Individual Details


( - Nov 1698)

23 Jan 1685. Timothy Stampes was a witness to the will of Alexander English.

Timothy Stamps, lived in St. Mary's White Chapel Parish in Lancaster Co., VA. He married Margaret Frizzell, daughter of William and Ann Frizzell. On Feb. 09, 1686, Timothy described himself in court as the person "who married Margaret, daughter of Wm. Frizzell deceased, for the estate belonging to his wife by the last will and testament of Ad. Frances Pritchard."

The Order Books of Lancaster County gives the following information on the Stamps family, showing the number of men able to beararms.
Order Book 3, page 1 2 sons and 1 daughter
Order Book 3, page 43 1688 1 person
Order Book 3, page 151, 1692 3 persons
Order Book 3, page 174, 1696 2 persons
Vol. 4, page 32, 1697 3 persons

4 Dec 1690 Stephen Tomlyn and William Rogers, appraisors of the estate of George Maples not that there is, "Timothy Stampe his Bill is one thousand three hundred and forty seven pounds of tobacco and a halfe.

In October of 1697, Timothy witnessed the last will and testament of Thomas Davis.
30 Dec 1697. The will of George Heale described land that bordered that of Timothy Stamp, Lancaster Co.

Timothy died sometime in 1698.

Inventory filed in the Estate of Timothy Stamps, of Lancaster County
November 09, 1698, by Margaret Stamps, his widow.
Com. of admrs of ye Estate of Timothy Stamps dec'd is granted unto Marg his widow and relick, she giving security according to law. John Mott, Thos Parfitt, Randolph Miller and George Ffinch ordered to appraise ye estate on this ye 22d of this instant. An inventory thereof to be returned upon oaths to ye next court. Robert Young and Thomas Carpenter security.
Some notable items in the Inventory:
Item 2 servants, a man and his wife by name of John and Sarah Farmer having three years and upwards to serve, ye 28th day of Jan ex next which will be in the year 1698. Value in tobacco 2800.
Item Another man servant four years to serve at Christmas next valued at 2000 in tobacco.
Item A sword, a bolt pistolls and holstors
Memorandum a large pr of hand irons given by the Desire of Timothy Stamps, dec'd unto his daughter


Marriage9 Feb 1686Saint Mary's White Chapel Parish, Lancaster County, Virginia - MARGARET Frizzell
DeathNov 1698Lancaster County, Virginia


SpouseMARGARET Frizzell ( - )
ChildWILLIAM Stamps ( - 1746)
ChildMargaret Stamps ( - )
ChildTimothy Stamps ( - 1728)
FatherWilliam Stamps (1660 - )
MotherMargaret Roe ( - )
