Individual Details


(Abt 1724 - 1803)

There is a marriage record from Christ Church, Philadelphia, PA, that as been assumed to be his. Whether or not this could be the same William Terry is very doubtful since at this time he was living in Augusta Co, Virginia.
3 Feb 1759. Rachel Manson to William Terry.

Augusta Co formed 1745; Botetourt, 1770 from Augusta.

From Kegley's Virginia Frontier,
p.91 (from "Settlements on Branches of James & Roanoke Rivers)
At Daniel Monahan's sale, Dec 13, 1744 - there were present individuals not mentioned in earlier records ....includes Jasper Terry (five silver buttons, pair of boddies), William Terry (a jacket) ..(Chalkley, Vol. 3, p. 9, Augusta Will Book, 1, p. 89)
Chalkley's Chronicles, Vol. 3, p. 17
18 July 1750. George Barber's appraisement by Henry Houlston, Robert Williams, William Terry, Joseph Robinson. (Augusta Will Book 1, p.268)
p.103 November 24, 1753. New road from William Carvin's Plantation to William Bryan's on Roan Oak. (Chalkley, Vol. 1, p.61) The workers included most of the men from the Big Lick Community: Jasper Terry, William Terry.
p.106 September 10, 1755. William Terry, 400 acres on branch of Roanoke called Black Run, corner Nicholas Hartford and Francis Beatty. (Land Grants, 31, p. 699)
p.109 March 10 1756 Jasper Terry, 250 acres on Mud Lick Creek of Roanoke (Land Grants, b. 34, p.70)
p. 175 (from "Community Life on the James and the Roanoke") by 1750 George Barber had died. Property was appraised by Henry Houlston, Robert Williams, William Terry & Joseph Robins. (Augusta WB 1, p. 268)
p.181 (from "Early Mill Seats on the Roanoke") Evan's Mill located by several references. September 10, 1755. To William Terry, 400 acres on branch of Roanoke called Black Run (see p.106). South side of Roanoke by Nicholas Horsford. May 30 1767. Survey for John McClellan, 240 acres on small branch of Roanoke beginning at corner to land belonging to the heirs of Daniel Evans, whereon Evans' Mill Stands, corner William Terry.
p.183 (from "Local Government") Constables appointed in 1750 were William Terry and William Ingles.
p. 185 From Clerk's books - 1750 William Terry & John McFarland, constables. Reports of various citizens "not found".
p.244 "Washington's Location of the Forts" George Washington's tour of the Frontier in October, 1756. Capt. Terry, fort on Black Water with 20 men
p.289 April 1764. Col Andrew Lewis authorized to employ 450 men for defense of the frontier. William Christian's Company included privates from the Roanoke: Wm Terry, Jasper Terry
Chalkley's Chronicles, Vol. 2
p.417 - Delinquents (Tax) 1755 - List of Robert Breckinridge, Sheriff: "old Mr. Terry"
p. 450 - Augusta Parish Vestry Book, p. 382
1765 Wm Bryans and Jas. Neely - Processioners' Returns included Wm Terry
p.297 1767 Col. Preston's Tax list - delinquent included William Terry (Chalkley, Vol. 1, p.420)
p.306 (from "New Life on the Roanoke, Business Transactions", begins 1760 on p.298) August 26, 1766 - Thomas Smith, grant, 198 acres adj William Terry
p.307 September 28, 1766 - Jasper Terry, 160 acres on the Roanoke, line of John Thompson, Survey, Wm Preston.
p.310 May 29, 1767 - Samuel Andrews, 135 acres on Roanoke, line of John McClellan, and William & Jasper Terry. Survey, Wm Preston.
May 30, 1767 - John McClellan, 240 aces ...small branch of Roanoke by Wm Terry.
p.313 September 19, 1767 - Jasper Terry, Jr. 165 acres on the Roanoke. Survey, Wm Preston.
December 30, 1767 - William Preston ...400 acres joining Jasper Terry, James Neely & Wm reed (Entries)
from Surveyor's Book - February 2, 1768 - William Terry, 150 acres, Mud Lick Run of Roanoke
p.317 August 16, 1769 John Mills, 550 acres South Fork of Roanoke, 1,170 acres, Wolf Creek; 180 acres on Roanoke. Valuation of improvements by James Caghey, William Terry & William Cox (Chalkley, Vol. 1, p.158)
In 1771 William Terry sold to his son, William Jr. 100 acres from the north side of his grant of 400 acres. Terry Jr. added 54 acres from Lemuel Andrews which was part of a grant to Jasper Terry in 1747 and obtained a new grant for 235 acres between Terry Sr and George Hannah. the remainder of the grant to William Sr was acquired by John Persinger in 1804 when releases were made by Jasper & Ruth Terry of Montgomery Co, John Terry, and the heirs of Thomas Brown and his wife who was Susanna Terry. In 1801 Persinger had purchased the land of John Johnson west of George Hanna.
p.536 Captain Neely's Company, 1783.
William Terry: 3 horses, 5 cattle, 1 slave
Miles Terry, 2 horses, 1 cow
p.542 (from "Details in Land Tenure on Carvin's Creek and Glade Creek and about the Great Lick in Early Botetourt")
1771 - William Terry, Jr., deed, 100 acres on Black Run, from William Terry and Rachel.
1772 - Robert McIlhaney, deed, 10 acres from Jasper Terry and Mary.
1785 - William Terry - Grant, 400 acres on waters of the Roanoke on the top of the Low Ridge
1786 - Christian Richards - grant of 138 acres on Terry's Run. ...William Terry, Jr. - Grant, 235 acres on the Roanoke, part of 165 acres granted Jasper Terry (1767) and 100 from 400 acres grated Wm Terry Sr, 1750 and 54 acres from Lemuel Andrews (1748)
p.544 1781 James Neely - Deed, 240 acres, Mudlick Run, from Jasper Terry and Josiah. 1782 James Neely - Deed, 200 acres on Mudlick Creek from Jasper Terry.
p.545 1786 Christian Richard, Grant, 138 acres on Terry's Run. William Terry, Jr. - Grant, 235 acres on the roanoke, part of 165 acres granted to Jasper Terry (1767) and 100 acres from 400 acres granted Wm Terry Sr., 1750, and 54 acres from Lemuel Andrews (1748)
p.550 1799 William Terry - Grant, 145 acres on Long Ridge, adj hiw own. (Patent Book 30, p.242)
p. 552 1804. John Persinger - deed, 300 acres, two parts of William Terry's land, from Jasper Terry & Ruth of Montgomery Co. Book 8, p. 564 (presumably Botetourt Deeds)
p.558 (Lands on Back Creek & Bent Mountain) 1785
William Terry Jr. - 380 acres on Brush Creek, Little River and adj Robert McElhandy. William Terry - 400 acres on top of Low Ridge, waters of Roanoke.
p.562 Captain Martin's Company Tax List - Early Residents of Bent Mountain (no date) William Terry - 8 horses, 12 cattle.
Jonathan Harrison: 4 horses, 6 cattle
p.580 1800 John Gadsberry - Deed, 150 acres on Cedar Branch of Elliot's Creek from William Terry and Elizabeth.
Tax List of Capt Easom's Company, 1783 (headwaters of South Fork & Little River.
Jasper Terry: 9 horses, 25 cattle
Josiah Terry, 4 horses, 19 cattle
William Terry, 2 horses, 12 cattle
p. 598 (from "Some marriages on South Branch & North Fork in Early Botetourt County")
June 30, 1796 Ezekiel Boucher and Jemima Terry, daughter of William Terry
p.631 In reference to the The Battle of Long Island Flats and Col. William Christian's expedition against the Cherokees in 1776, it is noted that troops began to assemble in Botetourt Co early in August. Horses were purchased from a number of citizens to include William Terry. Interesting on p.665, on July 1778 going out from Botetourt Co, Capt. Thomas Cummings & Col. Charles Lynch had a fight with tories at the head of Little River in Botetourt and took Job Hale and William Terry, two tory captains, captive.

