Individual Details
Daniel Price
(Abt 1718 - Bef 1801)
Henrico Deeds, p. 165, #7645095, img 269
4 Dec 1727 Thomas Williamson of Henrico to Daniel Price, son of John Price of Henrico. For love and affection to his grandson, transfer and affirm, after the decease of John Price and Hannah his wife, all that parcel of land on Upham Brook, 100 acres, begin at main brook to a branch ccalled John's Branch, foot of Timber Branch. signed: Thomas (TW) Williamson. Wit: Elizabeth (x) Listrel, Wm. Benson. Ack by Williamson, 5 Feb 1727.
John Price of Goochland Co sold Daniel Price his son, 220 acres in Goochland Co, 18 Jul 1748. The tract was on a branch of Tuckahoe Creek and part of the tract where John Price then lived. Adj. Richard Wade, Rene Laforce. Wit: Giles Letcher, Samuel Sheperd, & Rene Laforce. [Goochland DB 5, p.434]
[This appears to be part of the land John Price bought of Robert Willis - see notes of Daniel's sister Mary.]
Goochland DB 6, p.161 20 Aug 1751 Daniel Price to John Bibb 140#'s land whereon Daniel Price now lives 220 acres - Robt Willis Junr's line, Tuckahoe Crk, Richd. Wade's line, LaForce's line. Signed: Daniel Price. Wit: Roger Thompson, Sherwood Harris, Samuel Shaphard. Hanah Price, relict of John Price dec'd relinquished dower to Danl. Price. Mary, wife of Danl. Price relinquished. Rec. 20 Aug 1751 [This deed suggests the death of John Price, husband of Hannah, yet he signed a deed with his distinguished "mark", Aug of 1752. Perhaps that later deed has an erroneous deed - it should have been prior to this deed of 20 Aug 1751.]
In 1756, Daniel removed to Lunenburg Co as proved by a land purchase from Philip Poindexter on 3 Jan 1756.
Lunenburg Deed Book 4, p.233 #8190569, img 499
3 January 1756. Phillip Poindexter sold to Daniel Price, a tract of 400 acres, granted Poindexter. South side Meherrin, Sandy Walker's corner, Juniper Creek. Acknowledged by Poindexter, 3 Feb 1756.
Lunenburg Deed Book 5, p.435 #8195070, img 300
4 Dec 1759 Richard & Lucretia Brooks to Daniel Price for 50 #'s. 130 acres on Cat Tail Branch, John Price's line, Cockerham's line, Nicholas Gentry's line. Acknowledge by Brooks; Lucretia relinquished dower.
Lunenburg Deed Book 6, p.36 #8190570, img 338
7 Dec 1759. John Price and wife Sarah of Lunenburg to Everard Dowsing of York Co. 50 acres. wit: Nicholas Gentry, Daniel (X) Harris, John Colvin. Signed: John (X) Price, Sarah (X) Price. Acknowledged May 1760.
Henrico DB 1750-1774
p.189 15 Aug 1762 Daniel Price and Mary his wife, of Lunenburg Co, and John Price and Hannah his wife, of Henrico [Daniel's parents] to Thomas Williamson of Henrico for 150£, 100 acres on south side of the Brook at the mouth of Timber Branch adj. Jacob Smith, John Price, William Snead & Nathaniel Bridgwater. Signed: Daniel Price, Mary Price, John (his mark) Price, Hannah (X) Price. Wit: Jonathan Patterson, Harwood Bacon, Benjamin Estes, David Allen, William (W) Jones, Samuel Williamson. Rec. 7 Mar 1763.
This is the land Daniel was given from his grandfather Thomas Wlliamson - to be his after the death of his parents.
Settlement of the estate of Daniel Price is in Edgefield Co SC in 1801.
Found in a post to the SCEDGEFI mail list in 2004, from the Wills Record Book, Edgefield.
p.474 1 Jan 1802 Letters of administration to William Price, Senior and William Price, Junior, sons of Daniel & William Price, on the estate of Daniel Price, dec'd, intestate [I can only interpret this as two grandsons, of the same name, one older than the other, were the administrators]
p.475 1 Jan 1802 Appraisement of estate of Daniel Price, dec'd. Appraisers: Richard McCary, John Loften, Charles Hicks, Jiles Letchor. Administrators same as above.
p.476 5 Jan 1802 Inventory of the estate. [appraisement could not have been made prior to the inventory - are these the dates they were presented in court?] Says "not much personal property" but lists a number of accounts due the estate to include Joseph Price, Samuel Price, John Price, Sr, John Price, Jr. Wm Price, Jr. Total value: $1,328.06 3/4.
Also in Edgefield Co, WB C, p.27 is found the will of Christopher Cox of Edgefield, dated 12 Aug 1817; recorded 18 Aug 1819. Christopher distributed slaves to his grandchildren, Charles Lee Pace, Dread William Pace, Pernetta Jackson Pace, and Bartlett Barnet Pace, who were the children of his deceased daughter Barthenia, wife of William Pace of Georgia; to son Cornelius, to daughter Pheraby Price, widow of Daniel Price, to son Leroy Cox who also received $100 and the land he was living on; son Christopher - the slaves and land he had previously been given; son Bailey - slaves and land he was living on; daughter Jane Cox and son Gabriel, both of whom still seemed to be at home. He later divides the residue in eight parts - naming the same. No wife mentioned. Sons Leroy and Bailey, Executors. signed with his mark. Wit: H. A. Nixon, Daniel Calvin, David Stone, Spencer (x) Smith.
It is possible that Daniel had taken a much younger wife as a second marriage. He also had a son named Daniel, but there is evidence he was still living in the 1820's and his wife was then Alcy, probably Alice. Since there is evidence of several sons, it is also possible that Pheraby's husband was a grandson of this Daniel who had died as quite a young man. However, the possibility also is there that Pheraby Cox's husband was unrelated to this Price family.
Spouse | Mary [Price] ( - ) |
Child | Samuel Price (1751 - ) |
Child | [Daughter] Price ( - ) |
Child | Daniel Price (1755 - ) |
Child | William Price (1757 - ) |
Child | John Price (1759 - 1807) |
Child | Cuthbert Price (1766 - ) |
Child | Joseph Price (1768 - ) |
Father | John Price IV (1690 - 1751) |
Mother | Hannah Williamson (1698 - ) |
Sibling | John Price V (1720 - 1772) |
Sibling | William Price (1730 - 1815) |
Sibling | Mary Price ( - ) |
Sibling | Elizabeth Price ( - ) |
1. WorldConnect database at Rootsweb.
2. WorldConnect database at Rootsweb.
3. Vina Chandler Price, C. G., Compiler, Ancestors and Descendants of John Price: Immigrant to Virginia 1610-11 (Baltimore: Gateway Press, Inc., 1988), Chapter 14.