Individual Details


(Abt 1745 - Aft 1820)

Traditionally Roger Murphy is said to have come from Ireland to Virginia, but perhaps that was an older Roger.

Date of this Roger Murphy's birth is an estimate based on the presumption that Roger Jr was his oldest son.

An online index of the Pennsylvania Colonial Records lists Roger Murphy as being in Vol 5, pp.444, 469. I also found in an extract from the HISTORY OF BEDFORD, SOMERSET & FULTON COUNTIES PA, 1884, an article about a visit by some of the colonial gov't officials to stop the white settlers from encroaching on Indian lands in Western PA. There was a list of men convicted of trespass which included Roger Murphey. This took place in May of 1750. [See the elder Roger's notes]

It is apparent that there is one more Roger Murphy than has previously been noted. The following records from Orange Co NC, reveal that there were two Rogers living there before a third was born:
Orange County NC Wills by Shields Pg. 14. A-56. Will of John (x) Fields.
Dated 16 Nov 1766, proved Feb. 1767. Wife (name not stated); son, John, one
half of estate; son Roger, other half. Abeneasar Starnes and Ann Starnes,
his wife, and Roger Murphy "should have the care of the child" the oldest to
live with the Starnes; the younger to live with Roger Murphy, Sr. If Murphy
should die, he is to live with Roger Murphy, Jr. Wts: William Ward, James
Morgan, Roger Murphy, Jr., Rachel Fields.
Register of Orange County NC Deeds 1752-1768:
14 Aug 1764: Deed of Sale from Harmon Husbands to Roger Murfey, 200 acres,
12 Aug 1766: Deed of Sale from Roger Murphey Sr. to Roger Murphey Jr., 106
acres. Wts: Harmon Husband.
The man previously referred to as Roger Jr, born about 1767 and died in Georgia in 1854 could not have been the Roger Jr noted above in Orange County NC.

Online list of North Carolina Regulators that may have fought at the Battle of Alamance, May of 1771. "Compiled from petitions and documents indicating sympathy to or part of the Regulators. Participants in actual confrontations and the Battle of Alamance are unknown except for a few that appear in separate eyewitness reports." Names include Roger "Marfay" and John Murphy. [Harmon Husband, a Quaker, named in the deeds below, was instrumental in some of the petitions and protests but never fought.]

8 Dec 1770 Guilford Co NC DB 1, p.242 Jacob Gregg of Orange Co to John Husband, second cousin of said Jacob and son of Hermon Husband of Orange Co. For natural love and affection. Two tracts on Sandy Creek Waters. One of 200 acres below an old Mill Dam; adj ____ Jones's land, Jacob Hinshaw's. Another tract of 550 acres on corner of land granted Hermon Husband on 14 Nov 1755 from Earl of Granville called the Cabbin and running to the corner of ROGER MURPHEY"S land, with Murphy's line, corner of Thos. Pugh's land, Pugh's line. Signed: Jacob Gregg. Wit: Jesse Cox, Jno Cox. Proved by Jesse Cox May Court 1774.
[This was a part of Harmon Husband's lands on Sandy Creek, all of which were sold to Jacob Gregg on 23 Feb 1769. This was probably a maneuver on the part of Harmon Husband to protect his investment from Gov. Tryon during the Regulator activity. Gregg seems to have deeded the land back to Husband's children after a short while.]

31 Aug 1771 Guilford Co NC DB 1 Roger Murphy of Guilford County & Mary his wife sold to Peter Mock for 50£, tract on branch of Sandy Creek part of tract granted to Herman Husband from Earl of Granville on 5 Aug 1758 for 644 acres, called the Levell. This part is 200 acres. Signed: Roger Murphey, Mary (X) Murphy. Wit: William Ward, Samuel Owings. Proved by oath of Wm Ward Feb Court 1772.
[This is the last record of Roger Murphy in North Carolina. The Starnes family has a tradition that Ebenezar's daughter Mary married Roger Murphy. This is a possibility but also may be confused with his marriage to Minta Starnes, widow.]

20 Aug 1774 Guilford DB 1; p.308 Jacob Gregg of Orange Co Millwright to Mary Husband, second cousin to the said Jacob Gregg & daughter of Hermon Husband of Orange Co. For 100#'s paid by Phebe Cox grandmother of the said Mary Husband and for natural love & affection. Tract in Orange on Sandy Creek, Samuel Walker's Mill dam. 640 acres. Signed: Jacob Gregg. Wit: James Pugh, Samuel Frazier, Hermon Husband. Proved by Samuel Frazier Feb Court 1775
[The wife of Roger Murphy has been suggested as Mary Husband, daughter of Harmon Husband, but the above deed would seem to indicate that the Mary, wife of Roger Murphy could NOT have been Mary Husband, daughter of Hermon Husband as she was apparently still single in 1774, some 3 years after the time that Roger Murphy & his wife Mary sold their Guilford Co property.]

Some 1500 families left North Carolina for Tennessee, South Carolina, & Georgia following the Battle of Alamance. Ebeneezer & Anna Starnes, and his sister & her husband [Enos & Elizabeth Stimson] were among those who went to South Carolina. There were Starnes relatives that had been in Charleston since 1730. Laurens District records were not created until 1785 but the Starnes, Stimsons, John Fields, and Roger Murphy were living near one another at that time. Prior to 1785 this area was part of 96 District.

EARLY SOUTH CAROLINA SETTLERS; CD available at GenealogyLibrary Online.
Jury Lists 1778-1779: District 96
Little River between Broad R and Saluda R
includes Roger Murphy, Robert Cunningham

A book SOUTH CAROLINA LOYALISTS IN THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION by Robert Stansbury Lambert, 1987, is very informative as to the situation in SC during the Revolution. Many of the citizens of SC were convinced their personal interests would be better served by siding with the British. As the atrocities of the British soldiers became evident and widespread, many were then persuaded to join the Patriot cause. The region of 96 District between the Broad and Saluda Rivers contained a large concentration of Tories - this is the area where Roger Murphy lived. The brothers Robert & Patrick Cunningham [whose property bordered that of Roger Murphy] were instrumental in raising the Little River Militia in this area. Toward the end of the war when Charlestown was evacuated, many families from Little River that had served the British sought exile in East Florida, then a Spanish colony. Most of them, particularly the enlisted men, and Patrick Cunningham, eventually had their lands restored and returned to South Carolina. Robert Cunningham was permanently exiled.