Neelly's District, Botetourt Co, VA, Tax list of 1785
Lists William Terry (not found in Kegley's)

Records of the estate of William Terry in Botetourt Co VA names 8 children including "Mercy Terry, wife of Jonathan Harrison". The other children were William who married Patience, John born 1760 who married Esther Brown, Miles who married Hannan Horton, Susannah who married Thomas Brown, Jasper who married (1) Ruth and (2) Margaret Snidow, Rachel who married John Martin and Jemima who married Ezekial Boucher.

Note on FamilySearch familytree [Note: Many ERRORS!]
There are 3 William Terrys in Betetourt, two of whom were referred to by William Sr. at various times in their life. In "The Terrys of Scott County, Tennessee" by George Alvin Terry [has marriage to Rachel in 1759 and no deed of April 1818] and "Terry and Allied Families, Vol I" GS 929.273 T2799 -- the two William Terry Sr. seem to have been merged. However, on a deed dated 20 Apr 1818, it lists as heirs of William and Keziah, William Terry & Rachel his wife. Determining which children belong to each William could be very difficult. 1757 - a William Terry was assigned to do a survey of old and new roads 1759 - married Rachel Marson of Betetourt County [NO - he wasn't in Pennsylvania]. This marriage is found in a "Meeting of Friend's, Pennsylvania Marriages", New Jersey license. ??? 1764 - a William Terry served in Capt. Wm. Christian's Company (defending frontier). 1771 - appears as William Jr., 1 poll and 100 acres. That 100 acres was part of his father's original 400 acre land grant of 1750.


BirthAbt 1724
Death1803Botetourt County, Virginia


SpouseRACHEL [TERRY] ( - )
ChildMERCY TERRY ( - 1809)
ChildWilliam TERRY Jr. (1758 - 1825)
ChildJohn TERRY (1760 - 1842)
ChildMiles TERRY (1762 - 1803)
ChildSusannah TERRY ( - )
ChildJasper TERRY ( - 1819)
ChildRachel TERRY ( - )
ChildJemima TERRY ( - )
