Individual Details

John Clement

( - Bef Jun 1749)

Cavaliers & Pioneers, Vol. 3, p.286.
John Clement of King Wm Co: 400 acres (new land), Hanover County, adj. lines of Alexander Snead, George Sims, Benjamin Brown, Mr. Charles Snelson, James Wade, William Pulliam & John Hill.
17 Aug 1725, PB12, p.246.

In 1755, Simon Clement and Robert Carter were processioners for St. Paul's Parish, Hanover. Included Wade, Watts, Vines, Kent, Talley, Holt. (Wade perhaps the same as in 1725?)

St. Paul's Vestry Book, 1706-1708, Chamberlayne, C. G., editor, Richmond, VA
p.142 To John Clements acct for keeping Thos. Harris, 5 months 600 # tobacco
p.144 Ordered that John Clement keep Thos. Harris till April forr 100# tobo
Vestry, 8 Nov 1736
p.145 Charge bro't in against the parish to Mr. Clement's acct, Allow'd for keeping Thos. Harris 1270#
p.146 Order'd that John Clement keep Thomas Harris a year
p.49 Vestry held, Octob'r ye 15, 1737. Charge against the said Parish - Mr. John Clements acct 644#
p.249 16 Nov 1716. Lands of Jno Clement, James Bullock, Mr. David Meriwether, Ab: Venable, Chas. Lovell, David Holt, Jonathan Ashworth, Henry Wood & Robt Brooks Orphans, being one precinct of which John Clements & James Bullock were Overseer's made return, 16 Nov. Land of Jno. Clement & Chrisph'r Bailey procession'd the 17th.
p.259 Mar 1719. John Clement overseer, his land processioned
p.302 Dec 1719 John Clements, Stephen Clements ...processioning perform'd made following report. Signed Edw'd Wade, Rowland Horsley
p.312 Mar 1743 Lands of John Clement processioned
p.323 30 Sep 1751. Processioning of Simon Clement's land
p.356 17 Nov 1755 Simon Clement's land processioned by Simon Clement & Robert Cart
p.393 19 Nov 1759 Processioning of Simon Clement's land
p.430 30 Nov 1763 Processioning of Simon Clement's land

Granville County North Carolina; Original Wills, Vol. 1, 1749-1810; abstracted by Timothy W. Rackley.
#78. John Clement, yeoman of St Paul's Parish in Hanover County (Virginia) 12 Nov 1748
Being very sick and weak in body. To Isabell Clement my beloved wife, the plantation where I now live with 200 acres of land joining to the said plantation during her natural life. After her decease to my son Simon Clement & the heirs of his body lawfully begotton. To Mary Clement the wife of John Clement deceased, 1 shilling Sterling. To Elizabeth Clement, wife to Stephen Clement deceased, 1 shilling Sterling. To my son William Clement, 1 shilling Sterling. To my son Simon Clement 200 acres of land whereon he now lives. To Isabell Clement, beloved wife, on young Negro woman, Hagar with her increase. All the remain to my beloved wife Isabell Clement who is to be Executrix. Signed: John Clement
Wit: Blackmore Hughes, Francis Terry, George (O) Austin
Hanover Court, 1st day of June 1749. Exhibited by Isabel Clement and proved by her oath and oaths of Hughes & Terry.
Certified by William Pollard, clerk of court for Hanover Co on 29 Apr 1801, to be a true transcript for the records.

Various online trees give John an earlier wife, Elizabeth, apparently a traition but also from some baptism records in England for names matching the older sons - William, John, & Stephen. I have left all the children as sons of Isabel until further records are found. There is no documentation that proves when John Clement immigrated, and whether or not these are even the same family. Dates of baptisms are somewhat unlikely, particularly since there are baptisms for children of other given names in that family in England.


DeathBef Jun 1749Hanover County, Virginia
MarriageIsabel [Clement]


SpouseIsabel [Clement] ( - )
ChildStephen Clement ( - 1748)
ChildJohn Clement ( - 1748)
ChildWilliam Clement ( - 1760)
ChildSimon Clement (1715 - 1800)