Individual Details

Drury Mims

(Ca 1730 - Bef 11 Nov 1818)

One database I found had this Drury placed as a son of Joseph Mims, son of Lionel. I believe that is an error. Deeds in Chatham Co were cited as "proof" but they only proved that Joseph gave to his son Joseph Jr a tract of land on the Cape Fear River ...and that Drury and wife Lidda also sold a tract on the Cape Fear. I believe this was a case of reading between the lines, but reading the wrong words.
Pg. 86, April 3, 1770 Chatham County, North Carolina - Cape Fear area –Joseph Minns (Mims) of Orange Co., to Joseph Mims of same for ... and more especially for the Love...etc. that I Joseph Mims Planter of Orange Co., hold and bear to my son Joseph Mims of the same. 100 acres, land was an original grant from the Lord Proprietors, in the county of Craven on the N. fork of Cape Fare/Fear River. signed by Joseph Mims and Susannah Mims, both signed using an x.
Sept. 28, 1772 Drury Mims and Lidda his wife of JOHNSTON Co., NC, sell to John Avent of Chatham Co., 95 acres, for 60 pds., in the county of ORANGE on the N. side of Cape Fear River, joining Cheeks line. Drury Mims signs and Lydia Mims signs with an "x". The witnesses were Joseph Avent and Robert Mims.

From The Mims Families of Edgefield, Addresses & papers delivered at the annual meeting of the Edgefield Co Historical Society, 29 Jun 1951, found in Library of the SC Genealogical Society, Charleston, the address by Gen. L. G. Merritt, "Drury Mims & His Descendants"
Mr. Merritt said in part ...the great grandfather was Thomas Mims who was born in Wales about 1650 and settled in St. Peter's Parish, New Kent Co. The grandfather, Thomas Jr. was born there about 1670. The father was David, baptized in Virginia in 1708, died 1781 and had lived in Henrico & Goochland Counties and married Agnes Weldy. Claims Drury was the 5th child born about 1730 and he was the only sibling to leave Virginia.
...Drury married Lydia Jones in North Carolina and migrated to Edgefield before the Revolution [would have been Ninety-Six District then] Six deeds from the State of South Carolina between 1784 and 1797, suggest he bought about 1500 acres. He did leave a will in Edgefield.
....Drury was tried, convicted & sentenced to hand for killing a Tory. It is said his wife went to the Governor and obtained a full pardon [Ninety-Six District]

Drury received 287 1/2 acres on bounty for his Revolutionary services in Washington County, Ga., Sept. 22, 1784 but he never left Edgefield County. [probably sold his bounty as did so many others]

One list of children:
Winifred, b. 11 Jan 1760, Goochland, d. 14 Dec 1812, married Henry Ware Jr
Lydia Elizabeth, b. ca 1762, Lincoln Co GA, married John Moss; d. 1827 Washington Co, GA
John, b. 1764, d. 1828, Edgefield Co SC; married Mary Gray, dau of John A. Gray
David, b. ca 1766 d. 1827 Lincoln Co, GA, married Sarah Scott
Britton, b. 22 Jun 1769, d. 8 Sep 1833, Augusta Co GA; married Mary Ann Edward 5 Feb 1799, Edgefield, SC
Livingston, b. ca 1773, d. 1816; married Martha Perrin, dau of Wm C. Perrin
Mary Ridley, b. ca 1775, married John A Gray, Jr.
Tignall, b. ca 1777, d. 3 Nov 1826, Edgefield SC; married Nancy Tillman
Matthew, b. 16 Jun 1780, married Elizabeth Tutt, 20 Dec 1808, Edgefield, d. 6 Oct 1848
Drury Jr., b. 16 Jan 1783, d. 18 Jun 1858, Eufaula, Barbour Co, AL; married Charlsey Edward, 1860, daughter of Charles Edwards & Letitia Martin. They are buried Linwood Cemetery.

