Individual Details

Fredrick Davis

( - Bef Dec 1836)

Found in the Milita Roll card file at the Georgia Archives. I do not know if it is the same man.
Frederick Davis, Lt., Volunteer Co. Riflemen, 61st Batt.
Jackson Co, GA. 11 Aug 1813.

1820 Census. Dallas Co, AL
Fredrick Davis. 1 white male over 21. 4 white males under 21. No females over 21. 4 white females under 21. 9 total white inhabitants. No free people of colour. 6 Slaves. 15 total inhabitants.
Would seem his wife had died - perhaps married twice. A wife Lucy is mentioned in a deed in 1829.

Alabama Land Patents.
On 27 Sep 1821 - 84.12 acres, the E 1/2 of the SE 1/4, S12, 18N, 11E, Dallas Co to Frederick Davis
2 March 1826 - 160.15 acres, the SE 1/4, S36, 19N, 11E, Dallas co to Frederick Davis & Moses Davis
5 May 1826 - 79.60 acres, the E 1/2 of the NE 1/4, S11, 18N, 11E, Dallas Co to Frederick Davis
26 Nov 1827 - 80.07 acres, the E 1/2 of the SE 1/4, S34, 19N, 11D, Dallas Co. Issued 26 Nov 1827 to Frederick Davis & William Higginbotham. (see later - Higginbotham as assigned to Davis - patent apparently lost)
Also issued 26 Nov 1827, 159.70 acres, the NW 1/4, S7 in Autauga & Dallas Counties to Frederick Davis & James Hatcher
1 Oct 1831 - 159.70 acres, the SW 1/4, S7, 18 N, 12 E. Autauga & Dallas Counties to Frederick Davis

Patent issued 21 Mar 1977 - Credit Patient Issued in Place of Patent Intended to Issue, 26 Nov 1827. To Frederick Davis & William Higginbotham. 80.07 acres, the E 1/2 of the SE 1/4, S34, 19N, 11D, Dallas Co. The letter digitized at the Bureau of Land Management site, states that Frederick Davis was the assignee of William Higginbotham for this tract. The patent was intended to have been granted and issued 26 Nov 1827, but not referenced in their records - now granted to Frederick Davis and his heirs.

Dallas Co Deed. Frederick Davis & Lucy his wife of Dallas Co AL to Earl S. Harrison. 1/2 quarter section of land in Perry Co E 1/2 of SE 1/4 of S34, T19, Rll for $300. 80.07 acres. Fee simple. Dated 30 Apr 1829 and signed by both. Witnesses: Isaac Denton and Joseph Martin. Lucy relinquished her Dower rights.

1830 Census. F. Davis, Dallas Co, AL
1m age 40-50

ALABAMA RECORDS; Pauline Jones Gandrud
VOL 182, Perry Co
p.72 Frederick Davis. Will dated 20 Jun 1834 probated Dec Term 1836. To be buried beside my wife; eldest son Richard M. Davis; second Son Madison C. Davis; eldest Dau Polly T. Davis, now Nunn; 2nd dau Betsy; 3rd son Lindsey H. Davis; 4th Son George W. Davis; twin dau Sarah M. & Nancy M. Davis. Wit: John D. Davis, A. W. Davis, H. H. Davis. Book A, p.79.

Orphan's Court Records:
Last Will and Testament of Fredrick Davis proved in Perry Co AL Orphan's Court
p.298. Jan Term 1837
Letters of Administration to L. H. Davis. Commissioners appointed to appraise the estate were Bartley Odin, Thos. A Ross [who also appraised the estate of Frederick's father Moses], and Gideon Denton. The Administrator was ordered to expose to public sale all personal possessions.
p.321 Apr Term 1837 Appraisal of estate of Fredrick Davis dec'd returned & recorded.
p.336 Jul Term 1837 Appaisal & Sale bill of Estate of Frederick Davis dec'd returned & recorded.
Vol. C, p.3 Apr Term 1838
Lindsey H. Davis, Executor of Frederick Davis dec'd filed his petetion asking for the sale of a lot of land in Perry Co. Petition set for hearing
p.15 Jul Term 1838 Thos. A. Ross, Bartley Odin, John Andrews appointed Commissioners to sell the Lot of land allotted to F. Davis out of the estate of Moses Davis dec'd. [On the 15 Oct 1838, a lot containing 22.87 acres was sold to John D. Davis for $10.06 1/4 cents per acre.]
p.108 Nov Term 1839 L. H. Davis applied for the final settlement of the estate of Frederick Davis - 1st Friday, January next. [thro Apr of 1840, the Final Settlement had not been made]

