Individual Details


(28 Jul 1859 - 5 Feb 1953)

This criminal criminal case from Texas mentions both the Haden store in downtown Ladonia and Ed Wishard, brother of Henrietta Wishard White whose daughter married a son of J. B. Haden. Joel Partain may have been a brother to the James Partain who had married Ed & Henrietta's sister Martha.
27 Oct 1886. Opinion from the Court of Appeals of Texas.
Reporter: 22 Tex.Ct.App.100
Appeal from District Court of Fannin Co. The conviction was for Perjury and the penalty assessed against appelant was five years in the penitentiary.
Joel Partain v. the State
On 14 Dec 1883, John Parker killed John Webb at a circus performance at the town of Ladonia. Partain had testified that he saw the murder and indicated Parker acted in self defense. Testimony was given that he was not present at the killing, but had already left for home, riding with one Joe Lewis. Wallace Partain, brother of Joel, testifed that he was in the town when Webb was killed by Parker. He and Ed Wishard were standing on the east side of the square and were walking to Haden's store on the west side when he saw Jim Cook riding towards the show grounds. Fifteen minutes later, one of the Eastman boys came to tow and reported the killing of Webb and this witness and Wishard went immediately to the circus tent. Ed Eastman testified that he was at the circus when the shooting took place and he rode immediately to town, where, in front of Haden's store he told of the killing to a crowd of several persons. About fifteen minutes had then elapsed.
Appeal of the conviction of Joel Partain was made in part because the evidence was not material to the case, the evidence was all circumstantial and also that the verdict was written up as finding him "guilly" - the "t" had not been crossed. The judge ruled that the false testimony that Partain had actually seen the killing and seen Parker acting in self defense was most certainly material to the case; there was positive evidence from more than one witness that Partain was not at the place of the shooting, as well as circumstantial evidence, and that the objection to the mis-spelled word was not well-taken. Judgment was affirmed by the Appeals Court Judge Willson.

Austin Weekley Statesman, Oct 29, 1896
Big Blaze at Ladonia
The Store Believed to Have Been Robbed Before Fired.
Ladonia, Fannin County, Tex., Oct 25.
Another disastrous fire occurred this morning in the dry goods store occupied by Estill & Jones on the east side of the square. From there it spread north into S. L. Erwin & Co.'s hardware and furniture store, then into the Welden Nathional Bank and two story brick, from Estell & Jones' south into W. C. Maloney's dry goods and general merchandise store, where the fire was checked, though the next house, occupied by J. B. Haden, is badly damaged. In all, four of the best houses in Ladonia are in ruins.
Weldon National Bank building, fixtures and furniture owned by C. W. T. Weldon, $7500, no insurance.
S. L. Erwin & Co., loss, $18,000; insurance, Continental, $2000; Phoenix of Hartford, $1000, Imperial, $3000; London, Liverpool and Globe, $2000.
Estell & Jones, loss, $9000; insurance, Fire Association, $1000; American Central, $2500; Imperial, $1000; Western, $1000.

In a letter dated 5 Mar 1926 to an unknown "Gladys", Joseph B. told here that he had been in Alma, Michigan during the autumn and winter of 1899-1900. I wonder what for?
It is a quite small town in the center of the state. There was a small college, Alma College, related to the Presbyterian Church, but Joseph was much past college age. Seems a very unlikely destination for winter!

Interview with John Haden (grandson of Daddy Joe): The part of Missouri where they lived when Joe B. was a small child was in the heart of the conflict between the Confederate and Union soldiers. His father and "brother" (His brother had died and there were no sons old enough to serve and in fact I believe his father was in prison in Ft. Smith) were away in the war. He remembered his mother feeding men from both sides although she wasn't too particular about cleanliness when preparing food for the "Yankees". They had taken a wagon apart and buried it near the house. One day the Union soldiers told them they were burning the house the next day and they'd better get out. That night his mother and the older children dug up the wagon and loaded up the family and what they could carry. Joe B. remembered looking back at daybreak and seeing their home blazing.