LOYALISTS IN THE SOUTHERN CAMPAIGN OF THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR by Murtie June Clark. Volume I; Genealogical Publishing Co Inc., 1981
p.254 96 Brigade. Pay Abstract. Maj Patrick Cunningham's Regiment, Little River Militia for service with Lt. Col John H. Cruger on the march to Orangeburgh, SC. 183 days pay. 14 Jun - 13 Dec 1780. Priv. Roger Murphey [Public Record Office, London. Treasury Papers]
p.265 96 Brigade. Maj. Patrick Cunningham's Ret. Little River Militia. Capt Joseph Person's Co. 102 days pay. 14 Jun - 13 Dec 1780 Priv Aaron Starnes [Son of Ebenezer & Ann]
p.320 Pay Abstract. Col Thomas Pearson's Regt, Little River Militia, 96 Brigade, Capt Wm Parker's Co. 1 Jul - 2 Nov 1781: includes Roger Murphy
p.270 Pay Abstract #43. Maj Wm Cunningham's Corps, Little River Regt, 96 Brigrade. 3 Nov 1781-2 Jan 1782: includes Roger Murphy
p.121 Pay Abstract #129. Col Robt English's Regt. 1st Regt of Camden Militia. 6-months pay for service while in the back county. 18 Jul 1782: James Murphy, John Murphy, Roger Murphy.

From DAR Magazine Washington DC, Vol. 102, No. 3, March, 198, p.262, "Rockbridge Men at War, 1760-1782" by George West Diehl.
"Robert Cunningham, born on Kerr's Creek in Rockbridge County [VA], migrated to South Carolina in 1769, with the rest of his family. He opposed the cause of the colonists and in the course of time became the infamous "Tory General, Robert Cunningham". His brother Patrick, also Rockbridge-born, became the colonel fo a band of rampant Tories."

There were Murphys that lived in Rockbridge as well, but the records I've found are after the Revolution and nothing indicates a kinship to Roger Murphy.

[Perhaps Roger Murphy was somewhat confused about his loyalties or realized it was more expedient to change sides - record of Patriot Revolutionary Service follows. It was not unusual, perhaps even consisered prudent, for the Little River families to have a family member serve on each side of the War.]

Item #125 of Andrea's Murphy file contains the following: SC Archives #5412, Revolution.
Roger Murphy ...Private soldier since the Reduction of Charleston and due to him 11£ 11Sh & 5p. This file has an original signature of Roger Murphy on an order dated 16 Jan 1786 "Pay my Indent to Mr Patrick Cunningham" Wit: Silvanus Walker. ROSTER OF SC PATRIOTS by Moss has this as Audited Account 5412; Stub indent T166.
[ I think this entry has also been interpreted by descendants as being that of Roger Jr. - he would have been 19 years old in 1786; but only 15 at the close of the War in 1782. His father would have to be the Priv. Roger Murphy in service of the British in 1780.]
Patrick Cunningham is also listed as having served as a wagoner in the militia. Audited Account 1691; Stub indent #Y265. [This is the same Patrick Cunningham that was a Lt. Col. for the British earlier.]
Also Murphy friends/neighbors: Aaron Stearns, militia, A.A.7328: U344 and
Ebenezer Stearns; served in militia after the fall of Charleston, A.A.7328; U343
Levi Stearns; served in the militia after the fall of Charleston and was at sometime under Col. LeRoy Hammond. A.A.7329; U20 [Levi was not a son of Ebenezer & Anna Starnes, but may be a nephew as other relatives were in SC]
An SAR application for Wilton Scott Murphy in 1961 gives the Indent File #5412, first listed above, as proof, and an Index book of SC Claims by Reville.

Another note in Andrea's file states that a Roger Murphy deserted from the Army in NC during the Revolution. He had married Mary Husbands between 1770-1771 and had nine children by her. She was the daughter of "Norman" Husbands [I believe this is probably Harman Husband of Regulator fame, but this may be an error, and his daughter Mary did not marry Roger Murphy as shown earlier in the Guilfod Co deeds. The notion of "nine" children has come from the 1790 census which gives totals in the household but no relationships.]

The following deeds are in ABSTRACTS OF EARLY RECORDS OF LAURENS CO, SC 1785-1820; Sara M. Nash, but the originals have also been copied from LDS microfilm. Many of these deeds had been found by Leonardo Andrea who researched the Murphys for clients in the 1950's. His abstracts are somewhat inaccurate.

14 Jul 1784 William Caldwell to Roger Murphey for 200£, 300 acres on Long Lick Creek of Saluda River, granted 31 Aug 1774. Bounded by Robt Woods, Robt Gill, Ebenezer Starnes, Pat. Cunningham. Wit: Saml Scott, John Ritchey, Robt Richey. Rec. 23 Mar 1786. This was a deed of Lease & Release as provided by SC Statute at this time. DB A, p.167.

29 Mar 1786 Ebenezer Stearnes, planter to Aaron Stearnes, planter. 100 acres where he is living, part of 300 acres granted by Montague on 7 May 1772 on Long Lick Branch, adj Lewis Banton. Wit: Thos ?Lowrry, Roger Murphy, Wm Low. Rec. 28 Sep 1786. DB A, p.346
[Although I have not yet found the original grant to Ebenezer, he is mentioned in Memorial grants as bounding on other properties on Raeburn's Crk & Long Lick Crk as early as 1775. Aaron was his son, probably the eldest.]

25 Dec 1787 James Barton of Greenville Co SC to John Murphy. Lease & Release. 100 acres granted to Barton on 21 Jan 1785. Both sides Creek called Durbins's. [which drains into the Enoree River and in the northernmost part of Laurens - opposite side of the county to Roger Murphy & Ebenezer Starnes]
This John Murphy apparently died soon after as there is a appraisal of the Estate of John Murphy, Dec'd dated 1 Oct 1789 which includes 100 acres of land. [WB A-1, p.21] There were also several Murphys living on Duncan's Creek but he seems not to be part of this group. Another Estate account for a George Carter who was in East Florida, mentions a bill owed by John Murphy, presumably this man.
Laurens Co Court Records show evidence of John Murphy. On 13 Mar 1789, he was drawn to serve on the Pettit Jury for September Court 1789. On 14 Sep 1789, the application of Mary Murphey for Letters of Adm'n to be granted her on the estate of John Murphey dec'd. she being first sworn. Four freeholders to value & appriase the estate and return an account. David Green & Daniel Wright, Security of 500#'s. On 18 Sep 1789, Mary Murphey adm'r of John Murphey dec'd asked for time till next court to make Return of the Inventory.
Any relationship to Roger is not evident.

