Individual Details

Curd Cox

(1762 - 4 Sep 1853)

The birthplace of Curd Cox is most often seen as Charlotte Co VA but if was born in 1762, the county was still Lunenburg. He gives this year in his Revolutionary pension application. He married Susannah Overton probably about 1782 in Charlotte County and they relocated in Halifax County where there are records as late as 1792. At some point they moved to Bull Run Creek in Knox Co TN - Knox Co formed out of Greene & Hawkins in 1792.

His Revolutionary Pension File is # S-3169. He made application 23 Aug 1832 in Knox Co TN. He gave his age as seventy and stated he entered the war from Halifax Co VA in 1780, as a volunteer for 18 months under Capt. Wm. McDaniel, Col. Cocke's Regt, Genl. Stephens's Brigade quartered at Halifax old Courthouse. They joined Col. Greene's Army in North Carolina in pursuit of Cornwallis. There was a battle in which Gen. Stephens was wounded - battle of Guilford Courthouse. After Guilford they were marched to the old iron works where they made cartridges. He has forgotten the dates but believe he entered in November of 1780 and was discharged in September of 1781. He believes there should be a record of his service in the Virginia state troops in the Department. Signed: Curd (X) Cox.
On 24 May 1835, Curd Cox made further declaration. He was born in Charlotte Co on the Little Roanoke River in 1762 as told to him by his parents - he has no other record of his age. He listed several men in the community who could testify to his veracity.
A form filed suggested that his papers lacked the Court Seal.
He was allowed the pension. A note on the pension card says "dead and paid to Sept 4, 1853.

1840 Census. Knox Co TN.
Curd Cox, Senr. 1m age 70-80. 1f age 70-80. Listed as a pensioner, age 77.

The 1850 census when compared with the will of Curd Cox seems quite definitive considering the facts of his children.
1850 Census, Knox Co TN, Subdivision 15, Hh 2079
Curd Cox, age 94, b. VA - apparently living alone [if he gave the correct year of birth in his Pension application, he was instead about age 88]
Living nearby
Hh 2068. William Conner, age 70, b. VA. Sarah [Cox] age 65, b. VA. Two Carnes children living with them - likely grandchildren.
Hh 2073. James Cox, age 58, b. VA. Elizabeth [Gannum] age 59, b. VA. Three children of their own and three children with the surname Childress. [James' brother Richardson had married Sally Childress.]
Hh 2075. Henry Cox and family. Henry was age 49, born in TN. Among his children was a son named Curd, age 17.
Hh 2076 John Jett, age 47. He had two young lads - Manoah age 11 [see Curd Cox's will below] and John W. age 17. No spouse, daughter Elizabeth apparently deceased.
Hh 2077 Curd Cox, age 21. Mary Cox, 21. Samuel Cox, 24. [Son of Henry?]

Hh 1425 Marvel Hill, age 47, b. TN. Milly [Cox] age 44, b. TN. Eight children.
Hh 1889. Moses Cox, age 49, b. TN. Mary [Conner] age 47. Six Children. Milly Conner, age 71, b. in VA, lives with the family.
Hh 2019 John Rhoads, age 56, b. NC. Mary [Cox], age 54, b. TN. Four children.

Hh 2044. Curd Cox, age 33, Nancy 34, three children. [Son of Richardson?]
Hh 2045. Robert Cox, age 32, Maranda, age 30, 7 children including a son named Richardson. [Son of Richardson?]
Hh 2048. Richardson Cox, age 58, b. VA. Mary age 43, b. TN [2nd wife?]
Eight children listed.

and in Anderson Co TN, Subdivision 16, Hh 1005
John Cox, age 67, b. VA, Alsey [Gannum], age 55, b. TN. Ten children to include a son named Curd, age 20.

His will was written 11 Sept 1852. He named six sons and daughters to divided equally his real and personal effects: John Cox, James Cox, Richardson Cox, Moses Cox, Sally Conner and Milly Hill. Son Henry received a tract of land by deed of gift where he now lives. Daughter Elizabeth Jett's youngest son Menoah Jett, is to have $100, all the Elizabeth Jett or her heirs are to have. Daughter Polly Roads has received her full portion. Then Curd Cox divided up several slaves, or their value. John Cox and James Cox and Marvel Hill to be Executors. Curd (X) Cox. Wit: Mason Woods, Charles Curd, Wm Petree

5 Dec 1853. Will of Curd Cox deceased was proved and admitted to Record. John Cox, James Cox & Marvel Hill appointed Executors. Marvel Hill & John Cox, entered bond with J. H. Cox, Richardson Cox, James Cox, and Moses Cox in the sum of $10,000. Court approved the executors to take into their possession all the good and chattel rights and credtis of the Testator, pay debts, etc. according to the terms of the will.
Geo. W. C. Cox, Clerk of Know County Court, Knoxville, 1st Monday Dec 1853.


Birth1762Lunenburg County, Virginia
MarriageAbt 1782Virginia - Susannah Overton
Death4 Sep 1853Knox County, Tennessee


SpouseSusannah Overton (1760 - 1840)
ChildJohn M. Cox (1783 - 1880)
ChildSarah Cox (1785 - )
ChildRichardson Cox (1792 - )
ChildJames H. Cox (1792 - )
ChildMary Cox (1796 - )
ChildHenry Cox (1801 - )
ChildMoses Cox (1801 - )
ChildMilly Cox (1806 - )
ChildElizabeth Cox (1800 - 1850)
FatherHenry Cox ( - 1809)
MotherElizabeth Richardson ( - )