Individual Details

SAMUEL Hoskins

(9 Sep 1753 - 18 Jun 1825)

Some have placed a Lemuel in this family because of the following - the will plainly has this son as SAMUEL and the date of birth is impossible for a son since Joshua did not marry until about 1732 - I believe the entire inquiry to be full of errors.
The American Monthly Magazine, Vol XLII, December-June, 1913
Edited by Miss Eliza Olver Denniston; publish by NSDAR (bound volume downloaded from Google Books)
The following inquiry is found...
Vol XLII, Feb 1913, No. 2, p.79
"2764. HOSKINS - Joshua Hoskins, son of Samuel and Mary (Austin) Hoskins, b. at Taunton, MJass, was a farmer and blacksmith. His will was dated Jan 1, 1772. He had the follow children: Joshua Jr., Abijah, Lemuel -(SIC - THIS NAME WAS SAMUEL), Mercy who m. Jonathan Pratt; Lydia who m. Abraham Lincoln of Taunton and Freeport; Prudence who m. Lemual Hathaway; Rebecca who m. Nathan Hack (?), and Hannah who m. Ephraim Eddy. Lemuel, the third son, was b. ab. 1710 and was a blacksmith of Taunton and late of Scituate, Mass. He had: Rebecca, Betsy, William and Lemuel. Late in life he m. a Miss Hoskins, probably a relative. What was the name his (1) wife and did he have Rev. service?

Possible listing From American Genealogial-Biographical Index, vol. 84, p. 114
Samuel Hoskins, b. Massachusetts about 1750:
Muster and payrolls of the Rev. War, 1775-1783. ( Vols. For 1914-15 of the "Collections" of the N.Y. Hist. Soc.) 1914-15. (2v.):292
There is also a long paragraph regarding the service of Samuel Hoskins of Taunton, the Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors of the Revolutionary War, Vol., 8, p.284
Multiple Hoskins served from Taunton - additional research is need to determine if more than one Samuel was present.
"HOSKINS, SAMUEL, Taunton. Private, Capt. Robert Crosman's co. of Minute-men, Col. Nath. Leonard's regt., which marched April 20, 1775 in response to the alarm of April 19, 1775 to Roxbury; discharged april 29, 1775; service 12 days; also, Capt. Oliver Soper's co., Col. Timothy Walker's regt.; muster roll dated Aug 1, 1775; enlisted Mary 2, 1775; service, 3 mos. 6 days; also, company return dated Oct. 6, 1775; also order for bounty coat or its equivalent in money dated Camp at Roxbury, Nov 1, 1775; also Private, Capt. Matthew Randell's co., Col. Thomas Marshall's regt.; enlisted June 27, 1776; service to Nov. 1, 1776, 4 mos. 4 days; also same Co. and Regt.; payroll for Nov. 1776; service 1 mo. 2 days, including travel home; also Sergt. Enos Dean's detachment of guards; service, 1 day, by order of Committee of Correspondence, etc., in order to prevent escape of Highlanders and other prisoners from Taunton jail during the alarm of Dec 8, 1776."

NSDAR: Ancestor #A052533 Samuel "Haskins"
Refers to the above reference. Served under Capt Robert Crosman, Col. Nathaniel Leonard, at the Lexington Alarm. Also under capts. Olive Soper, Matthew Randell & Cols. Timothy Walker, Thomas Marshall.
From Taunton, Bristol, MA and Adams, Bershire, MA - [Note, I believe the Adams address to be a very different Samuel who served in 1781]
Applications accepted through children Samuel, Malinda & Joshua.

Probably Samuel - 1790 Census. Whitehall, Washington Co, NY
Samuel Hoskins: 6 males over 16 (none of the children were this age and I've no idea who all these males would have been) 3 males under 16 (Samuel, David & Joshua) 4 females (wife Lydia, daughters Lydia & the second Melinda - an extra female)

The family lived at Granville, Washington Co, NY until about 1799 when they moved to Scipio, Cayuga Co. No Hoskins deeds found in Washington County Grantor Index,