16 Dec 1787 Laurens Co SC Court Minutes
Roger Murphey drawn to serve as Pettit Jurour at next Court to be held 2nd Monday in June.
He did serve on June 10 & 11 of 1788 and heard five cases.

20 Oct 1788 John Fields & wife Betty Ann to Roger Murphy. 125 acres on Ritchey's Branch of Reaburns Crk. Granted to John Fields on 5 Jun 1786. Wit: Ebenezer Murphy, Geo. Madden. Rec. 30 Jun 1789. DB C, p.55.
[John Fields was probably a nephew of Ebenezer & Anna Starnes and also Roger Murphy. Ebenezer Murphy was quite possibly a son of Roger.]

8 Dec 1788 Laurens Co SC Court Minutes
A Deed from John Field & his wife to Roger Murphy for Conveyance of 125 acres of land proven in open Court by oaths of Ebenezer Murphey & George Maddin & ordered to be recorded.

4 Nov 1789. Will of Ebenezer Starns. Son Aaron the 100 acres where he lives and 5sh. Daughters Mary [eldest], Anna, Rachel, Rebekah, each to receive 5sh with what they already have. Sons Ebenezer & John to divide the remainder of the land which I now live own, allowing my beloved wife Anna her thirds. Exec: wife and son Aaron. My stock, house-furniture & plantation tools to be used freely & possessed by my wife for the support of my two youngest children. Wit: Saml Wharton, John Fields, Roger Murphy Junr. WB A-1, p.23. [The abstract of this will said that Roger Senr had signed but that is an error, it is plainly Junr. Also this abstract has been interpreted by Starnes researchers that the daughters were unmarried - I believe this is not the case. Anna & Ebenezer married in 1743 and these daughters would likely all have been old enough to marry and all had previously received gifts from the father. Ebenezer simply did not give their married names. Copy of the will from SC Archives shows that each daughter received 5 shillings sterling..]

1790 Census, 96 District, Laurens: [Have copy]
Roger Murphy Sr 4m over 16 - 2m under 16 - 5f
Roger Murphy Jr 1m over 16 - 0 - 1f [So he was likely married before 1790]
[Roger Sen & Jun were enumerated with only one household between them - that of Aaron Starn. The Widow Ann Starn and her brother-in-law Enos Stimpson and John Fields are nearby in this census. They were all in the District of Capt Samuel Wharton.]

16 Aug 1790 John Richey & wife Margaret to Wm Arnold. 300 acres on Reaburns Crk by John Ewing Calhoun, Roger Murphy & land sold by sd Ritchey to Lewis Banton, Mrs. Hodges. Part of a grant of 637 acres in 1786 by Moultrie. Wit: Wm Caldwell, Thos. Boyce, Wm Arnold [Jr]. Rec. 23 Oct 1792 DB D, p.289

15 Jul 1791 James McClintock & wife Margaret to John Harry. 100 acres on Raburn Crk granted by Bull 17 Mar 1775 to sd McClintock. Wit: David Madden, Rodger Murphy. Rec. 20 May 1806. DB H, p.144

REGISTER OF ST. PHILIP'S PARISH; Charleston SC 1754-1810; D.E.Huger Smith & A.S.Salley, Jr., SC Society of Colonial Dames, 1927. Roger Murphy & Minta Starnes, widow, married by Rev. Thomas Frost, 7 Oct 1791.
I have viewed the films of the original Marriage Register of St Phillips. LDS #0023339
Murphy and Starnes: October 7, 1791. Roger Murphy and Minta Starnes, widow, were married per Lic. by the Rev'd Thomas Frost.
[Several Starnes families were living in South Carolina at this time. Ebenezer Starnes died about 1789, but his wife was Anna. Ebenezer's brother Peter had also moved to South Carolina, near Fair Forest - his family pretty well accounted for. Other Starnes kin had been living in Charleston since 1730 - not much seems to be known about wives of this family. The will of Anna Starnes mentions daughter Molly Murphy; the eldest dau in Ebenezer's will was Mary but this must be the same girl since all the other daughters listed were the same. Ann Starnes will is dated 28 Nov 1800 and was proved on 1 Oct 1802 - she gave married names of all the daughters. Ebenezer's will was written 4 Nov 1789 and didn't give any married surnames for the daughters, or their maiden name either, just their given names. Starnes researchers are convinced that Molly married Roger Murphy Jr, but then they didn't know about Nancy Wilson, and they also believe that Molly and Minta were the same person - they hadn't noticed the "widow" given by Minta Starnes' name. Since the elder Roger was obviously a refugee in Charleston for some months, it is quite plausible that he met the Starnes families there and went back later to marry Minta, widow. Her name likely was Araminta. I have examined the St. Phillips' records on microfilm and the marriages were written, stating that the lady was either a widow or a spinster - there is no question that Minta Starnes was the widow Starnes at the time she married Roger Murphy. There are other Murphys that Molly could have married - she could have married Ebenezer Murphy, John Murphy, Joshua Murphy - all possible sons of Roger Sr. There is one additional factor although there is no hint of this situation - Molly could have been a first wife of Roger Jr and Nancy Wilson a second wife as Nancy's name does not appear in any record until a deed of sale of land in Pendleton in 1814. I believe the Starnes researchers attached Molly to Roger Jr since he witnessed her father's will, but evidence shows the families had been closely allied for many years.]

8 Mar 1792 Samuel Wharton & wife Mauldlin [prob Madeline] to Aaron Starnes. 58 acres on Reedy R. by Wm Goodman, Enos Stimson, John Fields, Ebenezer Starnes, orig. granted by Pinckney to Wharton on 4 Apr 1791. Wit: Jno Findley, Roger Murphy, Stephen Wood Rec. 26 Jul 1792. DB D, p.208.

