Individual Details


(1797 - 12 Dec 1872)

Age given as 64 in 1860 Census.

I doubt that Lavina had a middle name, although I've seen it online as Lavina Matilda. She was also old enough to be the mother of all the children I've found, even though some researchers say that Robert Irwin married twice. I did find evidence he was first married to a Mary, and since Lavina was also married previously, probably two of the oldest children were born to Mary.

Marriage record from Clermont Co, Ohio
Robert Erwin to Levina White.
The State of Ohio, Clermont County
I do hereby certify that I joined together in the holy State of matrimony Robert Ervin widower & Levina White on the 18th of March on thousand and eight hundred and thirty.
Wm Hartman, JP

Rushville News, Dec 1872
Mrs. Lavina Irwin, wife of Robert Irwin, died at the residence of Benj. White, six miles west of Rushville, on the 12th inst. She was born in Scott Station, Kentucky, in 1797.

I have found in researching that Lavina was apparently first married to a Daniel White; their son being Benjamin White. It is curious that she left Benjamin White nothing in her will - as it names only the four children of Robert Irwin. Perhaps Benjamin had inherited from his father. Also, finding a will for a married woman is unusual unless she held property in her own name - in and of itself also unusual. However, she had received 160 acres of her father's Bounty Land for his service in the War of 1812 as specified in his will, and it seems to be this land she distributes to the four children she had by Robert Irwin. Robert Irwin did not die until 1874 so he definitely outlived Lavina.

I am also bothered by the fact that the Will seems to be dated 13 Jan 1851, yet Lavina appears not to have died until 1872. The transcript of the will did not include the date it was proved.

Schuyler County Will Book, 268, Rushville, Illinois
I, Lovina Irwin, daughter of Richard Hill and wife of Robert Irwin of the County of Schuyler and State of Illinois do hereby make and declare this my last will and Testament in manner and form following to wit: To my son IRA IRWIN, I give and devise and bequeath the South East quarter [should read SW quarter of the SW quarter as each child is getting 1/4 of Lavina's father's bounty land] of section No (33) thirty three in township No two (2), North of the base line and range No two (2) West of the fourth principal Meridian to have and to hold forever. To my son HARVEY IRWIN , I give and devise and bequeath the South East quarter of the South West quarter of said quarter section above described to have and to hold forever. To my son HARRISON IRWIN, I give and devise and bequeath the North West quarter of the South West quarter of said quarter section above described to have and to hold forever. To my daughter AMANDA IRWIN, I give and devise and bequeath the North East quarter of the South West quarter of said quarter section above described to have and to hold forever. The above described tracts of land are all on the South West quarter of said section No (33) thirty three township, two North and range two West in the county of Schuyler and State of Illinois. In witness whereof I the said Lavina Irwin have hereunto set my hand and seal this thirteenth day of January, A. D. Eighteen Hundred and Fifty One.
Signed: Lavina (X) Irwin
Witness: Herbert Holf, Nathan Moore
The written deed was signed sealed and delivered, published and declared by the within named Lavina Irwin as her last will and testament in presence of each other and at her request have subscribed our names as witnesses thereto.

This land did not descend to her children after all, because on 3 Aug 1857, Richard & Lavina Hill sold the quarter section to George Greer & Co for $1200.00.

