Individual Details

Stephen Clement

( - Bef 1748)

John Clement mentioned Elizabeth Clement, wife of son Stephen, Dec'd, in his will.

Abstract Will of Stephen Clements of Goochland County, written 30 Nov. 1745 To youngest son James, land I live on, 129 acres To John Simons, son of William Simons, plantation where William Simons lives with 50 acres. To my daughter Joyce Clements, feather bed, etc. at 21 or marriage Rest of estate to my wife Elizabeth for life and then to all my children. Wife to be executrix. Wit: John Smith, William Simmons, Hugh Laine Signed: Stephen Clement Recorded 15 Jul 1746 [Goochland County, Virginia Will Book, pg. 147].

Goochland Deeds & Wills, Book 5, p. 147-8
In the name of God, Amen, this thirtieth day of November in the year of our Lord one thousand Seven hundred and forty five according to the Computation of the church of England, I stephen Clements of the County of Goochland being of perfect memory and mind thanks be given to God, therefore Calling to mind the Mortallity of my Body and knowning that it is appointed for all men once to dye do make Constitute and ordain this my last will and testament that is to say, first of all I sommend my Soul into the hands of God that gave it, and for my boddy, I commend it to the Earth, to be buried in a Christian like manner at the discretion of my Executor aftermentioned, nothing dobting but at the general resurection, I shall receive the same again by the mighty power of God, and as touching Such Worldly Estate wherewith it has pleased God to bless me, I give devise and dispose of in manner and form following.
Imprimis I give and bequeath to my youngest son James Clements my land and plantation where I now live containing one hundred and twenty nine acres to him and his heirs forever.
Item. I give and bequeath to John Simons, son of William Simon, the plantation where the said William Simons now lives with fifty acres of land adjoying according to a dividiing line made by the said William Simons and myself be it more or less to him and his heirs forever.
Item. I give and bequeath to my daughter Joyce Clements my loft bed and furniture to be delivered to her at the age of twenty one years of day of Marriage and as for what other estate I shall dye possessed of be it of what kind Soever, I lend to my loving wife Elizabeth Clements during her Natural life and at her decease to be equally divided amongst all my Children then living and lastly I constitue to make and ordain my loving wife Elizabeth Clements Sole Executrix of this my last will and testament. In Wittness whereof I have hereunto Set my hand and Seal the day and year above written. Signed seal'd and Delivered by the said Stephen Clements as his last Will and testament in the Presents of us the Subscribers.
Stephen Clement. Seal
John Smith, William William, Henry (+) Sams
At a court held for Goochland County July 15, 1746.
John Smith and William Simmons, Witnesses hereto proved this Writing to the last Will and Testament of Stephen Clement deceased and it was thereupon ordered to be recorded.

Posted on FamilySearch:
STEPHEN Clements (JOHN) b c 1692, d. 1746 Goochland Co testate. wife Elizabeth (Wright?) sons were, John, Wm Right 1722-1803, Thomas, Stephen Jr, and James last. John m Eliz Houchens 1755, sons John, James and Stephen stayed in Goochland. William Right 1722-1803, m 1st Elizabeth ?, sons Stephen, Wm R Jr b 1746 m Isabella Hilliard 1768, and daughter, Elizabeth m. Joseph Alexander Roberts. He 2nd married Mary Wright, sons James b 1757, Jesse b 1760, John and Francis. Wm Jr and Isabella migrated to Amherst Co.


DeathBef 1748


FatherJohn Clement ( - 1749)
MotherIsabel [Clement] ( - )
SiblingJohn Clement ( - 1748)
SiblingWilliam Clement ( - 1760)
SiblingSimon Clement (1715 - 1800)