Individual Details

William Hightower

(Bef 1740 - Bef 24 Jun 1833)

Manuscript found in the Hightower Folder, Vertical File, Georgia State Archives, submitted by Joseph Henry Hightower Moore as part of the documentation of the history of the Liberty Chapel, Inman United Methodist Church, Fayette Co GA.
There were at least separate William Hightowers in Georgia. This William of Wilkes & Elbert Co. GA born about 1745, Brunswick Co VA, died ca 1830 in Autauga Co, AL was a son of Austin Hightower Sr and grandson of Joshua & Eleanor Hightower of Richmond Co VA. His wife was Amelia, but her surname is unknown. He was a Revolutionary soldier, a cousin of the William Hightower of Clarke & Fayette Counties
There was a William Hightower who lived in Fayette Co, arriving about 1826, about four years after Fayette was open to settlement. He lived in the Inman area and members of his family are buried in Liberty Chapel Cemetery. He also descends from Joshua & Eleanor Hightower. He was born 1778, died 1851. He is in the Fayette County Census, 1850.
A third William was William P. Hightower (1800-1856) of Campbell Co GA, who was a nephew of the William of Clarke Co and son of one of the Charnel Hightowers - the one married to Winnifred Corder. Winnifred as a widow, came to Campbell Co GA about 1838.

Austin Hightower received a VA Land Patent on 25 Jul 1746 in Brunswick Co VA. It was for 400 acres on the south side of Cedar Creek. PB 24, p.318.

William Hightower was on the Wilkes Co GA Tax rolls in 1790. He had 200 acres of land; three slaves.

Elbert Co GA Deeds
26 Jan 1788 DB C, p.38 Garret Turman & Mary to William Hightower, all of Wilkes Co. 200 acres on Falling Creek, all sides vacant when surveyed. Rec. 6 Sep 1795

Franklin Co GA Deeds
DB H, p.245-46 1 Oct 1791 William Hightower & wife Amelia to William Brown, all of Elbert Co. 187 1/2 acres in Franklin Co on Beavers Creek granted Hightower, 24 Jan 1791. Rec. 25 Aug 1792.
Grant is listed, GB UUU, #253.

Elbert Co GA Deeds
8 Mar 1794 DB C, p.55 James Adams, Archer Burton, Benjamin Cook & Wm Hightower bound to Wm Higginbotham, Register of Probates for 500#'s. Adams & Burton, admin. of the estate of David Adams, are to make a true inventory. Rec. 28 Oct 1795
1 Oct 1800 DB G, p.5 William Hightower and Mildread his wife to Charnal Hightower. 193 acres on the Dry Fork of Falling Creek, adj Peter Wyche & Joshua Cook, granted to Garret Turman, 1797. Signed: William Hightower, Mildread (X) Hightower
The Hightower family always shows the wife of William as Amelia - I have seen her as Milly. Milly can be a nickname for either. Charnal was the son of William Hightower.
28 Jul 1817 DB Q, 1816-1818. William Hightower & Milly to Ralph Banks on Beaverdam Creek. 3 acres adj sd Banks on the East & West, Hightower on the South. Signed: Wm Hightower, Milly (X) Hightower. Wit: Thomas N. M. Brazeal, Philemon Hightower. Rec. 4 Sep 1817.
5 Nov 1817 DB R, p.95 William Hightower Sr to Dionysius Oliver Jr. 320 acres for $1000. On Warhatchie Creek adj sd Oliver on the West, North by Morrison & Baker, East by Walker Richardson, NW by Curry & the estate of Freeborn Luce.
Signed: Wm Hightower, Senr. Wit: William Higginbotham. Rec. 6 Jul 1818

I am not at all sure about the ages of the sons of William, and their marriages. I suspect generations of men of the same name have been comfused.

William Hightower land patents in Alabama: 9 Jul 1829
Section 31, Township 19-N, Range 12-E - the E1/2 of the NW qtr, 80.35 acres, and the W1/2 of the NW qtr, also 80.35 acres.
This was in the same section as two patents of Moses Davis.