LDS Microfilm #1311529, Item #2
Schuyler Co IL Deed Book Z, p.649
Robt. Irwin to George Greer & Co
Recorded Sept 7th 1857
To all to whom these presents shall come I Robert Irwin
of the County of Schuyler and State of Illinois and I Lavina Irwin his wife
send greeting. Know ye that in Consideration of Twelve hundred dollars to us paid
by George Greer and Company of the Town of Rushville and County and State
aforesaid the receipt whereof we do hereby acknowledged the said Lavina Irwin with
the consent of her said husband Robert Irwin hath granted bargained and sold and
by this presents doth grant bargained sell convey and confirm unto the said George
Greer and Company their heirs and assigns forever the following piece or parcel of land
situate in the county of Schuyler and State of Illinois and known and described
as the South West Quarter of section thirty three (33) of Township two (2) North
in Range two (2) West of the fourth principal meridian the same that was patented
to Richard Hill a private in Holdens Company Seventeenth regiment of Infantry
in the War of 1812 and by said Richard Hill willed and bequeathed to the
said Lavina Irwin his daughter To have and To hold the aforedescribed premises
with all the privileges and appurtenances therewith belonging to them the said George
Gree and Company their heirs and assigns forever so that neither I the said
Robert Irwin nor I the said Lavina Irwin nor our heirs or either of them nor
any person claiming from or under as or them or in the means right or stead,
or these shall or will by any way or means have claim or demand ay
right title or interest in and to the aforedescribed premises or their appurtenances
or to any part and parcel thereof forever and the said Robert Irwin and Lavina
Irwin for themselves and their heirs executors and administrators do hereby covenant
to and with the said George Greer and Company and their heirs executors and
administrators that they are well seized of the premises above conveyed as of a
good and indefensible estate in fee simple and have good right to sell and
convey the same in manner and form as aforesaid that they are free from all
incumbrances and that the above bargained premises in the quiet and peaceable possession
of the said George Greer and Company their heirs or assigns against the claims of
all persons whomsoever will warrant and forever defend & In Witness whereof the
said Robert Irwin and I the said Lavina Irwin his wife have hereunto set our
hands and seals this third day of August in the year of our Lord one thousand
Eight hundred and fifty seven.
Robert (X) Irwin
Lavina Irwin
Signed Sealed and delivered
in presence of
John Runkle I hereby certify that the interlocution
of the within was made previous to signing the same. J. P. Runkle
State of Illinois
Schuyler County SC This day personally appeared before the undersigne a
Notary Public in and for said County Robert Irwin and Lavina Irwin his wife
who are personally known to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the
foregoing deed of conveyance as having executed the same and acknowledged that
they had executed the same for the uses and purposes therein espoused And the Lavina
Irwin wife of the said Robert being of lawful age and having been by me separate
and apart from her said husband examined and the content of the said deed
having been fully made known and explained to her acknowledge that she had
executed the same voluntarily and freely and without the compulsion of her said husband
and that she does not with to retract the same. Witness my hand and notorial seal
of Office at my Office at Rushville at the County aforesaid this third
day of August AD1857
John P. Runkle
Notary Public

This is what I know about Lavina's father, Richard Hill:

According to another researcher, Richard Hill left a will naming his daughter Lavina Hill, married to John Ervin and leaving her land in IL coming to him for his service "in the late war". He served in the War of 1812 in the 17th Regiment of Infantry, Capt Holder's Company. The file was said to be at the Schuyler County Court House, but an inquiry to them said they could find no will [but a transcript appears online]. Said to have been written in Mar 1841, from Campbell Co KY.

Richard Hill, Veteran of War of 1812 did indeed have a Bounty Land File at NARA. He received Warrant #19.733 for 160 acres. He was a private in the 17th Infantry. A copy of a letter in the file dated January 22, 1821 says: "Dear Sir: Issue a certificate on the widow. Discharge in favor of the soldier if proper."
[this certificate apparently never issued]
Private Hill enlisted the 9th of August 1814 and was entitled to an Honorable Discharge. He was born in Virginia, about 38 years of age; 5'9", fair complexion, black eyes, black hair, and by occupation a Tanner. Dated 30 Jun 1815. This copy that that entitled him to Discharge was signed over to Joseph Watkins in Green County Ohio. 17 Jul 1815.
A copy of the Discharge is also included containing the same information with a handwritten note at the bottom: To be located in Illinois Territory.
A Letter written in Springfield, Clark Co, OH; Oct 16, 1823
The Hon. John C. Calhoun
One Joseph Wadkins of this place purchased this discharge of Richard Hill a Soldier belonging to the 17th Reg in the late war. This purchase was made some time in the year of 1815 or 16. The discharge was put into the hands of one William Williamson who undertook to procure a patent for Wadkins. Now Williamson does not give any satisfactory information concerning his transactions in the business. Wadkins therefore wished to learn whether the discharge in question has ever been forwarded to the War Department and if it was then whether a patent has been issued in virtue of that discharge in the name of Richard Hill or of any other person. Any information your department will communicate on the subject of this will be thankfully received by,
Your Obt. Servt.
Samson Mason.
There are three notes on the back of the above letter:
Springfield, Clark Co Ohio; 16 Oct 1823
Mr. Samson Mason requests to in informed of Land Wt. has issd. in Right of Richard Hill, Pr. 17th Infy.
Memo. Mr. Miller will please to exame. if a Warrant has issd. in this Case; and drop a note in 3d. to Mr. Mason on the Subject. Nov 4th, 1823.
Sent a brief Notification to inform Mr. M. that transfers of Land before the issue of the Patent is not valid viz Acts of 6 May 12 & 16 April 1816. 16 Nov 1823.
[apparently the patent was still not issued]

