Individual Details


(19 Feb 1841 - 7 Jan 1910)

I found Enoch's middle name when I ordered Ray's Social Security application.

There is a bit of a puzzle concerning his birth year. His obit claimed Enoch was born 19 Feb 1854 - simply not possible. He was already 9 years old in 1850, living in his father's household; he served in the Civil War and married in 1868. In 1860, his age was given as 19. In 1870, he was age 29; a state census in 1875, gave his age as 34. Enoch claimed to be age 39 in 1880. In the 1900 census, Enoch said born Feb 1840, age 60. The over-whelming evidence appears to suggest he was born in 1841.

Married 32 years in 1900.

Marriage record from Holt County. This certifies that Enoch Adamson of Shellrock State of Iowa and Mary Harmon of Oregon State of Missouri were by me joined in Holy Matrimony Oct 18th 1868. J. L. Hatfield, VDM. In presence of Wm. Harmon, John Price
Filed for Record Nov 9th 1868. E. L. Allen Recorder.

Testimony of both Enoch & Mary in his pension application gives the location of their marriage as Oregon, Holt Co, MO. Married by Rev. J. L. Hatfield VDM.

List of persons subject to do military duty in the 11th Congressional District, Indiana. July, 1863.
Subdis. #47 Howard Co
Adamson, Enoch, 22, Farmer, 57th Ind. Infantry
Adamson, Thomas M., 23, Farmer, 57th Ind. Infantry.

Service records from NARA reveal an Enoch Adamson who enlisted April 19, 1861 at Kokomo, Howard Co, IN and was mustered in as a private in Co. F (which became Co. D), 6th Regt. of the Indiana Infantry on Apr 22. He was mustered out on Aug 2, 1861 after serving his 3 months. Age was given as 20 years. Enoch then re-enlisted in the 57th Regt, Company G. He was a 1st Sergeant when he enlisted, a 1st Lt when mustered out. The 57th was mustered in 18 Nov, 1861.
Aaron Adamson, probably his 1st cousin once removed, served in the 57th Regt, Company K, as a private.

