Individual Details


( - ) database, Virginia, Select Marriages, 1785-1940, has the marriage of "Millasent" Carter and Moses Davis. Her parents were Solomon and Mary Carter.

Solomon Carter appeared in the 1783 Amherst Co census with a family of eight and two servants. His will, probated Oct 1786, divided the estate between his wife Mary Ann and the following children - William, Abraham, Milla Davis, Peter, Sallie, Elisha, Patty, and Nancy. Brother Peter and and son Abraham, Executors.


SpouseMOSES DAVIS ( - 1836)
ChildFredrick Davis ( - 1836)
ChildMARY DAVIS ( - 1827)
ChildJohn D. Davis (1787 - 1843)
ChildLucinda Davis ( - )
ChildLindsey Davis ( - )
ChildJames Ware Davis (1792 - 1851)
ChildElisha Davis (1795 - 1862)