From Estate File:
Estate made payments to John Davis, G. C. Wallace, Silas Morgan, T. J. Rice, E. R. Borwn, Phillip & Johnson, Elizabeth Kirkland (seamstress)
5 Jan 1836 Letter from Thomas Hogg to Judge stating he would be security for Lindsay H. Davis. Return address from Mulberry. Said he would be in Marian in February - he would have attended with heirs, but could not.
Apparently all children over the age of 21 by 14 Mar 1838 as there were no guardianship provisions. Letter dated 23 oct 1839 requesting settlement states that all heirs are of age; this letter addressed from Autauga Co, written by L. H. Davis.
Bill from the "Enquirer Office" for ads to sell Real Estate & for dismission of estate. Pd. 4 Jan 1838.
The estate of Frederick Davis paid $20 to the Estate of Moses Davis on 1 Mar 1838. Recipt signed by John D. Davis.
Lawyer's bill was from E.T.L. Spencer. Paid 3 Aug 1837.
A Statement of amounts spent in Administration, dated Jan 1837 included: Feb, 1836 - trip to Georgia to determine if there is land there. May, 1837 - Harris Co GA office fees. 1837 - expense for having deed recorded in Autauga Co.
Jan Term, 1838: Trip to Harris Co GA for land sale, & expense for having same recorded in Autauga Co.
March Term, 1838: Deed recorded in Dallas Co.
14 Mar 1838: Request to sell Lot #7 of estate of Moses Davis in Perry Co.
One of the documents in the Estate file of Frederick was for the sale of a tract of land in Harris Co GA. Lot #133 in the 18th District of formerly Muscogee County, now Harris. The Lot was bought by Thomas Hogg at the Harris Co Courthouse the 1st Tues in Jan of 1838 for $810.

Records from Harris Co:
Elizabeth Evans Kilbourne Self-published, Jul 1998
Vol II 1835-1837
p.271 Thur 1 Jun 1837 GA, Harris Co: Linsey H. Davis having in proper form applied to me for permanent letters of admin on the estate of Frederick Davis late of sd county, this is to cite all & singular the creditors & next of kin of sd deceased, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, and show cause, if any they can, why letters of Admin should not be granted. Witness my hand & official signature. Signed: E.T.L. Spencer, Ordinary
p. 285 Thur 6 Jul 1837 GA, Harris Co. Thirty days after date, we shall make application to the Court of Ordinary of sd county at the first court after the expiration of sd time, for leave to sell all the real estate of Frederick Davies, late of sd county, dec'd for purpose of paying the debts of sd estate and for distribution. Signed: L. H. Davis, Administrator
VOL III 1838-1840
p.17 Thur 8 Feb 1838 GA, Harris Co: Lindley H. Davis, admin of Frederick Davis, has applied to me for letters of dismission from said estate. All persons interested are required to show cause within the time prescribed by law why sd letters of dismission should not be granted. Given under my hand & official signature (Signed) E.T.L. Spencer, Ordinary


DeathBef Dec 1836Perry County, Alabama
MarriageLucy [Davis]


SpouseLucy [Davis] ( - )
ChildLindsey H. Davis ( - )
ChildRichard M. Davis ( - )
ChildMadison C. Davis ( - )
ChildPolly T. Davis ( - )
ChildBetsey Davis ( - 1838)
ChildGeorge W. Davis ( - )
ChildSarah M. Davis ( - )
ChildNancy M. Davis ( - )
FatherMOSES DAVIS ( - 1836)
MotherMILLICENT Carter ( - )
SiblingMARY DAVIS ( - 1827)
SiblingJohn D. Davis (1787 - 1843)
SiblingLucinda Davis ( - )
SiblingLindsey Davis ( - )
SiblingJames Ware Davis (1792 - 1851)
SiblingElisha Davis (1795 - 1862)
