate.
Abstracts of Land Entries, Rowan Co NC: Dec 1778 - Feb 1795; Dr. A. B. Pruitt
p.12 10 Feb 1779, Richard Pearson enters 640a on waters of Lick Drk; NE side Moses Park's entry; rich meadow on new road bet Allen Parks' road and Lick Crk.
Abstracts of Minutes of the Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions, Rowan Co 1775-1789, Vol. III
Jo White Linn 1982
8 May 1782 Capt Richmond Pierson appt County Commissioner to collect Specific Tax [About the earliest reference of many...]
p.128-129 7 May 1785 Justices to take 1785 taxables. Richmond Pierson in Capt. Pierson & Haiden.
Abstracts of Land Entries, Rowan Co NC: Dec 1778 - Feb 1795; Dr. A. B. Pruitt
#2614 1 Aug 1783 Richmond Pearson enters 100a on waters of Yadkin; William Woods S line, widow Goss' N line, widow Creswell's E line.
#2615 1 Aug 1783 Richmond Pearson enters 100a S Yadkin bet Class Thomason's W line and Wm Frohock's E line.
Note: On this same day, Joseph Haden also entered several tracts of land
p.201; DB 10/298 10 Mar 1784 Thos. Frohock to Richmond Pearson Esq for £300, 695 acres in forks of Yadkin R on Anthony Creek.
Pearson served in the Revolution - see notes of his son Joseph. His eldest child born in Goochland VA in 1773; subsequent children are said to have been born in North Carolina. The 1784 deed could have been made many years after the fact - there had been no land office available for some years before 1784.
There is in the Rowan County, NC Deed Abstracts, the following [Rowan DB 10 :181]
Zachariah Haden of Goochland County, VA. He sold on 26 Oct 1784 to Richmond Pearson land on sw side of Yadkin River adj McCulloh, William Giles, Phillip Williams, being 1/2 tract granted by Granville to William Giles who sold it to Haden 24 May 1759. Wit: Obadiah Smith & Sarjint Hewes. prvd May Ct 1785.
[Zachariah was not old enough himself to be a parent to Sarah Haden, wife of Richmond Pearson. But this is definitely an indication that the Pearsons and Hadens were well acquainted.]
Abstracts of Minutes of the Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions, Rowan Co 1775-1789, Vol. III
Jo White Linn 1982
p.129 7 May 1785 Deeds Prvd
Zachariah Haiden to Richmd Pierson, moiety [one-half] of 529A 6 Oct 1784 Prvd by Oediah Smith
Abstracts of Deed Books 11-14 of Rowan Co NC 1786-1797
James W. Kluttz 1996
#102 DB 11, p.84 9 Aug 1787
State Grant #719 to Ritchmond Pearson 140a S fork of Yadkin adj James Harlin, Thomas Frohock, James Tinnen, his other tract, and Jones Ford
#778 DB 11, p.617 27 Nov 1788
Richmond Pearson, esq to John Stokes, esq for 10sh because Stokes was intermarried with Betsy, dutiful daughter of Pearson. 695a in forks of Yadkin on Anthonys Crk commonly known as James Whitaker's old place. Bought from Thos Frohock on 10 Mar 1784 and sold by Martin Walk to Pearson. Wit: John March, Sargeant (x) Hughes. Ack Feb Ct 1789
#936 DB 11, p.761 24 Oct 1789
David Woodson to Richmond Pearson 250a E side of Yadkin adj John BlaketPicklor and Obediah Smith. Ack Nov Ct 1789
#1358 Deed Book 12, p.288
8 Sep 1789 Obediah Smith to Richmond Pearson for 70# 639 a on Yadkin adj Zachariah Haden, John Harwood, Josiah Daniels, Josiah Whitehead & Jacob Bloubough
Wit: Arch Young, Betsy Stokes [Pearson's daughter]. Prvd by Young at May ct 1791
Rowan Co NC Tax Lists 1757-1800; Annotated Transcriptions
Jo White Linn 1995; Self-published
1787 List of Capt. Pearson (Davie Co area, Forks of the Yadkin
William Heydon, 1wm 21-50, 3 wf, 4 B 12-60, 5B under 12, over 60
1789 Tax List of Capt Pearson's Co. (area that became Davie Co)
Unity Haydon, widow, 672 acres, 9 B polls
Douglas Haydon Sen: 564 acres, 1 wp 4 bp
Joseph Haydon, Sen: 500 acres, 1 wp 4 bp
Sarjeant Hughes: 1 wp, 2 bp
p.306 Stephen Pearson: 200 a, 1 wp
John Pearson, 300 a, 2 bp
Joseph Pearson: 500a
Richmond Pearson: 3241a, 1wp 13 bp
Rowan Co NC 1790 Census:
Richmond Person: 1 male over 16; 5 males under 16. No females.
