Individual Details

Joseph Motley

(Abt 1720 - 15 Dec 1806)

Joseph took the oath of office as Captain of Militia of Amelia County, VA, Feb Court 1770. He served under General Washington.
Joseph purchased 1000 acres in Pittsylvania Co VA in 1778.

Pittsylvania Co VA DB 5
p.28 3 Mar 1778. John Quarles, gent. Of parish of St. Johns of King William Co & Betty his wife to Joseph Motley of parish of Notaway & county of Amelia. 550#'s. Tract of 1000 acres which John Quarles purchased of Nath. Terry, gent. In Parish of Camden, Pittsylvania Co
Signed: John Quarles, Betty Quarles.
James Kemp, Wm Thomas
James Quarles, Enoch Ward Ellington
Aaron Quarles, Daniel Motley
26 Mar 1778 proved by one of the witnesses.
24 Sep 1778, proved by one witness
22 Oct 1778, proved by third witness & ordered recorded
p.485 29 Feb 1780 John Markham to Joseph Motley of Amelia Co. 1400#'s. Tract of 281 acres, South side Banister River.
Wit: Abra. Shelton
21 Mar 1780 Ack by John Markham

Pittsylvania Co Land Tax Lists, 1782. Joseph Mottley listed with 1512 acres of land.

Pittsylvania Co Va DB 7
Page 62
January 28, 1782 between Daniel White of P and Joseph Motley of P for 10 pounds a parcel of land containing 10 acres by Estimation near Ecolses fork
Bounded:  said Motley’s corner, Kidd’s line
s/ Daniel White
Wit:  Webb Kidd, Daniel Motley, Samuel Motley
May 21, 1783

p. 285 May 17, 1784 between Webb Kidd of P and Joseph Motley of P for 20 pounds, a parcel of land on the south side of Eacolses fork containing 30 acres by estimation
Bounded:  head of the bottom, new line, Motley’s old line near Eacolses fork,
s/Webb Kidd
Wit:  None
June 21, 1784
p. 289 May 17, 1784 between Joseph Motley of P and Web Kidd of P for 20 pounds, a parcel of land on the north side of the south branch of Eacols fork containing by estimation 30 acres
Bounded:  head of a bottom, said branch first mentioned, Thomas Tanner’s new line, said Motley’s old line
s/Joseph Motley
Wit:  None
June 21, 1784
p.370 October 13, 1783 between Roger Atkinson Esq of Dinwiddie County and Joseph Motley of P for 60 pounds, a tract of land containing by Estimation 80 acres on the lower side Echolses fork
Bounded:  said Motley’s corner, Duging’s line, said Motley’s old line, crossing a branch
s/ Roger Atkinson
Wit:  Thos D Brown, Wm B Price, Mathew Farmer, JohnBuckley
October 18, 1784

p.426 March 18, 1785 between Joseph Motley of P and Laurence Duff of P for 20 pounds, a parcel of land on the branches of Eacholus fork containing by estimation 50 acres
Bounded:  side of the road, old pattern [patent] line, the road
s/ Joseph Motley
Wit:  Reubin Pain, John Parks, John Adams
April 18, 1785

p..453 March 18, 1785 between Jos Motley of P and Daniel Motley of P hath granted and given unto said Dan’l Motley  one certain Tract of land containing 281 acres on the south side of Banister River together with the back lands adjoining the same that the said Jos Motley purchased of John Markham by a patten [patent] dated 1781
s/ Joseph Motley
Wit:  None
June 20, 1785

p.457 July 17, 1785 between Joseph Motley and Elizabeth his wife of P and Samuel Motley of P for 500 pounds, a parcel of land on Donelsons Run by estimation 400 acres
s/ Jos Motley, ElizabethMotley
Wit:  None
July 18, 1785

Pittsylvania Co VA DB 13
p.355 8 Jul 1803 John R. Hall to Joseph Mottley. 70#'s. 53 acres. Part of tract left John R. Hall by his late father Benjamin Hall, ad said Joseph Mottleys land. Signed: John R.Hall. 18 Jul 1803 ack. By Hall.

Pittsylvania Co VA DB 14
p.369 19 Jun 1805 Joseph Motley to Samuel Motley. 45#'s. South side of Eagles Fork, 30 acres. Signed: Joseph Motley. Wit: William Hall. 15 Jul 1850 ack by Joseph Motley
p.451 21 Oct 1805 William Burgess to Joseph Motley. 300#'s. Tract on both sides Sweetins Fork of 860 acres. Begin red oak on Sweetins Fork, Williams' and other lines. Signed: William Burgess. 21 Oc t1805 Ack by Burgess and Judah his wife relinq dower.

Pittsylvania Co. Deed Books 1767-1850.
Abstracted Index of Deeds of Gifts on RootsWeb Message Board
Mar 1787 Joseph Motley to daughter Elizabeth Tanner, wife of Floyd Tanner, slaves.
DB 8, p.22 Two slav es were given, Boswin and Charity, who had been in possession of Floyd Tanner since the marriage to daughter Elizabeth. Ack. 16 Apr 1787.