13 Oct 1793. Wm Arnold Senr & wife Mary, yeoman of Reaburns Crk to Wm Arnold Junr. 100 acres bought of John Richey, bounded on Roger Murphy, Patrick Cuningham, sd Crk. Wit: Samuel & Reubin Arnold. Rec. 17 Feb 1794. DB E, p.132

23 Oct 1793. Wm Arnold Junr & wife Ann to Wadsworth & Turpin, merchants. Bond on 100 acres where they now live on Reaburns Crk orig granted John Ritchey & conveyed to Wm Arnold Senr. Bounded on P. Cunningham, Roger Murphy Senr. Wit: James Young, Wm ?Cason [is this Cannon?], Wm Arnold Senr. Rec. 17 Feb 1794. DB E, p.109
[Part of 300 acres see deed of 16 Aug 1790 - this was a Mortgage.]

26 Apr 1794. Isaac Wilburn to John Pinson, 2 horses, hatters kettle of large size. Wit: Wm Sims, Roger Muphey. Rec. 13 Oct 1794 DB E, p.285
[Isaac Welborn later moved to St Francois Co MO - he was the first of the Welborns to do so.]

11 Oct 1794 William Norris & wife Anna to Roger Murphy Senr. 100 acres on Long Lick Crk, part of grant of 382 acres to Jas. Box on 4 Feb 1793. Bounded on Ditany Hill, Jas. Wells, Jno. Osborn. Wit: Wm Cannon, Isaac Bailey, Wm Sims. Rec. 10 Aug 1795. DB F, p.29
[This is the first deed that makes a distinction of Roger Senr, although Senr & Junr were in the 1790 census. One of the Starnes daughters married a Sims.]

8 Jan 1795 William Norris & wife Anna to Joel Hughes. 100 acres adj. Roger Murph Senr, James Wells, ?Burns, Wm Crisp, Wm Osbourn, Ready Road, Danl Osbourn. Part of grant to Jas. Box 1793 and conveyed to sd Norris. Wit: Thos. Hughs, Jno & Danl Osbourn. Rec. 28 Jul 1795. DB F, p.41
[One of the Starnes daughters married a Hughs.]

12 Feb 1796 John Fields to Anna Starns, 25 acres, part of 196 acres granted 1786 to John Fields. Surveyed by P. Cunningham on 13 Jun 1794. Burris Creek, branch of Raeburn's Crk. Bounded on Anna Starns, Roger Murphy, sd John Fields. Wit: Jno Starns, Jacob Paulk, John Creecy. Rec. 29 Feb 1796. DB F, p.97
[There was a sketch of this plat in the deed book, removing all doubt about the proximity of these families. It was a long triangle with the long sides the land of Fields and Anna, the short leg was Roger Murphy's land, his bounding on the side of each of their tracts. There was a Spring located on this 25 acres, probably Anna wanted access to that Spring. John Starnes, was the youngest son of Ebenezer & Anna.]

19 Aug 1796 Richard. North of Columbia Co GA to Roger Murphey. 50 acres, part of 300 acres granted by Gov. Bull to North on 10 Feb 1775. On Long Lick and Raeburn's Creek. Adj. Jas Williams, John Cunningham. Wit: Joshua Noble, Jno Motes, Thos. Wadsworth DB F, p.120
[Andrea's abstract of this deed states that it was signed 10 Feb 1775 - which was the date of the grant to North. He even cites this as Roger Murphy's first record in Laurens Co. His abstract also mentions Rabon Crk, which is how Raeburn Crk now appears on maps, and Long Lick Crk. I also found a book of abstracts of Laurens deeds that gives the date as 10 Feb 1775.]

13 Feb 1797 Ebenezer Starnes & wife Mary to Aaron Stearnes. 114 acres West side Long Lick Crk of Reedy River bounded on Roger Murphy, Ann Starnes. Orig granted to Ebenezer Starnes Senr. Wit: Rachel Tumblin, Roger Murphy, Ste. C. Wood Rec. 20 Feb 1797
DB F, p.166.
[Ebenezer Jr selling his share of the homeplace to his older brother Aaron who already lived on part of it.]

21 Sep 1797 Deed of Mortgage from Vincent Sprouse to Ebenezer Murphy & Ezekiel L. Roland. For £100. His cattle, hogs, furniture & crop of corn.

4 Dec 1797 Deed of Mortgage from Ebenezer Murphey to George Brock for £10 9sh 6p. To be paid before 20 Dec 1797. Livestock, furniture, tools. Wit: John Wilson & John Coats.
[There was a John Wilson in Laurens, but there was also a John Wilson in Pendleton who had one of the first land grants in 1785.]

Abstracts of Laurens Co SC Deeds 1793-1800, Vol. #2, Larry Vehorn, 2006 Southern Historical Press
p.185 Bk F, p.346 14 Apr 1798 Geo Brock, merchant for $34.11 pd by Roger Murphey planter, sold livestock, furniture, tools etc in the hands of Ebenezer Murphey. Wit: Jas. Hollingsworth, John Wilson, Signed: George Brock. Wit oath by Wilson 9 Jul 1798

8 Mar 1799 William Runnolds [Reynolds] to Henry Fuller. 171 acres on Starnes Branch of Raeburns Crk, part of 196 acres granted to John Fields. Signed: Wm & Alsey Runnolds. Wit: Benj Carter & Silvanus Adams.
[This would appear to be the remainder of the tract from which John Fields had sold Anna Starnes the 25 acres with the Spring. There is no deed recorded for the sale from Fields to Reynolds, but it has obviously taken place. If Fields was selling, then the Spring might have been doubly important to Anna - she had always had access to it as long as her nephew was living there, but the access could be in doubt if John Fields sold out.]

