Individual Details

Mordecai Lincoln Jr.

(24 Apr 1686 - 1736)

Mordecai and Abraham moved to Monmouth Co, NY before 1714.
29 Feb 1720, Mordecai of Freehold, bought 400 acres from Richard Salter on the Macheponix river in Middlesex Co.

Mordecai was the first of his family to settle in Pennsylvania, along with his brother Abraham. Mordecai & Abraham lived in New Jersey for about seven years before continuing to Pennsylvania. Mordecai married Hannah Salter while living in New Jersey and they had one son and five daughters. One of the daughters died and is buried Monmouth Co, NJ.

Mordecai and Hannah settled at Scoolkill, later Coventry Township, Chester Co. Mordecai operated a forge on French Creek, with partners Samuel Nutt and william Branson. He sold his interest in the forge for 500#'s, 14 Dec 1726, and then a few months later bought a tract of Richard Saltar, back in New Jersey. About the time time, Hannah died, leaving Mordecai with five children, the oldest eleven and the youngest an infant.

In the summer of 1729, Mordecai married Mary Robeson, daughter of Andrew Robeson of Amity, Philadelphia Co. Mordecai had located in Amity Township by 15 May 1728 when he was appointed a commissioner for defense against the Indians. He died three years later leaving Mary with the five children of his first marriage, and three more by him - all under age 21.

The house where their brick home stood became part of Berks County in 1752.

The above information on Mordecai as well as that of his descendants found reprinted from the April 1949 issue of Historical Review of Berks County, on the website of the Historical Society of Berks County. Accessed Sep 2011.

Lincoln-L Mail List Archives; 28 Sep 2007
Here is a copy of Mordecai Lincoln's will, which was dated Feb. 22, 1735-6, and probated June 7, 1736:

"In the Name of God Amen I Mordecai Lincon of Amity in the County of philad in the province of pennsylv being Sick and weak in body but of Sound mind and Memory Do make this my last will and Testament in manner and form following revoking and hereby disanulling and making void all other and former Wills and Testaments by me made whether in word or Writing allowing this to be my last will and Testament and no other
"Imprimis it is my mind that in ye first place my Just debts be honestly paid.
"Item I give and bequeath unto My Son Mordecai Linkon the half of my land Scituate in Amity and to his heirs and assigns forever
"Item I give and bequeath unto my Son Thomas Linkon his heirs and assigns forever the one half of my Land in amity aforesaid.
"With this proviso that if my present wife Mary Should prove with Child at my Decease and bring forth a son, then I order that ye Said Land be Divided into three equall parts, And that Mordecai Shall have ye Lower most or South East part, and Thomas the Middle most and the posthumus ye uper part:
"Item I give and bequeath unto my Daughters Hannah and Mary a Certain piece of Land at Matjaponix allready Settled on them by a deed of gift.
"Item I give unto my Son John Lincon a Certain piece of Land Lying in the Jerseys Containing three hundred acres, and to his heirs and assigns forever.
"Item I give and Bequeath unto my Two daughters Anne & Sarah and to their heirs and assigns forever one hundred acres of Land laying at Matjaponix in the Jersey, which Land I do order my Executrix herein after Named to Sell and divide ye mony equally between them.
"And I do further order and appoint that is any one of my Children above named Should happen to dye before they arive to their full age then Such Shares of ye deceased Shall be Equally Divided amongst ye Surviving Children.
"Item I give and bequeath unto my beloved Wife Mary all ye residue or remainder of My Estate goods Chattles Quick & dead To be at her disposall, and Liberty to remain on My plantati [on] at Malar Amity untill those my Children are at their Severall ages, the better to enable my Wife to bring up all my Children without wasting or ebezeling what I have left them.
"And I do hereby nominate and appoint my Wife Mary Lincon my whole and sole Executrix of this my last Will and testam [ent].
"And my loving friends and Neighbours Jonathan Robeson and George Boone Trustees to assist my Executrix in & seeing this my WIll and Testament well and truly perform [ed] according to ye true Intent and Meaning thereof.
"The within named Mordecai Lincon did Sign publish pronounce and declare that this present writing was his last will and Testament ye 22 day of ffebruary Ao Dom 1735
In the presence of us - Mordecai Lincon
Israel Robeson
Solomon Coles
John Bell"


Birth24 Apr 1686Hingham, Plymouth County, Massachusetts
Marriage1729Amity Township, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania - Mary Robeson
Death1736Amity Township, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania
MarriageMonmouth County, New Jersey - Hannah Salter


SpouseHannah Salter (1693 - 1727)
ChildJohn Lincoln (1716 - 1788)
ChildDeborah Lincoln (1717 - 1720)
ChildHannah Lincoln (1719 - 1757)
ChildAnne Lincoln (1725 - 1812)
ChildSarah Lincoln (1727 - 1810)
SpouseMary Robeson ( - 1783)
ChildMordecai Lincoln (1730 - 1812)
ChildThomas Lincoln ( - 1775)
ChildAbraham Lincoln (1736 - 1806)
FatherMordecai Lincoln (1657 - 1727)
MotherSarah Jones ( - 1704)
SiblingAbraham Lincoln (1688 - )
SiblingIsaac Lincoln (1691 - )
SiblingSarah Lincoln (1694 - 1754)
SiblingElizabeth Lincoln (1703 - 1724)