Individual Details


(Abt 1675 - 1731)

p.243 18 Feb 1722 John Williamson 280 ac NL in Surry Co. S sdie of Nottoway River & on N side of Rockey Run. PB 11, p.182
p.280 22 Feb 1724 James Mathews 380 ac NL Surry Co. S sid Nottoway River & N side Rockey Run; adj his own land & land of John Williamson
p.330 16 Jun 1727 Mathew Sturdivant 220 ac NL in Surry Co. S side Nottoway R; SW side of Cabinstick Sw in line of Robert Green's land; on John Williamson's line. PB 13, p.138
p.341 13 Oct 1727 John Williamson 175 ac Surry Co. S side Nottoway R on N side of Cyprus Br. PB 13, p.260

Will of John Williamson, Surry Co VA
John Williamson names his daughter Elizabeth, wife of Hollum Sturdivant and gives her iron pots. Daughter Susannah Rottenbury, wife of John Rottenbury received 249.5 acres of land on the S side of the Nottoway R in Surry Co where they were living, plus an iron pot & hooks, a rug and a bed tick. Daughter Edith Williamson, slave girl, feather bed and bedding, iron pots, bay horse colt and a gray mare bought of Richard Fox. Daughter Hannah Fox, wife of Richard Fox, livestock, feather bed, credit due on the store book of Thomas Eldlbridge. Son Cuthbert, slaves, horses, Troopers arms, saddles, clothes, livestock. Whatever is in his house is to be used for the benefit of Edith and Cuthbert. Brother Cuthbert Williamson and friend Robert Green are to be supervisors to son Cuthbert until he reaches age 21. Any remainder to Edith and Cuthbert. No wife mentioned.
30 Jan 1731/32
Signed: John (X) Williamson
Wit: Judith (X) Harper, Edward Farrington
Probate: 17 May 1732.
[This transcript will does not mention the daughter Sarah Mabry who had a daughter also named Sarah. It is known that by 1727, Sarah was deceased, but it seems strange that the grandchild was omitted. And, indeed another abstract perhaps lists Sarah, see next. The full transcript of the will does not have Sarah at all. Strange.]

FROM AUG 1995 'RAINEY TIMES' P 39. Surry County; from the book Surry County, Virginia,Wills, Estate Accounts, and Inventories, 1730, 1800 by Lyndon H. Harte III, pp4-5 Williamson, John of Southwark Parish, Surry Co., will dated 30 Jan 1731, rec 17 May 1732. Cuthbert Williamson,and Robert Green, executors. Daughters: Elizabeth, wife of Hollom Sturdivant; Susanna Rottenbury, wife of John; Edith Williamson; Hannah, wife of Richard Fox. Son: Cuthbert (not 21). Granddaughter: SarahMaybury. Brother: Cuthbert Williamson. Witnesses: Judith Harper and Edward Farrington.

