Individual Details

Joseph Jackson Jr.

( - Aft 1803)

Married Frances Hatcher. She was the daughter of Henry Hatcher.

Hatcher Family Genealogy Association
Includes digital image of the following deed:

CumberlandCo, VA Deed Bk 5, p 359, 27 May 1775:
Deed from Henry Hatcher of Chesterfield and Joseph Jackson of Chesterfield for 30 pds "a certain of land by estimation four hundred acres being all of the land devised by Henry Hatcher deceased to his daughters Mary and Frances now in the possession of the said Henry partie to these presents situate lying and being in the County of Cumberland adjoining the lines of Winfree, Wooldridge, Hensley Hatchers etc. including the plantations whereon Richard Bankingship and Robert Pool now lives with all houses, orchards, gardens fences woods and udnerwoods waters and watercourses thereunto belonging.....And the said Henry Hatcher doth covenant and agree to and with the said Joseph Jackson that he the said Henry at the time of the ensealing and delivery of these presents hath and stands seized of a lawfull good and perfect and indefeizable Right of Inheritance (emphasis added) in fee simple in and to the land above granted..
Signed, Sealed and Delivered
in presence of ) Henry Hatcher, L.S.
Julius Hatcher
Jeremiah Hatcher
John Burton junr
Francis Ashurst
At a Court held for Cumbeland County 22nd May 1775
This indenture was acknowledged by Henry Hatcher a party thereto and ordered to be recorded. And Eve wife of the said Henry being first privily examined according to law relinquished her right of dower in the land and premises thereby conveyed..
Joseph Jackson
Chesterfield received of the within mentioned Henry Hatcher Sixty pounds current money being the consideration of the devise within mentioned. Witness our hands the day and year within written.
Jeremiah Hatcher
Julius Hatcher
Frances Jackson
Joseph Jackson
At a court held for Chesterfield County May 5, 1775 this deed was acknowledged by Jeremiah Hatcher, Julius Hatcher, Frances Jackson and Joseph Jackson parties thereto and ordered to be recorded.


DeathAft 1803Chesterfield County, Virginia


FatherJoseph Jackson (1700 - 1774)
MotherMartha [Jackson] ( - )
SiblingHezekiah Jackson ( - )
SiblingAbel Jackson ( - )
SiblingCain Jackson ( - 1821)
SiblingPeter Jackson ( - 1798)
SiblingPatience Jackson ( - 1778)
SiblingLucy Jackson ( - )
SiblingEzekiel Jackson ( - 1820)
SiblingMartha Jackson ( - )