License issued at Sulphur Springs, Hopkins Co, TX. H. J. Harris, Minister of the Gospel.
Ladonia News; Friday 12 Jul 1946
Celebrated Sixty-fourth Wedding Anniversary July Fourth
The wedding of Mr. & Mrs. J. B. Haden, which occurred on the 4th of July, 1882, was celebrated in their home on Bonham street on the 64th anniversary of that far away happy event, Thursday of last week. All of their sons, excepting Charlie, who is spending the summer in Colorado, were present on the occasion. Mr. & Mrs. Haden are fortunate in that they have never lost a member of their immediate family, and grateful that all of their sons have remained citizens of their native Ladonia. They never had any daughters, but are fully compensated by the fact that Will, Charlie, and Joe Jr. have chosen for them three gracious and charming in-laws, which has doubtless kept them from feeling any sense of loss. While Maurice has been too devoted to his father and mother to ever consider a matrimonial venture, Mr. Haden and his best man, -- the late Dr. Spencer Relyea, -- drove to Sulphur Springs on the 3rd of July, and the next day on to the home of his bride, Miss Elizabeth Holderness, daughter of Dr. & Mrs. G. W. Holderness, who resided in the prosperous nearby community of Oakland in Hopkins County. They were united in marriage at this beautiful country home. Mrs. Haden's close friend, Miss Janey Young, was her bride's maid and accompanied her home as a wedding guest. This was back in the good old horse-and-buggy days and Mr. Haden tells us that a hail and terrific rain storm camp up, and washed away many of the bridges and nearly prevented their trip home to Ladonia as planned.
Mr. and Mrs. Haden have always made their home in Ladonia and are held in the very highest esteem and veneration by our people and hundreds of other good friends who love them for their graciousness, their high moral and intellectual attainments, and their devotion to the codes and tradition of our beloved Southland. Mr. Haden is scholarly, a botanist, a floriculturist, a student of nature, -- hence a dreamer of beautiful dreams -- which brings him a high degree of contentment in the retirement of his well appointed home. Mrs. Haden's hobby is to make Mr. Haden, "Jodie," happy and if it is up to us to judge, we would say that the venture of their youth has succeeded beyond their fondest hope.
Congratulations, Good Friends.

1900 Census. Joseph & Bettie with the 4 sons, all born in texas
Joseph was 40, b. Jul 1859, married 18 years, b. MO, parents b. KY, a Dry Goods Merchant
Bettie, wife, born Aug 1863, was 36, had 4 children; born in AR, parents b. NC
William, son, 16, b. Jun 1883, Salesman
Charlie, son, 14, b. Oct 1885, at school
Joseph, son, 9, b. Oct 1890, at school
Maurice, son, 6, b. Feb 1894.

The Commerce Journal, Friday, 17 Jul 1903, p. 3
Mr. and Mrs. J. T. (sic - J. B.) Haden of Ladonia are visiting Dr. and Mrs. G. W. Holderness. Mrs. Haden is a sister of the doctor.

Fannin County Directory, 1910
Haden, J. B. & Co., Merchants
Haden, J. B., Merchant
Haden & Thorton, merchants, 77a

1910 Census: "John" B. & Elizabeth with Will, Joe, & Maurice. Martha Wayland, age 26, housegirl, lived with them. Martha would be their companion for the rest of their lives.
Will F. was 26; Joe was 20 - both working in Dry Goods. Maurice was listed as 19, but he was only 16.

1920 Census: Joseph B. & Elizabeth still had Maurice living at home with them [listed as "Morris" age 23]. Martha Wayland was still in the household; she was their cook and Miss Bettie's companion. Martha was born in 1884 in Virginia.

