Individual Details


(14 Jul 1849 - 13 Sep 1912)

In 1850, Mary should not have been counted in the census as she was born in July. However, she was - clearly listed as age 11/12. It's likely she was born in 1849 rather than 1850.. Her older brother James was listed as age 1 - he was born in July of 1848. They were the only children. The census was taken on 19 Sep 1850 - maybe the enumerator intended to list her as 1/12 - one month old. However, in 1860, she was counted as age 12. Then in 1870, she was age 19.

Listed in 1910 Census in the household of Elisha Harrison. Also living there is Albert E. Tribble & Mary A. his wife - he's a barber and they have a year old son, James M. Tribble appears to have a brother, Michael age 39 and his widowed mother, Lavina age 69 living there, too. The Tribbles were in the 1900 Census - Albert, Michael & Lavina, living some distance from any of the Harrisons.
Mary had 4 living children at the time of this Census, only Ray and Clair living with her. She didn't give a birthplace for her parents other than "United States".
Also in 1910 in Dyer Twp is W. L. Harrison age 36, born in IN with wife Annie and children Mary and Hershel.

Strangely enough, Mary, Ray & Clair also seem to be listed in Escalupia Twp, Benton Co, AR, on a "Supplement, Ward 3". The listings seem to refer back to previous households. The number for Mary H. Adamson was 433. When I looked back at Ward 3, Rogers Town, household 433, I did find her married daughter Minnie & Elias Musselman.
Mary H. Adamson, mother-in-law, [no age], widow, 6 children, 4 living, b. IN, own income
Ray, brother-in-law, age 24, b. MO, parents b. IN, Carpenter, Bridge, RR
Clair, brother-in-law, age 18, b. AR, parents b. IN, Carpenter, Bridge, RR
Perhaps Mary and her sons moved back and forth between the households. Mary's obituary reveals that the family owned a fruit farm at Chester in Crawford Co.

"Pensioner Dropped" 4 Nov 1915. Last paid 4 Aug 1912. Dropped because of Section 4719, R.S. has the pension payment cards, 1907-1933. Mary was paid $36.27 on Jul 1 1910, as the widow and she was paid in Chester, Ark. Her pension began on the 8th of July with a partial payment of $29.20. She was paid $36 per quarter thereafter until the final payment, 3rd quarter of 1912. Her date of death not listed, but stamped notified 4 Nov 1915.

California Death Index erroneously gives Ray W.'s mother's maiden name as "Arnold". Ray died in 1958.

ADAMSON, Mary Elizabeth HARMON - Mrs. E.R. Adamson died Saturday morning [September 13th] at Dr. Love's sanitarium after a prolonged and painful illness. There had been but little hope for her recovery for several months and death came as a welcome relief from her sufferings. Funeral services were held at the Presbyterian church Sunday afternoon at three o'clock and were conducted by the officers of the Eastern Star, under the direction of District Deputy Worthy Matron Addie L. Bartlett. A large number of friends gathered at the church and cemetery to pay their last sad tribute to the memory of the deceased. Mary Elizabeth Harmon was born in Indiana July 14th, 1850 and was married to Enoch R. Adamson on October 19, 1868. They moved from Indiana to Bremer county, Iowa in 1869 and lived also in Kansas and Missouri before coming to Rogers twenty years ago from Pierce City, Mo. Mr. Adamson died Jan. 7, 1910 and Mrs. Adamson is survived by four children, Mrs. E.E. Muesselman, Lee H. Adamson, and Ray and Clair Adamson, all of this city. A daughter, Miss Blanche, died a number of years ago. The deceased also leaves two brothers and a sister. Mrs. Adamson had been a member of the Presbyterian church of Rogers for twenty years and was always one of its most conscientious and faithful workers. She was one of the best beloved Christian women of the city and none stood higher in the esteem of our people. She was a member of the Woman's Study Club and took an active interest in all matters that pertained to the welfare of her town and her neighbors. Her death is a loss not only to her own immediate family but to the entire community. [Rogers Democrat - Rogers, Benton County, Arkansas - (Thursday) September 19, 1912]

Love’s Sanitarium
The two-story building located at 506 East Spruce Street is a beautiful example of circa 1880 architecture in Northwest Arkansas. Though no longer believed to be the site of Callahan’s Station, this building does sit on land that once belonged to the Callahan family. In 1849 George Jewell Callahan and his family purchased a large section of land including what would become part of Electric Springs as well as the property at 506 East Spruce.
Erwin Funk, an early Rogers newspaper editor wrote about 506 East Spruce Street explaining that Mr. D.C. Githens purchased it in 1885 and built the brick building that still stands today. Githens was the first to operate what then was known as the Summit House Hotel. The property changed hands several times over the years before Mrs. Willie Pennington and her husband Doctor J.C. Pennington, purchased the building and operated a “sanitarium,” which was an early version of a hospital.
In 1909 the property was sold to Dr. George M. Love. Love and his wife Alice had moved to Rogers in 1909, and he had a downtown office for a time. When they bought the building they lived in part of it and opened the rest as Love Sanitarium, a small private hospital. Since Love wasn’t a surgeon, other doctors performed the operations there. The first floor included Dr. Love’s office (east side) and a recuperation ward (west side), while the second floor was for the operating room (east side) and another recuperation ward (west side). The 1918-19 Rogers city directory bore an ad for the sanitarium and called it “a home-like place for the sick, convalescent, obstetrical, and surgical.”


Birth14 Jul 1849Indiana
Marriage18 Oct 1868Oregon, Holt County, Missouri - ENOCH REUBEN ADAMSON
Death13 Sep 1912Rogers, Benton County, Arkansas


SpouseENOCH REUBEN ADAMSON (1841 - 1910)
ChildLee Harmon Adamson (1869 - 1949)
ChildMinnie M. ADAMSON (1872 - 1927)
ChildBlanche Adamson (1877 - 1905)
ChildRAY WEYMOUTH ADAMSON (1884 - 1958)
ChildClair Donald Adamson (1892 - 1969)
MotherEMMA ELIZABETH MILLER (1825 - 1871)
SiblingJames N. "Taylor" Harmon (1848 - 1933)
SiblingJohn A. Harmon (1852 - 1881)
SiblingAdora Harmon (1853 - 1854)
SiblingCharley M. HARMON (1856 - 1859)
SiblingHenry Harmon (1858 - 1938)
SiblingWilliam Harmon (1860 - 1933)
SiblingMinnie B. Harmon (1866 - 1946)