Abstracts of Laurens Co SC Deeds, 1793-1800, Vehorn
p.185 Bk F,p.346 14 Apr 1798 Geo Brock, merchant for $34.11 pd by RogerMurphey planter, sold livestock, furniture, tools etc in the hands of EbenezerMurphey. Wi: Jas. Hollingsworth, John Wilson, Signed: George Brock. Wit oath by Wilson9 Jul 1798

20 Apr 1799 John Sims Senr to William Sims, 100 acres on LongLick Crk of Saluda River, part of 300 acres granted to Richard North 1770 by Bull, bounded on Roger Murphy, Hayne. Wit: Thos. Sims, Wm Watson, Fredk. Burtz. Rec. 20 May 1802. DB G, p.433

26 Aug 1799. Roger Murphy to William Sprouce. 87 acres, part of 300 acres grant to William Golden by Gov. Bull. On Thos. Wadsworth, Ace Turner, Starnes. Line blazed by Roger Murphy himself. Wit: Michael Busby Junr, Jno Newman, Silvanus Adams. DB F, p.470
[Could this be Roger Jr moving to Pendleton District? This is about the time he bought land in Pendleton. Could Roger Sr previously have given him a share of the 300 acres bought from Wm Caldwell in 1784? The descriptions in the two deeds have some similarities. Perhaps the original grant was to William Golden instead of Caldwell. In the Memorial grants is the following: William Golding - 17 Feb 1775 - 300 acres on waters of Long Lick, bounded by Robert Woods, Robert Gill, Ebenezer Stern, Pat. Cunningham. Survey certified 8 Jul 1774; granted 31 Aug 1774.]

The above deed is the only SALE of land by the Murphys in Laurens - I have examined the Grantor Index for Laurens up until 1900. Roger bought: 300 acres from Wm Caldwell, 125 acres from John Fields, 100 acres from William & Anna Norris - a total of 525 acres. Yet there is only this sale of 87 acres. The 1790 census indicated numerous children - perhaps he gave land to sons-in-law and those transactions were not recorded, or not recorded under a known name.

The following record obtained from the SC Archives is puzzling.
The Committee on Accounts regarding Accounts against the Divisions of the Treasure made report that had examined same and recommend that they be paid, rejected, or postponed. Dated Dec 19, 1806. The first name listed is Roger Murphy, Constable of St. George's Parish [near Charleston], Serving Warrants 1806. Not Certified. Postponed. There is the marriage of Roger & Minta Starnes in 1791 at St. Philips's Parish, also near Charleston. Did Roger move for awhile following the Revolution? Did he have a residence in each place? Or could there be still another Roger Murphy?

9 Mar 1807 Ebenezer Starnes & John Starnes to Aaron Starnes for $325. 100 acres, part of 300 acres granted Ebenezer Starnes, Senr. Bounded by Aaron Starnes land, Henry Fuller, William Walher. Wit: John Newman, John (X) McCurley, Moses Starnes.
[This would be the last third of the original grant to Ebenezer Sr - Aaron now owns all of it. Moses was Aaron's son.]

US Census: 1800, Laurens SC, p.38 [Have copy]
Roger Murphy: 2m -10 [these could be sons by Minta or grandsons]; 3m 16-26; 1m 45+ [Roger]
2f 10-16; 1f 16-26; 1f 45+ [Minta]
Also Ebenezer Murphy, two households from Roger: 2m -10, 1m 26-45, 1f -10, 1f 16-26

The Pendleton Deeds are abstracted in PENDLETON DISTRICT, SC DEEDS 1790-1806; Betty Willie. I also have copies of the originals as copied in the Greenville SC library - the microfilm of these deeds has been restricted by Anderson Co and does not circulate outside of South Carolina or Salt Lake City. The Abstracts go through Deed Book H. The deeds believed to be those of Roger Murphy Jr [actually the third Roger] will be found in his notes.

17 Mar 1800. Charles Clements of Pendleton sold to Roger Murphey Sr of Laurence [sic] Co SC, 335 acres on Cherokee Creek of Savannah River. $214. Bounded by Perron Farrow, Nathan Nall, part of 641 acres granted 5 Nov 1792 by Pinckney. Wit: James Clements, Roger Murphey [presumably Jr since one cannot witness their own deed] George Dilworth, Agnes Clement, wife, released dower on 18 Nov 1800. Proved by Geo Dilworth 11 Apr 1801. DB G, p.67-68
This tract was sold:
3 Feb 1807 Roger Murphy Sr. to Peter Hall for $410. 335 acres on Cherokee Creek and part of 640 acres of an original grant to Charles Clement 5 Nov 1792. Adj Perin Farrow and Nathan Nall. Wit: Robert Telford, George Hall, Aaron (A) Murphy. George Hall proved 3 Mar 1808. Rec. 29 Mar 1808. DB I/ J, p.181

20 Sep 1802. [I'm presuming this is Sr's deed as he had previously bought land on Cherokee from Charles Clements.] Charles Clements to Roger Murphy for $125, 250 acres on Cherokee Creek of the Savannah. Bounded by Peter Hall, James Todd, Samuel Smith, Curry, Vanderhorst, and Nathan Nall. Part of 871 acres granted Clements 5 Nov 1792. Wit: John Murphey, Allis Day, Moses Rush. Agnes (X) Clements, released dower 11 Feb 1803. John Murphy proved deed on the same day. Rec. Oct 8 1803. DB H, p.110-111
Roger sold most of this 250 acres:
4 Dec 1806 Roger Murphy to Levi Murphy for $50. Tract on Cherokee Creek. 100 acres of 250 acres granted to Charles Clement 5 Nov 1792 and by the lands of John Murphy and Joshua Murphy, Charles Clements and Nall's line.. Wit: Ebenezer Murphy, John Murphy & Roger (X) Field. John Murphy gave oath to Aaron Broyles on 20 Oct____. Rec. 24 Oct 1808 DB I/J, p.274
10 Nov 1807 Roger Murphy Sr to Joshua Murphy for $25. 100 acres of land on Cherokee Creek of Savannah R and part 250 orig grant to Charles Clemmons 5 Nov 1792 and by the land of John Murphy, Tabitha Wilson, Charles Clement, Robert Smith, the Hencoop Creek, Peter Hall, and back to John Murphey. Wit: William Crawford, Ely (J) Murphey. Crawford made oath to Robt McCann on 14 Jan 1808. Rec. 27 Sep 1808 DB I/J p.252
[Joshua Murphy sold this 100 acres to Roger Fields on 6 Dec 1811 - DB M, p.3 - very same description. Witnesses were Moses Holland [Preacher of Big Creek Church], Chesley D. Holland [son of Moses] and George Hall. Chesly Holland proved to Aaron Broyles on 22 Feb 1812, Deed recorded 26 Oct 1812.]

