Individual Details

Peter Field Jefferson

(14 Mar 1734/35 - 1 Jan 1794)

Peter Field lived on Turkey Cock Creek, Pittsylvania Co VA, four tracts of land he purchased from his brother George
Pittsylvania Co DB 4, p.19, dated 12 May 1774. George Jefferson [his brother] of Lunenburg Co to Peter Field Jefferson of Mecklenburg Co for 120#'s, 409 acres in Pittsylvania Co on the Camp Branch of Turkey Cock Creek. Rec. 26 May 1774
And on p.20, dated the same day is a deed for 321 acres on Sailors Crk.
Then p.88, 22 Nov 1774, George sold Peter Field 1005 acres on Turkey Cock Crk.
p.244, 12 Jul 1776, George sold Peter Field another 141 acres bounded by Peter Field and the old patent line.

Pittsylvania Co VA DB 14
p.91 19 Sep 1803 Field Jefferson, Wm Jefferson, Archer Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson, Jno. Jefferson, Judith Jefferson,, Saml Jefferson, Alexdr Jefferson, Martha F. Jefferson, Elizabeth Jefferson. For 100#'s. right & title in negro woman named Molly and boys Harry & Chito of said Molley. Molley was given by will from our grandfather Saml Allin of Cumberland Co to our mother Jefferson and her increase. Release all right & title to John Adams Jur.
Wit: John Watson John Campbell Junr, Wm Clark, wit. Of Archer & Field Jefferson
Signed: William A. Jefferson, Thomas (x) Jefferson, Jno (x) Jefferson, Judith (x) Jefferson, Saml. A. Jefferson, Alexander Jefferson, Martha (x) Jefferson, Elizabeth (x) Jefferson, Archer Jefferson, Field Jefferson
18 Jun 1804, Bill of sale proved by witnesses & ordered recorded

His wife Elizabeth left a will in 1828 in which she named sons Field, John, Samuel Allen, Alexander, Archer and Thomas Jefferson.


Birth14 Mar 1734/35Virginia
Marriage29 May 1762Cumberland County, Virginia - Elizabeth Allen
Death1 Jan 1794Pittsylvania County, Virginia


SpouseElizabeth Allen (1739 - 1828)
ChildPeter Field Jefferson (1763 - 1840)
ChildWilliam Allen Jefferson (1764 - 1814)
ChildArchibald "Archer" Jefferson (1766 - 1826)
ChildThomas Jefferson (1768 - 1814)
ChildJohn Jefferson (1770 - )
ChildFrances Jefferson (1772 - 1803)
ChildJudith Jefferson (1774 - )
ChildSamuel Allen Jefferson (1776 - )
ChildAlexander Jefferson (1779 - 1850)
ChildMartha Jefferson (1781 - )
ChildElizabeth Jefferson (1785 - 1814)
FatherField Jefferson (1701 - 1765)
MotherMary Frances Robertson ( - 1750)
SiblingJudith Jefferson ( - )