Individual Details
William Martin
(1735 - 1809)
This marriage seems doubful for William Martin, given births of children. Perhaps a second marriage - but he also have been in North Carolina in 1775.
Nov 15, 1809, court minutes Surry County NC. The Last Will & Testament of William Martin decd was exhibetted for probate when it was caveated by John Flynn and docketed for trial. At the same time David Poindexter one of the Executors therein named came into open Court and relinquishes his right of Executorship and refuses to quallify. On motion its the opinion of the Court that Administration be granted to some person until the caveat of the will is decided.
Note: The will is not in the North Carolina Estate File Folder but it is in a will file. According to the Inventory and Sale, the widow Lydia was appointed the Administrator.
Will dated July the 1st day, 1809. Last Will of William Martin of Surry County, North Carolina sick and weak in body but perfect mind & memory. Bequeaths his Negro Man Nab to be sold at the highest bidder, the money to be left with wife Liddie til her death and then to be divided equally between my son Burrel Martin's Children. The land wheron I now live to my wife as long as she shall live then after her death to Roial Martin, son of Roial Martin (I think this should have been son of Burrel Martin). To William Martin, son of Burrel Martin, 50 acres bought of John Pierce. Stock of horses, cattle & hogs & household goods and plantation teelo to my wife Liddie as long as she lived and then equally divided between my son Burrel Martin's children.
Signed William (+) Martin
Witnesses: Patsey (+) Bovender, Frances (+) Flyn, David Poindexter
David Poindexter and Burrel Martin to be Executors of the same
The following from the North Carolina Estate Files....
Inventory dated 14 Day 1801 (obviously wrong date - more likely 1810) Contained one Negro man Nab, bay horse, 6 head of cattle, 21 hogs, two feather beds, sundry household items
10 Nov 1810. Amount of Sale of estate of William Martin, held 8 Sept 1810. Bond of Thos. Longens. Purchasers included Benj. Spain, William Logan, Jesse Flemons, John Williams, Franky Flynn, Lewis Holcomb, John A. Megehee, Avin Truelove, James Flynn, George Logan, Aaron Mathis Junr, Abel Gran, Hezekiah Mathis, John Flynn, Daniel Dial, John Rash, James Mathis, Isham Melton, John A. Megehee. Lydia Martin, Admr.
Surry County Court, August Term 1810
Petition of John Bovender & Mary his wife, John Flynn & Patsey his wife. James Flynnn & Franny his wife. Jacob Flynn and Sarah his wife, Heirs at law of William Martin Decd, against Burwell Martin, Lucy Martin and Elizabeth of Surry, Thomas Childress and wife, John Childress and wife. Roial Martin who lives in Tennessee. They are heirs at law to William Martin lately deceased in the County of Surry Seized of three tracts of land adjoining each other containing in the whole three hundred acres or there about, lying on Forbes's Creek, the particular quantity and courses of which will more fully appear reference being made to the deeds... they are entitled to an undivided tenth part of the aforesaid tract of land ...appoint Commissioners to lay off and apportion
May Session 1812. Ordered by the Court that John Rash, John Logan, Hugh Logan, David Hobson & James Primm, freeholders, together with William Thornton, Surveyor be appointed Commissioners to divide the lands of William Martin, Dec'd and make report Court on the second Monday of August next. Winessed, Joseph Williams, Clerk, the second Monday of May 1812.
May Term 1812
Lydia Martin petitions for a jury to be summoned to lay off one third part of lands of William Martin, dec'd for her being the widow and that five of the above men named to lay off and divide the balance of the lands & tenements among the legatees of said Martin dec'd. A second petition names the twelve mend and specifies that John Rash, John & Hugh Logan, Davod Hobson & James Primm divided the remaining two-thirds land among the Legatees.
Petition of Lydia Martin, widow & relect of William Martin'dec'd.... lay off one third part of the lands of William Martin dec'd. Jury of twelve men: John Rash, David Hobson, Jesse Fleming, Hugh Logan, John Logan, Thomas Vestal (Flat Creek), Thomas William Junr, John Kitches, Solomon Phillips, James Primm, William Uptegrove & John Stoe, & also William Thornton, Surveyor. Second Monday of May 1812
I'm not sure how this land could have been sold prior to the laying off of the lands of William Martin...
April 5, 1811, deed Surry County NC, John Bovender and wife Mary, John Flinn and wife Patcy, James Flinn and wife Frances, and Lucy Martin of Surry County, heirs of William Martin deceased to Thomas Longino planter of Stokes County NC. 150 acres in Surry County on Forbiss Creek, part of a tract of land granted by Jonathan Haines to said William Martin deceased dated Jan 26, 1804. Another tract containing 100 acres adjoining Bovender's corner, Haines, Matthews, it being the same tract conveyed by Jesse Lester Esq to said William Martin deceased dated Aug 25, 1804. Another tract of 50 acres crossing the north fork of the south fork of said creek being the same which was granted to Nicholas Hutchins on Nov 9, 1787. Signed John Bovender B his mark, Mary Bovender x her mark, John Flinn x his mark, Patsy Flinn x her mark, James Flinn, Francis Flinn x her mark, Lucy Martin x her mark. Witnesses Daniel Deel, John Bovender Jr x his mark. Proved Nov 1811 by Daniel Deel. Deed book M page 408.
17 May 1811 Court Order that Jeremiah King, Esq. be appointed to examine Mary Bovender and Francis Flynn touching their assent to a deed of conveyance from themselves & their husbands, John Bovender & James Flynn, to Thomas Longino. They gave their assent.
24 Oct 1811, deed Surry County NC Thomas Chldress of Laurence Co SC to heirs of William Martin deceased - John Bovender in right of wife Mary, John Childress in right of wife Keziah, Thomas Childress in right of wife Nancy, Royal Martin, Elizabeth Martin, Jacob Flinn in right of his wife Patsy, James Flinn in right of his wife Frank, Murrell Martin, Reuben Matthews in right of his wife Drusilla, and Lucy Martin, heirs at law of said William Martin. Land in Surry County on north fork of Forbis Creek. Signed: Thomas Childress.
Wit: Hugh Logan, John Logan. Proved Nov 1811 by Hugh Logan.
Birth | 1735 | England | |||
Marriage | 24 Oct 1775 | Surry, England - Lydia Landrey | |||
Death | 1809 | Surry County, North Carolina |
Spouse | Lydia Landrey (1740 - 1813) |
Child | Frances "Frankey" Martin ( - 1853) |