Individual Details

Thomas Barnett

( - Bef 16 Aug 1819)

There was a Thomas Barnett listed on the Nelson Co KY Tithes list, 1790.

Warren Co KY DB D, p.90
7 Mar 1808
Know all men it may Concern that for & Consideration of the good will & affection which I bear unto Nancy Haiden a Daughter of my Daughter Mary C. Haiden, dec'd. I do give & bequath a certain Negrow Girl named Agg about fifteen years of age to hold Said Negrow girl with her own proper right with all & particularly her increase and do by there
presents Warrant and will forever Defend the right of said Negrow to the aforesaid Nancy Haidin her Heris & asigns for ever under the penalty of one thousand Dollars as Witness my hand & Seal this 7th of March AD 1808. Thos. Barnett. Signed and delivered in the presence of ____ [no witnesses]TB. 12th line enterlined before asigned to (will) Nancy Haiden
Warren County SCt. I William Chapline Clerk of the County Court for said County do Certify that the foregoing Instrument of Writing was this day Acknowledged before me by the within Named Thos. Barrett to be his act and Deed and that the Same together with this Certificate is recorded in my office as Required by Law. In Testimony whereof I have hereunto Set my hand this 7th Day of March 1808. WmChapline.
Know all men to whom it may Concern that for and in Consideration of the good will and Affection which I bear unto my Daughters Daughter Betsy Saunders. I give & Bequeath to Negrow Women they being the Same that I formerly lent Sd Lucy, one by the name of Mall the other by Philis each about Eighteen or twenty years of age with their increase And will for ever defend the right title & claim to Said Negrows to the Said Saunders her heirs & asigns for ever under the penalty of two thousand Dollars as Witness my hand & Seal this 7th of March 1808. Thos. Barnett
Warren County Sct. I William Chapline Clerk of the County Court for Said County do certify that the Within Instrument of Writing was this day acknowledged before me by the within named Thos. Barnett to be his Act & Deed & that the Same together with this Certificate is recorded in my office as required by Law. In testimony whereof I have Set my hand this 7th Day of March 1808. WmChapline

Thomas & John Barnett were two of the witnesses to the Will of William Barnett in Logan Co which is dated 29 Jun 1804. There was no date of probate although it was likely in 1805 given the dates of other entries. William's wife was Elizabeth and he named two sons Adam Sanders Barnett and Thomas Fields Barnett to divide estate. If his wife was with child the estate was to be divided between three children. His Executors were his wife and James Curry Barnett [probably his brother].

Thomas Barnett was in the 1810 Warren Co Census. Both he and his spouse over 45 years of age. One young female under age 10 living with them - granddaughter?

Thomas' wife was obviously deceased at the time of his death. From Logan Co WB B, p.236. 27 Nov 1818. Will of Thomas Barnet. One slave each to son John, son James C. [Curry?] & daughter Elizabeth Shannon. Granddaughter Letha, daughter of deceased son William, a slave & bed & furniture. Negro man Tom to be freed. Negro woman Sucky to live with one of the children as long as may live; she to make her choice. To heirs of Lucy Sanders, dec'd daughter, in addition to what I have already given, $1. To heirs of Mary Haden, dec'd daughter, in addition to what I have already given, $1. To Adams S. Barnet & Thomas Fields Barnet, grandsons, in addition, each $1. Remainder of estate to be divided among my three children, John, James C. & Elizabeth Shannon. Executors: John & James C. Barnet. Wit: Thomas Bowles, William Barnett. Signed: Thomas Barnet. Probate granted 16 Aug 1819.


DeathBef 16 Aug 1819Logan County, Kentucky


ChildWilliam Barnett ( - 1805)
ChildLucy Barnett ( - 1808)
ChildMary C. "Polly" Barnett ( - 1808)
ChildJohn Barnett ( - )
ChildJames C. Barnett ( - )
ChildElizabeth Barnett ( - )