Will of Richard Hill
Filed Campbell Co Court House, Alexander, KY. WB C, p.53. Also on file at Schuyler Co Court House, Rushville, IL, Ledger #5887.
In the year of our Lord, 1841, I Richard Hill, of Campbell Co, State of Kentucky calling to mind that it is appointed for all men once to die and being desirous to settle my little estate, that it has pleased God to bless me with, do make this my last will and testament as follows to wit: In the first place, I give to my daughter Levina Hill, wife of Robert Ervin, 160 acres of land in the state of Illinois which is coming to me for my services in the late war. Witness my hand and seal this 5th day of March 1841.
Signed: Richard (X) Hill
Wit: John Nelson, Autin Morris
March Term of Court, 1842, Campbell Co, KY
Will of Richard Hill proven by oaths of the above witnesses and ordered recorded. 15 Apr 1842

Schuyler Co, Ledger #5881, 6 Oct 1845
Warrant #19733 granted to Richard Hill, late a private in Holden's Co, 17th Regt of Infantry, 160 acres, the SW quarter of Section 33, Township 2 North, Range 2 West in the tract appropriated by the acts for military bounties in the territory of Illinois. Dated 7 Dec 1818.

I also found the patent on the Bureau of Land Management website. Under the Act of Congress, passed 6 May 1812. Richard Hill had deposited in the Geneal Lond Office Warrant 19733. Granted to the said Richard Hill late a Private in Holden's Company, 17th Regt of Infantry a certain Tract of Land containing one hundred & Sixty acres, the South West qtr of Section Thirty Three of Township two North in Range two West in the Tract appropriated for Military Bounties in the Territory of Illinois.
Signed 7 Dec 1843. James Monroe, President.

And this is what I've found on Benjamin White - possible son of Lavina:

The Ancestral File gives Lavina's first husband as Daniel White, born 1775, died 1829. That year was two years before the first child was born to Lavina and Robert Irwin.

No Benjamin White was in the census in Schuyler Co in 1840.

Benjamin F. White married Nancy Corban, 24 Jan 1847, Schuyler Co, IL - found in the Illinois Statewide Marriage Index online.

1850 Census. BuenaVista Twp, Schuyler Co, IL, Hh 89
Benjamin White, age 25, Cooper, b. KY
Nancy, 19, b. KY
William J. age 2. James H. age 4 months

1860 Census. Rushville P.O., BuenaVista Twp, Schuyler co, IL Hh 897
Benjamin F. White, age 37, b. PA
Nancy C., age 29, b. KY
children all born in Illinois
Wm J. age 12. James H. 10. Elizabeth [Elizabeth Jane] 9. Mary F. [Mary Frances] 6. Samuel H. 3

1870 Census. Rushville P.O., BuenaVista Twp, Schuyler Co, IL, Hh 125
Benjamin White, age 50, b. KY [b. about 1820]
Nancy C., age 38, b. KY
children all born in Illinois
Samuel 15, Francis 16 [female], Jane 19, Susan 10, Amanda 7, Margret 4, and Malisa, age six months.

1880 Census. Prairieville Twp, Pike Co, MO, Hh 121
Benjamin White, age 60, b. KY, father b. VA, mother b. KY
Nancy C., age 56, wife, b. IL, parents b. KY
Margaritte, age 14, daughter, b. IL
Malissa, age 12, daughter, b. IL
Dora W., 7, daughter. b. IL
Samuel White, age 23, son, b. IL
Hh 121
William White, age 32, b. IL
Lavina, age 36, wife, b. IL
John J. 13, son.

There was a Missouri death certificate, #5550, for James Henry White, born 1 Jan 1850, Schuyler Co, Illinois, died 26 Feb 1922, Hannibal, Marion Co, MO. His wife was Mary Jane; the informant was R. A. White of Hannibal. His father was listed as Benjamin White; his mother as Nancy Corbin. He was buried Palmyra Cemetery, Palmyra, MO.

I found a Missouri death certificate, #31875, for Samuel H. White. He was born 20 Feb 1863, Rushville, Illinois, and died 30 Nov 1922, Hannibal, Marion Co, MO. His father was named as Benjamin White; his mother as Nancy Korbin. He had a stroke and hit his head on the street. Buried Mt. Olivet Cemetery, Hannibal. His wife was Mary Elizabeth White and she was the informant.


Birth1797Scott Station, Bourbon County, Kentucky
MarriageAbt 1819Daniel White
Marriage18 Mar 1830Clermont County, Ohio - ROBERT IRWIN
Death12 Dec 1872Rushville, Schuyler County, Illinois


SpouseROBERT IRWIN (1787 - 1874)
ChildIRA PERRIN IRWIN (1831 - 1913)
ChildHarvey IRWIN (1834 - 1922)
ChildHarrison IRWIN (1835 - 1904)
ChildRachel Amanda IRWIN (1838 - )
SpouseDaniel White (1775 - 1829)
ChildBenjamin Franklin White (1820 - 1889)
FatherRICHARD Hill (1776 - 1842)