Bonham Daily Favorite, 7 Aug 1924
Dr. Relyea Dead, Body Taken Back to Ladonia Home
Was 70 Years Old - a Gentleman of the Old School Has Passed On
"Dr. Spencer C. Relyea, 70 years of age, a former resident of Ladonia died Tuesday afternoon at this home, 1024 North Madison Avenue. The body will be sent to Ladonia, Texas, his former home, where funeral services will be help Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the Baptist Church. Burial will be in Ladonia cemetery.
Dr. Relyear was born in New York City and was reared in Louisiana. He was a graduate of the Louisville Medical college in Kentucky and married Miss Laura Eastman of Ladonia.
...Surviving Dr. Relyea are a son, Spencer Relyea, Jr; two daughter, Mrs. Guion Smith and Mrs. Laurine Roan of Dallas and a sister, Miss Susie Relyea of Los Angles."
A long list of honorary pallbearers included: Dr. S. E. Fry, Joe B. Haden and Maurice Haden, of Ladonia.

1930 Census. West Paris St. Joseph B. Haden, age 70; married at age 24. B. MO, father b. KY, mother b. MO [both were born in KY]; Retired merchant. Elizabeth, wife, age 66, married at 18, b. AR, mother b. NC, father b. VA. Moriss, son, age 36, single. Martha Wayland, maid, age 47, single, b. VA..

Ladonia News; Friday, 12 Jul 1946. The out of town guests in the home of Mr. & Mrs. J. B. Haden on July 4th, their 64th wedding anniversary, were Mr. & Mrs. Waire Currin of Sulphur Springs, Mrs. R. W. Harris and Mrs. W. E. Connor of Cumby, and Dr. Marvin Connor who is just home from service.

From THE LADONIA NEWS 15 Sep 1933
This is First of a Series of Articles by Mr. Haden
by Joseph B. Haden
Because of my long residence in this section, the editor of this paper has requested me to write something of my recollection of early times in this part of the State.
In that section of Missouri where the James brothers became desperate,the calamities of the Civil War fell upon us. Worldly possessions were swept away, not only a part, but all. As a final stroke, Federal soldiers took quilts,sheets and blankets from my mother's beds. Knives, forks and spoons they also took, and all other things which they could carry away. Then they turned us out of our home and burned it, together with the things they could not take away.
Hoping to escape further mistreatment that was being heaped upon the people of that part of the State, who were Southern in their sympathies, our family made its way to Texas, reaching this State near the close of the year, 1864.
Soon afterward the war closed, and Father joined us, and took up the struggle for food, clothing and shelter. This I became a citizen of Texas.
The first year, 1865, we were in Grayson county. In that year, I remember quite well, the Negroes of Texas were made free. "On June 18, General Gordon Granger landed at Galveston, and the next day he issued a proclamation declaring the slaves free. It is for this reason that the Negroes of Texas celebrate June 19 as emancipation day." Negroes of other states do not celebrate this day. The Negroes were allowed to take such names as they might choose. Many of them took the names of their former owners and some selected other names.
In the autumn of that year, we removed to Ben Franklin, now Delta county.We camped at night in Ladonia, in that neighborhood where Mrs. Light, Mr.Bogan, and Mr. Howard now live. That was my first acquaintance with Ladonia.
It is wonderful how some of the little things of our childhood stand out in our memory, while things of some importance, in later life, are soon forgotten. Quite well do I remember the baked chicken in camp that night and how good it was. I should like to
be a boy again just long enough to eat some chicken that would taste like that of the long ago.
During the years 1866, 1867, and 1868, we were at Ben Franklin. It had one store about where the Methodist church now stands. The storekeeper, I believe, was also the postmaster. A man on foot brought the mail to us from Ladonia. I think he came only once a week.
While at Ben Franklin, I attended my first school, and thought nothing of walking three miles to reach that phrontisterion (think shop). And I assure you this walking was not done on surfaced roads or cement walks, but on a country road, sometimes rough, sometimes muddy.
Well, three miles, I believe, would now be considered too far for boys and girls to walk to school, and I certainly do no begrudge them the luxury of riding in automobiles to reach their school. Some scientists, however, tell us that, as we leave off walking, a system of evolution will begin, the result of which will be a legless people.
Our school building was a one room structure made of logs. The window, I believe it had only one, was made by sawing out a piece of log, and the seats were made of split logs with the flat sides turned up. It had a puncheon floor, a batten door, and the heating apparatus consisted of a wood fireplace that cast its smoke, or a part of it, through a stick and dirt chimney.
My teacher, I dare say, was not as efficient as those of this good day, and so the young people of today are, or should be, more clever than those of the long ago. Nevertheless, this teacher of mine, quoting Carlyle, "knew that boy had a memory and that his memory could be acted upon by the application of a birch rod to the muscular integument."

