Individual Details

Mary Leonard Fisher

(1794 - 31 Aug 1853)

Undoubtedly Mary was part of the family of Jacob, George, Frederick, etc. Fisher. They were neighbors of the Hadens on the Yadkin River. She used both George and Frederick in naming sons - names not seen often in the Haden families.

Found as Mrs. M.L. Haden in DeSoto Parish in the 1850 LA Census. She was then 56 years old, born in NC. John Branch, age 25, was Overseer, living in her household. She was enumerated next to Joseph H. Haden, her son.

Said to be a deed in DeSoto Parish dated 13 Feb 1851, when Mary L. widow of Robert G. Haden granted a male slave, Dave, to her son Frederick F. Haden of the State of Florida. Witnessed by John Cuthberson & Thomas G. A. Tharp [son-in-law].

Tuskegee Repulican, Tuskegee, AL, 23 Sep 1852, Thursday, p.3
Application for Dower
Mary L. Haden vs. Alexander M. Haden & others the heirs of Robt G. Haden dec'd and the terre tenants
I hereby give notice to Alexander M. Haden, Robert G. Haden, Joseph F. Haden, Frederic F. Haden, Adelaide S. Tharp, formerly Haden and her husband Thomas G. A. Tharp, Rebecca Cole, formerly Haden, and her husband John L. Cole, Camilla R. Thompson, formerly Haden, and her husband Dickson Thompson and to Leonard A. Abercrombie, Milo B. Abercrombie, Robert H. Abercrombie, John Abercrombie, Charles A. Abercrombie, Sarah C. Abercrombie, Ann Abercrombie, Amelia Abercrombie, George Abercrombie, and James Abercrombie, the children of Sarah L. Abercrombie deceased, the daughter of said Robert G. Haden deceased, and to all other persons claiming any interest in or having possession of the lands hereafter described or any of them, that at the next term of the Circuit Court for Macon County, in this State, on Saturday the sixth day of the term of said court and the 16th day of October, 1852, I will apply to said Circuit Court to have dower allotted to me as the widow of Robert G. Haden, in the lands hereafter described, according to the statute in such cases made and provided, when and where all persons interested can appear and show cause against the application.
[there are 54 tracts listed - some had half or one-third interest]
...all lying in Macon County and belonging to the district of lands offered for sale at Montgomery, Alabama.
MARY L. HADEN by ELMORE YANCEY, her Attorneys at Law

The Texas Repulican, Marshall, Texas, 8 Apr 1854, Saturday, p.3
By order of the County Court of Panola County, Texas, on the firt Tuesday in May next, I will sell at the Courthouse door, in the town of Carthage, as administrator of the estate of Mary L. Haden, deceased, the following tract of land on twelve months time, the property of said deceased's estate. To wit: 428 acres of the headright of Caswell R. Stevens, also 80 acres of the headright of Dickson Thompson, both of which pieces of land are situated in Panola County, Texas. Notes with approved security and mortgage on the property sold, will be required of the purchasers.
April 8, 1854


Birth1794North Carolina
Death31 Aug 1853Panola County, Texas
MarriageRobert Gillespie Haden


SpouseRobert Gillespie Haden (1785 - 1850)
ChildFrederick F. Haden ( - )
ChildAlexander McCorkle Haden (1808 - )
ChildSarah Lee Haden (1810 - 1850)
ChildRobert Gillespie Haden (1812 - )
ChildGeorge Greene Haden (1815 - 1866)
ChildJoseph F. Haden (1816 - )
ChildRebecca F. Haden (1818 - )
ChildMary Amelia Haden (1824 - 1841)
ChildAdelaide Haden (1825 - 1896)
ChildCamilla Rozina Haden (1825 - 1901)
