Individual Details

William TERRY Jr.

(Ca 1758 - Abt 1825)

It is often impossible to tell whether or not records refer to William Sr or William Jr after Jr was old enough to create records.
In 1771 William Terry sold to his son, William Jr. 100 acres from the north side of his grant of 400 acres. [presumably - September 10, 1755. William Terry, 400 acres on branch of Roanoke called Black Run] Terry Jr. added 54 acres from Lemuel Andrews which was part of a grant to Jasper Terry in 1747 and obtained a new grant for 235 acres between Terry Sr and George Hannah. t\The remainder of the grant to William Sr was acquired by John Persinger in 1804 when releases were made by Jasper & Ruth Terry of Montgomery Co, John Terry, and the heirs of Thomas Brown and his wife who was Susanna Terry. In 1801 Persinger had purchased the land of John Johnson west of George Hanna.
p.536 Captain Neely's Company, 1783.
William Terry: 3 horses, 5 cattle, 1 slave
Miles Terry, 2 horses, 1 cow
p.542 (from "Details in Land Tenure on Carvin's Creek and Glade Creek and about the Great Lick in Early Botetourt")
1771 - William Terry, Jr., deed, 100 acres on Black Run, from William Terry and Rachel.
1785 - William Terry - Grant, 400 acres on waters of the Roanoke on the top of the Low Ridge
1786 - Christian Richards - grant of 138 acres on Terry's Run. ...William Terry, Jr. - Grant, 235 acres on the Roanoke, part of 165 acres granted Jasper Terry (1767) and 100 from 400 acres grated Wm Terry Sr, 1750 and 54 acres from Lemuel Andrews (1748)
p.544 1781 James Neely - Deed, 240 acres, Mudlick Run, from Jasper Terry and Josiah. 1782 James Neely - Deed, 200 acres on Mudlick Creek from Jasper Terry.
p.545 1786 Christian Richard, Grant, 138 acres on Terry's Run. William Terry, Jr. - Grant, 235 acres on the roanoke, part of 165 acres granted to Jasper Terry (1767) and 100 acres from 400 acres granted Wm Terry Sr., 1750, and 54 acres from Lemuel Andrews (1748)
p.550 1799 William Terry - Grant, 145 acres on Long Ridge [Long Ridge or Low Ridge? - see p.558], adj hiw own. (Patent Book 30, p.242)
p. 552 1804. John Persinger - deed, 300 acres, two parts of William Terry's land, from Jasper Terry & Ruth of Montgomery Co. Book 8, p. 564 (presumably Botetourt Deeds)
p.558 (Lands on Back Creek & Bent Mountain) 1785
William Terry Jr. - 380 acres on Brush Creek, Little River and adj Robert McElhandy. William Terry - 400 acres on top of Low Ridge, waters of Roanoke.
p.562 Captain Martin's Company Tax List - Early Residents of Bent Mountain (no date) William Terry - 8 horses, 12 cattle.
Jonathan Harrison: 4 horses, 6 cattle
p.580 1800 John Gadsberry - Deed, 150 acres on Cedar Branch of Elliot's Creek from William Terry and Elizabeth. [Neither William is known to have had a wife Elizabeth!]
Tax List of Capt Easom's Company, 1783 (headwaters of South Fork & Little River.
Jasper Terry: 9 horses, 25 cattle
Josiah Terry, 4 horses, 19 cattle
William Terry, 2 horses, 12 cattle

Wife was Patience, surname unknown. Perhaps Cooper, according to autosomal DNA match to the Terrys.
Also said to have a first marriage, ca 1770 to Anne Raiford.


BirthCa 1758Virginia
DeathAbt 1825Virginia
MarriagePatience ?Cooper


SpousePatience ?Cooper (1766 - 1826)
ChildBenjamin D. Terry (1784 - 1857)
FatherWILLIAM TERRY (1724 - 1803)
MotherRACHEL [TERRY] ( - )
SiblingMERCY TERRY ( - 1809)
SiblingJohn TERRY (1760 - 1842)
SiblingMiles TERRY (1762 - 1803)
SiblingSusannah TERRY ( - )
SiblingJasper TERRY ( - 1819)
SiblingRachel TERRY ( - )
SiblingJemima TERRY ( - )