22 Sep 1933
Women Did Not Drink, Gamble Or Swear In Old Days, Says Haden:
Ladonia Had One Church in 1869
J. B. Haden, Sr. Recalls Old Days In Series of Articles Written For The
News, Of Which This Is The Second. He Says Divorces Were Unknown In Old
by Joseph B. Haden
The article in last week's paper had to do, in part, with conditions in and around Ben Franklin just after the close of the Civil War.
"The country there was heavily timbered, and deer, turkeys and other game abounded. A few panthers were killed in that section after I came to know it.
I saw one in the wild stage, but did not stop to form a close acquaintance. Boys of eight do not play with cats of that size, nor do they engage them in combat, except in their imagination. Wild hogs roamed in the low lands along the River Sulphur, and were treated like the other animals.
Nearly everybody had chills. It was many years afterward that we learned how malaria was transmitted, and came to know of window screens and door screens and the danger of keeping company with Madam Anopheles. Some of my elders said it was difficult for a person to get into the best circles of society unless he had chills occasionally.
At the beginning of the year 1869, we removed to Fannin County. Father bought a little home about two miles east of Ladonia. There is now nothing left of the house or the beautiful grove of trees that surrounded it. Time's obliteration has done its work thoroughly.
The Featherstone school, here in Ladonia at that time, was a considerable institution. Pupils came from many parts of our State, and some Indians from the Indian Territory, came also. Some scholarly folk went out from that school. Ladonia had only one church building. It was the property of the Cumberland Presbyterians. They were liberal in allowing other Christians to use their place of worship.
The preachers of that day did not preach professionally. They received no salary. It is not to be inferred, however, that they were not worthy of a salary. They were much more than 3.2-parson power, and they were not political tub-thumpers. They were sincere men, who had the simple message that went straight to the hearts of the people.
A Baptist church was organized at the Day school house, about four and one half miles east from Ladonia. It was named Harmony. Later it was moved to another neighborhood and called New Harmony; hence the New Harmony community.
The River Jordan was not available for baptismal purposes so the Baptist folk baptised in our River Sulphur and at other places where there was "much water". Meanwhile the Methodists and Presbyterians on dry land seemed no less righteous, and no less worthy of the future rewards.
We had no railroads. Cotton was hauled on wagons to Jefferson, Texas, and merchandise was brought on wagons from that place to Ladonia. Frequently, a barrel of whiskey was part of this merchandise, and the amount needed to cheer him along the was the wagoner's perquisite. About two weeks were required to make the round trip.
There were several business houses in Ladonia, though none on the south side of the square. In most of these the tradesmen, whatever their line of merchandise, kept whiskey in a barrel, usually in a back room, to give their customers a drink occasionally. I think there was little drunkenness. Boys and girls did not drink at all.
Women did not drink, gamble, or swear. Divorces were unknown; young people married for keeps. Wives were as pure as virgins and their daughters were modest. People slept with unlocked doors, and life and property were safe.
Were people better and happier then than now? I do not know. The past has a way of concealing the thorns, but the flowers and echoes remain. There are some old persons, therefore, who would like to turn back the years and visit, at least for a little while, in that flower-strewn past that seemingly has no thorns. They are homesick for the things that are no more.
They would like to see the faces of those whom they loved in the long ago, and hear again their sweet, gentle voices. They would like to sit by a winter fire and dream strange dreams, but in reality they would like to see and hear. Nevertheless, they are thankful for the flowers and the echoes.
29 Sep 1933
Haden Introduced Roasted Coffee to Ladonia. Also Purchased First Carload
of Salt. Maybe Last.
by Joseph B. Haden
"The environs of Ladonia in the year 1870 stand out in my memory for their
grandeur and wealth of beauty. If I possessed the magic power to do so, I would cause the reader to see the prairies with their wonderful covering of lush grasses, and bountiful beauty of wild flowers. I would point out to him the vast sweep of mellow distances untouched by the ruthless spirit of improvement. I would show him the woodlands with their grandeur and simplicity, and have him catch that strange, sweet odor, a faint hiatus of wood and vine and a bountiful earth.