Given the low amount paid for this land it would appear that Joshua could be a son of Roger. So could the above Levi. However, there was also a large family who commonly spelled their name Murphree that lived on 12 Mile Creek in Old Pendleton, the part that would eventually become Oconee County. They had numerous Levis in their family. And Levi's deed was witnessed by Ebenezer Murphy and Roger Field - this is the first indication that the Roger Field of the Will back in Orange Co NC was indeed raised by the Rogers Murphy. I have never found a sale for the remaining 50 acres of land bought from Charles Clements - I believe Roger Sr lived on this 50 acres on Cherokee Creek. In the 1810 census, Roger Sr will be living in Pendleton and near Clements families.

These deeds above mention the land of John Murphy. He also lived on land that had originally belonged to Charles Clements and I strongly suspect he was another son of Roger Murphy Sr - John bought this land only a month after Roger bought the 250 acres from Clements:
27 Nov 1802 Nathan Nall to John Murphey for $125. 150 acres on Cherokee Creek, part of 371 acres granted Charles Clements 5 Nov 1792. [the original does say 371, but there are other references to this tract that state it was instead 871 acres] Signed: Nathan Nall, Mary (X) Nall. Wit: Charles Clemons, Rodger Murphey. Rodger Murphree made oath to James Wilbourn JP on 11 Feb 1803. DB H p.92

Andrea stated that both Roger Jr and Roger Sr bought land on Brushy Creek and then sold it. However, apparently the purchases and sales were all those of Roger Sr's as either the deed of purchase or the deed of sale of each tract referred to Roger Murphy Senior. I have wondered if the Dianna Allen he sold the land to could have been a daughter.
6 Feb 1807 Elisha Moore, to Roger Murphy Sr for $150. 100 acres land on south fork of Brushy Crk and by land of John Moore. Wit: Joshua Murphy, Joseph Lockridge, Jesse Moore. DB K, p.200
11 Aug 1807 Ezekiel Powell to Roger Murphy for $150. 100 acres on the lower South fork of Brushy Creek. Begin at the mouth of Thomas Brown's Spring branch & up to the head of the branch; adj William Crawford's line, down the branch to Brushy Creek. Wit: Jesse Sample, William Crawford. DB I/J, p.130
and then both tracts were sold:
12 Jan 1808 Roger Murphy Sr to Dianna Allen for $200. 100 acres on the lower south fork of Brush [sic] Crk. Thomas Brown's spring branch; William Crawford's line. Wit: Wm Allen, David Spearman. DB I/J, p.169
[This deed was apparently signed by "his mark" which is very curious. In all other deeds & records of the Rogers it is obvious they could both sign their names. Perhaps he had some injury to his hand on this day or the court clerk just made an error. Andrea stated that Roger Jr could not sign his name but that is wrong, given that he signed other deeds and his will.]
26 Jul 1808 Roger Murphy Sr to Dianna Allen for $150. My interest in 100 acres on lower fork of Brushy Crk, bounded by John Moore Sr. Signed: Roger Murphy Wit: David Smith & David Spearman. DB I/ J, p.266

There is only one more deed in the Pendleton deed books that I believe could possibly be that of Roger Murphy Sr. However, it is more likely that of Roger Jr, given that he and his family lived on Hurricane Creek, and his son Ezekiel was a witness to the deed.
21 Oct 1809. Stephen Plant to Roger Murphy for $400. 210 acres on Hurricane Crk, part of 1000 acres granted Wm Otwell on 2 Jul 1792. Wit: Ezekiel Murphy & Thomas W. Rawlins. Ezekiel Murphy proved to James Welborn on 21 Oct 1809. DB K, p.11

[The following could be either Roger:]
26 Oct 1809 From the SC Department of Archives & History database online comes the following Petition: Pendleton District, Presentment complaining of the recent alteration in the militia law which tends to promote aritocracy, the remotenes of the Ordinaries office and need for additional furnishings in the courthouse. Signed: Thomas Craton, Andrew Barkley, Eliab Moore, Enoch Garner, Robert Davis, Joseph Hall, Richard Burdine, James Smith, Roger Murphey, William Armstrong, Henry Gambrell, John Gambrell, George Dilworth
1810, Pendleton SC
Roger Murphy 1m 10-16; 1m 16-26 [the two boys under 10 in 1800], 1m 45+ [Roger]
2f 16-26 [2f 10-16 in 1800]; 1m 45+ [Minta]
Roger lived only two households from Reuben Clements - perhaps still on Cherokee Creek
Roger Murphy, presumably Junior, age 26-45, was on p.260 of this census, living next door to Thomas Adams from whom he had bought 100 acres in 1799. Some of the Welborns were right down the road, and so was Samuel Brown.
However, also in this census is one "R. Murphy". He is on p.266 listed with people whose surnames are not familiar, and next door to a J. Murphy. Both of these men are age 26-45. I have no idea who "R" might be.

1820, Pendleton SC, p.206 [Have copy]
Roger Murphy: 1m 45+ [Roger]
1f 26-45, 1f 45+ [Minta]

Andrea did find the following grants to Roger Murphy; I have copies of the surveyor's plats for these grants. This land today would all be in Oconee County - In 1826 Pendleton was split into Anderson & Pickens Co; Oconee not formed from Pickens until 1868.

16 Jun 1813 Roger Murphy - 1000 acres on Snow Creek of the Conneross R in Pendleton, surveyed by James Anderson on date given. Adj to Mr. Doty, vacant land, Mr. Bushfield, T. Ware, Wm Cane.
20 Apr 1818 Roger Murphy - 419 acres on Big Beaverdam Creek of the Tugaloo in Pendleton, surveyed by James Anderson on this date. Adj. to Mr. Perry, Mr. Cane, Mr. Kilpatrick, Mr. Miller, the High Stoney Hill.
25 Apr 1819 Roger Murphy - 721 acres on the Tugaloo River in Pendleton, Surveyed by James Anderson. Adj Mr. S. Messer, vacant land. Chain bearers: John Honey and Roger Murphy Jr.
[I have assigned this property to Roger Sr. based on the fact Roger Jr was a chain bearer for one of them. Later deeds of sale may reveal some of this land to have been that of Roger Junior. Andrea has a note that photostats of these may be secured. Mr. Andrea had not checked these records nor the Pickens Co records.]

