Individual Details

Elisha Williamson BOWMAN

(25 Dec 1775 - 3 Oct 1845)

Clay Co Deed Book A., 1806-1827. Abstracts compiled by Florence Nelson Young & Virgil D. Young, 1975
p.113 8 Jul 1814 James P. Crump of Huntsville, Mississippi Territory to Elisha W. Bowman of the town of Cynthiana, KY. For $900. Tract of land on south fork of the Kentucky River, being a survey of 3000 acres (two hundred of which is owned by Cornelius Bowman). 2800 acres is entered in name of Goodrich Crump dec'd and patented in the name of his heirs. Wit: Joel Frazier, William Stuart, Thomas Parker. Harrison Co Clerk, W. Moore. Clay Co clerk, James Love Jr.

Married Sarah "Sally" McMonigle 28 Nov 1816 in Estill Co KY, daughter of Barnett McMonigle and Sarah Pyle.

History of Methodism in Kentucky, Vol., 2, Southern Methodist Publishing House, Nashville, TN, 1868. Digitized on
Elisha W. Bowman was born in Virginia, December 25, 1775 and came with his father to Madison County, Kentucky, when only a child. The son of a local preacher, he was taught from his childhood the lessons of piety, and in early life he made a profession of relicion. At sixteen years of age he was licensed to preach, though he did not become an itinerant until the Conference of 1801. His first appointment was to the Scioto and Miami Circuit, in the North-western Territory, as successor to Henry Smith.
(There follows in this book detailed data and a long letter written by Bowman himself - about being sent to New Orleans in 1805 and the struggles he had there. He returned to Kentucky in the fall of 1807, being mostly unsuccessful and broken in health. He was sent to Nashville as a traveling preacher, but was unable to complete the mission due to his health. Bowman ultimately settled in Estill Co, KY.)
....the last two years before his death, he preached more frequently than common. On the 3d day of October 1845, he breathed his last.


Birth25 Dec 1775
Marriage28 Nov 1816Estill County, Kentucky - Sarah McMonigle
Death3 Oct 1845Estill County, Kentucky


SpouseSarah McMonigle (1796 - 1865)
ChildMadison McMonigle Bowman (1817 - 1875)
ChildSeldon Fletcher Bowman (1822 - 1891)
ChildNarcissa L. Bowman (1824 - )
ChildConstantine Bowman (1825 - )
ChildSarah A. BOWMAN (1826 - 1900)
FatherCORNELIUS BOWMAN (1740 - 1826)
MotherSUSANNAH Pointer/Painter (1745 - 1810)
SiblingJohn Bowman (1765 - 1839)
SiblingWilliam Bowman (1770 - 1840)
SiblingELIJAH BOWMAN (1773 - 1840)
SiblingCornelius BOWMAN Jr. (1775 - 1835)
SiblingJudah "Judy" BOWMAN (1779 - 1872)
SiblingHezekiah BOWMAN (1780 - 1842)
SiblingRev. Thomas BOWMAN (1782 - 1864)
SiblingJacob BOWMAN (1785 - 1826)
SiblingDeborah BOWMAN (1790 - 1883)