Cayuga Deed Book A, p.46 (indexed as Haskins)
20 Feb 1799. John Laurance of the State of New York and Elizabeth his wife to Samuel Hoskins of Scipio in the County of Onondaga and State of New York, farmer. For $437.47 have sold a parcel of land in the SW corner of Lot #7 in the town of Scipio known by the Surveyor Generals returns of Survey and which parcel is now intended to known as Lot or farm #5 in a plat map of said large of whole lot seven, surveyed by Jedediah Tracy 12 Oct last. Contains 114 acres. Signed John Laurance, Eliza Laurance. Wit: Ann Laurance, Wm Tilghman.
12 Apr 1799, in the city of Philadelphia, state of Pennsylvania, John & Eliza Laurance acknowledged the deed - she examined apart from her husband.
Rec'd 8 May 1799 from Samuel Hoskins on behalf of John Laurance, cash & bond & mortgage. Signed: Ben Ledgand.
9 May 1799, received by Seth Phelps, Judge of Court of Common Pleas, Cayuga Co. [Cayuga County has split from Onondaga since February]

1800 Census. Scipio, Cayuga, NY
Samuel Hoskins: 2m under 10 (Leonard & Silas), 1m 16-26, 1m 26-45 (Samuel - he was 47). 1f under 10 (Anna), 1f 26-45 (Lydia)

1802 Scipio, Cayuga, NY Tax Assessments
Samuel Hoskins: $400 Real estate; $160, personal estate

1810 Census. Scipio, Cayuga, NY
Samuel Hoskins: 1m 10-16 (Leonard), 2m 16-26 (Silas & David), 1m over 45 (Samuel). 1f under 10, 1f over 45
Joshua Hoskins: 2m under 10, 1m 26-45, 1f under 10, 1f 26-45

1820 Census. Scipio, Cayuga, NY
Joshua Hoskins: 1m under 10, 2m 10-16, 1m 26-45. 5f under 10, 1f 26-45
Samuel Hoskins: 3m under 10, 1m 16-26, 1m 26-45, 1m over 45. 1f 26-45, 1f over 45 It would seem that an adult child and family lives with Samuel, probably Samuel Jr, and that Lydia was still living in 1820.

"New York, Land Records, 1630-1975," images,
Cayuga Deeds are online -
Cayuga Co NY Deed Book J
This Indenture made the seventh day of April in the year one thousand eight hundred and ten between John Lawrance of the City of New York Esquire of the one part and Samuel Hoskins of Scipio in the County of Cayuga of the State of New York farmer, of the other part.
Witnesseth That the said party of the first part for and in consideration of the sum of seven hundred and eighty six Dollars in hand paid by the party of the second part Wherewith the party of the first part Doth hereby declare himself satisfied and paid Hath and by these presents Doth grant bargain sell enfeoff alien release convey and confirm unto the said Party of the second Part his Heirs and assisns, All that certain Lot piece or parcel of Land situate in Scipio in the County of Cayuga, State of New York being part of Lot Number seven in the Township of Scipio and is known in the subdivision as the same Lot Number seven made by Jeddediah Tracey on the twelfth Day of October in the year of one thousand seven hundred and ninety eight by Lot number four which said Lot number four in the said subdivision contained one hundred and twenty four acres of land. Together with all & singular the rights Members and privilege
to the same belonging or in any wise appertaining. And the Reversion and Reversions, Remainder and Remainders rents issues and profits thereof and all the Estate, Right Title, Tnterest Property Possession Claim and demand both in Law and equity of the said party of the first part of and to the same Subject to the Conditions Reservations and Exceptions contained in the Patent for the Tract of which this Parcel is part. And Subject also to all and every Tax and Taxes assessed or charged on this piece or parcel of land or on any part or parcel thereof, since the twelfth day of October in the year one thousand eight hundred. To have and to hold the
said Tract or Parcel of land and premises with the appurtenances unto the said Samuel Hoskins his heirs and assigns subject as aforesaid, to his and their only proper use benefit and behoof forever. An the said party
of the first part and his heirs the said parcel and premises aforesaid subject as aforesaid unto the said Party of the second Part his heirs and assigns against all and every person or persons whomever lawfully claiming or to claim the same will warrant and ____ presents forever Defend. In Witness whereof the parties hereunto have in ___ set their Hands and Seals the Day and year first above written. John Lawrance
Sealed and delivered in presence of Thomas Cooper.
State of New York. On the 7th April 1810 before me came John Lawrance known to me to be the Grantor described in the within indenture, who did acknowledge that he had executed the same.. I allow it to be recorded. Thomas Cooper, Master in Chancery.