His will is in Deeds & Wills, Vol 2, p.299. Dated 8 Nov 1804; presented in Court 14 Dec 1806.
He named his beloved wife Elizabeth [2nd wife] and lent her the plantation and negroes and livestock for he natural life. His estate was divided in 11 parts to grandaughter Patsy, daughter of son David; son Daniel, son Samuel, son John, daughter Martha Stewart's four children, daughter Obedience Morehead, daughter Prudence Stone, daughter Sally Anderson, and daughter Amy Carter.... [not all of will was transcribed - there should have been two more heirs if his wife was included in the 11 parts, three more if she was not. There were also daughters Delilah and Elizabeth]
The Morehead book states that children referenced in the will were Martha Stewart, Obedience Morehead, Amy Carter, Delilah Terry and grandchildren Joseph Motley Tanner, Joel Tanner and Asa Tanner and says no mother for them was identified.

Another abstract found online:
Will of Joseph Motley (Pittsylvania Deeds and Wills, Vol. 2, p 299)
In the name of God amen. I Joseph Motley, of Pittsylvania County, in the state of Virginia being weak in body but of perfect mind and memory, calling to mind the uncertainty of life and the certainty of death that is alloted once for all men to die, do make, constitute and ordain this my last will and testament in the manner and words following: viz;
First of all I give and bequeath of soul into the hands of Almighty God who gave it and my body to the earth to be buried in a decent and christian-like manner at the discretion of my executors, nothing doubting that I shall receive it again at the morning Ressurection by the mighty power of God and as touching my worldly goods as it has pleased Almighty God to bless me with, I give and bequeath in the following manner:
First it is my will and desire that all my just debts be paid and the remainder to be divided in the following manner, viz Item, I give and bequeath to my beloved life Elizabeth Motley, one hundred pounds cash to her and her heirs forever. I also lend her during her natural life the following property to wit: the land the plantation whereon I now live and the following negroes to wit: Primor, Will, Stat, Hannah and children, also twelve head of my choice cattle, one chart (cart) and oxen, two mares, Sinai and Snip, six head of choice sheep, all my stock of hogs, household and kitchen furniture and plantation utensils, and one London still by her to be quietly and peacefully enjoyed without trouble and molestation and the remainder of my estate to be divided in the following manner among my children and grandchildren in the following manner hereafter named.
First, to my grandaughter, Patsy Motley, daughter of David Motley, one eleventh part I give and bequeath to her and her heirs forever.
ITEM, to my son Daniel Motley, I give and bequeath one eleventh part to him and his heirs forever.
ITEM, to my son Samuel Motley, I give and bequeath one eleventh part to him and his heirs forever.
ITEM, to my son John Motley, I give and bequeath one eleventh part to him and his heirs forever.
ITEM, to my daughter Martha Stewart's four children, I give and bequeath one eleventh part to be divided equally among them and to them and their heirs forever.
ITEM, to my daughter Obedience Morehead, I give and bequeath one eleventh part to her and her heirs forever.
ITEM, to my daughter, Prudence Stone, I give and bequeath one eleventh part to her and her heirs forever.
ITEM, to my daughter, Sally Anderson, I give and bequeath one eleventh part to her and her heirs forever.
ITEM, to my daughter, Amy Carter, I lend one eleventh part during her natural life and at her death I give and bequeath to the heirs of her body, lawfully begotten to them and their heirs forever.
ITEM, to my daughter Delilah Terry, I give and bequeath one eleventh part to her and her heirs forever.
ITEM, to my grandson, Joseph Motley Tanner, I give and bequeath one eleventh part to him and his heirs lawfully begotten and if the said Joseph should die without such heirs it is my will and desire that his two brothers, Joel Tanner and Asa Tanner, should have his part equally divided between them.
It is also my will and desire that the part of my estate lent to my wife, at her death should be divided among the persons and in the manner the other part of my estate has been given and bequeathed to and among, and having disposed of my whole estate, I constitute, ordain and appoint my executors as the worshipful court shall think proper to direct and herby disannulling and revoking all other or wills heretofore by me made.
I do make and ordain this my last will and testament, this eight day of November in the year of our Lord Jesus Christ, one thousand eight hundred and four as witness my hand and seal.
(signed) Joseph Motley
Witnesses: John R. Hall, William Hall, Rhoda Oliver.


BirthAbt 1720Gloucester County, Virginia
MarriageMartha Ellington
Marriage24 Jul 1782Pittsylvania County, Virginia - Elizabeth Irby
Death15 Dec 1806Pittsylvania County, Virginia


SpouseMartha Ellington ( - 1782)
ChildDaniel Motley (1768 - 1815)
ChildDavid Motley (1753 - 1826)
ChildObedience Motley (1768 - 1863)
ChildAmy Motley (1770 - 1853)
ChildSamuel Motley ( - )
ChildJohn Motley ( - )
ChildMartha Motley ( - )
ChildPrudence Motley ( - )
ChildSarah "Sally" Motley ( - )
ChildDelilah Motley ( - )
ChildElizabeth OR Lucy? Motley ( - )
SpouseElizabeth Irby ( - )
FatherJoseph Motley (1697 - 1777)
MotherElizabeth Forrest ( - )
