Individual Details

George Dodson

(31 Oct 1737 - Abt 1825)

There are too many George Dodsons to be sure these records are correct. Descendants have always placed the George Dodson of Pittsylvania, Henry & Patrick Counties as the son of George but there is no proof. A George Dodson was on tax lists in Pittsylvania 1782-1784 and then Henry Co 1785-1790; in 1791 Patrick Co was formed and his land fell into this new county where he remained on the tax rolls through 1796 as "George Dodson Sr". In 1797 he returned to Pittsylvania until he died in 1825. He was a preacher, but so were other George Dodsons. One George had a wife, Margaret in Pittsylvania deeds 1777, 1780 & 1783 - he seems to have been called George Senior. George Jr was married to a Martha as evidenced by dower release. One George had wife, Elizabeth R. in 1801 when they gave consent for a daughter's marriage. One George Dodson of Pittsylvania had a wife named Frances in 1807. Widow of George named in his will written 1816, probated 1825, named wife Margaret.

George Dodson, son of Lazarus Dodson, was a Revolutionary soldier, injured, and a pensioner. He was married first to Hannah Wall and second to a cousin Lucy Dodson, daughter of Caleb & Elizabeth. He was most likely the George known as "lame George".

Pittsylvania Co DB 9
p.445 24 Dec 1792 Robert Mading and Champness Mading of Cazwell Co NC to George Dodson of Patrick Co, VA. 80#'s. Begin at Robert Water's corner & running on Bennet's line to corner pointer with Samuel Watkins line, Joshua Dodsons line, Dodson & Spencers line. Old field belonging to Spencer, crossing branch to Robt Waterses corner in Slayden's line, thence with sd Walterses line to the beginning. 211 acres being land willed to the sd Madin's by John Madins dec'd. Signed: Robert (X) Mading, Champness (X) Mading. Wit: John Vaughn, Charles Collie, Robert Walters, Thomas Madding.
15 Apr 1793. Proved by two of wit.
21 Oct 1793. proved by 3rd wit

Pittsylvania Co DB 11
p.15 27 Sep 1796
Moses Hanks & George Hanks to George Dodson $183 1/3 122 acres begin Moses Hanks line, red oak, line by agreement, line chop'd by agreement
Signed: Moses (x) Hanks, George Hanks
Wit: Heath Gardner, Thomas Medciff, George Dodson, John Dodson, Robert Mading. 10 Feb 1797 proved by witnesses
p.16 27 Sep 1796 George Hanks to George Dodson. $183 122 acres. Bounded on N side Jeremiah fork of Birches Creek, red oak, pointers in said Hanks west line, Martin Trues corner, his line, fork of said Creek, meanders of said creek. Signed: George Hanks Wit: Heath Gardner, Thomas Midciff, George Dodson, John Dodson, Robert Mading 20 Feb 1797 Proved by three of witnesses.
p.38 13 Oct 1796 Moses Hanks to Heath Gardner. Wit: George Dodson, John Dodson, Charles Chaney, John Chaney
p.41 15 Apr 1797 Jacob Chaney to Moses Chaney. 335$ Waters of Birches Creek 250 acres. Begin Joshua Dodsons corner, Hills line, Jacob Chaney's line, said Dodsons line. Signed: Jacob (x) Chaney Wit: Geo Dodson, Wm Chaney, Thomas Chaney, Ezekiel Chaney, Joseph Chaney, Charles ?Charner. Proved 17 Apr 1797 by three of witnesses.
p.42 1 Feb 1797 William Mading to Joshua Dodson 29$ 29a
said Joshua Dodson's line, Spring Branch of Dodson's, Watsons Mill branch, down the mill branch. Signed: William Mading Wit: George Dodson senr, George Dodson Jr, John Dodson. 17 Apr 1797 - proved by Mading
p.52 17 Apr 1797 Robert Walters to William Seal 28#'s 10s
47a begin white oak in Dodson's line, sassafras corner in Tates line, wagon raod, with the road to said Tates, up the road to an old Blacksmith's Shop, Spring in Joshua Dodson's line with sd Joshua Dodsons & George Dodson's line.
Signed: Robert Walters. 17 Apr 1797. Robert Walters acknowledged
p.54 2 Nov 1796 Moses Hanks to John Cheney. 35#'s. Tract on waters of Double Creek, 100a Maple corner tree in Charles Collies line and William Walters, thence Walters line to post oak corner, thence Walters line to pin corn tree in Walters line and Jonathan Weldon's, thence Weldons line to white oak in John Madden's line, on Madden's line, William Wilder's line. Signed: Moses Hanks Wit: Heath Gardner, Charles Chaney, James Donneson, George Dodson 17 Apr 1797 Proved by three of witnesses
p.327 26 Nov 1797 Allen Caldwell of Halifax to Robert Walters of Pittsy. 40#. Tract on branches of lower Dubble Creek. Begin corner post oke in Walters & Josiah Atkinsons line, along Atkinsons line to Alexander Lees line as it turns to Thos Bennets line, along his line to Nathan Tates line, to Robert Walters line, George Dodson line to the beginning. 175 acres. Land said Caldwell purchased of John & Jesse Bennett. Signed: Allen Caldwell Wit: Jackson Walters, Stokley Slayden, Arter Slaydon, William Bryson, Archer Walters
16 Jul 1798 Proved by three of the witnesses.
p.387 6 Dec 1798 William Seale to Robert Walters. 30#'s. Tract on branches of lower Double Creeks. Begin post oak on George Dodson & Robrt Walters line, thence to Joshuway Dodson's line, thence to George Dodson's line to the beg. The tract deeded from the sd Walters to sd Seal containing 57a. Signed: William (x) Seale 17 Dec 1798, Ack by Seale.