Cayuga NY, Deed Book J., p.487
24 Apr 1808 Samuel Hoskins of town of Scipio to William Smith of same for $1000.00. Part of Lot #7 in the Town of Scipio. Begin SW corner, Joshua Hoskins, 54 acres. Sealed and delivered in presence of Robt. L. Tracey, John Shaw. Acknowledge by Samuel Hoskins. Recorded 12 Jun 1808

Cayuga Co NY Deed Book K, p.89
Know all men by these Presents That I Lydia Hoskins wife of Samuel Hoskins of the Town of Scipio County of Cayuga and State of New York have___ and in consideration of the Sum of Ten Dallars sold and released to William Smith of the same Place All my Right & Dower in which I now possess fifty four acres of land lying on Lot No. Seven in the Town of Scipio which Land my Husband has sold to the said Smith and which sum of Ten Dollars I acknowledge myself fully satisfied with. The Land is bounded as follows beginning on the Southwest Corner of Joshua Hoskins Land, thence East thirty seven Chains and thirty nine Links thence South fourteen Chains & twelve Links, thence west forty Chains and sixten Links thence North eleven Degrees & thirty minutes, East fourteen Charins & forty one Links to the place of beginning containing fourteen acres of Land be the same more or less. Witness my Hand and Seal the fifteenth Day of June 1810. Lydia Hoskins.
In presence of Joseph Grover ___ a County __. Ben it remembered that on the fifteenth Day of June in the year of our Lord eighteen hundred and ten before me Joseph Grover, one of the Judges of the Court of Common pleas for said County came Lydia Hoskins wife of Samuel Hoskins to me personally well know who duly acknowledges that she executed the within deed or Release for the uses....

Cayuga Deed Book M, p.89
2 Jul 1810 Samuel Hoskins of the Town of Scipio to Joshua Hoskins of the same place. For $600, tract in his actual possession, in Scipio, part of Lot #4 in the division of Lot #7. Begin NW corner of Lot #4 in the center of the road, chains & links to the beginning, 71 acres. Signed: Samuel Hoskins, Lydia Hoskins. Wit: William Smith, William Smith, Junr, John Groves witness to signing of Lydia Hoskins. On 4 Dec 1811, before John Groves one of the Judges of the Court of Common Pleas came Samuel Hoskins and acknowledged the deed. Lydia examined apart from her husband. Recorded 21 Dec 1811.

Cayuga NY, Deed Book CC, p.27
Samuel Hoskins to Samuel Hoskins Jr. Scipio. 50 Acres
This Indenture made the twenty seventh day of October in the Year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and twenty four Between Samuel Hoskins of Scipio in the County of Cayuga and State of New York of the first part and Samuel Hoskins Junior of the same place of the second part. Witnesseth that the said party of the first part for and in consideration of the sum of One
hundred Dollars lawful money of the United States of America to him in hand paid by the said party of the second part at or before th ensealing and delivery of these presents the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged Hath granted, bargained, and sole, remised, released, aliened, and confirmed, and by these presents doth grant bargain and sall, remise, release, alien and confirm
unto the said party of the second part in his actual possession now being and to his heirs and assigns forever All that certain piece or parcel of land being part of Lot Number Seven in the town of Scipio in the County of Cayuga being fifty acres of land to be laid off on the south side of the farm now owned by the said party of the first part on said Lot Number Seven in the form of a parallelogram by a line drawn through said farm from East to West so far from the South line of said farm as shall embrace fifty acres of land. Together with all and singular the hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining said the reversion ad reversions, remainder and remainders, rents issued and profits thereof. And also all the estate right title interest property claim or demand whatsoever of the said party of the first part either in law or equity of in and to the above described premises with the said hereditaments and appurtenances. To have and To hold the said premises above particularly described to the said party of the second part heirs and assigns to the sole and only proper use, benefit and behoof of the said party of the second part his heirs and assigns forever. And the said party of the first part for himself and for his heirs executors and administrators doth covenant grant promise and agree to and with the said party of the second part his heirs and assigns the above bargained premises in the quiet and peaceable possession of the said party of the second part his heirs and assigns against the said party of the first part his heirs and assigns and against all and every person or persons whatsoever lawfully and equitably claiming or to claim the whole or any part thereof for ever to Warrant and Defend. In Witness whereof the said party of the first part hath hereunto set his hand and seal the day and Year first above written. Samuel Hoskins
Sealed and delivered in the presence of.
Cayuga County. On the 27th day of October 1824 Samuel Hoskins to me known to be the same person described in and who executed the within deed personally appeared before me and acknowledge that he executed said deed for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. which accordingly certify pursuant to the statute in such case made and provided. E. Hoskins, Com to take the acknowledgment of Deeds, etc.

