Individual Details


(1 Mar 1825 - 9 Jan 1913)

Information from family member gave year of marriage to Mollie as 1841; I think this marriage took place later as John Whitley, first child, was born in 1847. The same year is sometimes seen for Mollie's birth but that would be wrong, too. The censuses do not agree on Mollie's year of birth.

Married by Andrew Harpoole. Records lost in fire.

Andrew Pippin listed in 1850 Census, age 25, with wife "Mary" age "34", both born in Tennessee. He lived next door to his father Henry.
John age 3. Sarah age 1. James age 4 months.

1860 Census. District 10, Jackson Co TN. Still next door to Henry
Paddy Pipin, age 35, b. TN. Polly, age 36.
John, 13. James 9. Sarah 11. Jane 6. Harriet 4. Sim, age 2.
Note: Sim's age is curious in this census. There should be a 7-year-old boy, Wade or Simeon according to later records. The 1870 census will also indicate that Simeon was born 1858, not 1853.

Andy enlisted in Co. B, 28th TN Volunteer Infantry at Murfreesboro TN Dec 23 1862 [Stated 1862 in his pension application but was actually 1861 based on other events.] and served as a private. His Regt was merged with the 84th TN on Mar 8 1863 and designated as the 28th Consolidated; he was in Company K. His commanding officers were his 1st Cousin Capt. Alfred C. Pippin and Col. P. D. Cunningham. [Cunningham was killed 2 Jan 1862 at the Battle of Murfreesboro and Alfred Pippin died in a skirmish 13 Jan 1864.] Andrew stated he was in the Battle at Murfreesboro, Missionary Ridge [This may be an error as the Missionary Ridge battle occured a couple of days following Chickamauga; however his unit was there at the Ridge] and Chickamauga where he received a gunshot wound in the upper right arm. He was released as "unable for military service" but was captured by the Yankees on the way home and imprisoned at Nashville. He received no medical aid and was advised he would die if he remained in prison and was offered transportation home on on Jan 3 1864, provided he signed the oath of allegiance to the United States. He was denied his Confederate pension for signing the oath --- 7 Aug 1908 "War Records Report: Took the oath at Nashville, Jan 4 '64. The board hold a soldier had no right to take the oath, but must go to prison. Independent of this, he was on his way home when captured." The Pippin book states that he was eventually accepted but he died before the approval was finalized. Examination of the file sent to me from the National Archives included a letter from Mr. T. C. Fuqua, dated 17 Dec 191?, stating that Mr. Pippin is dead [the cemetery record states that Andrew died 17 Dec 1913] and his widdow is "just to mercies of charity" He states further that Pippin was evidently entitled to a pension but lacked some in proving his claim and all correspondence has been lost; please send proper papers for re-application & instructions for doing so. Application was first made 1 Jul 1908 and the letter from Mr. Fuqua about his death is the last date found in the file. Strangely the outside of the pension jacket is stamped "Accepted".

Regimental history reveals that at Chickamauga, Pippin's unit sustained 34% casualties. Very few men remained to surrender by 1865.

1870 Census. District 10, Jackson Co TN, Gainesboro P.O., Hh 46
Andrew Pippin, age 45. Mary, age 4, Keeping house [obviously a mistake in her age!]
John 23. Jane 15. Simian 12. Harriet 10. Pollie A. 8. Julia 7. Kinch age 6.
Henry age 20 and his wife Kittie, age 20.
Daughter Sarah had married.

1880 Census Dist 12, Jackson, TN: Andy age 55 b. TN, father b. in NC, mother b. in TN, Lucinda, age 33 b. in NC as were her parents. Pollie age 20, Kinchen age 13, both children of Mary Goolsby. Virginia age 7, Mary age 5, Monory age 3, Willis and Wilson, 2 months old.

1900 Census. Andrew & Lucinda and 7 of the children.

1920 Census. Civil District 12, Jackson Co, TN, Hh 72
Andrew Pippin, age 85, married twice, this last time for 38 years. b, TN, father b. NC, mother b. TN
Lucinda, wife, age 62, married once, 11 children - 7 are living. b. VA, father b. VA, mother b. NC

Buried Morgan Pippin Cemetery, Jackson County, TN


Birth1 Mar 1825Jackson County, Tennessee
MarriageCa 1845Jackson County, Tennessee - MARY "MOLLIE" GOOLSBY
Military1861 - 1864Co. B, 28th TN Volunteer Infantry, Civil War
MarriageFeb 1871Putnam County, Tennessee - Lucinda V. Hutcheson
Death9 Jan 1913Jackson County, Tennessee
BurialMorgan Pippin Cemetery, Putnam County, Tennessee


SpouseMARY "MOLLIE" GOOLSBY (1826 - 1870)
ChildJohn Whitley Pippin (1847 - 1941)
ChildSarah Elizabeth Pippin (1849 - 1914)
ChildJames Henry Pippin (1850 - 1933)
ChildElizabeth Jane Pippin (1854 - 1920)
ChildHarriet Emily Pippin (1856 - 1938)
ChildWade Simeon"Toney" Pippin (1858 - 1935)
ChildMary Ann "Pollie" Pippin (1859 - 1947)
ChildJulia Ann Pippin (1863 - 1930)
ChildKINCHEN PIPPIN (1866 - 1899)
SpouseLucinda V. Hutcheson (1847 - 1929)
ChildHuldah Virginia "Huldie" Pippin (1872 - 1936)
ChildMary Frances "Mollie" Pippin (1875 - 1943)
ChildLanora "Nora" Pippin (1877 - 1909)
ChildWillis Bryan Pippin (1880 - 1952)
ChildWilson R. Pippin (1880 - 1917)
ChildJoe McHenry "Mack" Pippin (1884 - 1972)
ChildBetty Viola Pippin (1888 - 1980)
ChildLaura Ola Pippin (1888 - 1979)
ChildFrances Florence "Fannie" Pippin (1890 - 1981)
Child[Daughter] PIPPIN ( - )
FatherHENRY PIPPIN (1801 - 1879)
MotherELIZABETH LAWSON (1809 - 1891)
SiblingKinchen Pippin (1828 - 1878)
SiblingHulda Jane Pippin (1829 - 1857)
SiblingMary Margaret Pippin (1830 - 1889)
SiblingSimeon "Sim" Pippin (1832 - 1915)
SiblingSarah Catherine Pippin (1834 - 1924)
SiblingElizabeth "Betsy" Pippin (1837 - 1920)
SiblingEliza L. Pippin (1841 - 1917)
