Individual Details
William Rountree
(1702 - 1765)
Although we have no other records for New Kent, our William Rountree did us the favor of moving into Goochland County. On 25 March 1749, as “William Rowntree” of Blisland Parish, New Kent County, he purchased 700 acres in St. James parish of Goochland County. On 14 November 1757 as “William Rowntree Sen.” he purchased an additional 700 acres in St. James Parish of Goochland County, this time as a resident of St. Paul’s Parish of Hanover County. He purchased the land from John Woodson and John and Ann Wright. The following day he gave half of this land (350 acres) to each of his sons William and Randall “for divers good causes me hereunto moving but more especially for the father-like love which I bear to my son….
His son Randall Rountree bought 30 acres in Goochland County, as a resident of Goochland, on 3 November 1753 which is described as adjacent to William Rountree’s corner.
Hanover County was formed from part of New Kent, and adjoined Goochland. William Rountree seems to have bought or inherited land in Hanover, in addition to his land in Goochland. There is no record in Hanover County of his acquiring land. However, the vestry book for St. Paul’s Parish in Hanover County mentions the land of William Rountree in 1751, 1755, 1759, and 1763. Each citation is for the processioning of the parish. [“Processioning” was a peculiarity designed to avoid boundary disputes caused by faulty surveys and the removal of landmarks. A Virginia law passed in 1662 required each parish to organize a group of local landowners to “goe in procession”, or walk the property lines, to examine and renew the boundaries. The law required this to be done every four years between September and March. So William Rountree apparently owned land in both Hanover and Goochland Counties. His sons probably managed one of these parcels.
There is a general belief, based on a published paper years ago, that William’s wife was Dorcas Dudley; this paper gives several generations of her ancestry. Unfortunately, it offers no evidence and has enough other errors that it appears to be wishful thinking. I might also note that it is not clear that all his children were by a single wife. The sole mention of any wife is the “Dorcas” in the above record of the birth of the son Dudley. She could as easily have been a Turner, a Richardson, or a Randall – all of whom were families living in New Kent.
The will of William Rountree was dated 1 October 1765 in Goochland County. An inventory was taken in December 1765, but the will itself was not proven until September 1766 when the inventory was also recorded. The will does not mention a wife, who almost certainly predeceased him, and spells the name “Rowntree”. The inventory shows he was a reasonably wealthy man. The will left 200 acres, one slave and five cattle to his son Richardson Rountree, 250 acres and a slave to son Thomas Rountree, the manor plantation and a slave to son Turner Rountree. His sons Randall and Dudley each received a slave. His son William Rountree Jr. received a slave plus £10 “as recompense for tending me in my sickness in Hanover Co.” and five cattle. The will also gave legacies to a daughter Betsey Bailey and her daughter Molley Bailey; Drury Murrell and grandson John Murrell; daughter Molley, who got some extra items “for her kindness during my sickness”; daughter Isebell and her children; daughter Dorcas; and daughter Drusiller Haden.
William Rowntree wrote his will on 1 Oct 1765, probate 16 Sep 1766. Goochland DB 9, p.38. Son Richard, 200 acres on Middle Crk adj Josias Payne; son Thomas, parcel called Brocks about 250 acres; son Turner the manor plantation; son Randal, slave; Son Dudley, slave; son William, slave and 10£ for tending me in my sickness in Hanover Co. Granddaughter Molley Bailey, slave to be delivered to daughter Betsey Bailey. Grandson John Murrel, slave to be delivered to Drury Murrell [Daughter Dorcas married Drury Murrell]. Daughter Drusiller Haden, slave [Drusilla married Anthony Haden]. Daughter Molley, slave, mare & colt, feather-bed. Slave Ripp to be hired out for the benefit of daughter Isabel & her children [Isabell married William Goldsmith]. Residue to be sold & proceeds divided among these children: Turner, Molley, Darcas, Drusiller, and grandson John Bailey. To granddaughters Martha Massie [her mother was either Molley or an unknown daughter]; Lewsy, Eliza, Leusender & Milley Goldsmith - 15 sh for rings when they reach age 15. Exec: Sons William, Turner, & Randall, and Stoakes McCaul - each to be paid 40£. Wit: Josias Payne Jr & James Coalman.
LDS Microfilm: #0031565
Goochland DB 9, p.38
In the Name of God, Amen. I William Rowntree of the
Parish of Saint James Northam in the County of Goochland being ver
sick and seek but of Sound and perfect mind and Memory,(pr rise be to
For it Doth make and Appoint This my Last will and Testament in
manner and Form Following; First I Commend my soul to Almigh
ty God who Gave it, and my body to the Earth to be buried in a Decent
and Christian like manner at the Discretion of my Executors -
hereafter named, and For the worldly goods it hat pleasd, Al-
mighty God to bestow upon me I give bequeath and Dispose of
as followth that is to Say
Item, I give and bequeath unto my son Richardson Rowntree all my
Land that lies on the other side of the creek commonly Called the middle
Creek and also on this side the Creek from the mouth of a branch
that comes into the said Creek a little way below the bridge and so up the
said branch. To a marked white Oak Standing near the head of
the Said Branch and from the said White oak on a straight line
to the head of haw Branch and so Down the said Branch to Mr.
Josias Paynes line to him and his heirs for Ever it being by Estimation
two hundred Acres be the Same more or less – also one Negro Boy
named George to him & his heirs for Ever with Five head of Cattle
some Grown & some Small.
