Individual Details

William Morton Haden

(1808 - )

Logan County Court Records Book 8, p.130 Nov Term 1824: William Haden made choice of Thomas Blakey as his Guardian (Note: he is over 14 years)
Logan County Tax Records of 1830: Haden, William M. 1 w male over 21, 1 black, 2 horses, 120a on Drakes Creek in Warren County (In 1820, his father James owned 400a on Drakes Creek, then listed as Christian County.)

William Haden married Eliza Newman on 28 Apr 1828 in Mississippi - found in MISSISSIPPI MARRIAGES FROM 1829-1900 which book does not give County. MISSISSIPPI MARRIAGES, Liahona Research gives this marriage in Jefferson Co MS.

Logan County Court Records. Jan 24, 1842, p.252 Last Will & Testament of Wm C. Payne....witnessed by Wm. M. Haden. Jefferson Haden and Wm. M. Haden to assign dower.
p.260 Wm. M. Haden is one of several appointed patrole in Logan County.
Jan 22, 1843, p.413 Ordered that Wm M Haden be and is hereby appointed Commissioner of the tax for the present year in the North Eastern district.....
p.440 Wm. M. Haden Commissioner of the Tax for 1843 be allowed the sum of $43.40 as per the following account files....

William married Eliza Newman in Jefferson Co MS in 1828. His sister Nancy had married Josiah Newman in Logan Co in 1824. A deed of May of 1831 in Logan Co states that Josiah and Nancy of Mississippi sold her share of her father's estate. It's interesting that there are no deeds of the allotment of the estate of James Haden recorded for either Nancy or William M. recorded with the others in Oct of 1828. Possibly neither was in Logan Co at that time.

Logan Co Tax records reveal the following:
William M. Haden had not been mentioned before 1830 and apparently the property of his father had not yet been divided until Sep of 1828. In 1830, Rebecca declared for herself & Harriet, Mary & James as she had the year before. Nathaniel Felts declared for himself and as agent for William M. Haden, 83 acres, and Josiah Newman, 220 acres, and for the land of James Haden in Hopkins Co, Drakes Creek [which I believe is the same land, 400 acres, that James had long paid tax on located on Drakes Crk, just a new county division] Josiah Newman was the husband of Nancy Haden, sister to William M. It appears they are both no longer in Logan Co and Nathaniel Felts, a brother-in-law, is taking care of their property and obligations. I think this may very well indicate that William M. Haden & Josiah Newman & his Haden wife could have gone to Mississippi together. In 1831, Jefferson Haden declared for William M. Haden and Josiah Newman and the out-of-county property of his father James. William not found again until 1835 when Wm M. Haden paid tax on 90 acres on waters of the Gasper. He had 2 slaves, 5 horses, and a cow. [I'm quite sure this is the 83 acres mentioned earlier; acreage often varied somewhat.] By the next year he had 177 acres.

Bureau of Land Management; Government Land Office patents tell more of this story. Between December of 1830 and February of 1840, a total of 14 patents were issued to William M. Haden in Madison Co MS, two of them for two separate tracts. Several of these adjoined patents issued to Josiah Newman. Both were listed as "of Jefferson Co MS" until about 1831. Deeds of Madison Co would reveal when William sold these properties - it's apparent he did move back to Kentucky.

Logan Co DB T, p.233
2 Sep 1828 Division of lands of James Haden, dec'd, by Commissioners Samuel Wilson, John McCutchen, Joseph Morton. Jefferson Haden, Nancy J. Newman who married Joshua Newman formerly Nancy J. Haden, Emily Haden, Eliza Felts who married Nathaniel Felts formerly Eliza Haden, Harriet Haden, Mary Haden, and James Haden to William Haden being one of the heirs. Land alloted to him. Begin at corner to the Shakers, Harriet Haden, the dower lands. 84 acres. Also a lot in Sanders addition of Russellville near Ragin. Proved by Commissioners on 6 Oct 1828 Rec. 29 Sep 1834
[I believe William M. Haden has recently returned to Logan Co; his siblings except for his sister Nancy Newman had recorded their deeds years earlier.

