Individual Details

John Garner

(Jan 1662/63 - 25 Mar 1712)

John Garner, Jr. married Jane Joyce, daughter of Abraham Joyce. They had seven children: William, Abraham, John, Joseph, Jeremiah, Jane and Susanna.

Will of John Garner, Westmoreland Co, VA
Dated 3 Feb 1712; Proved 25 Mar 1713.
.....In the name of God Amen the 3rd of February 1712 I John Garner being sick and weak in body but of sound and perfect memory praise be given to God for the same and knowing the uncertainty of this life on earth and being desirous to settle things in order doe make this my last will & testament in manner and form following that is to say firtst and principally I command my soule to Almighty God my Creator assuredly believing that I shall receive full pardon and free remission of all my sins and be saved by the precious death & meritts of my blessed Saviour and redeemer Christ Jesus and my body to the earth from whence it was taken to be buryed in such decent & Christian manner as my Exts hereafter named shall be thought meet and convenient and as touch such worldly estate as the Lord in mercy hath lent me my will and meaning is the same shall be employed and bestowed as hereafter by this my will is expressed and first I doe revoke renounce frustrate and make void all wills by me formerly made and declare and appoint this my last will and Testament.
Item-----I give my land in Northumberland County to my son William Garner and the heirs of his body lawfully begotten or to be begotten and if my said son Wm be without such issue that then the said lands to be divided between my sons Abraham Garner, John Garner, Joseph Garner, Jeremiah Garner and if they die without issue then to my right heir forever. Item------I give to my son Abraham Garner all my land in Ragged point also one hundred acres of land in horn point unto my said son Abraham and the heirs of his body lawfully begotten or to be begotten and if my said son Abraham die without such issue then the said lands to be equally divided between my sons aforesaid. Item-------I give unto my son John Garner the plantations where Thomas Merchant & John Kearsey now live upon with three hundred acres of land thereunto adjoyning to him and his heires lawfully begotten or to be begotten, and if my said son John die without such issue then the said land to be divided between my sons aforesd and likewise I give and bequeath my old mill upon Blices Run unto my said son John Garner and the heirs of his body lawfully begotten or to be begotten and if the said son John die without issue the said mill to be valued by three different men and then my son Abraham to take her and to pay the value proportionable to the aforesaid brothers. Item-------I give unto my son Joseph Garner two hundred acres of land beginning where the land given to my son John leaveth supposeing to be part of the land I lately took up. Item-------I give unto my son Jeremiah Garner all my plantations I now live on being my part of land of a tract was given between I & my brother Henry Garner being part land belonging to Willm Tommas patent and if my sd son Jeremiah die without issue then to be disposed as to the other my sons before mentioned. Item------I give unto daughter Jane Joyce Self all that parcell land where Richard Organ lived being bought by me of Thomas Watson and alsoe I give unto my daughter Jane Joyce a parcell of land joyning to the land of Middletons & upon Mr. Saml Rusts mill branches and also I give unto my daughter Jane Joyce a parcell of land being Sixty & six acres where Susanna Moon now liveth and if my daughter Jane Joyce die without issue then to be disposed of as the other before mentioned. Item------I give unto my daughter Susanna Garner all the remaining part of my young land binding upon Col. Richard Lee esq. Robert Smith John Jenkins Waddie Cox & Selfes & John Williams land and if my daughter Susanna die without issue then to be divided tetween & disposed of as the other before mentioned. Item-----I give and bequeath unto my son William Garner five hundred acres land lying in Stafford County upon Ocoquan due by pattent to John Garner & Joseph Fielding to him and his heirs forever. Item-------I give unto my son Abraham Garner one hundred & eighty acres or thereabout lying in the forrest of Nominy by the land of Edward Ramsies and Jacob Remy, to him & his heirs for ever also my will is that the legacy due from Jane Joyce or Steadam grandmother to Abraham Garner & Jane Joyce Self being forty pounds Sterl. or goods according to Inventory the Inventory being now in the house. My will and desire is that all my personal estate that is not already bequeathed of what nature or kind soever be divided into tenn parts one thereof I give to my loving wife and lastly I nominate & appoint my son Willm Garner Executr of this my last will & Testament.
In Witness my hand and seale
..............................John Garner (Seal)
Test.: Benjn Garner Samll Earle Henry Garner
Item-----I give & bequeath unto my well beloved wife, the negroe woman calld Cate to be hers dureing the time of her widdowhood and if my beloved wife should mary then the aforesaid negroe should fall unto my well beloved son William Garner as witness my hand & Seale Feb. 14th 1712
...............................John Garner (Seal)

At a court held for the said county the 25th day of March 1713 the last will and testament of John Garner, dec'd, together with the codicil thereto annexed, were presented unto court by William Garner, Executor, in the will named who made oath thereto and both being proved by the oaths of Benjamin Garner and Henry Garner, witnesses thereto are admitted to record, and upon motion of the said William Garner and performing what is usually in such cases certificate is granted for obtaining a probate thereof in due form.
Test.: Thos. Sorrell D.C.C.
Recordate Quarto die April 1713 pr. Eundm Clum"
(West. D. & W. B. 5, p. 76)
John Garner, Jr.'s inventory of his estate was returned by his son William on May 29, 1713, Inventoried by the following: Samuel Rust, William Gardner, Samuel Earle and James Coleman.
(West. D. & B. 5, p. 162)


BirthJan 1662/63Northumberland County, Virginia
Death25 Mar 1712Westmoreland County Virginia


FatherJohn Garner (1633 - 1702)
MotherSusannah Keene (1641 - 1715)
SiblingHenry Garner (1664 - 1745)
SiblingVincent Garner (1666 - 1710)
SiblingThomas Garner (1668 - 1726)
SiblingParish Garner (1673 - 1719)
SiblingMartha Garner (1676 - 1729)
SiblingMary Garner (1677 - 1726)
SiblingSusan Garner (1679 - 1716)
SiblingBenjamin Garner (1681 - 1718)
SiblingJames Garner (1682 - 1726)