The 1830 Census for Autauga Co has only initials
in Capt. Samples District:
W. Hightower [William Sr?] 1m age 90-100, 1f age 80-90
immediately next to W. is:
R. Hightower [Reuben?] 1m age 40-50, 1f under 5, 1f 20-30.
T. Hightower [????] 2m 5-10, 1m 10-15, 1m 20-30, 1m 40-50. 1f under 5, 1f 10-15, 1f 30-40
another W. Hightower on the same page with "T" [William Jr? or someone else?] 1m under 5, 1m 30-40. 2f -5, 1f 5-10, 3f 10-15, 1f 20-30
in Capt. McLanes Distrist:
P. Hightower [Philemon?] 1m 5-10, 1m 10-15, 1m 30-40. 1f -5, 2f 10-15, 1f 30-40

None of the databases online list a daughter, yet I believe there possibly was at least one. The record in 1833 states that a Samuel Clark is to be notified regarding the appointment of the administers. In the lawsuit in 1837, a Margaret Clark is to receive her share of the estate. She is listed following Rueben & Philemon Hightower and before the listings of the heirs of the deceased Charnal, many of whom were by this time married ladies. There was also a Rachel Hinton listed among the heirs and she may have been another daughter. There was also another son - Sterling, that did not survive his father. The possibility exists that Margaret was his daughter and heir - I have seen nothing about family for Sterling.

Orphans Court Records, Autagua Co AL
23 May 1833, p.116 Philimon Hightower & James Anderson appointed administrators on the Estate of William Hightower dec'd. Bond in the sum of $50,000. Samuel S. Simmons & James Hodges, securities. Citation issue to Milly Hightower to appear on the 4th Monday of June next & show cause if any why Philimon Hightower & James Anderson should not be appointed. Citation issue to Reuben Hightower to appear, etc. Citation issue to Samuel Clark to appear, etc. Citation issue to Wm Hightower Jr, son of Charnal Hightower, to appear .... Citation issue to William Anderson to appear, etc. Citation issue to James Sample to appear, etc. Signed: Alvin A. McWhorton
24 Jun 1833, p.118 Philimon Hightower and William L. Hightower appointed administrators of the Estate of William Hightower. Lewis Aldreidge, Samuel S. Simmons, Robert Brodinax & James Hodges, securities in the sum of $75,000. Ordered that Admnr. make a complete inventory of the good & chattels, rights & credits of said Estate and make return of the inventory within three months. John Ezell, George Goffe, Wm. McGill, Joseph D. Lee, L. Mark Perry appointed appraisers of the estate of William Hightower, dec'd and make return within within three months. Philimon Hightower & William L. Hightower have leave to sell part of the personal property and make return to this Court.

7 Jul 1837. Bond recorded, Autauga Co AL.
Between the legatees of Wm Hightower Junr Deceased and the legatees of Wm Hightower Senr, deceased. We, Nancy Hightower and Gains Goodwin, administrator & administratrix of the estate of William Hightower Junr dec'd are bound unto Rueben Hightower, Philemon Hightower, Margaret Clark, Rachael Hinton, William T. Hightower, Cuthbert H. Hightower, Joshua Hightower, James Sample & wife Lucy, Mathew Aldridge and wife Milly, Thos. Clark & wife Philoda, James Anderson, Guardian in law of George, Susanna, Resena, Thomas Anderson, and the representative of William Anderson, Elizabeth, Martha, Jane, Eliza, and Tempa Anderson; and to Milla Hightower in the sum of $100,000.
Philemon, admin of the Estate of William Hightower Senr is to pay all cost charges now unpaid in two suits pending for trial in the Circuit Court of Montgomery Co wherein William Hitower Junr lately deceased is Plaintiff and Philemon Hightower, admin of Wm Hightower Senr is defendant. Then the represenatives & legatees of Wm Hitower Junr shall dismiss and desist from prosecution every claim. The heirs or legatees of William Hightower Junr shall receive a distributive share equal to cash of the shares of the other heirs to said William Hightower Senr.


BirthBef 1740
DeathBef 24 Jun 1833Autauga County, Alabama
MarriageAmelia [Hightower]


SpouseAmelia [Hightower] (1748 - )
ChildReuben Hightower (1768 - 1837)
ChildCharnel Hightower (1774 - 1829)
ChildWilliam Hightower Jr (1779 - 1837)
ChildPhilemon Hightower (1792 - 1838)