William M. sold the lot in Russellville:
Logan Co DB T, p.360
26 Sep 1834. William M. Haden & Eliza R. Haden his wife NOW of Logan Co KY to Edward Ragan of Russellville. For $50. Lot in Russellville known and designated #29 in the Hubbard Sanders addition. Signed: W. M. Haden, E. R. Haden. Major J. Price and Thos. Blakey, Justices of the Peace examined Eliza and she relinquished her dower. 11 Jan 1835. Deed recorded 13 Jan 1835.

Logan Co DB W, p.8
15 Aug 1838 Josiah Newman and Eleanor E. Newman his wife of Madison Co MS to William M. Haden of Logan Co KY. For $400. All claim in the undivided estate of James Haden, dec'd of Logan Co KY. Interest as divided from a previous conveyance [copy within] made by Wm. M. Haden & Eliza R. Haden to Josiah Newman on 24 Oct 1832.
Signed: Josiah Newman, Eleanor E. Newman. Acknowledged & Eleanor relinquished dower in Madison Co MS on the same day.
Deed enclosed from Madison Co MS dated 24 Oct 1832 Wm M. Haden & Eliza R. Haden his wife of Madison Co MS to Josiah Newman for $500. All right & title in undivided estate of James Haden, dec'd of Logan Co KY.
Signed: William M. Haden, Eliza N. Haden. Ack.& dower released in Madison Co MS on 2 Dec 1832. Certified as true copy by the Madison Co MS Clerk on 14 Aug 1838.
Filed and recorded in Logan Co KY 10 Sep 1838

Logan Co DB W, p.19.
20 May 1838 Thomas Blakey to Wm M. Haden. All of land which lies on West side of Black Lick Fork of Gaspers which belongs to a 50-acre survey conveyed to Wm Comfort & wife, Thos. Blakey & wife, & Sally Whitsitt, by Constant Wilson, Commissioner appt by Logan Circuit Court to convey to heirs of Wm Haden, dec'd.
Rec. 7 Jul 1838

Logan Co DB W
p.177 2 Mar 1839 William M. Haden & Eliza his wife to Thomas Quigly of Bowling Green, Warren Co KY. $2000.
1st tract on Black Lick fork of Gasper R . Begin corner of the Shakers, corner to Harriet Haden, her line, with the creek, corner to the dower. 84 acres being conveyed to William Haden by Commissioners on behalf of the heirs of James Haden Decd on 2 Sep 1828, DB P/S, p.233-234.
2nd tract on waters of [blot] and was conveyed to Harriett Haden on 2 Sep 1828 by commissioners aforesd DB Q, p.133. begin corner to the Shakers, the dower line, line of the Shakers. 86 acres.
3rd tract conveyed to sd William Haden by Thomas Blakey on 25 May 1838, DB W, p.69 being all the land on W side of Black lick fork of Gasper which belongs to a 50 acres survey conveyed to Wm Comfort & wife, Thos. Blakey & wife & Sally Whitsitt by Samuel Wilson Commissioners to execute deeds to heirs of William Haden, dec'd.
Further consideration of $500 pd by Quigly. All right & title William M. Haden may have in the tract of land where Mrs. Rebecca S. Haden now lives which was assigned to her as her dower in the estate of James Haden, dec'd. On Black Lick fork of Gasper River. Also right & title in the interest which Jefferson Haden and Nathaniel T. Felts & Eliza Felts his wife may have.
Signed: Wm M. Haden, E. R. Haden.
Ack & relinq dower 2 Mar 1839
[Deed of Mortgage - See notes of William Morton Haden's mother Rebecca]