Horses and cattle roamed the prairies in mild weather, and in the winter time they found food and shelter in the timbered parts of the country. Many of these horses and cattle were as wild as the numerous deer.
About that time, my father bought the land now owned by Mr. Pickard, just west of Pecan Gap. He built a house and made other substantial improvements. The house, however, was mediocre compared with the Pickard home of today.
About a quarter of a mile north from our home with the Day school house.Mr. Hockaday, father of Miss Hockaday of the Hockaday school, Dallas, was the teacher. Mr. Hockaday lived in the house, still standing, just west from the Pickard home.
The town of Pecan Gap had not yet arrived. Pecan Gap then was a deer-lick. There were patches of earth naturally salty, and deer came there to lick the salt. There were seats in the tops of trees round about where, with guns, men sat perdue to kill these animals.
I have said that the town of Pecan Gap had not yet arrived. Only two houses, I believe, stood on that part of terra firma now occupied by that thriving city.One of these was the home of Sandy Merrill; the other was the Davis home. With these two worthy families as nucleus, it is no strange thing that Pecan Gap has a splendid citizenry.
In 1876 we moved from the farm into Ladonia. About that time Ladonia's first barber looked after the doubtful down on my face and flattered me by calling it whiskers.
When I came out of school, a few years later, I engaged, in a very small way, in the mercantile business. Railroads had now reached that part of the country, but none had come to Ladonia. Honey Grove and Dodd City were our shipping points.
We bought sugar, coffee and molasses in New Orleans. We bought bacon in 500 pound boxes and shipped it from St. Louis. Most other things in the grocery line we bought in St. Louis.
Mr. Milt Nunn, uncle of Mrs. Frank Moring of Ladonia, traveled for Wilson and Johnson of St. Louis, and sold me my opening stock. I confessed to him my ignorance of business, and I am pleased to say that in no way did he take advantage of my inexperience. Traveling salesmen at that time for the most part were dependable, but even among these, Mr. Nunn was somewhat conspicuous for his integrity.
Green coffee then was used exclusively. It came in bags of 135 pounds each. Sometimes one customer would buy an entire bag. I am entitled to the distinction of introducing roasted coffee into our Ladonia.
I also claim the distinction of bringing into Ladonia the first car load of salt. Ladonia had salt all along, to be sure, but no one before this had bought a car-load. It was bought
through a commission house in St. Louis, and shipped from Michigan to Honey Grove by rail, and hauled from Honey Grove to Ladonia on wagons. The car of salt, like the proverbial barrel of pepper that was prayed for, was rather too much.
We bought lard chiefly in hogsheads. Some was being put up in buckets, but it was cheaper in bulk. Shortening made of cotton seed had not yet made its appearance. We handled molasses in barrels and sold it by the gallon. Some baking soda was put up in packages, but, like the lard in that respect, it was cheaper in bulk; so we bought most of it in kegs of 112 pounds each.
Most of our stores carried mixed stocks. Shoes of all kinds were packed twelve pairs in a box. No tyro could empty a full box and put them back again. Nearly everybody, of all ages and both sexes, wore woolen underwear and woolen hosiery in the winter time; and there were some persons who wore these all the year. Women wore hoop-skirts and bustles and everybody thought they were beautiful.
Many changes have come about in the last half century, and some of these changes have not been for the betterment of society. Nevertheless, changes are natural and inevitable. And it is only by changing that we grow better, wiser and more beautiful.
Coming now to the close of the third and last article of this series, I find that I have turned aside to gossip along the way, and have told chiefly of little things. But the gossip, I trust, is not of a harmful sort; and much of life is made up of little things; and little things may be worthwhile,if we catch their significance.
Jesus spoke of little things; He spoke of the trees, the grass and the flowers; and God may be found in the meadows, and in His palace of buds and blossoms more often, perchance, than in church houses.