Pittsylvania Co DB 12
p.352 17 Mar 1801 George Dodson Jr to Joseph Hill. 100#'s. 123 acres on Jeremiahs fork of Birches Crk. Begin fork of Jeremiahs fork, down the creek to John Hills corner. George Dodsons line. Joshua Dodsons corner. Signed: George Dodson. Wit: John Hill, Robert Madding, Geo. Dodson Senr, Thos Hill Senr. 21 Sep 1801 Proved by 3 witnesses
p.353 15 Sep 1801 George Dodson [prob Jr since Sr witnessed] to Joseph Hill. 40#'s. 62 acres on waters of Birches Crk. Begin at said Hill's corner, Gardners line, Gardner & Weldons lines, Welsons line, Hills line. Signed: George (x) Dodson. Wit: Geo Dodson Senr, Margaret (x) Dodson, Robert Dodson
21 Sep 1801 Ack to Geo Dodson
p.368 28 Jul 1801 Ralph Dodson to George Dodson. $200. 100 acres on waters of Birches Crk. Samuel Walkers corner post oak, Dodsons line, Nathan Pearmans line, Walkers corner pine and along his line. Signed: Ralph Dodson. Wit: George Dodson Senr, Robert Dodson, Elisha Mading, Thomas Hill, Robert Mading. 21 Sep 1801 proved by three of witnesses.

Pittsylvania Co DB 14
p.34 29 Feb 1804 Thomas Richardson to Benjamin Watkins. 40#'s. 105 acres. Lower double Creek & Birches Creek. Begin oak in George Dodsons line, Tates line to the courthouse road, Mading's line, Joshua Dodsons corner, his line. Signed: Thomas Richardson, Lucey Richardson. Wit: Robt Walters, Thos Shelton, John S. Oliver. 16 Apr 1804 Ack & Lucy relinq dower.
p.234 26 Jul 1804 Thomas Richardson to Nicholas Earp of Halifax Co. $150. Tract on waters of Lower Double Creek, 170 acres. Begin George Dodson's, pine in Bennetts line, Tates line, Watkins line, George Dodson's line. Signed: Thomas Richardson. Wit: Thos. Shelton, Elijah Creel, Geo. Dodson. 18 Feb 1805, Ack by Richardson
p.235 26 Jul 1804. Thomas Richardson to George Dodson. $50. 50 acres on Lower Double Creek. Dodson's line, Rice's line, Watkinses line. Signed: Thomas Richardson. Wit: Thos. Shelton, Elijah Creel, Nicholas Earp. 18 Feb 185, Richardson ack.
p.412 15 Jun 1805. Micajah Dodson to Daniel Reaves. 50#'s. 100 acres on waters of Birches Crk. Begin George Dodson's corner post, William Dodson's. line, Elisha Cooks corner & his line, Bitts & George Dodson's line. Signed: Micajah Dodson. Wit: Geo Dodson, Margaret (x) Dodson, Ezekiel Chaney. 16 Sep 1805, Ack by Micajah Dodston.
p.423 3 Jul 1807 George Dodson to Francis Cornwell. $200. 100 acres waters of Birches Creek. Begin William Colley's corner, Seals line, Robert Walterses old line, William Colly's corner with his line to the beginning. Signed: George (x) Dodson. Frances Dodson Wit: Samuel Walker, Sam. Cornwell, Samuel Flippen 19 Apr 1807 Ack by George & Frances; she relinq. Dower.

Pittsylvania Co VA DB 16
p.488 9 Nov 1809 John Shelton to Thomas Shelton. 20 acres on Waters of Birches Creek. Ingrams line; Thomas Shelton's corner. Signed: John Shelton. Wit: Benj. Watkins, William Dodson, Geo Dodson, Ezekiel Chaney Jr.
21 Nov 1809 ack. By sd John Shelton
p.506 20 Nov 1809 James Walker to Peyton Talley of Halifax Co. $150. 100 acres on waters of Birches Creek. Cornwell's line; Tanners line; Gamons line; Butts line. Signed: James Walker, Polly Walker. Wit: Geo Dodson Senr, Geo Dodson Jr, Alexander Cook. 18 Dec 1809; ack and dower released.
p.546 6 Dec 1809 George Dodson Junr to William Dodson. $200 Tract known by name of Watson Still House Tract. Surveyed 54 acres. Waters of the lower double Creeks.; Headspaths line; pointers on Chanys' line; said Chanys & Jno. Dodsons Corner, Jno Dodsons line. Signed: Geo. Dodson Wit: Ben Watkins, Robert W. Ragland, Wm. (X) Ingram, Thos. Shelton 19 Feb 1810; presented and proved by oaths of three witnesses. The “Junr” appears only in the body of the deed when first mentioned - not in signature.
19 Nov 1810. Martha Dodson, wife of aforesaid Geo Dodson came into Court and relinquished her right of dower.

