Individual Details

Judith Moorman

( - )

Judith married John Douglas.

16 Jan 2003 Marsha Hamilton.
Judith Moorman married John Douglas about 1731. Their children's births were registered in Quaker Records. John's Will was filed & probated, 1794, in Orange Co VA. [WB 3, p.307] His daughters' married names are in the will. The sons lived in Albemarle Co.
Charles Douglas said to be the eldest son; he was born 29 Apr 1732. Died 1823.
Elizabeth, b. 18 Apr 1733, married Mr. Eaton.
Thomas, b. 2 Sep 1740, married Margaret Herndon
Mary "Polly", b. 12 Jun 1744, married Mr. Jones
Judith, b. 18 Jul 1746, married Jason Bocock
John Jr., b. 8 Aug 1748 married Miss Barksdale
Anne, b. 10 Feb 1750
Achilles, b. 1752, married Miss Terrell
Dorcas b. 9 Jan 1755


FatherCharles Moorman (1688 - 1757)
MotherElizabeth ?Reynolds ( - 1765)
SiblingRobert Moorman ( - )
SiblingAnne Moorman ( - )
SiblingThomas Moorman (1705 - 1765)
SiblingAchilles Moorman (1713 - 1785)
SiblingCharles Moorman (1715 - 1778)