About 1940, "Daddy Joe" turned his business [general store] on the square over to his eldest son William. Charles, the second son, operated the grocery store next door. They sent their brother Joe to school to learn to be the bookkeeper.

1940 Census. Justice Prec 4, Ladonia, Fannin, TX, ED 74-21, Sheet 9A, Hh 221
Joe B. Haden, owns his home on Bonham Street worth $3000. He was 80, b.orn in Missouri. Lived in the same house in 1935. Retired merchant, retail dry goods. He finished the 8th grade.
Elizabeth, wife, 76, b. Arkansas.
Maurice, son, 46, b. Texas, Retired merchant, retail dry goods.
Martha Wayland, Servant, age 57, b. Virginia [her salary was $240 a year - plus, I assume, room and board]

1950 Census. Ladonia, Fannin Co., TX, Hh 119
Josie B. Haden, 90, b. MO
Elizabeth, wife, 86, b. AR
Moris, son, 56, b. TX, Personal Investments; Stock & Bonds Business
Martha Wayland, Lodger, 66, b. VA

Bonham Daily Favorite, 29 Jul 1952
Joseph B. Haden Sr. Observes 93rd Birthday Monday, July 28
One of Ladonia's nonegenarians and highly respected citizens is Mr. Joseph Benjamin Haden, Sr. who celebrated his ninety-third birthday on Monday, July 28.
Mr. Hayden was born near Springfield, Missouri in 1859. He had two brothers, three sisters older than he and three younger. One of the sisters, Mrs. Joe Dickens, (sic- PICKENS) who now lives at Quanah and Mr. Haden are the only surviving members of their father's family.
During the year 1876, the Haden family moved to Ladonia and on July 4, 1882, at the village of Oakland, in Hopkins county, he was married to Miss Betty Holderness. They reared four sons, William Franklin, Robert Charles, Joseph Benjamin Jr., and Maurice. Mr. Hayden and Maurice still occupy their home on West Bonham Street. Mrs. Hayden passed away July 31, 1950.
Among Mr. Hayden's first ventures in the business world, was his operation of a grocerty store. Later in 1885, he established one of Ladonia's leading businesses, "J. B. Hayden Dry Goods Co" This store he conducted for more than 30 years.
Upon his retirement from business, Mr. Hayden did not become inactive, but interested and employed himself in growing flowers and vegetables. Being of a literary turn, he read much and did some writing. Today he employs his time in resting and listening to the radio.
Joseph Benjamin Hayden is a member of the First Baptist Church, Ladonia

Death Certificate #9034
Died at Leberman Hospital at Commerce, Hunt County. Usual Residence was West Paris St., Ladonia, Fannin Co. Date of death given as 5 Feb 1953, widowed, born 28 Jul 1859, died at age 93. He was a dry goods merchant, retired. Was born Green Co, Missouri. Father William F. Haden, born KY and mother Mary Jane Perkins, also born KY. J. B. Haden, Jr. was the informant [who gave excellent information]. Prior to his death Joseph had suffered from Prostatitis, chronic, for 10 years, but in the last three days had cardiac failure and uremia. The doctor - Marvin M. Connor had attended him since 1948; Joseph had died at 7 AM on the day cited. Buried Ladonia City Cemetery, Ladonia TX, Delta Funeral Home, H. B. Johnson, director.