No other deeds found in the online database.

Samuel's will was dated 24 Jun 1824, admitted to probate on 27 Jun 1825. His son Samuel was executor. No wife was named.
In the name of God, Amen; I Samuel Hoskins of the Town of Scipio, County of Cayuga, and State of New York, being weak in body, but of sound and perfect mind and memory, blessed be God for the same, do make and publish this, my last Will and testament in manner and form following, Viz: justly I give and bequeath to my beloved son Leonard Hoskins the sum of one hundred and fifty dollars in two annual payments two years after my death. I further give to my beloved son Joshua Hoskins the sum of fifty dollars in neet stock within one year after my death. I further give to my beloved grandson, Samuel P. Hoskins, son of Joshua Hoskins, one pair of four year old oxen to be paid over to him, the said Samuel P., one year after he, the said Samuel P., becomes twenty one years of age. I further give to my beloved daughter, Lyndia Phelps all my household furniture. I further give to my beloved granddaughter, Lydia Hoskins, daughter of Joshua Hoskins, one cow to be delivered to her, the said Lydia, when she becomes of the age of eighteen years. I further give to my beloved children, Lydia P. Fitch and Silas Hoskins, to each of them five dollars, and after my funeral charges and my honest debts are paid, and the above legacies are paid, I give and bequeath to my beloved son, Samuel Hoskins, all the property that I am possessed of at my death. I further constitute and appoint my beloved son, Samuel Hoskins, executor to my last Will and Testament.
Scipio, January 23 1824
Samuel Hoskins
Signed and sealed in the presence of Micah Hathaway, Henry Marsh, Royal Hathaway.
Samuel Jr was appointed Executor, 27 Jun 1825.
WB C-2, p.71-2,, img. 332 & 333
Gap in Administrative Letters, missing from 1812 to 1826.
Box 4. "P.W.", img 1183f. Inv filed 1 Oct 1825.

I found on the Cayuga County message board, a Hoskins Family Bible. The post was dated 11 Apr 2000 and the person stated that his great-uncle, Edwin Ray Hoskins, of Scipio, had written "A Hoskins Family Record" in 1963 which contained a reproduction of a page from a Hoskins family Bible. He typed the Bible entries which are reflected in the births of Samuel's children.

Find A Grave Memorial# 80023849


Birth9 Sep 1753Taunton, Bristol County, Massachusetts
Marriage13 Jun 1776Taunton, Bristol County, Massachusetts - LYDIA Presbrey
Death18 Jun 1825Scipio, Cayuga County, New York
BurialCornwall Cemetery, Scipio, Cayuga County, New York


SpouseLYDIA Presbrey (1753 - 1823)
ChildMelinda Hoskins (1777 - 1780)
ChildLydia Hoskins (1780 - 1848)
ChildMelinda Hoskins (1782 - 1855)
ChildJoshua Hoskins (1784 - 1842)
ChildSamuel Hoskins (1787 - 1831)
ChildDavid Hoskins (1789 - 1816)
ChildSILAS Hoskins (1791 - 1840)
ChildAnna Hoskins (1793 - 1799)
ChildLeonard Hoskins (1797 - 1865)
FatherJOSHUA Hoskins (1710 - 1785)
MotherLYDIA Robinson (1715 - 1756)
SiblingMartha or Mercy Hoskins (1737 - 1817)
SiblingLydia Hoskins (1740 - )
SiblingPrudence Hoskins (1741 - 1814)
SiblingAbijah Hoskins (1743 - 1781)
SiblingRebecca Hoskins (1744 - 1828)
SiblingJoshua Hoskins (1745 - )
SiblingHannah Hoskins (1746 - 1792)
SiblingAnn Hoskins (1748 - )