Individual Details

Thomas Mims

( - 28 Apr 1711)

My details on the Mims family come from a manuscript found online "Leaves From the Mims Family Tree: A Genealogic History of First Five Generations of American Mims", compiled by Sam Mims, Mar 1961. [Sam Mims is now deceased. A copy is believe to be in the Clayton Genealogical Library, Houston, TX; also perhaps at the Mississippi State University Library. Some reviews of this book are highly critical.]

Another source of data with much more documentation is from a post on the Mims Family Genealogy Forum at GenForum, dated 18 Mar 2006, "Descendants of Thomas Mime, b. c1600"

The two sources disagree on whether or not Thomas "Mime" was actually Thomas Mims.

VA Land Patent Book 4, p.205, Vincent Stanford received a patent for 600 acres in Lancaster Co for transport of 12 persons, 1 Jun 1657. One of the twelve was a Thomas Mims - quite likely this man. In 1674, Middlesex Co was formed from Lancaster.

In 1704, the New Kent Co. Quit Rent rolls show Thomas Minis (Mims) with 200 acres.

Thomas Mims Departed this Life April ye 28th, 1711 (St. Peter’s Parish Register).

From "Thomas Mims and His Descendants" by Miss Annie May Mims, The Mims Families of Edgefield.  Address & papers delivered at annual meeting of Edgefield Co Historical Society 29 Jun 1951 found SC Genealogical Society Library in Charleston, May, 2011.

After relating the usual "brag" connections to royalty, Miss Mims gave the following genealogy.
Thomas Mims, born bef 1623 in England, died Feb 1693/4 in Middlesex County. His known children: Elizabeth. Thomas Mims Jr. who married Melly Ann Martin. Sarah. Lionel Mims.
Thomas Mims II. John. David who married Agnes Wildy. Another Thomas, born Feb 1707/8, still living in 1764, married twice. Benjamin. Sarah. Joseph. Robert born 1714. Ann, baptized in 1710.
David & Agnes Wildy's son Drury married Lydia Jones, as his second wife in NC. He took up land grants in Washington Co GA, later lived in Edgefield along with his kinsmen: John, Shadrack [son of David & Agnes], William, Frederick, Joseph, and Martin Mims. Frederick was a Revolutionary Soldier, Warrenton, NC.
David's brother, the third Thomas Mims, patented land on 6 Sep 1765, Bladen Co NC and lived later Charles Co, SC , St James Goose Creek Parish. 21 Jul 1768 in was living in Anson Co NC when he signed a petition to Gov. Tryon about being unduly taxed, along with Samuel Van and Thomas Swearingen who later came to Edgefield. Note: the date of the petition may be a typo - other references suggest it was in 1748 - these dates should be confirmed by actual documentation.
....she then continued down the line of Thomas Mims, 4th, but doesn't say who his father was....


Death28 Apr 1711New Kent County, Virginia


SpouseAnn [Mims] ( - )
ChildThomas Mims ( - )
ChildElizabeth Mims (1679 - 1679)
ChildLionel "Linah" Mims (1684 - 1732)