The Paris News, Paris, TX, 5 Feb 1953, Thursday, p. 2
J. B. Haden
LADONIA - Funeral arrangements were incomplete for Joseph Benjamin Haden, 93, who died Thursday morning in a Commerce hospital where he had been ill several weeks. Delta Funeral Home here has charge of arrangements.
Mr. Haden was born July 28, 1859, near Springfield, MO, and had moved to Texas in 1864, settling in Grayson County for a year. He lived in Ben Franklin until he moved to Ladonia in 1876. He was in business here from 1880 until his retirement in 1916.
In 1882, he married Miss Elizabeth Holderness of Hopkins County, who died in 1950.
He was prominent in community affairs in Ladonia and was the oldest living member of the Baptist Church here.
Survivors include four sons, Will F. Haden, Joe B. Haden, Jr., Maurice Haden, and R. C. Haden, all of Ladonia.

Bonham Daily Favorite, Bonham, Texas, 5 Feb 1953
Services to be Friday for Joseph B. Haden, Sr.
Joseph Benjamin Haden, Sr., 93, passed away at 7 a.m. Thursday morning at the Commerce Hospital where he had been a patient for several weeks.
He was born July 28, 1859 near Springfield, Missouri and moved to Texas in 1864. He lived in Grayson County for one year and then moved to Ben Franklin where he resided until 1869, when he moved eat of Ladonia. He had been a resident of Ladonia since 1976 and was in business from 1880 until his retirement in 1916. The Haden family has long been active in the affairs of the Ladonia Community. Mr. Haden was married in 1882 to Miss Elizabeth Holderness of Hopkins County, who died in the summer of 1950. He was the eldest living member of the First Baptist Church of Ladonia.
Survivors include 4 sons, Will F. Haden, Joe B. Haden Jr., Maurice Haden and R. C. Haden, all of Ladonia.
Funeral services will be held Friday at 3 pm at the First Baptist Church in Ladonia. Interment will be in the Presbyterian Cemetery with Delta Funeral Home in charge.

Ladonia News, Friday, February 6, 1953
J. B. Haden, Sr. Expires after Long Illness
Ladonia lost one of its oldest citizens when Joseph Benjamin Haden passed away Thursday morning, February 5, at a Commerce hospital after a long illness.
Funeral services have been set for three o-clock this afternoon (Friday) at the First Baptist Church. Interment will be in the Presbyterian Cemetery.
Haden was born July 28, 1859, near Springfield, Green County, Missouri. His family moved to Texas in 1864, having suffered hardships and reverses in Missouri due to the Civil War.
The Hadens settled first in Grayson County, a year later removing to Ben Franklin, which was then in Lamar County, now Delta County.
Mr. Haden first attended school at Giles, walking the three miles from his home each day. Like most early day schools there was only one room. It had a puncheon floor, a batten door and a stick & dirt chimney.
In 1869, the family moved to a place east of Ladonia, lated owned by the late T. H. B. Hockaday, now the Lawrence Pickard home. He then attended the Featherson School in Ladonia. In 1876, the family moved to Ladonia, where he later attended a school taught by Mr. John Clinton.
In 1880, he began working in his father's store. In September of that year his father died, leaving him to carry on the business. In later years, his health failed and as his four sons grew to maturity, they became associated with him in the dry goods and grocery business until his retirement in 1916. From that time until the latter part of 1927, the firm of J. B. Haden & Co. was conducted by his four sons.
On July 4, 1882, he was married to Miss Elizabeth Holderness of Hopkins County. She preceded him in death, having passed away in 1950.
While he was a young man, Mr. Haden became a member of the Baptist Church at Rehoboth, latter moving his membership to the First Baptist Church of Ladonia of which he was probably the oldest member, being 93 years of age last July.
He is survived by four sons, Will, Charlie, Joe and Maurice Haden of Ladonia; seven grandchildren, William & Robert Haden of Springdale, Ark., John Haden of Austin, Will Haden Jr., Dallas, Mrs. R. B. Marcom, Okmulgee, Okls., Mrs. Edward White, Galveston, and Joe Haden III, Ladonia and a sister Mrs. Joe A. Pickens, Quanah. Nine great grandchildren also survive.
Mr. Haden was a gentleman of the old school, of high ideals and integrity, whose firm belief was that a man's word should be as good as his bond.
"After life's fitful fever, he sleeps well."

