Individual Details

Isaac Echols

(Abt 1733 - Bef Mar 1761)

This is presumably the Isaac Echols who secured a patent for 365 acres in Lunenburg County in 1751, on which he paid taxes in Halifax County 1755

He is said to have married Mary Short.

p. 84 18 March 1754 Robert Hancock of Amelia Co., to Edward Hubbard of Halifax Co….
Wit: Wm. Eckhols, Isaac Eckhols, Welcom Hodges, Benjamin Hubbard
Recorded: 19 August 1754
Halifax County, Virginia
Deed Book 1, 1752 – 1759 p. 8

p. 125 9 December 1754
John Stewart of Lunenburg Co, to Cornelius Short of Halifax Co.,…
Wit: Isaac Tyin (?Tynes), Isaac Eckhols, William Short
Recorded 20 June 1755 Proved by Isaac Tyin
Halifax County, Virginia
Deed Book 1, 1752 – 1759 p. 12

p. 100 8 July 1756
William Murphy of Orange Co, in the Province of North Carolina, to William Laws….
Wit: George Watkins, Isaac Eckhols, Thomas (T) Smith
Recorded 19 August 1755
Halifax County, Virginia
Deed Book 1, 1752 – 1759 p. 19

p. 233 18 December 1756
Joseph Mays of Halifax Co., to Richard Booker of Amelia Co….
Wit: George Eatkins, John Bates, Thos. Watkins, Isaac Eckhols, James Mackendree
Recorded 17 March 1756
Pursuant to an order of the Court of the Count of Halifax bearing Date the Seventeenth day of August last past for this Vestry to appoint Processioners according to Law whereupon it is ordered that Isaac Eckhols, Charles Bostick and John Roudon do Procession the bounds ….
Source: Vestry Book of Antrim Parish, Halifax County, Virginia 1752 – 1817 p. 41

p. 389 Deed of land from Robert Handcock to Edward Hubbard proved by affirmation of William Eckhols, Isaac Eckhols and Benjamin Hubbard, witnesses.
Plea Book 1, Halifax County, Virginia 1752 – 1755 p.97

p. 381 16 March 1758
Isaac Eckhols of Halifax Co to John Ballenger of same, for pound 20, 365 acres on a branch of Straitstone Cr, beginning at two red oaks thence new lines south, crossing a fork on sd branch, etc., which sd land was granted sd Isaac Eckhols by patent 20 September 1751. All houses, orchards, woods, etc.
Signed Isaac Eckhols
No wit.
Recorded 16 March 1758
Halifax County, Virginia, Deed Book 1, 1752 – 1759 p. 34

21 March 1760
Isaac Eckhols, Charles Bostick and John Roudon Returned hear a Report….under our hands this 21st day of March 1760.
Source: Vestry Book of Antrim Parish, Halifax County, Virginia 1752 – 1817
p. 51

March Court 1761
p. 218
Certificates for obtaining letters of administration of the estate of Isaac Echols, decd, was granted to Mary Echols, his widow, she have first been charged, on her affirmation, and with William Stroit, Joseph Echols Jr, and James Bates, her securities … acknowledged the same. Charles Bostick, Peter Bayes, Thomas Spragin Jr, and Joseph Collings, are ordered to value the personal estate and Negroes (if any) of sd decd.
Halifax County Plea Book 1761

May 1761
120 Isaac Echols – Inventory & Appraisement
Among items listed: plantation tools, carpenter tools, pocket compass, household goods, parcel pewter, knives & forks, 1 mare, cattle, hogs.
Appraisers: Joseph Collins, Thomas Spragins, Charles Bostick
Returned: 21 May 1761 Total: not given
Source Will Book 0
1752 – 1773, Halifax County, Virginia. P. 15

February Court 1762
Page 429
Robert Hastie, Andrew Buchanan & Company, Plts, vs Mary Echols, admir or Isaac Echols, decd, Deft, In Case. For reasons appearing, suit dismissed.
Halifax County Plea Book 1762

May 1762
120 Isaac Eckhols – Inventory & Appraisement
Among items listed: plantation tools, carpenter tools, pocket compass, house goods, parcel pewter, knives & forks, l mare, cattle, hogs
Appraisers: Joseph Collins, Thomas Spragins, Charles Bostick
Returned: 21 May 1762Total: not given
Halifax County, Virginia Will Book 0 1752 – 1773 p. 15

18 August 1763 – Accounts Current
Dated: Augt. 18th
Jim Bates, Admr.
Receipts rendered: 84.7.6
Cash received of William Bayes
Balance due estate: 0.0.2
Signed: J. (or I.) McCraw, Jno. Coleman
Returned 18 August 1763
Source Will Book 0
1752 – 1773, Halifax County, Virginia. P. 26

16 February 1765 p. 276
Benjamin Hubbard of Halifax County to John Roden of same for pound 20, 101 acres, part of a greater quantity granted first to Abraham Eckhols 20 August 1748, bounded by the land of Isaac Eckhols’ orphans, William Bays & George Anderson & John Trible, and divided by a line of marked trees agreed on by sd parties….
Signed: Benjamin Hubard
Wit: Joseph Collins, Isaac Martin,
Recorded 16 February 1765
Halifax County, Virginia Deed Books 2,3,4,5, & 6 1759 – 1767 p.126

Isaac Echols [838.2.2] (-1761) was presumably the Isaac Echols who secured a patent for 365 acres in Lunenburg County in 1751, on which he paid taxes in Halifax County 1755. Source: John W. Pritchett


BirthAbt 1733
DeathBef Mar 1761


FatherAbraham Echols (1700 - 1749)
MotherSarah Hubbard Tamer ( - )
SiblingJoseph Echols (1734 - 1789)
SiblingSarah Echols (1735 - )
SiblingRebekah Echols (1741 - )
SiblingElizabeth Echols (1743 - )
SiblingJoshua Echols ( - 1800)