NOTE: this transcript has problems
Will of John Williamson, 1731 - Surry Co. Virginia
Parish of Southwark
In the name of God Amen, I John Williamson of the Parish of Southwark in the County of Surry in the Commonwealth of Virginia, Planter, being weak in body but of sound perfect disposing mind and memory thanks be to Almighty God for the same and calling to mind that all flesh must yield unto death, I ordain and declare this my last will and testament hereby revoking and anulling all others by me heretofore made.
Imprimis: My Soul I resign to God that gave it hoping for pardon and remission of all my sins through the merits and mediation of Jesus Christ my Saviour.
Item: My body I commit to the earth from whence it was taken to be decently buried by my Executors hereafter named and as touching such worldly Estate wherewith it hath pleased God to bless me in this like I give and devise and dispose of the same in manner and form following. I will that my debts and Funeral expenses be duly paid and discharged.
Item: I give my daughter Elizabeth Sturdivant the wife of Hollum Sturdivant 100 Ells of Brown Ozenbriggs, 1 large iron pot, and 1 small iron pot with the hooks belonging to the same.
Item: I devise to my daughter Susannah Rottenbury the wife of John Rottenbury and her heirs forever 249 1/2 acres of land more or less lying on the south side of the River Nottoway in the said County of Surry it being the land where they are now dwelling and abideing on, also I give the said Susannah 100 Ells of Brown Ozenbriggs, 1 Iron pot and hooks 1 rugg and 1 bed tick.
Item: I give my daughter Edith Williamson one Mulatto girl called Joane, one Feather bed and bolster one rug one pair of blankets one new bed tick fifteen pounds current money one large Iron Pot one small Iron Pott with hooks thereto belonging. One bay horsecolt called Nichliss and one gray mare which I had of Richard Fox.
Item: I give to my daughter Hannah Fox the wife of Richard Fox four cows and calves four 3 year old cattle 100 Ells of brown Ozenbriggs 1 Feather bed and bolster 1 rug and 1 pair of blankets and also the credit that will be due me on the store book of Thomas Ellbridge.
Item: I give to my son Cuthbert Williamson one Negro man slave called James 1 Negro man slave called Will 1 Negro woman slave called Doll and her child 1 Negro woman slave called Annahee and her child 2 horses one of which is called Blaze and the other Diamond, [One set of Troopers arms all my saddles and horse furniture] with all my new woolen goods_____ apparel 12 yards of striped breeches ____ blankets ____my hogs but ____ age of 21 _____ the said Negroes________ his and abide in the house and plantation on _____ with my said land not to be any ways disturbed or molested by him in her living there to the end she may be helpful and assisting toward the better support and maintenance of the said cattle in their increase until such division of the cattle aforesaid and their increase [if any] is made......
Item: “to my granddaughter Sarah Maybury one spring Cow One young Horse.…”
Item: I do order and direct that what necessary provisions is in my house at the time of my
decease for my families use shall be and remain for the sole use and benefit of my said son and daughter Edith and the slaves belonging to them and what Corn I have at that time more than sufficient for bread corn for themselves and their slaves shall be disposed of for ye support and maintenance of the hogs, Cattle and horses belonging to my said Son and daughter Edith.
And in regard I have an Estate of greater value than what is sufficient to pay all debts due
from ye same, my desire therefore is that my estate may not be appraised.
Item: I do hereby appoint my brother Cuthbert Williamson and my friend Robert Green as
supervisors to my son Cuthbert until he attains to the age of 21 years. All the rest of my
personal estate not herein before particularly given and disposed of I give unto my said son Cuthbert and my said daughter Edith and I do hereby further appoint my said Brother Cuthbert Williamson and Robert Green Executors of this my last Will and Testament...In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this Thirtieth Day of January in the Year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and Thirty One.
John (X) Williamson [Sealed with wax wafer]
Signed Sealed and Published by the said John Williamson as his last will and Testament in the presence of Judith X Harper, Edward Farrington.
Probated Surry County Virginia 17 May 1732.

In spite of the two version of this will, Maybury family researcher Don Collins found in the original from Surry Co VA DB 8, p.196, that the will does indeed contain, “to my
granddaughter Sarah Maybury one spring Cow One young Horse.…”

Brunswick Co VA Deeds:
p.69 DB 2, p.204 2 Dec 1742 Hollum Sturdivant & his wife Elizabeth of Surry Co; John Rottenburry & his wife Susanna of same; Henry Ledbetter & his wife Edeth of Brunswick Co; Richard Fox & his wife Hannah alias Joanna; and Sarah Mabry sell to George Mabry of St. Andrew Parish in Brunswick Co for £30, 280 acres. The tract had been a patent to John Williamson dated 18 Feb 1722 & at his death fell to his daughters Elizabeth Sturdivant, Susanna Rottenburry, Edith Ledbetter, Hannah Fox, & Sarah Mabry. On S side Nottoway River joining the N side Rocky Run. Wit: M. Cadet Young, Moses Dunkley. Proved 2 Dec 1742.

Luke Matthews of Brunswick County, Virginia, 1739-1788 and His Descendants, by William Kennon Matthews, states that John was the son of Arthur Williamson and grandson of Dr. John Williamson, a Burgess in 1666. Dr. John Williamson's will was probated 16 Feb 1669, Isle of Wight Co VA. His wife's name was Joan.

I think it more probable that John was another son of Thomas Williamson & Susannah Carter of Henrico Co. They did have a son Cuthbert who would have been the approximate age of this John. Thomas is also often placed in the Isle of Wight Williamson family - I think this is an error. More likely the Cuthbert Williamsons are related to the early Cuthbert Williamson who was murdered in Charles City County in 1678.


BirthAbt 1675

