Individual Details

John Comstock

(Bet 1755 and 1762 - )

Married Ruth Rich. She might have been nee Sayles. He is said to have died when his daughter Emily was very young.

3 Nov 1788 John Comstock & Ruth his wife, Wanton Comstock and Elizabeth his wife deed to Caleb Aldrich 68 and 1/8 acres of land adj Woonsocket Cedar Swamp. [This is land in Rhode Island - this be about the time John and Wanton moved to CT.]

1790 Census. Woodstock, Windham Co, CT
John Comstock, 3 white males over 16 [Is his brother Wanton living with him?]

8 Apr 1791. John and Wanton Comstock, both of Woodstock, Windham, CT, and Zibiah Comstock, spinster, of Smithfield, deeded 4 acres in Smithfield and 4/7 of the house "our father John died seized of".
[property settlement after their father's death?]

1800 Census. Woodstock, Windham Co CT
John Comstock. 1m under 10, 1m 16-26, 1m 26-45. 3f under 10, 2m 10-26, 1f 26-45.
Wn/m. Comstock. 1m under 10, 1m 16-26, 1m 26-45. 1f 10-26, 1f 26-45 [indexed as Wm, but I believe it was originally meant to be an abbreviation for Wanton]

Thompson, Windham Co CT
Vol 1, p.504 2 Jan 1792 John and Wanton Comstock bought 66 2/3 acres from Daniel Paren of Thompson, Windham Co. John & Wanton both of Woodstock.

Vol. 5, p.133
22 Dec 1807 Wanton Comstock sold 21 acres in Thompson to his brother John Comstock of Woodstock for $200. Phebe Comstock was a witness but her identify is unknown.

Vol. 5, p.250
22 Dec 1807 John Comstock sold 27 acres to his brother Wanton.

Vol. 5, p.238
2 Oct 1810 Wanton & John Comstock bought 7 acres in Thompson from Eleazar and Ruth Stockwell.

Vol. 5, p.384
24 Nov 1800 John & Wanton Comstock sold 20 acres in Thompson to John Steer of Smithfield for $90. Phebe Comstock was a witness; her appearance before the judge was on 21 Mar 1804. [This deed appears to be considerably out of sequence. Perhaps it had not been recorded and that took place at the same time as the following deeds when Wanton Comstock & John Steer appeared to dissolve their partnership.]

No John Comstock was listed in the 1810 census in Windham Co CT.

The widow Ruth married John Haskell of Dudley, MA after the death of John Comstock.

There is a deed in Thompson, CT, Vol. 9, p.403, recorded 4 Apr 1825, that appears from the Index to be a deed of heirs of John Comstock:
Lucy Comstock, Nancy Comstock & others, to Artemas Chafee, 7 1/2 acres and 26 rods.


BirthBet 1755 and 1762
MarriageRuth Rich


SpouseRuth Rich ( - )
ChildNancy Comstock (1797 - 1850)
ChildLucy Comstock (1798 - 1830)
ChildGeorge Comstock (1802 - 1888)
ChildEmily Comstock (1809 - 1861)
FatherJohn Comstock (1724 - 1790)
MotherRuth Comstock (1723 - )
SiblingZibiah Comstock (1750 - 1820)
SiblingNancy Comstock ( - 1795)
SiblingWanton Comstock (1760 - 1833)