Individual Details

Stephen Murrell

(28 May 1760 - )

Stephen "Morell" was born to Drury Morell & Judith Sampson, 28 May 1760, Goochland Co VA and baptized at St. James Northam, 22 Sep 1760. The Murrell genealogy shown here is doubtful at best. The Murrell families seem hopelessly confused on the Internet. Drury Murrell married Judith Sampson, 7 Feb 1758 - they seem to have had the child Stephen and a daughter Martha, born 18 Nov 1758, baptized 14 Feb 1759. A Drury Morell married Dorcas Rowntree, 29 Sep 1763. Apparently, Judith Sampson had died. Online databases show Drury Murrell married to Judith Rowntree, but the Rowntree family names her as Dorcas, as in "The Douglas Register".

Drury in turn is most often seen as a son of Thomas Murrell and his wife Elizabeth Oliver. He is shown as born in 1720 - it so he was 38 when he married Judith Sampson which seems a bit old for a first marriage. Children born to Drury are varied and few databases show the children Stephen & Martha whose births are recorded in "The Douglas Register".

Goochland County Order Book #15, January 1785.
Mary Alsop requested that her son Jesse Alsup be bound, according to law, as an apprentice to Stephen Murrell of Goochland County. It was ordered that the church wardens of St James Northam Parish bind Jesse as requested.

Goochland DB 14
p.493 Stephen Murrel was one of the witnesses to deed of Will. Webber. 20 Feb 1787 William Webber to John Johnson of Henrico.

Goochland DB 15
16 Oct 1787 Between John Johnson & William webber
21 Apr 1788 - lease was acknowledged by parties thereto:
Stephen Murrell, Francis Pearce, Wm Royster, Gideon Hatcher, Jonathan Hutchens, Authur Hebber

List of Insolvents returned by Wm Royston Jr Dep Shff for Wm Royston, year 1788. To Nov Ct 1789
Included: Stephen Murrell

Power of Attorney. Stephen Murrell appoints Flemg Payne to attorney to receive two sums of money due me by Judgment of Goochland Court from James Curd & Tucker Woodson. Do empower said Flemg Payne to proceed in any manner as I myself might or could do. 4 May 1790 Signed: Stephen Murrell.
Memo: This power is to secure to Fleming Payne 5£ which I owe him inclusive of his Fee in Chancery agt Jas Curd and his other Acct for services the balance thereof is to be returned to me after receiving the same; his acct amounting to 7 £ 6p. Signed: Flemg Payne & Stephen Murrell
Wit to both: James Brydin
20 May 1790 presented and ordered recorded

1810 Census. Goochland Co, VA
Stephen Murrel. 3 males under age 10; 2 males 10-16, 1 male over 45. 1f under 10, 1f 10-16, 1f 16-26, 1f 26-45, 1f over 45


Birth28 May 1760Saint James Northam Parish, Goochland County, Virginia
Marriage27 Dec 1793Goochland County, Virginia - Elizabeth Haden


SpouseElizabeth Haden (1773 - )
ChildZachariah Haden Murrell (1794 - 1879)
ChildStephen S. Murrell (1796 - 1867)
ChildJames M. Murrell (1805 - )
ChildSusan Murrell (1809 - )
FatherDrury Murrell ( - )
MotherJudith Sampson ( - )