Box No.19. Pkg. No.692
Drury Mims (Decd. Will
M. Mims Exor
Filed Nov. 10.1818

In the name of God Amen.
I Drury Mims of the District of Edgefield
and the State of South Carolina, being weak in body, but
of sound and disposing mind thanks be to God for
the same. And calling to mind the mortality of my
body, and knowing that it is appointed for all men
[illegible] to die, do make and ordain this my last will
[and? – illegible] testament, in manner following.
[First? – illegible] I give and recommend my soul into the [hands – illegible]
of God that first gave it And my body to the Earth
to be buried in a Christian like manner nothing
doubting but at the general resurrection I shall re
ceive the same again by the mighty power if God.
And as touching such worldly Estate where with it
hath pleased God to bless me in this life I give
devise and bequeath of the same in the following
manner. Vis. First my will and desire is
that all my just debts be first paid.
Item I give to my beloved Wife Lydia Mims
five shillings sterling. I also lend her during her
natural life or Widowhood the plantation and Tract
of lands whereon I now live together with all my
household and kitchen furniture and plantation
tools of every kind. Also two negroes vis old
Jim & his Wife Olive, and my stock of Cattle,
Hogs & Horses of every kind. And at my Wifes
death or intermarriage, it is my Will and de=
sire that all my Household and Kitchen furniture
Plantation tools, Horses, Cattle, Hogs & stock of every
kind above loaned to my said Wife Except the
Desk, Cupboard, the three Beds & furniture, Waggon
& Gear & Cotton Gin, be sold on a Credit of twelve
months the purchaser giving bond with security,
2) And the money arising therefrom, to be equally
divided between my son Matthew Mims and
my daughter Ridley Gray
Item. I give to my son John Mims five shillings
sterling. Item. I give to my son David Mims
five shillings sterling. Item I give to my son
Mims, five shillings sterling. Item [I give
to] the children of my son Livingston Mims [decd]
[five] shillings to be divided amongst them share
and share alike. Item I give to my son Mat
thew Mims two negroes vis Little Jim and
Hampton, one Feather Bed and furniture and
one hundred and ninety two acres land lying on the
waters of the Beaver dam Creek bounded on the
North by John Oliphants land on the East by_
Waltries land on the South by John Mims land
and on the West by lands heretofore given my said
son Matthew by Deed said track is known by the
Hogpen track. Item I give to my son Drury
Mims after the death of my said Wife the plan
tation and track of land whereon I now live also
all the land lying between the Big branch & Rays
Creek being part of a track of two hundred & eleven
acres run by Dennets Crafton. Also three Negroes
vis Big Jim & his Wife Olive & Cillar & their increase,
one Desk, one cupboard the Waggon & Gear; and
Cotton Gin & one Rifle Gun. Item, I give to
my son Tingnell Mims all my land not yet dis=
posed of that lies on Rays Creek, bounded by John
Mims land, Matthew Mims land Elias Blackborns
land, Waltries land and land herby given to my
also my Silver watch
son Drury Mims and ^. Item I give to the children of
of my Daughter Winey Ware Decs.d
five shillings to
3) be divided amongst them share and share alike
Item I give to my Daughter Ridley Gray five
shillings, I also lend her during her natural life
one Negro woman named Lettis & her increase
and two Feather Beds & furniture_ And at her
death, my Will and desire is that the said ne
[gro] woman Lettis & her increase, be sold on a
[credit] of twelve months the purchaser giving
bond with Approved security And the money
arising there from to be equally divided share &
share alike among the surviving Children of the
said Ridley Gray. Item I give to my Daughter
Lydia Moss
, five shillings, I also lend her during
her natural life one negro woman Amey & her
Children And one negro woman Hannah and
[her] children & their increase And a[t her death
my] will and desire is that the above [mentioned]
negroes and their increase be sold on a Credit of
twelve months And the money arising there from
to be equally divided share and share alike
Between her lawfully begotton [sic] heirs, if any, and if
none then and in that case it is my Will and
desire that the same be equally divided among
her surviving brothers and sisters.
And I do hereby disannul revoke [and discharge]
every Other & former Will and Testament, legacies
and bequeaths by me in any wise before named
Willed or bequeathed ratifying & confirm=
ing this to be my last Will and Testament.
In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my
hand and seal this thirteenth day of may
In the year of our Lord One thousand
4) Eight hundred and seventeen __ The words
“also my Silver Watch” interlined before signed.
Signed sealed and published in the pre=
sence of us, who in the presence of each other
subscribed our names as Witnesses to the same.
John S. Jeter [signed]
Levice Baiden [signed]
Rich. H. Tutt [signed] South Carolina
Drury Mims Sen.r seald [signed]