Sarah Haden apparently already deceased by 1790. Daughter Betsey was already married by 1790. Sons who appear in publications are Joseph, Jesse A, and Richmond Jr. I found indications that there may also have been sons George and John. Richmond Pearson's will mentions a deceased son George, and he deeded a part of his home place which included a cemetery site to a John Pearson in 1795. No John born this early was named in the will, but he could have died without heirs - to be receiving land in 1795, he would have had to be age 21 and possibly the eldest son. Richmond did name his youngest son by Eliza, John Stokes Pearson - born 1808.. However, in 1800 there appears to be an older John Pearson living in Rowan - perhaps a brother to Richmond?
Abstracts of Deed Books 11-14 of Rowan Co NC 1786-1797
James W. Kluttz 1996
#1559 DB 12, p.536 18 Nov 1791
Richmond Pearson, Esq & wf Elizabeth to Montford Stokes, Lot #17 in North Sq of Salisbury, now usually called the Acadamy Lott.
#2466 DB 13, p.848 3 Dec 1794
Wm Giles & wf Mary to Sergeant Hughes for 314# 264 ½ A in forks of Yadkin adj river, Caleb Osborn, McCulloh, and Richmond Pearson. Half of 529a Granville grant to this Grantor, other hald sold to Phillip Williams who had conveyed it to Richmond Pearson. Prvd Feb Ct 1795
#2874 DB 14, p.298 1 Aug 1795
Richmond Pearson to John Pearson for 100# 70a on Prathers Spring Br adj John Hunt Prather and Henry ?Shouse, part of ?Hagners tract where said Richmond Pearson once lived. One acre excepted which was to be laid off by said Richmond Pearson as his place of internment. Ack May Ct 1796
[This is too early to be Richmond's son John by his second wife - is this a previously unnamed son of Richmond & Sarah Haden? - one of the five young males in the 1790 census? Or is John possibly a brother to Richmond - see the 1800 census.]
Abstracts of Deed Books 15-19; Rowan County NC 1797-1807
James W. Klutz 1997
#405 DB 16, p 78
8 Nov 1797 Danl Wood to Richmond Pearson. Part of James Wood's tract. Prvd. By Hubert Pearson, Feb Ct 1798
Abstracts of Land Entries, Rowan Co NC: Dec 1778 - Feb 1795; Dr. A. B. Pruitt
p.27 #2298 made over to Richmd Pearson, 17 Sep 1799
Rowan Co NC 1800 Census:
Richmond Pearson 1m 10-16; 5m 16-26, 1m over 45; 1f -10, 1f 26-45 48 slaves.
there was also
John Pearson: 1m 16-26, 1m over 45; 2f under 10, 1f 16-26, 1f over 45.
Abstracts of Land Entries, Rowan Co NC: Dec 1778 - Feb 1795; Dr. A. B. Pruitt
p.45 #2588 29 Jun 1781 Richard Pearson, 640a on waters of Dychases Crk; Gasper Walser's deeded land, S side Dried Crk, George Reed's old line, David Stockton.
#2589 30 Jun 1781 Richmond Pearson, 20a in Yadkin; between Peter Hammons & John Garritt; includes island in the river.
#2593 no date, others are 30 Jun 1781. Richmond Pearson enters 100a on Yadkin, borders Wm Giles, Philip Williams, John Arrowood, Nicholas Cope, Peter Hammons, Jas Henry.
p.84 25 Oct 1789, Richmond Pearson enters 300a in forks of Yadkin. Borders, widow Dedman, Wm Johnston, Obediah Smith & James Andrew
The following would not seem to be records of the John Stokes, husband of Betsey since he is said to have died in 1790. But the name is the same. Perhaps the suits are against the estate of John Stokes.
