Individual Details
Sue Anna Wishard
(1865 - )
1870 Census, Madison Co, Alabama.
Stewart Wishart age 46, farmer, b. Indiana. Alla age 34, born Alabama.
Sabrina age 10, b. Iowa. Susan, age 4, born Iowa. Willy age 2, b. AL
Solomon Moon age 12 and Mary Moon age 10, b. AL.
1880 Census. Sue Anna Wishard was living with the family of L.H. Sublett. She was 15, a boarder and nurse. Born AL, father b. IN, mother born AL. p.323C, Madison Co AL In 1870, at age 4, "Susan" was said to have been born in Iowa.
Madison Co, AL Marriage records:
30 Oct 1881. Joseph C. Renfro to Miss Sue Anna "Wisham" Married by Rev. J. H. Drake, Minister of the Gospel
1900 Census. Lamartine, Columbia Co, AR, Hh 59
Joseph Renfroe, b. Mar 1863, 37, married for 18 years, b.AL, Farmer
Sue A., wife, b. Aug 1865, 34, 4 children, b. AL
Mary L., dau, b. Jan 1888, 12, b. AL
Jim E., son, b. May 1894, 6. b. AR
Olive E., dau, b. apr 1897, 3, b. AR
Willie L., son, b. aug 1899, 9 months, b. AR
Nancy E., mother, b. Jan 1823, 77, Widow, had 10 children - 6 are living, b. AL
1920 Census. Warren, Columbia Co, AR, Hh 53
Joe E. Renfro, 56, b. AL, Farmer
Sue, wife, 54, b. AL
Mary L., dau, 32, b. AL
Willie, son, 23, b. AL
King, son, 15, b. AR
Arthur, son, 11, b. AR
Lillie, dau, 7, b. AR
1930 Census. Warren, Columbia Co, AR, Hh 77
Joseph E. Renfro, age 66, married at age 18, Farmer
Anna, wife, 65, married at 17
Mary, dau, 42
Willie, son, 30
Arthur, son, 22
Arthur Lemmons Renfro died in Spokane, WA, 7 Aug 1957, age 49. Parents were Joe Clemmons Renfro and Sue Anna Wishard.
He was employed by the Chicago & North Western Railroad 14 May 1956 and gave his mailing address as Red Key, Indiana. He was 47, born 28 Jul 1908 in Waldo, AR. Parents were Joseph Clemmens Renfro and Sue Anna Wishard. He was employed in Adams, Wisconsin as in extra gang laborer.
Indiana Death Certificate # 042854
Lillie S. Walker, age 68, died 17 Dec 1980, at Ball Memorial Hospital, Muncie, Delaware Co, IN of cerebrovascular accident.
She was widowed,, a homemaker. Lived in Dunkirk, Jay Co, IN. Born 28 Jan 1912 to Joseph Renfro and Sue Anna Wishard. Informant was Farriest Bost of 116 Rick Drive, Dunkirk, IN. She was buried Dec 19th at Hillcrest Cemetery, Redkey, IN>
Father | Stewart Wishard (1825 - 1906) |
Mother | Olive Elvira "Alla" Jenkins (1836 - 1879) |
Sibling | Willy Wishard (1868 - ) |
1. U.S. Federal Census - Digital Images Online by Subscription (; 1790-1940, 1870, AL, Madison Co Dist 50, p.48, Household 116.