Individual Details

Isaac N. Burnham

(1801 - )

1850 Census. Clark Twp, Johnson Co, AR, Hh 6
Isaac Burnham, age 50, wood chopper, b. TN
Polly Ann, 45, b. KY
Born in MO: Benj. 18, Thomas 18, Isaac, 15
Born in AR: George 8, Henry 6, William 3

Burnham, Isaac Pension # S9122 Service: NC

State of Arkansas
County of Yell
On this ninth day of February AD 1854, personally appeared before the County Court of said Yell County, Isaac N. Burnham a resident Shoal Creek Township, in the County of Johnson, in the State of Arkansas aged fifty three years, who being first duly sworn according to law doth on his oath make the following declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the provision made by Act of Congress, passed July 4th, 1836, as the heir at law of Elizabeth Burnham deceased. That he is to the best of his knowledge, the only surviving heir at law of Isaac Burnham and Elizabeth Burnham his wife, both now deceased; that he is informed and believes that the said Isaac Burnham his father was wounded in the heel of left foot while engaged in the Revolutionary War and from which wound he the said Isaac never after fully recovered, and of which he died in the year 1827. That the said Isaac from the wound as received as aforesaid was entered on the list of Revolutionary pensioners, as this deponent is informed and believes, and as early as the year 1810(??)- and so remained till the date of his death. and continued to receive his pensions regularly from the date last(?) aforesaid, till the date of his death as aforesaid. That the said Isaac Burnham died at the date aforesaid in the state of Missouri, leaving a widow Elizabeth Burnham as aforesaid, who after the death of her said husband never afterwards married, and who died the widow of the said Isaac deceased as aforesaid in the year 1840 in Missouri.
And this deponent further declares on his oath that there is not within his knowledge any documentary evidence on record of the marriage of the said Isaac and Elizabeth Burnham now in existence; but that he has been informed and believes that they were lawfully joined together in wedlock in the State of North Carolina about the year AD 1776. And that the said Elizabeth Burnham never received any benefit of any provision of the Acts of Congress, from the date of the death her said husband, the said Isaac Burnham during her life as the widow of a Revolutionary pensioner, the said Isaac as aforesaid. And that she never made application for a pension, within the knowledge of this deponent. All of which statements as to the services on the said Revolutionary War of the said Isaac Burnham and his entry on the rolls of the Revolutionary pensioners and his having received pensions in consideration of having been wounded in the Revolutionary War as aforesaid will more fully and at large appear by reference to the Records of the War Department.
(signed) Isaac N. Burnham
Sworn to and substantiated in open court this 9th day of February, A.D. 1854
(signed) Thomas ________?
Whatever I may be entitled to from the Pension office, I wish it to be forwarded to I.L. Hollowell at Dardanelle Ark's - as requested in my former application in this behalf.
Feb 9th 1854
Isaac N. Burnham
Hon(?) I. L. Hollowell

Affidavit of John and Ann Thompson
State of Arkansas
County of Yell
On this ninth day of February A D 1854, personally appeared before the County Court of said Yell County. John Thompson, Ann Thompson- residents of Shoal Creek Township in Johnson County- State of Arkansas, who being first duly sworn, according to law doth on their respective ______(?) oaths, depose and say, that they were acquainted with Isaac Burnham named in the foregoing declaration, as also Elizabeth Burnham, from the year A D 1822 till the date of their deaths respectively. And that the said Isaac and Elizabeth as aforesaid to their own knowledge, lived together, and were regarded reputed, and esteemed as man and wife from the date of their first acquaintance with the said Isaac and Elizabeth, till the date of the death of him the said Isaac, as aforesaid which took place in or about the year 1827. That the said Elizabeth never married after the death of her said husband, and died the widow of the said Isaac in the year 1840. That the said Isaac N. Burnham mentioned in the foregoing declaration is to the best of their knowledge, the only surviving heir at law of the said Isaac and Elizabeth deceased. That all the matters and things contained in the foregoing declaration as stated are true to the best of their knowledge and belief. And that they are disinterested persons in this application.
John Thompson
Ann (his or her mark) Thompson
Sworn to and subscribed(?) in open court this 9th February 1854
Thomas _______?

There is a page in the pension file which says:
No. 8004
Elizabeth Burnham
Widow of Isaac
July 4, 1836 (or 1834)
Is this an application # for a pension filed by Elizabeth Burnham?

