Individual Details

William Archibald "Arche" Poindexter

(14 May 1807 - 20 Aug 1878)

An Arche Poindexter is on p.67 of the Morgan Co IL 1830 Census. He and spouse both age 20-30 with 2 children under 5. Don't know if it's this William Archibald, who was called "Arche". His sister Dorothy & her husband Richard Jones were living in Morgan/Sangamon Counties in Illinois at this time.

Illinois Public Domain Land Tract Sales Database

Arche Poindexter received two tracts in Morgan Co in Section 12, T26N, R9W - one on 22 Jun 1829 and the other on 31 Dec 1829.

Said to have left Monroe Co KY and moved to Dade Co MO between 1838 and 1840. It's possible there was a stop-over in Illinois given the above records.

In fact I believe the family moved back to Monroe Co in time for the 1840 census and then went on to Missouri.
The 1840 Monroe Co KY Census has an Archibald Poindexter, age 30-40
2m under 5 [George & Robert], 1m 10-15 [William], 1m 30-40 [William "Arche"
1f under 5 [Nancy], 2f 5-10 [Elizabeth & Rebecca], 1f 10-15 [Sarah] and 1f 30-40 [Mary Sallie]

This can't be the son Archibald, called Thomas because he is counted in Overton Co TN. M. Poindexter, age 20-30 in this census is likely Micajah - or is this Martin, son of James of the unidentified Poindexters?. Z. W. is in the census, age 20-30 - can only be Zadock Wright Poindexter. A Mary Poindexter, age 30-40, with six young children is next to Micajah - I don't know who she might be. A Franklin Poindexter lives some distance away from the others - he appears possibly 20-30 with an older couple in their 50's living with him - is this a son of James Poindexter?

A booklet "A History of Antioch Church" written by Erma R. Bishop and found in the Dade Co Library states the following: The history of Dade County couldn not well be written without placing the Antioch Church well in the front. Events will show that in 1844 five families had settled in this part of Dade County, coming mostly from Kentucky and Tennessee. And among those who were most prominent in the first organization are the following names: Willis, Mallory, Farris, SCOTT, Cox, JONES, COBLE, POINDEXTER, Gambill, LOLLAR, Hudspeth and Merrick.

1850 Census in Dade Co, p.289, Dwelling 380. Arche & Mary with the children from Elizabeth down through John. William, Sarah & Rebecca married and living in Dade Co as well.

1860 Dade Co MO Census, Polk Twp, p.41, Dwelling 266. Arche was listed as 53, Mary as 52. Only Josiah, "Kiah" and John T. are still at home. The other married children all still live in Dade Co, however. Arche & Mary were also counted in Smith Twp, p.40, Dwelling 251, with the same identical information.
1860 Slave Schedule: Arch Poindexter had a female slave, age 37, and what would appear to be her children: females, ages 7, 6, and 4, and a male infant, age 5 months.

1870 Dade Co MO, South Twp, p.112, Dwelling 98. Archie Poindexter, age 63, Merchant. Eliza J. age 45, Keeping house [This is perhaps were the name Elizabeth has come from - I believe the census enumerator misunderstood Eliza for Louiza.] Susan E. is age 1. John T. age 21, is living with them. Thomas Collins, age 18, b. MO, is also living there doing Farm Labor.

Arche Poindexter's will is recorded in Dade Co WB 2, p.48 and dated 14 Jun 1870.To wife Louisa J. Poindexter, two parcels of land, about 70 acres, to pass to youngest daughter Susan Elzada. Other children: William F. Poindexter, Sarah Scott [she had been deceased since 1863], Rebecca Steely, Elizabeth R. Mitchell, Robert F., George H., Nancy W. Rice, Josiah R., Kire F., and John T. Poindexter. Witnessed by Joseph F. Duckwall & Levin W. Shafer.
Codicil dated 16 Jun 1875. Additional bequests to Louisa J. and Susan Elzada Poindexter. Wife is to be the 12th heir, receiving an equal part of estate. Wit: Willis Dilday & W. B. Poindexter. Proved 7 Oct 1878.
[W. B. Poindexter

Arch and Mary are buried in Antioch Cemetery. Arch Poindexter 14 May 1807 - 20 Aug 1878
Mary Poindexter 14 Feb 1810 - 16 Feb 1863
Son John T. 1 Mar 1849 - 5 Dec 1875 [The book has his year of birth as 1819]
On the other side of Arch in Antioch Cemetery is Louisa J. Poindexter 26 Feb 1824 - 8 Nov 1904. She is also in the 1880 Census. Arch's 2nd wife is listed as Elizabeth some references but I think there may be an error. In 1880 Louisa J. Poindexter is in South Twp of Dade Co, living near Josiah, Robert & Kire. She is 56, which agrees with a birth year of 1824. She has a boarder Julia B., age 20, or born 1860 living with her which cannot be a child of hers and Arch's because they weren't married until 1864, and a daughter age 11 named Susan L. Poindexter. Louisa J. is obviously the 2nd wife of Arche.


Birth14 May 1807Surry County, North Carolina
MarriageAbt 1827Mary Sallie Jones
Marriage17 Jul 1864Dade County, Missouri - Louisa J. McMillen
Death20 Aug 1878Everton, Dade County, Missouri


SpouseMary Sallie Jones (1810 - 1863)
ChildWilliam F. Poindexter (1828 - 1866)
ChildSarah Ann "Sally" Poindexter (1830 - 1863)
ChildRebecca Poindexter (1831 - 1905)
ChildElizabeth R. Poindexter (1834 - 1923)
ChildRobert Fleming Poindexter (1837 - 1898)
ChildGeorge Henry Poindexter (1838 - 1894)
ChildNancy W. Poindexter (1840 - 1880)
ChildJosiah R. Poindexter (1843 - 1900)
ChildArchibald Poindexter (1844 - )
ChildKire Flynn Poindexter (1847 - 1924)
ChildJohn Turner Poindexter (1849 - 1875)
SpouseLouisa J. McMillen (1824 - )
ChildSusan Elzada Poindexter (1868 - 1912)
MotherREBECCA FLYNN (1780 - 1830)
SiblingArchibald Thomas Poindexter (1802 - 1881)
SiblingDOROTHY AMOS POINDEXTER (1805 - 1846)
SiblingElizabeth Poindexter (1808 - )
SiblingWilliam Micajah "Cage" Poindexter (1811 - 1870)
SiblingMiriam Poindexter (1813 - 1862)
SiblingBelinda/Malinda Poindexter (1816 - 1875)
SiblingJohn Thomas Poindexter (1818 - 1893)
SiblingZadock Wright Poindexter (1820 - 1859)
SiblingJosiah Poindexter (1822 - 1866)