Abstracts of Deed Books 15-19; Rowan County NC 1797-1807
James W. Klutz 1997
#2116 DB 18, p.505
7 Jan 1803 Sherrif's Sale to Richmond Pearson. Execution of Rowan Ct against John Stokes. 695a on Anthonys Crk seized & sold 10 Jan 1799. Pearson was highest bidder. Ack Feb Ct 1803
#2117 DB 18, p.506
13 Feb 1803 Sheriff's sale to Richmond Pearson. Execution of Halifax Ct against John Stokes, dec'd. 274 a adj Joseph William, John Stokes, Pearson, Christian Sheeks & Nicholas Click. Sale 28 Mar 1800, Pearson high bidder. Ack Feb Ct 1803
#2152 DB 18, p.544
4 Apr 1803 Richmond Pearson Esq to Nicholas Click Sr. 100a Peelers Crk adj Pearson, Click, John H. Prather & James Whitaker. Wit: Nathl Pearson, Wyatt Ford. Prvd by Nathl Pearson May Ct 1803
#2154 DB 18, p.546
24 Apr 1800 Peter Lewis Sr to Lewis Smith, 55a Third Crek adj Richmond Pearson. Part of State Grant to Peter Lewis.
#2534 DB 18, p.905
10 Feb 1804 Richmond Pearson to Jesse A. Pearson for love and affection - three tracts. Wit: Jos. Pearson, Danl Wood. Prvd by Jos. Pearson Feb Ct 1804
#1333 DB 21, p.847
30 Mar 1808 Richmond Pearson agreed that John Pearson could devise his Negro man Moses to Stephen Pearson or any of his children. Release of agreement bet Richmond & John dated 16 Sep 1774. Wit: Nicholas Click Jr [German] who prvd May Ct 1810
[Neither John nor Stephen is thought to have been a son. Did Richmond have a brother living in Rowan?]
It seems likely Richmond and Sarah Haden had more sons than are named here.
1810 Census; Rowan Co NC
Richmond Pearson: 1m 16-26, 2m 26-45, 1f -10, 1f 16-26
another Richmond Pearson as "Sr." 4m under 10, 2m 26-45, 1m over 45
2f under 10, 1f 16-26, 1f 26-45
and on the same page with Richmond Sr is: Nathl. Pearson, 1m under 10, 1m 26-45. 1f 16-26, 2f 26-45.
Jesse A. Pearson, 1m 10-16, 1m 16-26, 1m 26-45; 1f under 10, 1f 16-26.
Saml. Pearson, 3m -10, 1m over 45; 1f 16-26
In the town of Salibury:
Joseph Pearson: 1m age 26-45
Benjamin Pearson: 3m 16-26, 2m 26-45
John Pearson: 2m -10, 1m 10-16, 1m 16-26, 1m 26-45; 1f -10, 1f 10-26, 1f 26-45
Rowan Co NC Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions 1815-1816
June Clodfelter Watson, no date
Deeds rec May 1815
Richmond Pearson Sr to Richmond Jr. 649 acrs. 1814. Proved by Jesse A. Pearson
An 1815 Rowan Co NC tax List shows that Billy D. Haden, a Hughes, 3 Maxwells, and Richmond Pearson Sr & Jr all lived within the bounds of Capt. Tabb's Company. Billy D. & Richmond Sr. both had acerage on the Yadkin River.
ROWAN COUNTY, NC TAX LIST 1815; Jo White Linn, 1987.
Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions 1817-1818
June Clodfelter Watson, no date
p.145 Thus 21 May 1818
Petition of Richmond Pearson for a Bridge across the South Yadkin bet Haden's ferry and the mouth of Second Creek… it is ordered that a bridge be erected…. Commissioners appt: Richmond Pearson Jr, Nicholas W. Gaither, Ransom Powell, Jesse A. Pearson, Lewis Beard, Stephen L. Ferrand. Shall report when bridge is completed. Authorized to draw from the Trustee of the county, $500 for the use of said bridge.
