Individual Details

William Blase

( - )

These may be William's records:
31 Dec 1662 Lancaster Co VA. William Blaze bought 250 acres from John Hudson, land granted to John Robinson 29 Nov 1652, assigned to Hudson. South side of the Rappahannock River and adjacent John Sharpe. This may have later been part of Middlesex Co.
1 Sep 1663 William Baze patented 350 acres in Lancaster Co for import of 7 persons. South side of the Rappahannock, adjacent Rice Jones and his own land.

Will recorded 1 Feb 1674 in Middlesex County, VA. (Order Book 1, p.34). "Named daughter Sarah Mosly (sic - it was plainly GRACE) and son James Blase. Marvel Moseley was executor."

ORDER BOOK ABSTRACTS OF MIDDLESEX COUNTY VIRGINIA 1673-1677; Part 1 of Order Book 1; Ruth & Sam Sparacio, 1989, p.36:
Will of Wm Blase was written 7 Feb 1674/5. He gave most of his property to his loving son James who was not of age. Responsibility for James was given to Marvell MOSELEY, who Blase also calls his "loving Sonn". Moseley is to have use of the household "stuffs" and livestock to use for the bringing up of James. He is to school James and then apprentice him to a Ship's Master to learn Navigation. If James should die without issue, then the estate is to be divided between his two daughters, unnamed. He does name a daughter Grase MOSLY and gives her a colt. The Will is signed Wm Blase; witnessed by Thos. Hasellwood, and Tho. [T] Tesly.

LDS Microfilm #0032449
My interpretation of the will is somewhat different after reading the film. The spelling and handwriting is not easy to deal with. It's hard to interpret the word "safter" to be daughter. There are other d's in the will and most all of the s's are made as the small letter f. I believe the word to possibly be "sister" instead of daughter - but that makes little sense. I also read Grace's suname as Mosby, and not another form of Moseley - admittedly it's difficult to read. If there were two daughters, I would think one was Grace married to a Mosby; the other unnamed but married to Marvel Moseley.

In the name of God Amen. I William Blase of the County
Midelsix being sicke and weake in body but of sound mind and perfect Memory. God bee praysed doo make and ordane this my last will and testament in manner and forme following First I commend my Soule unto the hands of Almighty God my breath and Redeemer my body to the earth from in honor it came. And for such wordly goods as it hath plesed God to bless me with all I despose of the same as folleth
First I give and bequeath unto to loving son James Blase all that plantaion where upon I now live with all houses edifice & buildings thereunto belonging and appertaining to have & to hold the same to him and to heirs forever
Item I give unto my Said Sonn all my female cattle
Item and unto my said Sonn all my male cattle with all my hogs whatsoever to have and to hold the said Cattle and hogs to him for ever Item I give unto my said Sonn James Blase all my household & ____ & Implements & all household ____ what ever being in or belonging to me or in my now dwelling or plantation.
Item and unto my said Sonn my two mare with there increase to him & his heirs for ever.
Item and unto my Loving Sonn Marvell Moseley, the use of my plantation
and tools and ____ what he hath ocation for till my Sonn comes to age my will and meaning is that my loving Sonn Marvell Mosley shall bring my Sonn James Blase up to skole to ____ and at the separation of the time to put him to prentis to Sum master of a ship till he comes to age to lerne the art of Navigation
Item I give and bequest to my Loving saster/dafter Grace Mosby the furst Colt that my Mare raises.
But in case my Sonn should die without Issue I give all my estate
between my to (two) sasters/dafters to be equally divided between them. Item I give unto my loving Sonn Marvell Mosley the use of all my household & ___ _____ Hogs for His bringing up of my Sonn till he comes to age. Lastly I make & ordaene my Loving Sonn Marvel Mosely Excetor of this my last will & Testament and here now unto putt my hand & Seal this seventh day of Febry 1674.
Signed; Wm Blasé
Signed, sealed in _____ the presence of
Thos. Hasellwood
Tho. (T) Tesly

3 May 1675
Middlesex Order Book 1, p.31 Clerke of the Court is ordered to goe to the House of the late Wm Blaze and there to taken an Inventory.....Marvell Mosely Executor of said Blazes Estate & Will is to appeare & deliver the said Inventory on Oath.

Records in 1681 are said to suggest Marvell Moseley's wife's given name was Sarah. The misintrepretation of the will has led many to believe Moseley was first married to Grace Blase; then a lady named Sarah. There likely was an unnamed daughter who had married Marvell Moseley and he was a loving son-in-law rather than a son.


ChildSARAH ?Blase (1653 - 1716)
ChildJames BLASE ( - )
ChildGrace Blase ( - )