Individual Details
James Flynn
(Ca 1770 - )
The James Flynn who married Frances Martin was too old to be a child of Laughlin Flynn & Elizabeth Wright where he is often placed. It is possible he could have been born to Laughlin and an unknown earlier wife. He seems a bit too young to have been a young brother of Laughlin.
James was either deceased or had departed for parts unknown, before 1810 when Frances appears as head of her household. One theory is that the couple had separated as he appears to still be married to her 1811-1812 when the estate of her father was being settled.
20 Jan 1792 James Flin was witness to a deed between Mathew Matthis and George Flynn, 150 acres on north fork Forbush Creek, 150 acres. Land entered by Silas Morphew. A 1792 map shows a tract for George Flynn near Edward Lovill & Silas Morphew between Forbush Creek and North Deep Creek. This was George, son of the older Thomas & Elizabeth Flynn - could he have been father of James?
13 May 1794 Surry Co, Court Records - John and James Flynn were witnesses for the plaintiff and paid for their attendance. Matthew Matthews vs. Justice Reynolds.
Surry Co Tax Records
1796 Capt Scott's Dist. James Flin, 1 poll
1797 Capt Scott's Dist. James Flin, 1 poll
1798 Capt Scott's Dist. Laughlin Flinn, 350 acres. Thomas Flinn, 1 poll. John Flinn, 1 poll. James Flinn, 1 poll.
NC Bastardy records from Surry County:
20 Sep 1800 James Flinn ordered to appear before Justices. Sarah Bovender swore she delived a bastard child and James Flinn was the family
13 Jun 1801 James Flynn, bond with security John Bovender and Reuben Mathies for James to appear in Rockford Court, August 9th.
NOTE: Frankey Flynn's sister Mary was married to John Bovender.
29 May 1801 Surry Co Deed. Jacob Flinn of Lee Co, VA to John Bovender, Jr., 125 acres, Forbe's Creek. Wit: Samuel Magee and James Flinn. Proved by James Flinn, Aug 1801.
29 Jan 1808 Surry Co Deed. William Martin to Isaiah Coe, 200 acres fork of Forbises Creek, adj line between William Martin and Thomas Childress. Signed: William Martin, Lidy (X) Martin (parents of Frankey). Wit: N. Horn, James Flin. Proved Feb 1808 by Nicholas Horn.
5 Sep 1809 Court Minutes, Superior Court, Surry Co. James Flynn paid as witness for defendant, case Sarah Bibb vs. Ephraim Williams.
A James Flynn appears in the Surry Co Census, 1810, p.660
1 male under 10, 1m male age 26-45 [born bef 1784]. 2f under 10, 2f 10-16, 1f 26-45.
James Holcomb had been securtiy for the marriage to Frankie and this man is adjacent George D. Holcomb in this census.
In 1810, Frances Flynn was adj. Lidda Martin (her mother).
1810-1811 Settlement of estate of William Martin (his father-in-law) includes court records and deeds - see entry of William Martin. As late as 24 Oct 1811. Thomas Childress of Laurence Co, SC deeded his division of the land of William Martin, No. 6, on north fork of Forbis Creek to the heirs of William Martin: John Bovender in right of wife Mary, John Childress in right of wife Keziah, Thomas Childress in right of wife Nancy, Royal Martin, Elizabeth Martin, Jacob Flinn in right of wife Patsy, James Flinn in right of wife Frank, Burrell Martin, Reuben Matthews in right of wife Drusilla, and Lucy Martin.
5 Apr 1811. Surry Co NC Deed. John Bovender & wife mary, John Flinn and wife Patsy, James Flinn and wife Frances, and Lucy Martin all of Surry Co, heirs of William Martin deceased to Thomas Longino, planter, of Stockes Co. 150 acres on Forbiss Creek, part of tract granted by Jonathan Haines to William Martin, dec'd, dated 26 Jan 1804. another tract, 100 acres, adjoining Bovend's corner, Haines & Matthews, being tract conveyed by Jess Lester, Esq, to sd William Martin dec'd, dated 25 Aug 1804. Another tract, 50 acres, crossing the north fork of the south fork of said creek, granted to Nicholas Hutchins, 9 Nov 1787.
Signed: John (B) Bovender, Mary (x) Bovender, John (x) Flinn, Patsy (x) Flynn, James Flinn, Francis (x) Flinn, Lucy (x) Martin.
Wit: Daniel Dell, John (x) Bovender, Jr. Proved Nov 1811 by Daniel Deel.
17 May 1811. Surry Co NC Court Records. Jeremiah King, Esq. appointed to examine Mary Bovender & Francis Flyn, for dower release for above deed.
24 Oct 1811 Surry Co Nc Deed. Thomas Childress of Laurence Co, SC to the heirs of William Martin , dec'd: John Bovender in right of wife Mary, John Children in right of wife Kesiah; Thomas Childress in right of wife Nancy, Royal Martin, Elizabeth Martin, Jacob Flinn in right of wife Patsy, James Flinn in right of wife Frank, Burrell Martin, Reuben Matthews in right of wife Drusilla, Lucy Martin. Land in surry Co, No. 6, north fork of Forbis Creek. Signed: Thomas Childress
Wit: Hugh Logan, John Logan. Proved Nov 1811 by Hugh Logan.
Surry Co Tax Records
1812 Capt Stow's Dist. James Flinn, 1 poll
1815 Capt Stow's Dist. James Flyn, 1 poll. John Flyn, 1 poll. John Bovender, 120 acres, Forbush Creek adj Isaiah Coe. Burwell Martin, 1 poll
1816 Capt Stow's Dist. James Flynn, 1 poll. Laughlin Flynn, 100 acres adj Wm Gordin, John Flynn, 1 poll. John Bovender, 120 acres adj Isaiah Coe, 1 poll
1817 Capt Armistead T. Lovell's Dist. James Flynn, 1 poll. John Flynn, 1 poll. Lydia Martin, 100 acres adj James Mathews. Burrel Martin, 1 poll. John Bovender, 120 acres, adj. Armistead Lovell, 1 poll
1830 Census Surry Co, NC
James Flin: 1m 5-10, 1m 40-50. 1f 5-10, 1f 40-50. Same page as James Matthews, Susannah Trulove (dau of James & Frankey Flynn), John C. Linch (married to Mary Flynn, dau of James & Frankley Flynn.
1840 Census. Surry Co, NC
James Flinn: 1m 20-30, 1m 60-70. 1f 15-20, 1f 50-60. Same page as a young James Flynn, likely his son.
NOTE: My Uncle has atDNA match to descendant, Robin Reid. Needs more research.
Birth | Ca 1770 | ||||
Marriage | 15 Jan 1796 | Surry County, North Carolina - Frances "Frankey" Martin |
Spouse | Frances "Frankey" Martin ( - 1853) |
Child | Mary "Polly" Flynn (1796 - ) |
Child | Sarah Flynn ( - 1850) |
Child | Susanna Flynn (1801 - ) |
Child | Royal Flynn (1802 - 1892) |
Child | Elizabeth Flynn (1803 - 1856) |
Child | Priscilla Flynn ( - 1844) |
Child | James Flynn (1813 - 1880) |
Child | William Clinton Flynn (1814 - ) |