Friday, Feb 13, 1953
Final Rites Held for J. B. Haden Sr.
Funeral services for J. B. Haden Sr., 93 who passed away Thusday morning, February 5, in a Commerce hospital after a lengthy illness, were held at three o'clock last Friday afternoon at the First Baptist Church. Conducting the last rites were the pastor, Rev. John Rasberry, assisted by the Rev. J. F. Murrell of Muskogee, Oklahoma.
Pallbearers were Tom Cain and Mr. Haden's five grandsons, William Charles, Robert, John, Will Jr. and Joe Haden III.
Burial was made in the Presbyterian Cemetery with Delta Funeral Home directing.
Out-of-town friends and relatives attending included, Mrs. & Mrs. S. C. Relyea [ Dr. Spencer Relyea was J. B.'s best man - must be a son.], Mr. & Mrs. C. S. Holderness, Mr. & Mrs. H. E. Duniven, Mrs. Earl Cottrell, and Mr. & Mrs. W. F. Haden Jr and Will Roy Haden of Dallas; Judge H. A. Cunningham, Mr. & Mrs. Deets Dorough, Judge Choice Moore and Mrs. Lee Morrow of Bonham, Mr. & Mrs. H. A. Spies, Leonard; Mr. Lackey Sebastian, Seagoville,; Rev. & Mrs. J. F. Murrell, Muskogee, Oklahoma; Mr. & Mrs. Tom Finley, Linden; Mrs. Hattie Threlkeld, Mrs. Vergie White, Mr. & Mrs. E. F. Moore & Mrs. Robert Ponder of Commerce; Mr. & Mrs. Oscar Scott, Cooper; Mr. Foster Bomar, Honey Grove; Mrs. Vada Pilcher, San Antonio; Mr. Pete Smith, Wolfe City; Mr. & Mrs. W. C. Haden & Ralph, and Mr. & Mrs. Robert Haden of Springdale, Arkansas; Mr. John Haden, Austin; Mrs. Edward White, Galveston; Joe Haden III, Houston; Mr. & Mrs. Waire Currin and Mrs. Virgie Thomas of Sulphur Springs.

Card of Thanks
We wish to thank from the depths of our hearts those who so tenderly and graciously ministered to us in the sorrow which came into our lives in the loss of our loved one.
May God richly bless you and keep you. The Haden Family.

Found among Daddy Joe's writings and letter copies were three small ledgers. He had written down many words and their definitions. There seemed to be no other purpose except to learn new words. He sometimes wrote sentences using the word. The writing is small and cramped. I saw no reason to preserve these little books but the fact that he kept them is a bit of a window into his personality. Of course he loved words - his newspaper articles and letters are evidence.


Birth28 Jul 1859Wilson's Creek, Greene County, Missouri
Marriage4 Jul 1882Hopkins County, Texas - ELIZABETH ECHOLS "Bettie" HOLDERNESS
Death5 Feb 1953Commerce, Hunt County, Texas
BurialLadonia Cemetery, Ladonia, Fannin County, Texas


SpouseELIZABETH ECHOLS "Bettie" HOLDERNESS (1863 - 1950)
ChildWilliam Franklin Haden (1883 - 1953)
ChildROBERT CHARLES HADEN (1885 - 1964)
ChildJoseph Benjamin Haden Jr. (1890 - 1957)
ChildMaurice Haden (1894 - 1959)
FatherWILLIAM FRANKLIN HADEN (1817 - 1880)
MotherMARY JANE PERKINS (1826 - 1918)
SiblingMarietta Clay Haden (1846 - 1912)
SiblingJohn William Haden (1849 - 1925)
SiblingJames Clayton "Jimmie" Haden (1852 - 1937)
SiblingOlive Marian "Ollie" Haden (1855 - 1924)
SiblingVirginia Haden (1857 - 1900)
SiblingLaura Lee Haden (1862 - 1878)
SiblingEmma May Haden (1865 - 1878)
SiblingCordova Haden (1870 - 1961)