1820 Census. Rowan Co NC, Battalion 3, or Forks of the Yadkin.
Jesse A. Pearson: 2m 10-16, 2m 16-26, 2m 26-45. 2f 10-16, 1f 16-26, 1f 26-45, 1f over 45 [His mother? And are some of the young males and females his half brothers & sisters?]. 42 slaves
Joseph Pearson: No whites enumerated - he was next to Jesse. 87 slaves
Richmond Pearson: 1m 26-45. 1f -10, 1f 10-16, 1f 26-45.
15 slaves.
Both Richmond Sr & Jr were deceased before 1820 and Richmond Mumford was only about 15. I have no clue who this Richmond is.
Abstracts of Deed Books 30-34 of Rowan Co NC 1828-1840
James W. Klutz, 2004
#461 DB 30, p.663
17 Aug 1829 Mortgage. Joseph & John Welch to Richmond Pearson. 229 a on Hunting Crk adj Francis Neely where John Welch Lived. Owed William Haden $392.50 and had 90 day to pay or land to be sold. Wit: H. C. Jones. Prvd by Jones Aug Ct 1829
17 Aug 1831 Mortgage William Haden to Richmond Pearson. Three tracts. 269a called Welch Place where Haden lived adj W. B. Wilson 233a called Maxwell Place where Silvester Adams lives 90a where Wiley Nash lives adj Turner S. Parker. Haden owed John Meroney & Wm B. Wilson a $500 note due 1 Oct next, $500 due 1 May next and $1300 due 1 Aug. Pearson to sell if not paid and save Meroney & Wilson any expense as security for Haden on penal bond of $500 executed to Silvester Adams. Wit: S. Adams who rpvd Aug Ct 1831
Some of the articles concerning son Richmond Mumford Pearson suggest that Richmond Pearson had financial failures brought on by the War of 1812 and that son Joseph educated his half-brother Richmond Mumford in Washington DC. Perhaps Richmond Sr was land-poor and slave-poor because he certainly seemed to be in possession of a great deal of property at his death.
1830 Census. Rowan Co, NC
Elizabeth Pearson: 1m 15-20, 2m 20-30, 1m 30-40. 1f 40-50. 5 slaves
Based on the number of slaves, I'd guess this to be Richmond's widow. Was she living with Jesse in 1820?
Joseph Pearson [Plantation]: 1m 20-30, 1m 30-40 44 slaves
I didn't find any Pearson families in Rowan Co in 1840.
Rowan Co NC Will Abstracts, Vol. 1 1753-1805 Books A-F
Jo White Linn, 1970
Vol II 1805-1850 Books G-K
Bound together - separate indexes
H:13 Richmond Pearson Jul 11, 1819 Prob Aug 1819
Wife Eliza. Sons: Jesse A., Joseph, Charles R., Richmond M., Giles Willm and John Stokes Pearson. Daughters: Sarah A. and M. Eliza. Infant child of dec'd son George.
Exr: wife Eliza, son Jesse A., dau Sarah
Wit: G. P. Mumford, James Pickler
Rowan Co NC
Will Book H, p.13
August Session 1819
In the name of God Amen!
I Richmond Pearson Senr of the County of Rowan
& State of North Carolina, bing of sound and
disposing mind and having a desire to provide
for my family in the evnet of the death, do make
& ordain this my last will and testament, hereby
revoking all others. In manner following, viz.
First I require of my executors (hereafter to be
appointed) to pay my just debts, which I expect
can be done by the sale of the crop and stock
not divised and the hire of the negroes.
2d I bequeath to my to my beloved wife Eliza Pearson
during her life the mansion house and the mill
on South Yadkin and the use of the land,
attached to it.
I farther more bequeath to my beloved wife
Eliza, the negroes London, Dina, Dollsack,
Jim and Maryann. The household &
kitchen furniture, the libras and the necessary
provisions for the decent support of herself and
family for one year, also the sum of one
hundred dollars to be applied to repairing the mill house
3d to my beloved son Jesse A. Peason and Joseph
Pearson I bequeath a fathers love & sincere wishes
for their happiness & prosperity in life, having
already given them, what I consider their
just and equal porportion of my estate.