There is also a Pension File for Enoch R. Adamson filed under Certificate #704100, Mary, Widow of Enoch R. Adamson. Information from that file reveals the following.
Enoch R. Adamson, Pension #416.857, was mustered into service on 4 Apr 1863 as a 2nd Lt, Co G, 57th Regiment of the Indiana Volunteers to serve 3 years or the duration of the war. He was on the Muster-roll of Company D for the months of March & April. On 6 Jun 1863 he was mustered in as 1st Lt, Co. G. In November & December of 1863, he was absent at home as recruiting officer. His resignation was accepted 22 Nov 1864 and the surgeon's certificate stated: "I certify that E. R. Adamson 1st Lieutenant, Co G, 57 Ind Vol Infty is afflicted with chronic Rheumatism causing exudation and enlargement of the right knee disabling him for the duties required of an officer holding the position he does." Signed W. T. Mendenhall, Asst. Surg. 57th Ind Vol
No copy of his actual application for Pension was found in the file but the date of the earliest deposition given is 24 Feb 1881 and is from Hosea Tillson MD, late Surg. 57th Regt. Ind Vol. Dr. Tillson states that he was personally acquainted with Lt. Enoch R. Adamson & knew he suffered from rheumatism at various time, the first attack being in 1863 while in camp near Murfreesboro or on the move from that place to Chattanooga. He frequently prescribed for him and excused him from duty until his resignation on the grounds of disabiliy from sciatic rheumatism in the Fall of 1864.
Enoch lived in several locations following the Civil War as documented in the various depositions of this file. Nathan H. Beals of Washington Township, Bremer Co IA stated in Feb of 1883 that he had known Adamson since 1856 in Oakford, Howard Co IN. In 1861, he (Beals) had moved to Iowa and Enoch's family had moved there in 1863 and lived near Shelrock [Shell Rock, Butler Co IA - just over the county line from Bremer Co]. In February of 1865, after the War, Enoch also moved to Bremer Co where he lived until he moved to Kansas about January of 1872. Beals never knew Adamson to have any rheumatism before the War, but figured he was incapacitated because of it about half of the time he lived in Iowa.
James H. Rodman and Thomas W. Walker of Moline, Elk Co, Kansas, testified that they had known Adamson well and intimately since the first part of the year 1872. Rodman said he knew him for 4/5 years before the War when they lived near each other in Oakford, IN. Both men lived near Adamson close to the town of Moline from 1872 until December of 1880 when Adamson & his family went to Kokomo, IN for a vist and then settled in Pierce City, MO. All the years they knew Adamson he was suffering with rheumatism of his right leg; his right knee & leg would swell & become stiff until he was unable to perform manual labor. They figured he was incapacitated 3/4 of his time from 1872 to 1880.
J. W. Tate of Pierce City, Lawrence Co, Missouri stated on 14 Feb 1883 that he was well acquainted with Enoch R. Adamson since March of 1881 when applicant first came to Pierce City to reside. All the time he knew him, he had suffered with rheumatism of his right knee and leg.
W. T. Mendenhall, late Asst Surg. 57th Regt. IN Vol. Infy, also ceritifed that Enoch R. Adamson "was afflicted with sciatic Rheumatism caused by exposure in the service and was under my treatment for said disease for near two months until his resignation was accepted for said cause on 22 Nov 1864."
There is no paper in the file to indicate a date that Enoch R. Adamson first began receiving his pension but he obviously was awarded one. There is a form in the file with the note, "Sir: In forwarding to the pension agent the executed voucher for your next quarterly payment please favor me by returning this circular to him with replies to the questions enumerated below. Very respectfully, H. Clay Evans, Commissioner" This form gives Enoch wife's full name and maiden name, the date of their marriage & by whom married, where the marriage was recorded, names & dates of birth of all children. This form was completed and signed with Enoch's signature on 3 Aug 1898.
Apparently Enoch's rheumatism continued to worsen because there is a "Declaration for the Increase of an Invalid Pension." This form is dated 8 Jan 1908 from Rogers, Benton Co, Arkansas and states that "he is now totally disabled in right hip and leg". This form also signed by Enoch R. Adamson. He was awarded an increase to $17 beginning 5 Feb 1908. (A later testimony accompanying the widow's application states that the Adamson's were living in Benton Co by 1892.)
Enoch R. Adamson was dropped from the Invalid Pension rolls as he died 7 Jan 1910. He was last paid $17 on 4 Nov 1909.
On 19 Feb 1910, Mary Adamson applied for her benefits as widow of Enoch R. Adamson. She was living in Rogers, AR at that time. She states that Enoch was commissioned at Indianapolis, IN on 12 Feb 1863. She was married as Mary Harmon at Oregon, Missouri on 18 Oct 1868 by J. L. Hatfield, VDM. She had not been previously married, nor had he. He died 7 Jan 1910 at McAlester, OK. (He appears to have buried in the Rogers cemetery in a plot shared with his deceased daughter Blanche.)
James N. Harmon, age 61, a resident of Zionsville, Boone Co, IN and postmaster of said town, stated that he was the brother of Mary E. Adamson and he was present when she married Enoch R. Adamson some time in the summer of 1868.
Solomon Foster of Benton Co AR, testified for "Mollie" Adamson. He gave his age as 69 and stated he had known Mary since she was 16 years old, before she was married. They both lived in Oregon, Holt Co, MO and she lived there when she married Enoch. He came to Benton Co in 1892 and the Adamsons were living there then.
Again there is no certification of when Mary began receiving her pension, but there is a "Pensioner Dropped" notice dated 4 Nov 1915 stating "pensioner was last paid at $12 to 4 Aug 1912 and has this day been dropped from the roll because of Section 4719, R.S." She is last found on a Census in 1910, with sons Ray & Clair as boarders with a family in Chester, Crawford Co, Arkansas.