Will said to be written in 1816; probate 1825.
Recorded in Pittsylvania Co VA Will Book 1, Page 85
In the name of God Amen. I George Dodson of the County of Pittsylvania and State of Virginia being under very considerable afflication [affliction] of body but of perfect mind and memory thanks be given unto God for the same and calling to mind the mortality of my body and knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die: do make and ordain this my last Will and Testament in manner and form following that is to say principally and first of all I recommend to the earth to be buried in decent Christian burial at the diserssion [discretion is the word ususally found here] of my executors nothing doubting but at the general resurrection I shall receive the same again by the mighty power of God. And as touching such wordly estate wherewith it has pleased God to bless me in this life after all of my legal debts are paid off I give demise [devise] and dispose of the same in the following manner and form.
First I lend to my small blond [I'm sure this says something about well beloved wife and has been transcribed wrong] wife Margaret Dodson my land and plantation whereon I now live and two Negroes viz: one Negro man called Simon and one Negro woman called Sarah with all my household and kitchen furniture my cash and yoke of oxen and all my stock of hogs, sheep and geese and three cows and calves and two horse beasts viz: Horse beast for the saddle and another for the plantation during her natural life together with my said wives saddle and bridle. Item: I will and bequeath to my youngest son Joseph Dodson a young blase faced mare and saddle and bridle and also one feather bed and furniture I will to be levied out of my estate and given to my said son Joseph Dodson.
Item: I will and bequeath to my son Jethro ten acres of land, a place called Bennets Place including the orchard at one dollar an acre to be freely engaged by im and his heirs forever.
Item: the rest of my estate I give and bequeath to be equally divided between my fifteen children, viz: Thomas Dodson, Jesse Dodson, Leonard Dodson, George Dodson, John Dodson, Robert Dodson, Jethro Dodson, Joseph Dodson, Frances Dodson, Anne Shelton, Elisabeth R. Chaney, Miriam Richardson, Mary Madding, Margaret Collie and Rhoda Collie with the allowance to be made by each one of them. For what they have already received of my estate which I shall also leave an statement of on a separate paper and at the death of my said wife.
Item: I will and bequeath that loan of land which I lend her to return to my son Joseph Dodson and to be freely enjoyed by him and his heirs forever at forty-five pound current money the remainder of the loan lent to my said wife consisting of Negroes stock etc. I will and bequeath to return and to be equally divided between my fifteen children as named before. I likewise constitute make and ordain my son John Dodson Executor of this last Will and Testament and I do hereby utterly disallow revoke and disconnect all and every other Testaments Will Legacies Bequests and Executors by me in any ways before named Willed and Bequeathed ratifying and confirming this and no other to be mu last Will and Testament.
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this seventeenth Day of February in the Year of our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and Sixteen and of the Commonwealth the fortieth year.
Signed, sealed, published, pronounced and declared by the said George Dodson as his Last Will and Testament in the presence of us who in his presence and in the presence of each other have hereto subscribed our names
(s) George Dodson (Seal)
Robert Watters Jn. William Wattner Jn. [I would very much like to see this original - no doubt at least one of the witnesses was a Walters - probably the brother Robert Junr and William Walters.]
Pleasant Hadspeth Heath Gardner

At a court for Pittsylvania County the 19th day of December 1825. The within Last Will and Testament of George Dodson decd was exhibited in Court and proven by the oaths of three subscribing witnesses thereto and ordered to be recorded and the court being of opinion from testimony of the witnesses to the codicil annexed to the said Will that the said decedent was not of disposing mind and memory at the time of making the said codicil do set the same aside and on motion on John Dodson the Executor in said Will named who made oath thereto according to law and together with William Simpson, Hugh Dodson and William H. Shelton his securities entered into and acknowledged their bond in the penalty of $5,000 conditioned as the law directs certificate is granted for obtaining a probate of said Will in due form.

Teste Will Tunstall CPC

Jethro Dodson married Lucy Slayden, 20 Apr 1812, Pittsylvania Co VA. He was a soldier in the War of 1812. He lived beyond 1871, since he applied for his pension that years, War of 1812 #SO 5621.


Birth31 Oct 1737Richmond County, Virginia
DeathAbt 1825


FatherGeorge Dodson (1702 - )
MotherMargaret Dagood (1708 - )
SiblingMary Dodson (1726 - )
SiblingRev. Lazarus Dodson (1728 - 1799)
SiblingRawleigh Dodson (1730 - 1793)
SiblingThomas Dodson (1735 - )
SiblingFortunatus Dodson (1740 - 1777)
SiblingHannah Dodson (1747 - )
SiblingDavid Dodson (1740 - )