Edgefield District By John Simkins Ordinary
for the district aforesaid Personally appeared before
me John Jeter who being duly Sworn on the Holy
Evangalist [sic] of almighty good [sic], do Oath and
Say that he saw Drury Mims Senr Sign Seal
and Declare the Same to be and Contain his last will
[and Testament] (that he the said Drury Mims [Senr or Decd]
[was of [sou]nd & disposing mind memory & un[der=]
=standing to the best of this deponants [sic] knowledge and
belief and that Levin Baidon & Rich.d H. Tutt Together
with this deponant [sic] Signed their Names as witnesses
thereto at the request of the Testator and in his presence
Same time Qualifyed [sic] Matthew Mims Exc. to the
Within given under my hand at my office the
11th November 1818 [signed] Jn. Simkins

Administration Bond b & JJ Faust, Print
State of South Carolina
Edgefield DISTRICT
KNOW All Men by these Presents, That we,
Matthew Mims Tingnell Mims and
Drury Mims J r
are holden and firmly bound unto John Simkins Esquire, Ordinary for the District of Edgefield in the full and just sum of Ten thousand Dollars lawful Money of this State, to be paid to the said John Simkins or his successors, Ordinaries of this District, or their certain attorney or assigns. To which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and every of us, our and every of our Heirs, Executors and Administrators, for the whole, and in the whole, jointly and severally, firmly by these Presents.
Sealed with our seals, and dated the Eleventh day of November
in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and Eighteen and
in the Forty third year of American
The Condition of the above Obligation is such,
That if the above Matthew Mims
Administrator of the goods, chattels and credits of Drury Mims
deceased, do make a true and perfect inventory of all and singular the goods, chattels and credits of the said deceased, which have or shall come to the hands, possession or knowledge of the said Matthew Mims or into the hands or possession of any other person or persons for him and the same so made, do exhibit into the said Court of Ordinary, when he shall be thereunto required, and such goods, chattels and credits do well and truly administer according to law, and do make a just and true account of his actings and doings therein when required by said Court, and all the rest of the said goods, chattels and credits which shall be found remaining upon the account of the said administration, the same being first allowed by the said Court, shall deliver and pay unto such persons respectively as are entitled to the same by law, and if it shall hereafter appear that any last will and testament was made by the said deceased, and the same be proved in Court, and the Executors obtain a certificate of the probate thereof and the said Matthew Mims
do in such case, if required, render and deliver up the said Letters of Administration, then this Obligation to be void, or else to remain in full force.
Sealed and Delivered
in the Presence of [signed] Stewart Simkins
[signed] M. Mims seal
[signed] Tingnell Mims seal
[signed] D. Mims seal

State of South Carolina,
Edgefield District
By John Simkins Esq. Ordinary of the Said District.
Whereas Matthew Mims hath applied to me for Letters of Administration, on all and singular, the goods and chattels, rights and credits of Drury Mims late of the district aforesaid, deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of the said deceased, to be and appear before me, at our next Ordinary’s Court for the said district to be holden at Edgefield Courthouse on the Ninth day of November next, to show cause, if any, why the said administration should not be granted.
Given under my hand and seal, this TwentySeventh day of Octobr. in the Year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and Eighteen and in the Forty third year of American Independence.
[signed] Jn. Simkins


BirthCa 1730
DeathBef 11 Nov 1818
MarriageLydia Jones


SpouseLydia Jones ( - )
FatherDavid Mims (1700 - 1780)
MotherAgnes Weldy ( - 1777)
SiblingShadrack Mims ( - 1777)
SiblingDavid Mims ( - 1786)
SiblingGideon Mims ( - )
SiblingAgnes Mims ( - )
SiblingJudith Mims ( - )
SiblingElizabeth "Kitty" Mims (1728 - 1804)
SiblingMary Mims ( - )
SiblingSusannah Mims ( - )