Affidavit of Isaac Burnham September 25, 1853
State of Arkansas
County of Yell
I, Isaac N. Burnham, being duly sworn do depose and say, that I am the only surviving heir (immediately borned) of [ink blot or crossed-out] of Isaac Burnham Dec'd. Who was a soldier in the Revolutionary war between the Kingdom of Great Britain and the United Colonies. That the said Isaac Burnham, now deceased, was wounded while serving his Country- the United Colonies in the capacity of a soldier in the said war in the heel of his left foot. That he was at the date of his services in said war a resident of No. Carolina. And moved from the State of North Carolina about the year A D 1801 where he had lived from the date of the said war. And in fact his whole life up to the date aforesaid. When he moved to the State of Tennessee- where he resided for ten or fifteen years then next following - he then moved from Tennessee to the State of Missouri - where he lived about ten years. and died in year A D 1827. Leaving a widow - my mother whose name was Elizabeth Burnham, and three children, to wit: Thomas Burnham, Benjamin Burnham, and myself Isaac N. Burnham. That Thomas Burnham as aforesaid died in the year A D 1847. And without any linial heirs at law. That Benjamin Burnham also died about the year 1846. and left two heirs at law - to wit Alfred and Isaac Burnham. That Elizabeth Burnham widow of the said Isaac Burnham dec'd as aforesaid died in the year A.D. 1840 in the State of Missouri.
That I was informed by my father during his life time, that he made application to the Government of the U. States for and ____ pensions, for services rendered as aforesaid in the capacity as aforesaid under an Act of Congress granting pensions to certain soldiers who had served in the Revolutionary War with Great Britain and who had received wounds while so engaged in the service of the Country in said war. for several years before his death - both in the State of Tennessee at Nashville and in Missouri at St. Louis. That the said Elizabeth Burnham, never drew any pensions for the services of her said husband, Isaac Burnham as aforesaid for services rendered by him as aforesaid, from the U. States government - from the date of his decease up to her death . Nor did any other person as her representative during her life after the death of her said husband Isaac Burnham. Nor since the date of her the said Elizabeth Burnham's death either made application to or secured pensions to which she the said Elizabeth Burnham was entitled by Act of Congress as aforesaid as the widow of an American Revolutionary Soldier from the general government of the U. States.
(Signed) Isaac N. Burnham
Subscribed and sworn to before me a duly commissioned and acting Justice of the Peace within the County and State aforesaid. And I do hereby certify that I am acquainted with the said Isaac N. Burnham, and believe that the facts set forth in his affidavit and statement are true. This 25th day of September A.D. 1853
(signed) J. M. Wilkinson, J.P.
State of Arkansas
County of Yell
Sir - I request that if my claim to pension in right of representative as the heir at law of Elizabeth Burnham decd from the gen. government of the United States be allowed that the same be forwarded to J. L. Hollowell - at Dardanelle, Yell County Arkansas.
(signed) Isaac N. Burnham
J. M. Wilkinson J.P.

Card in file:
Isaac Burnham
Captain Keen company of the Regt. Commanded by Col. Douger N.C.
Inscribed on the roll of Kentucky at four dollars per month, to commence on the 1st January 1803. Pension increased to $6.60 by the Act of 26 April 1816 to take effect from the passage of the act.
Formal Certificate of pension issued the 9th of September 1825 and sent to Thos. Biddle. Esqr. St. Louis, Missouri
Capt. Koen.
Records corrected
Dec. 6, 1804
Transferred to Missouri
10 February 1817 from
4 September 1816

Statement of Isaac Burnham Sr.
August 4, 1828
County of St. Francis
State of Missouri
On the fourth day of August 1828 before me the _______(?) a Justice of the Peace for the said County personally appeared Isaac Burnham who on his oath declares that he is the same person who formerly belonged to the Company Commanded by Capt. Caleb Koen in the Regiment Commanded by Colonel Peter Douge(?) in the service of the United States. That his name was placed on the pension roll of the State of Missouri that he never received a formal Certificate & now wishes to obtain one.
Sworn & Subscribed (signed) Isaac Burnham
Before the day & year
Above written
A.(?) P. Harris J.P.

Transfer from Kentucky to Missouri
Authority from the acting Secretary of War, for the transfer of Isaac Burnham, (is upon??) the rolls of Kentucky, to the Missouri territory agency, from the 4th of September, 1816, on the personal application of Mr. John Scott, of Genevieve(?) County, Missouri Territory on the 10th of February, 1817
Department of War, February 10th, 1817
Isaac Burnham, inscribed on the roll of Kentucky, as a private, is hereby authorized to be transferred to the roll of Missouri territory agency, to take effect from and after the 4th day of September, 1816
(signed) Geo.(?) Jackson
Acting Secretary of War.




FatherIsaac Burnham (1750 - 1827)
MotherElizabeth Cartwright ( - 1840)
SiblingMary Burnham ( - 1827)
SiblingElizabeth "Betsy" Burnham ( - 1836)
SiblingBenjamin Burnham ( - 1846)
SiblingThomas E. Burnham ( - 1847)
SiblingJohn Burnham (1780 - )
SiblingNancy Burnham (1787 - 1850)