Posted on the South Carolina Dept of Archives & History website
is an Index to a number of series of records in their collection. The above three plats were found in series S 213197, which is "Unrecorded Plats for Lands Not Granted, 1731-1882. The series includes the original surveys for intended but imperfected land grants. They were not granted for several reasons.
"It may have been determined that the land had been previously granted, the acreage may have been too large, the individual may have failed to pay recording fees at the state level, or the prospective grantee may have died or otherwise have failed to complete the process."
So apparently some or all of these grants were not actually ever completed - perhaps this is the approximate time that Roger died and his son began preparations to move to Georgia.

PICKENS DISTRICT SC ABSTRACTS OF DEED BOOK C-1 1834-1838 [Originals of these deeds have also been obtained.]
Pickens DB C, p.374 William Hawkins Fraiser to beloved brother Columbus Washington Fraiser all the tract on the waters of Big Beaverdam & Shoal Creek granted to Roger Murphey adj. Kilpatrick, Perry & William Cain and others. 419 acres. 4 Jan 1833. Witnessed by William Fraiser & Pinque H. Fraiser. Rec. 24 Apr 1837
p.374 William H. Fraiser to sister Ann, for $1. Black filly, two years old. 15 Oct 1836.n Witnessed by William Fraiser, Hugh C. Harvey. Rec. 24 Apr 1837
p.375 William H. Fraiser to beloved brother Columbus Washington Fraiser, now a minor, all that tract on Waters of Snow Creek of Conaross of Seneca River, granted to Roger Murphrey adj Road from Sloans Ferry to Stump House Mountain. 500 acres. 4 Jan 1833. Wit: William Fraiser & Pinque H. Fraiser. Rec. 24 Apr 1837 [There were 1000 acres in this grant.]
p.376 William H. Fraiser to beloved sister Mary H. Fraiser and brother Noah Webster Fraiser, both now minors, the tract on branches of Tugaloo River granted to Roger Murphey adj lands of Samuel Messor, Job Kannady & others. 721 acres. 4 Jan 1833. Wit: William Fraiser & Pinque H. Fraiser Rec. 24 Apr 1837.
[all of the above deeds proved by William Fraiser on 24 Apr 1837]

Apparently William H. Fraiser was getting ready to leave South Carolina:
State of South Carolina; Pickens District
Know all men by these presents that I William H. Fraiser doth appoint my father William Fraiser my lawful Attorney in my absence to act and transact my business in a certain suit myself against Jonathan Reeder as if was peraonlly present. Also in selling any lands that is deeded to me in Pickens District, and to collect any money due to me on note or otherwise & his assignments in my name shall be good in law in all cases as witness my hand and seal this 22 December 1836
Signed: William H. Fraiser
Witness: Thomas Bryce, Rial Cox

There was a later court case that referred to at least one of the above deeds:
The AL Archives has some of the volumes by James E. Wooley - A COLLECTION OF UPPER SC GENEALOGICAL & FAMILY RECORDS that have a variety of bits and pieces of SC records. I found the following bit under the surname "Frasier". [At least I think that's where the copied page came from; it was somewhat orphaned in my files.] Any comments in [ ]s are mine.

William H. & Mary Fasier. Deposition of William H. & Mary Frasier. Pact 655, #1
Clerk of Court Office, Pickens SC In Equity.
Case of Samuel S. McJunkin vs. Larkin Holbrooks & William Bradbury. Dated 1852.
Questions to Wm H. & Mary Frasier of Walker or Blount Co, State of Alabama.
Do you know Larkin Holbrooks? Yes, as a boy.
Did you signed the sd deed. Yes, with Randolph Howard
Date of this Deed 20 Dec 1832
Deed #2
When & where was this deed made? 4 Jan 1843 at my house in Pickens Co SC [this date may be an error - those deeds to the Frasier siblings that mentioned Roger Murphy's grants were dated 4 Jan 1833, not 1843.]
Where did Roger Murphey then reside and when did he die? He resided in DeCalb Co GA [this would have to be Roger Jr but he was likely in Cass by this time] I did not know he was dead. [He wasn't, yet.]
Where is Pinque H. Frasier now & how old is he, and where did your son die and when? I don't know where. He was born in Granville Co NC about 1806-7. Wm H. Frasier my son died 13 July 1840 in Noxube County, Miss.

I have searched the Pickens deeds for the first deed dated 20 Dec 1832 & can't find a deed that concerns any of the parties mentioned or any that were witnessed by Frasier & Randolph Howard. Perhaps one of those unrecorded deeds and that's why it is now involved in a suit?
The Deed #2, must surely refer to one of those that mentioned Roger Murphy's grants. Pinque H. Fraiser did witness. And since I have the Power of Attorney from William H. Frasier to his father William before he left Pickens Co about 1837, I can only think that the above suit involves the father's testimony and apparently William H. has died. Obviously the dispute itself was not between Murphys or Frasiers. I've looked at both Walker & Blount Co AL 1850 censuses and don't find William & Mary Frasier in either.

There are no deeds in Pickens Co from its inception until the above deeds of William H. Frasier that tell us how Frasier came to have ownership of these tracts. One of them was for 1000 acres, only 500 of which Frasier gave away. So what happened to the remaining 500 acres and when/how did Frasier get title?