Item. I give unto my son Thos Rowntree a peace or parcell of land com-
monly called and known by the name of Brocks Beginning at the
mouth of the Branch that runs into the Middle creek a little
below the bridge With my son Richardson's line and so along the
said line to Mr. Josias Payne's line and so along the said Payne line to the Creek
that I live on and so Up the said Creek to the mouth of a branch at my Cart
path that goes to the middle Creek and so up the said branch about one hun-
dread yard to my Line and so along that said line to a corner Pine neare
the Old Ordinary and so to the middle Creek and Down the said creek to
the mouth of the branch Were it first began being by estimation Two hun-
dred and fifty Acres To him and his heirs for Ever be the same more or Less
also one Negro Boy Named Charles one Feather bedd & Furniture to him &
his heirs for Ever.
Item. I Give & bequeath to my son Turner Rowntree my Manor plantation with
all the Residue of the said Traik thereunto belonging to him and his heirs for
ever. Also one Negro Girl named Lucy and her Increase To him and his
heirs for Ever also one Feather Bed & Furniture one soper still & one coper
Kittle To him & his heirs For Ever.
Item. I Give And Bequeath to my son Randall Rowntree one Negro Wench Named
Nan with her Increaase to him and his heirs For Ever.
Item. I Give & Bequeath to my son Dudley one Neagro Fellow Named James to him
& his heirs for Ever.
Item. I Give & Bequeath to my son William Rowntree on Negro Girl named Nell and
her Increase also the Sum of Ten Pounds Currt Money as Recompense for his Trouble in\
Tending me in my sickness in the County of Hanover also Five head of Cattle
some small & some grown.
Item. I Give & Bequeath to my Grand Daughter Molley Bailey one Negro girl
namd Salley and her Increase. The Neagro Girl to be Delivered to my Daugh-
ter Betsey Bailey To bring up & to be Delivered to Molley bailey at the
Age of eighteen or Married to her & her heirs for Ever.
Item. I Give and Bequeath to my Grandson John Murrel one Negro Girl names
Jean & her Increase to him & his heirs for Ever To be Delivered to Drury
Murrell to bring up & to be Deliverd to his Son John Murrell At the age of
twenty one Yeare.
Item. I give & Bequeath to my Daughter Drusiller Haden one Negro Boy
named Ben to her and her heirs for Ever & thirty geese
Item. I Give & Bequeath to my Daughter Mattey one Negro Wench Named
Philliss also one Sorrell mair & colt a horse one Best Feather Bedd &
Furniture & the sum of Thirty Two Dollars Currt Money & thirty Geese
& one Double Loon for her Kindness to me in my Sickness to her & her heirs
for Ever.
Item. My will & Desire is that my Neagro fellow namd Ripp may be hired out
from time to time During the Life by my executors and the profits of his hire
to go to the use of my Daughter Isebell and her children To be laid out
at the Discretion of my Exectors once Every yeare in Clothing &c
My Will and Desire that all the Residue of my estate may be sold & the
money arising be Equally Divided between the following Children (Viz)
Turner Molley Darcas, Drusiller & my Grandson John Bailey – the
money that is Jno. Baileyes part to be paid him by my Executors At the
Age of Twenty one yeares.
Item. I Give & Bequeath to my Grand Daughter Martha Goldsmith fifteen
shillings to be made in a Ring & Delivered her at the Age of fifteen yeare
by my executors.
Item. I Give & bequeath to my Grand daughter Massie Goldsmith Fifteen
shillings to be made in a Ring & To be Delivered her at the Age of Fifteen
yeares by my Executors.
Item. I Give & Bequeath unto my Grand Daughter Lewsy Goldsmith.....
Item. I Give & bequeath unto my Grand Daughter Eliza. Goldsmith....
Item. I Give & bequeath unto my Grand Daughter Lewsender Goldsmith....
Item. I Give & bequeath unto my Grand Daughter Milley Goldsmith....
I do Hereby Constitute and Appoint my son William Rowntree Turner
Rowntree Randall Rowntree & my Loving Friend Stoakes
McCaul my Whole & sole executors of this my Last Will & Testa
ment and as a Reward I give and bequeath to Each one of my executors
William Rowntree, Turner Rowntree, Randall Rowntree & Stoakes
McCaul to Sum of Forty pounds to be Equally Divided between
my Four Executors which forty pound I am now at Law for in the County
of Fairfax. Given under my hand and seal the 1st Day of
October one thousand Seven hundred & Sixty Five
Willm Rowntree. Seal
Teste: Josias Payne Jr. James Coalman.
At a Court held for Goochland County Septemr the 16th 1766
This Writing was proved by the oaths of the Witnesses to be the last Will
& Testament of William Rowntree dec'd which was thereupon ordered
to be Recorded. Teste. Vol. Wood GCC
p.39 Inventory taken Dec 1765. signed: Randol Rowntree, William Rowntree, Turner Rowntree, Sto. McCall
Presented 16 Sep 1766 Ordered recorded.
Some of the items mentioned:
Negros: Rip, James, George, Philliss, Nan, Luse, Nell, Charles, Sall, Ben, Jene
5 Feather Beds
23 head of Cattle, 17 sheep, 55 Hoggs, 60 geese
2 old swords
6 hives with bees
Spouse | Dorcas Dudley (1706 - ) |
Child | William Rountree ( - 1791) |
Child | Dudley Rountree (1728 - ) |
Child | Dorcas Rountree (1729 - ) |
Child | Richardson Rountree ( - ) |
Child | Thomas Rountree ( - 1782) |
Child | Isabell Rountree ( - ) |
Child | Turner Rountree ( - ) |
Child | Randall Rountree ( - 1788) |
Child | Betty Rountree ( - ) |
Child | Molley Rountree ( - ) |
Child | Drusilla Rountree (1748 - 1781) |
1. Irene O. Cook, Haden: Cook Family Group Records (Prepared 21 Jan 1998).
2. Margaret V. Henley, Abstracts of Wills from Goochland Co Virginia 1727-1777 (Goochland Co Historical Society, Inc; 1990), p.53.