Individual Details
( - Abt 1836)
Moses said to have married Milicent Carter, 19 Nov 1779. Milicent said to be a daughter of Soloman Carter & Mary Ann Bickley.
Moses was likely born or at least lived in Amherst Co VA and probably knew the Higginbothams before moving to Wilkes/Elbert County, GA. There is in fact some scant evidence that his parents were Richard Davis and Tirzah Morrison of Augusta Co but this doesn't work well at all date wise and I suspect it is just wrong. Tirzah said to be a daughter of William Morrison and Rachel Higginbotham, daughter of the "Widow Higginbotham". Tirzah married second to Thomas Stewart and moved to Bedford Co. Most of his rather large family located in Oglethorpe Co GA about the same time as many of the Higginbothams went from Amherst Co to Georgia.
Moses Davis: Land Patents in Alabama
80.35 acres, Moses Davis & Jabez Curry, 9 Jul 1829, Autauga & Dallas Counties
W½SE qtr of Section 31, Township19-N, Range 12-E
80.35 acres, Moses Davis, 9 Jul 1829, Autauga & Dallas Counties
W½SW qtr of Section 31, Township 19-N, Range 12-E
28.75 acres, 5 Aug 1834. The NE 1/4 of the SE 1/4, Section 1, Township 13, Range 8. Moses Davis of Dallas Co, Cahaba Land Office.
William Hightower bought land in the same section on the same day. He bought the E1/2 of the NW qtr, 80.35 acres, and the W1/2 of the NW qtr, also 80.35 acres.
Moses Davis's Children are named in his estate settlement. Fredrick and Mary's heirs receive their shares so they can be assumed deceased before their father. Ages or birth order of children unknown.
Administrator's Bond for John Davis on the estate of Moses Davis, dated 1 Jul 1836, Perry Co AL.
Perry County AL Orphan's Court Records 1832-1838
p.255 July Term 1836. John Davis received Administration of estate of Moses Davis, Decd. John Welsh, William Hightower [also a neighbor according to tract books of county], and Thomas A. Ross appointed appraisers. John D. Davis, Administrator of the estate of Moses Davis then stated that the estate was "amply solvent" and there would be no immediate necessity of a sale to settle any debts or effect a division.
p.259 Aug Term 1836. Inventory of estate of Moses Davis returned and recorded. [Property included a yoke of oxen, 31 head of cattle, 47 hogs plus a little of 13; a woggon, a blind mule, gray mare, shot gun, tools, household furnishings, 9 slaves - one with 2 children.]
p.293 Dec Term 1836. Administration of Estate of Moses Davis dec'd asked to sell the Cotton crop. Sale bill of estate was returned and recorded. [Purchasers at the sale included Elisha Davis, Fredrick Davis, Anderson N. Davis, John D. Davis, Horatio H. Davis, Wm. Magill, P.M. Osborne, Wm. T. Hightower, E. W. Kirkland. Elisha bought many of the household items including a brass clock for which he paid $50.25 and the family Bible - reinforcing the idea Moses had probably made his home with Elisha in her later years.] John D. Davis, Administrator applied for a division of the real and personal estate of Moses Davis dec'd. Commissioners were appointed to divide the estate of the intestate into 7 equal parts - one share naming each child of said Frederick Davis deceased; one to Thomas Thomason in right of his wife Lucinda; one to Linsey Davis; one to John D. Davis; one to the heirs of Mary Higginbotham deceased naming each child; one to James W. Davis, one to Elisha Davis.
p.321 Apr Term 1837. Report of Commisioners to divided the Estate of Moses Davis Dec'd was returned and recorded.
Vol. C, Orphans Court Records
p.3 Apr Term 1838. Administrator of Estate of Moses Davis dec'd applied for final settlement the first Firday in July next. (At the July Term, settlement was continued until the first Friday in August.]
p.27 Aug Term 1838. Final settlement of estate of Moses Davis dec'd. John D. Davis, administrator has now after paying all Claims $4153.13. It was decreed that he pay over to the heirs, each, the sum of $593.30. The Administration was discharged.
Earlier Records that may/may not be the same Moses Davis:
Wilkes Co GA DB LL, 1794: Jun 1793. Moses Davis and ?Savre, his wife, to Grancis Gatril all of Wilkes for £20, 100 A on Kemps Crk near main road, down creek. Signed: Moses (x) Davis. Wit: Robert Shaw, Joseph Gatrill, B. Cathching JP. Reg. 24 Mar 1794.
[possibly not the same Moses as below as he does not sign his name and the wife is not Milly or Millicent.]
Elbert Co GA DB A, p.22 20 Jul 1790. John Smith & Pricillah his wife of Wilkes to Moses Davis of Amherst Co VA for £50 in Wilkes Co on Beaverdam Crk, 400 A adj when orig surveyed, NE by John Tollet, SE by Statham, other sides vacant. Granted to sd Smith 17 Apr 1790. Wit: William Higginbotham, Absalom Stinchcomb, Peter Brown. Proved Wilkes Co by Higginbotham & Stinchcomb on 21 Jul 1790. Reg. 11 Jul 1791.