The Crespo file as found online lists the following as sons of Roger and Nancy Powell, but then lists them as born in South Carolina. If they were born in South Carolina, they were probably sons of a second wife. And no one has noticed the earliest Roger Murphy - he's the one who could have been married to a Powell. John, Joshua, and Charles are the sons suggested. The only evidence I find for a Charles was in Andrea's research and the Charles Murphy he found was part of the Murphy's in Laurens Co that lived on Duncan's Creek. There's nothing to indicate any kinship to him although the youngest Roger did name a son Charles. John and Joshua may very well have been sons of Roger. Was Nancy's father Ezekiel Powell as has been suggested? There was an Ezekiel Powell who sold land to Roger Sr in Pendleton but it would be doubtful that a father-in-law of his would have still been living at that late date. Powell families abound back in NC as well as later in both Laurens & Pendleton. Roger Sr obviously had some relationship to Ebenezer Murphy who lived in Laurens Co - that name would seem to have come from the Starnes family as there were at least three Ebenezer Starnes that lived in South Carolina at this time.
Two more Murphy/Murphey names were found in the deeds of Laurens Co in the time period that could have been kin to Roger Murphy. Deed Book G, p.69-70. 7 Jan 1800. Thomas Murphy of Laurens to James Murphey for $290, 290 acres in the county bounding by Benjn. Bird, Angus Campbell, Ephraim Christopher, and the said Thomas Murphy. Signed: Thos. (N) Murphy. Wit: John Luke, Jacob Levy, Thos. Lewers. Lewers proved the deed, 13 Oct 1800.

Taken from the April 1999 "Piedmont Baptist Association Challenger Newsletter" posted on :
Ebenezer Starnes who appears in many business transactions with Roger Murphy was a brother to the Rev. Shubel Starnes, who left Tolland, CT to organize a Baptist church at Sandy Creek, NC. This is in the area now Guilford Co. Eight couples, including Ebenezer and his wife Anna Fields, came to NC in the winter of 1755. [The Ebenezer Starnes who wrote his will in Lauren SC was the same man, but the early Stearnes family book differs and confused the several Ebenezers.] Within 3 years there were 606 members with 5 additional churches and 3 missions. In 1758 the Sandy Creeek Baptist Association was formed, the 1st in NC, and the 3rd in the colonies. Rev. Shubel died in 1771 and was buried at the Sandy Creek Church. After the Battle of Alamance [Regulators] in 1771 many families fled Sandy Creek for Virginia, Tennessee, Kentucky, South Carolina and Georgia. [1500 families is the figure given in this article, though I've also seen this number as 1500 people which is considerably different.]

Also available at this website is an article "The Early Days of Guilford Co" which explains who the earliest settlers were. The first church was built about 1745 and was a Reformed Lutheran Church - the earliest settlers were German. The next group to settle were Quakers from Pennsylvania - their meeting house in PA was named New Garden after their meeting house in Carlow County, Ireland; they also called the area in which they settled in NC, New Garden. The Cane Creek Meeting House, now Alamance Co, was formed in 1771. Another group was Starnes' party as above. The Ulster Scot Presbyterians from Lancaster Co PA also received 21,000 acres of land. in 1753.

On can be found an explanation of the "War of the Regulation and The Battle of Alamance, May, 16, 1771." This war was the result of some 10 years of greviances of the settlers of the western counties of NC regarding the control of the colony's governor and the corrupt sheriffs in office. Hermon Husband, native of Maryland and a Quaker, tried to seek reform through peaceful means. He was charged with inciting a rebellion, was arrested and imprisoned; he was acquitted at the trial. [Herman is suggested as a father of Mary Husband, 2nd wife of Roger Murphy, and online databases indicate he did indeed have a daughter Mary but she seems not have married Roger Murphy.] When violence erupted at Alamance, the Regulators, called "the mob" by many, were unreprepared and had no leadership; they were overcome within two hours. 15 were taken prisoner, one executed on the spot, 6 more condemend to death and hung.

There is no list of those who fought at Alamance but many settlers' names may be found on petitions and other documents prior to the battle. A list of those known to be in sympathy includes the following names later found in Laurens or Pendleton, SC: Thomas Adams, Jeremiah Duckworth, Roger "Marfay", John Murphy, James Younger. A Thomas Wilbourn found on this list was likely a kinsman of the Wilbourn/Welborns who settled in Pendleton. The Browns who are on this list are Daniel, David, James, Robert, and William.

There is no known connection but two of the ministers baptized by the Rev. Shubal Stearns who proceded to spread the word of the Separate Baptists were Joseph and William Murphy, brothers, born in Spotsylvania Co.
Joseph Murphy was born 1 or 5 Apr 1734 in Spotsylvania. Baptized 1757 and ordained as a minister in 1760 by Shubal Stearns. His first church was at Little River in Anson, now Montgomery Co NC. In 1768 he went to the Yadkin, Shallow Ford Church. Col. Fanning, loyalist, accused Joseph Murphy of aiding and abetting the Regulation and tried to seize him but did not find him. His wife was a Haley; children: Sarah, Ferreby [Pheby?], Eleanor, Susanna & Elizabeth. Joseph Murphy helped to organize the Baptist churches in the Congaree, SC area, but he remained in the Ministry in NC in the churches of the Sandy Creek Assocation.
William Murphy was also baptized at Deep River by Shubal Starnes. He was ordained at Holston-Staunton VA in 1763. Said to be two years older than Joseph. About 1780 he moved to Tennessee on the Clinch River, taking some of his congregation with him. His first wife was a Hodges, he then married Sarah Barton. He had children by both: John, Keziah, William, Joseph, and Tabitha [there were others]
HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA BAPTIST, George Washington Paschal, Vol I 1663-1805, NC Baptist State Convention, 1930.

The Baptist history books of North Carolina do not follow Rev. William Murphy after Tennessee. However in 1798, he and several of his grown sons went to Ste. Genevieve Co MO and procured land from the French. They left one of the sons to start building shelter and the others returned to Tennessee for their families. The Rev. died in Kentucky at the home of his eldest son and did not get back to TN. However, the rest of the family and the widow all removed to MO before 1800. Their land was in the area of present day Farmington, now St. Francois Co MO. Lemuel Halstead, father of William Brown's 2nd wife Elizabeth, bought land from the Browns near Farmington in the "Murphy Settlement" about 1807.


BirthAbt 1745?Ireland
MarriageAbt 1770North Carolina - Mary [Murphy]
Marriage7 Oct 1791Minta Starnes
DeathAft 1820South Carolina
MarriageNorth Carolina - Nancy Powell


SpouseNancy Powell ( - 1791)
ChildROGER MURPHY (1767 - 1854)
ChildJohn MURPHEY (1769 - 1839)
SpouseMinta Starnes ( - )
SpouseMary [Murphy] ( - )
FatherROGER MURPHY ( - 1766)
Sibling[Daughter] MURPHY ( - )