4th to the heirs of my beloved son Richmond
Pearson I bequeath the little mill seat, (called
Buckned) the land adjoining, also an equal
proportion of my personal estate at my Death
and paid with the rest of my children.
5th to my beloved daughter Sarah A. Pearson, I
bequeath one half of the Stokes quarter tract of
land or a moiety of one thousand acres to be laid
of equally between her and my beloved daughter
M. Eliza, also the negro girl Mary and her two
children Sapleum? & Limon.
6th I give to my beloved daughter M. Eliza Pearson
one half of the Stokes quarter tract of land, or
a moiety of one thousand acres to be laid off
equally between her and her sister Sarah
as aforesaid, Also the negroe girl Ame and her
child Theodore and a little girl Dice.
7th I give and bequeath to my two beloved sons
Charles R. Pearson and Richmond M. Pearson
my third Creek mill and all the land attached
thereto & lying on the south side of the So Yadkin
river with this reservationa, that untill they
arriave an lawfull age the timber on the land is not
to be used except for keeping up the fences &
repaid to the millhouse & dam. I also bequeath
to each of them one fifth part of my personal estate
after my debts are paid, not herein divised.
8th I give & bequeath to my two beloved sons Gile William
Pearson and John Lockes Pearson my mill on
So Yadkin on the death of their mother and the mansion
house. Also all my land on the North side of the
So. Yadkin river not herein divised. And I farther
give to them each a fifth part of my personal estate
after my debts are paid.
9th Should the infant child of my dec'd son George
Pearson be alive, I direct that the sum of
Five hundred Dollars be placed in the hands of
my son Jesse A. Peason to be applied on his
Direction to its education & support.
10th I appoint by beloved wife Eliza Pearson, executrix
and my son Jesse A. Pearson executor together
with my daughter Sara executrix - jointly and
severally to this my last will & testament
witness whereof I do for these presents publish
and declare this my last will & testament
revoking all others - signed sealed and acknowledged
this eleventh day of July AD 1819
R. Pearson Senr
In the presence of
G. P. Mumford
James Pickler
The word "the librars" interlined
before signing
G. P. Mumford
James Pickler
There are books, contents reprinted online, that have serious errors concerning Richmond's family
History of Western North Carolina, condensed from "Wheeler's Historical Sketches" about Joseph's family.
And Wheeler's Historical Sketches"
both appear online and they have been copiously copied into other articles including Wikipedia.
Pearson is stated to have been born in 1770 in Dinwiddie Co, VA. His marriage to Sarah Haden was recorded in Goochland Co VA in 1772, so this is certainly not his birth year.
Wheeler made another critical error - he placed the second marriage of the elder Richmond Pearson as well as all the children of that marriage, as belonging to the young Richmond, son of Richmond & Sarah Haden. The will of Richmond in 1819 makes clear that he had a second wife Eliza and most of the children named are hers - it is also clear he had a son named Richmond, deceased by 1819, and a younger son named Richmond M. Pearson. There are tax records in Rowan Co in 1815, too early to be those of Richmond Mumford who was born 1805, son of Eliza, but list both Richmond Pearson Sr. and Jr. This makes at least three living persons named Richmond Pearson in Rowan Co. in 1815.
Spouse | Sarah Haden (1756 - 1790) |
Child | Betsey Pearson (1773 - 1791) |
Child | Joseph A. Pearson (1776 - 1834) |
Child | Jesse A. Pearson ( - 1825) |
Child | Richmond Pearson Jr. ( - ) |
Child | George Pearson ( - 1819) |
Spouse | Eliza Coit Mumford (1769 - 1843) |
Child | Margaret Eliza Pearson (1800 - ) |
Child | Sarah A. Pearson (1802 - ) |
Child | Charles R Pearson ( - ) |
Child | Richmond Mumford Pearson (1805 - 1878) |
Child | Giles William Pearson (1807 - 1847) |
Child | John Stokes Pearson (1808 - 1849) |
Father | [PEARSON] ( - ) |
Sibling | Elizabeth "Betsy" Pearson ( - ) |
1. The Hayden Family. The First Family Magazine in the World Vo.l 1 & 2, 1929 & 1930 Bound (Charles Hayden, 507 West 65th St., Chicago, Illinois), Vol. II, No.3; July, 1930 p.145.