Elbert Co Land Court Records, 1791-1822
7 Jan 1793. Moses Davis, self and 4 in family to issue in name of Robert Brown.
Robert Brown, three warrants, 400, 450, 200 acres, three of his family and headright.
Gen 975.8 Elb McI
John H. McIntosh
Cherokee Pub Co Atlanta 1968
Feb 1794: Grand Jury included: William Hightower, Caleb Higginbotham, Moses Davis
Elbert Co GA DB E, p.43 20 Apr 1798. James O. Cosby, tax collector to Moses Davis. Public sale for taxes due, 287 1/2 A in Franklin Co GA on Nails Crk, for taxes of Larkin Davis for 1796. Moses Davis was highest bidder, for $6. Reg. 26 Apr 1798.
Elbert Co GA DB H, p.10 9 Mar 1802. Pearson Duncan to Moses Davis both of Elbert, for $12; 11 A on S Fork of Beaverdam adj John Balinger, Peerson Duncan, & land sold by Moses DAvis to John Roberts, part of 600 A orig. granted to John Tolbet.
Wit: Jesse LeGrand, Aln. Daniel. REg. 21 Apr 1802.
Elbert Co GA DB H, p.11 9 Mar 1802. Moses Davis to John Roberts for $12; 11 A on S fork of Beaverdam adj John Balinger, Peerson Dunkin & land sold by sd Davis to sd Roberts, part of 600 A orig. granted to John Talbet [Tollet].
Signed: Moses Davis. Wit: Jesse LeGrand, Aln. Daniel. Reg. 21 Apr 1802
Elbert Co GA DB H, p.14 8 Mar 1802 Moses Davis to John Roberts for $600. 377 1/2 A on S Fork Beveaverdam adj Balenger, Dunken, John Shields & Elisha Briant, part of grant to John Smith for 400 A. Signed:
Moses Davis. Wit: Jesse Legrand, Aln. Daniel. Reg. 21 Apr 1802
Elbert Co GA DB H, p.46 9 Mar 1802 Peerson Duncan & Polly his wife to Jesse LeGrand.
$46. 46 A on S Fork Beaverdam Crk, part of 600 A granted to John Tollet adj Dunkin & John Ballinger.
Wit: Moses Davis, Aln. Daniel. Reb. 28 Sep 1802
Elbert Co GA DB H, p.47 9 Mar 1802 John Ballenger & wife Agnes to Jesse LeGrand for $30, 30 A on S Fork Beaverdam.
Adj Ballenger, Jesse LeGrand bought from Peerson Duncan, part of 600 A granted John Tallet. Wit: Moses Davis, Aln. Daniel, REg. 28 Sep 1802
Elbert Co GA DB H, p.48 9 Mar 1802. Moses Davis to Peerson Dunkin for $20, 22 1/2 A on Beverdam Creek adj land sold by sd Davis to John Roberts & Peerson Dunkin, part of 400 A granted to John Smith. Signed:
Moses Davis. Wit: Jesse Legrand, Aln. Daniel. Reg. 28 Sep 1802.
Elbert Co GA DB M, p.3 28 Feb 1805. David Robertson & Sarah his wife to James Ware Sr
280 A on Skull Shoal Crk adj Moses Davis, John Thomason, Ware & land claimed by David Criswell.
Wit: Alexander Thompson, Charles Sorrells. Rec. 17 Jul 1809.
Elbert Co GA DB J, p.208 No date. Georeg & Mary Menefee of Jackson Co GA to Moses Davis of Elbert Co, 200 acres on Schull Shoal. Rec. 3 Feb 1806
Elbert Co GA DB P, p.12 2 Aug 1813. Thomas Haynes & Letty his wife to John Roberts on N Fork of Beaverdam Crk.
250 A granted to James Shields 4 Dec 1805, adj when surveyed on the SW by Moses Davis & Robert Bron, NE by Creswell, NW by Thomas Bryant.
Wit: Joel Maxwell, Robt Kenneday. Rec. 12 Sep 1813.
Fred R. & Emilie K. Hartz
Vidalia GA 1990
Milledgeville, Baldwin Co was the capital of GA 1807-1868.
VOL One, 1809-1818
Feb 23 1814 Notice. Whereas my wife Charity has eloped from my bed and board without the smallest provocation given her, this is to forewarn all persons from crediting her on my account, as I am determined not to be any way answerable for her contracts. (Signed) MOSES DAVIS
[The Moses of the Elbert Co deeds seemed to be unmarried after 1793, so I would think this could not be the same man.]
1832 Gold Lottery. Capt Joel Bowers District. A Moses Davis allowed 2 draws.
Spouse | MILLICENT Carter ( - ) |
Child | Fredrick Davis ( - 1836) |
Child | MARY DAVIS ( - 1827) |
Child | John D. Davis (1787 - 1843) |
Child | Lucinda Davis ( - ) |
Child | Lindsey Davis ( - ) |
Child | James Ware Davis (1792 - 1851) |
Child | Elisha Davis (1795 - 1862) |
Father | RICHARD Davis ( - ) |
Mother | Tirzah Morrison ( - ) |
1. Estate Settlement - Moses Davis; Perry Co AL estate files on Microfilm. (LGM1, Reel #10).