Logan Co DB X; p.346 16 Mar 1841 Richard H. Cook and Harriet his wife to William M. Haden $430. Land on Black Lick fork of Gaspers being the parcel assigned to Harriet Haden now Harriet Cook in the division of the lands of James Haden dec'd among his heirs, Harriet being one of the heirs of said dec'd. decriber in a deed dated 2 Sep 1828. Signed: Rich. H. Cook, Harriet Cook
Ack & Relinq. Rec. 16 Mar 1841

Frank Read corresponds that he has a gg grandmother, Rebecca Haden, born in Jan of 1829 or Jan of 1830 in Mississippi. This Rebecca married in Logan Co KY in 1848 to Peter Henry Morton; she married (2nd) in Oct 1863 to William Stewart/Stuart. Rebecca Haden Morton Stewart died in 1906 in Greenville, Muhlenburg Co KY and is buried in the Haden cemetery on the former property of George Haden. Frank had been under the impression that Rebecca belongs with the family of Robert D. Haden, son of Zachariah & Elizabeth Poor Haden, that lived in Monroe/Lowndes Co MS. The Lowndes Co Hadens have been well researched and have no Rebecca, nor did they have any connections to the state of Kentucky. By the 1850 Census in Logan Co, William M. & Eliza A. Haden have as their oldest child, Joseph age 14 born in KY. Since they had been married 22 years by 1850, it would seem plausible that they had an older child or children, and Rebecca was their daughter.

There were Newmans living in Adams & Jefferson Co MS as early as 1810. I believe William M. went with his sister and brother-in-law to visit family in MS, met Eliza A. and married her, and they had at least one child there before returning to Kentucky in 1835 - this could very well be the above Rebecca.

Note that this census does have a place for Rebecca in the family.
1840 Census. Madison Co, MS
W. M. Haden: 1m under 5 [Joseph], 1m 30-40 {William M.]. 1f under 5 [Margaret], 1f 5-10 [Rebecca], 1f 20-30 [Eliza] He owned 22 slaves, 10 of them under the age of 10.

1850 Census. Logan Co KY, Dist 1, Hh 545
William M. Haden, 42, Farmer, b. KY
Eliza A., 40, b. MS
Joseph 14. Margret 11. Francis A. 9 [female]. Mary 6. Sarah 1. - all born in KY.

1860 Logan Co KY Census, Black Lick P.O., p.467, Household 979. W. M. Haden, age 51, Farmer, Property value $9000, Personal $1875, b. KY
Eliza, age 48, housekeeper, b. MS; Margaret age 21, Seamstress, b. KY, Francis age 17, Mary age 14, Sarah, age 11, George age 7, R. S. Morton, age 30, female, b. MS [This must be Rebecca, widowed] Charles age 10, Harry age 7, William age 5, Eliza age 2.

1870 Census. Logan Co KY, Clay Prec. Auburn PO, p.302, Family 159
William M. Haden, age 62, Farmer. Eliza R. age 58. Mary age 23 and George W. age 17, living at home.


Birth1808Logan County, Kentucky
Marriage1 May 1828Jefferson County, Mississippi - Eliza R. Newman


SpouseEliza R. Newman (1810 - )
ChildRebecca S. Haden (1830 - )
ChildJoseph N. Haden (1836 - )
ChildMargaret Haden (1839 - )
ChildFrances A. C. "Fannie" Haden (1841 - 1922)
ChildMary Haden (1844 - )
ChildSarah Haden (1849 - )
ChildGeorge Haden (1854 - )
FatherJames H. Haden (1776 - 1822)
MotherRebecca S. Morton (1781 - 1842)
SiblingJefferson Haden (1803 - 1857)
SiblingNancy F. Haden (1805 - 1835)
SiblingEmily W. Haden (1809 - 1892)
SiblingElizabeth H. Haden (1810 - 1840)
SiblingMary Morton Haden (1812 - 1843)
SiblingHarriet S. R. Haden (1817 - )
SiblingJames Haden (1820 - )
