Individual Details

Frances "Frankey" Martin

( - 1853)

James Flin to Fanney Martin - Marriage Bond dated 15 Jan 1796, Surry Co, NC. James Holcomb, Security.

1810, census Surry Co. NC, Frances Flynn 2-0-0-0-0 2-2-1-1-0. Adjacent Lidda Martin (her mother) and Samuel Tate. On same page as John Pace, Benjamin Pettit, Richard Phillips, Thomas Glen, Hezekiah Forrester. Handwritten page 671.

1830, census Surry Co., Fanny Flinn 1m 20-30, 1m 10-15, 1f 50-60, 1f 5-10. Adjacent John Flin and Tyrel Poindexter. Same page as Milly Davis [her daughter Caroline was married to Hezekiah Flynn]. On next page is James Flin, Susannah Trulove (Daughter of James & Frankey).

1840, census Surry Co., Franky Flin no males 1-1-2-1-0-0-1-1 (age 50-60). Adjacent Clayton Flin [I think this is in fact, Wm Clinton] and William Michael. Page 103.

10 May 1840 Surry Co Deed. James Mathews to Francis Flin, tract of 100 acres, adj Daniel Vestal, Mathews, Mathews & Hall's corner. Signed: James Mathews. Wit: Thomas H. Poindexter, Pricilly (X) Trulove
Note: this is the first time Frances buys land - has James now died, making her officially a widow and not able to handle her own affiars? At her death, Frances owned 135 acres - had she also inherited a widow's 3rd (35) acres from James?

1850 Census. Surry Co, NC, Hh 1098
Franky Flin, 78, b. NC as was everyone in her household
Susan Truelove, 48
Frances Truelove, 22. Mary, 20. Catharine, 13.
Adjacent William Flin [William Clinton Flynn] and James Mathews. Page 326B.

1851 Yadkin Co Tax List, East Been Dist. Frances Flin, 100 acres by J. Mathews Heirs

William W. Patterson was appointed administrator of the estate of Frances Flyn, Yadkin Co, 4 Oct 1853. Wm. W. Long & C. W. Williams were his security for the bond in the amount of $150.
Children named in the estate records: Polly Lynch and husband John Lynch, James Flynn, Clinton Flynn, Rial Flyy, Elizabeth and husband Daaniel Scott, Susan Trulove, widow. Children of dece'd daughter Sarah who had married Charles Trulove: Susannah married to Martin Speer, Sarah married to John Scott, Elizabeth married to Lacy Brown. Children of dec'd daughter Priscilla, wife of James Mathews: rily, Paulina, Elizabeth, Mahala, and Columbus Mathews. Rial Flynn and Daniel & Elizabeth Scott lived out of state.

Sale of the property of Frances Flinn, dec'd was held 17th Sept 185_ by W. W. Patterson, Admin.
Susan Trulove made the most purchases - an open, bed coverings, chest and clothes, a cow, and a lot of wheat. Others that purchased included Ritter Lynch, William C. Flinn, Susanah Speer, Mark Taylor, Rachel Matthews, Mary Trulove (Mary included in her purchases, 4 shoats in the woods), Polly Lynch, William Martin, Witt Lemon, C. H. Creson (who bought hogs), Isaac Williams & Thomas Williams (who bought the remaining hogs).

North Carolina, Yadkin County, Court of Equity, Spring Term 1855
Petition of John Lynch and wife Polly
James Flynn, Clinton Flynn, Rial Flynn, Daniel Scott and wife Elizabeth, Susan Trulove, Martin Spears and wife Susan, Lacy Brown and wife Elizabeth and Riley Mathews of full age and Paulina, Elizabeth, Mahala, and Columbus Mathews, infants.
....Frances Flynn late of our said County died intestate some time during the years 1853 leaving the following children surviving her, to wit: James Flynn, Clinton Flynn, Rial Flynn, Polly intermarried with your petitioner John Lynch, Elizabeth intermarried with Daniel Scott, and Susan Trulove widow, and the following grandchildren, to wit: Susan intermarried with Martin Spear and Elizabeth intermarried with Lacy Brown (inserted: and Sarah intermarried with John Scott), children and heirs of Sarah who intermarried with Charles Trulove and died during the life time of her mother, the said intestate; and Rily, Paulina, Elizabeth, Mahala and Columbus Mathews, children and heirs of Priscilla who intermarried with James Mathews and died during the life time of her mother the said intestate.
....her real estate has descended to each of said living children being entitled to one eighth part and the grandchildren being entitled to the same proportion their mothers would have had - one eighth to the children of Sarah and one eighth to the children of Priscilla.
...that Rial Flynn and Daniel Scott and wife Elizabeth reside beyond the limits of this state.
...intestate was seized in fee simple of a small tract of land and being in said county on the waters of the Yadkin River, adjoining lands of Thomas Hall, Jefferson Glen and others containing about one hundred and thirty five acres. ...said land may be decreed of this court be sold and that the proceeds of the sale may be divided among your petitioners.
...and to order publication to be made as the said Rial Flynn and Daniel Scott and wife Elizabeth who reside beyond the limits of this state notifying them of the filing of this petition and directing them to appear & answer, etc.
Mr. Robert Poindexter & R. S. Phillips testified as to the quantity and location of the land and that it could not be divided without serious injury to the parties interested.

Spring Term, 1855, Yadkin Co Court, Equity Minute Docket. John Lynch & others vs. James Flyn & others. Ordered that copies of bill and states writ and subpoena be issued to James Flyn, Clinton Flyn, susan Trulove, Martin Spears & wife Susan, Lacy Brown & wife Elizabeth, Riley Mathews, and to the guardian of Paulina, Elizabeth, Mahala & Columbus Mathews. Ordered that publication be made for 6 weeks in the People Press for Rial Flynn and Daniel Scott and wife Elizabeth who reside beyond the limits of this state notifying them of the filing of this petition and directing them to appear and answer.

Sale of the lands was ordered by the court, Spring Term, 1856.
Fall Term, 1856. Sale was duly advertised and held 9 May 1856. Jeremiah Glen puchased the 135 acres for $206.50, being the last and highest bidder. Richard S. Phillips was security for the purchase money.


Marriage15 Jan 1796Surry County, North Carolina - James Flynn
Death1853Surry County, North Carolina


SpouseJames Flynn (1770 - )
ChildMary "Polly" Flynn (1796 - )
ChildSarah Flynn ( - 1850)
ChildSusanna Flynn (1801 - )
ChildRoyal Flynn (1802 - 1892)
ChildElizabeth Flynn (1803 - 1856)
ChildPriscilla Flynn ( - 1844)
ChildJames Flynn (1813 - 1880)
ChildWilliam Clinton Flynn (1814 - )
FatherWilliam Martin (1735 - 1809)
MotherLydia Landrey (1740 - 1813)