1870 Census. Washington Twp., Bremer Co IA: Enoch Adamson age 29, Farmer, born IN. Value of real estate $4000, $350 pers prop. Mary age 19, Keeping house, born IN, Lee age 8/12 born in Sept, Enoch Adamson age 21 also born in IN (cousin) is living with them and doing Farm labor. Enoch probably the son of Moses Adamson & Lydia Garner.
1870 Agricultural Schedule - Bremer, Washington Twp
Enoch R. Adamson, 100 acres improved land; 50 acres woodland. Value of farm, $4000. Value of implements, $300. Wages paid during the year - $200. 3 horses. 13 Swine. Value of livestock, $350. 320 bu Spring Wheat. 800 bu Indian Corn. 70 bu Oats. 20 bu Irish potatoes. 100 lb butter. 5 5ons Hay. 30 gal Molasses. Value of forest products, 475. Value of animals slaughtered, $250. Est value all farm products, etc. $900.

1875 Kansas State Census. Center Twp, Howard Co. Boston P.O. Hh 58
E. R. Adamson, age 34, Farmer. Value of Real Estate $320, Pers Prop $75. Born Indiana, came from Iowa to Kansas.
Mary, age 24, b. IN, came from Iowa
Lee, age 5, b. Iowa. Minnie, age 2, b. Kansas.

1880 Census. Chautauqua Co KS, p.314B, Hh 142: Enoch, age 39, Farming b. IN, Fb.TN, Mb. OH; Mary E. age 29, Wife, Keeping house; b. IN, parents b. KY; Lee age 10, son b. IA; Minnie age 7, dau b. KA; Blanche age 2, dau b. KA. Lee and Minnie both had attended school that year.

1890 Census. Pierce City, Lawrence Co, MO. ED 125
Special Schedule: Surviving Soldiers, Sailors, and Marines, and Widows, Etc.
From Family 47: Enoch R. Adamson, Lt. Co G, 57th Regt, Indiana Infantry. Enlisted 1861; discharged 1864.

1900 Census. Esculapia, Rogers Town, Benton Co AR, p.265B, SD 3, ED 11, Hh 296: Enoch R. b. Feb 1840, age 60, married 32 yr; b. IN, both parents b. IN, Carpenter; Mary E., wife, b. Jul 1850, age 49, 7 children, 5 living; b. IN, parents b. TN, LandLady; Blanch E., dau b. Oct 1878 in KS, age 21; Ray W. son b. May 1884 in MO, age 16; Clar R. son b. Jul 1892 in AR, age 7; three boarders.

Daughter Blanche's obituary in 1905, states that her father had control of the Commercial Hotel in Rogers for a time and Blanche had handled the active management.

Enoch appears to be buried in Rogers Cemetery, Plot #184, next to daughter Blanche. No dates.
Wife is listed as widowed in the 1910 Census.

ADAMSON, E.R. - E.R. Adamson died Friday, January 7th in the hospital at McAlester, Okla. the result of pneumonia and complications. The body was brought to Rogers and funeral services were held Monday afternoon at two o'clock at the Presbyterian church and were conducted by the pastor, Rev. Arnett. Interment was in the Rogers cemetery. Mr. Adamson had been in charge of a Rock Island bridge gang the past three months with headquarters at Haileyville, Okla. Christmas Day he was sent to Shawnee to assist in clearing away the wrecked machine shops where a number of men were killed by the explosion of a locomotive boiler. He caught a severe cold and was ordered to the hospital January 1st. He rapidly grew worse and died before any of the family could reach him. "Col" Adamson, as he was familiarly known, was born February 19, 1854 at Kokomo, Howard county, Indiana. He grew to manhood there served four years in the Civil War in an Indiana regiment. After the war he went to Missouri and October 12, 1870 was married to Miss Mary E. Harmon of Oregon, Mo. To them were born seven children, four of whom with their mother survive him. They are Mrs. E.E. Musselman of Rogers and Lee, Ray, and Clarie, who have been the past year at Quanah Texas. Two children died at Peirce City, Mo. and Miss Blanche died here several years ago. Mr. Adamson had been a Frisco employee for twenty-seven years, commencing about the time the Frisco company began work on the line south from Monett. He had always been in the bridge and carpenter department and in charge of a regular crew. The family moved to Rogers from Pierce City in 1890. In 1897 Mr. Adamson took charge of the Commercial Hotel of Rogers and owned it for about three years, although he was himself in charge and off the road for only one year. He was elected mayor of Rogers that spring and served with credit to himself and the town. For a number of years Mr. Adamson had owned a large fruit farm near Chester and a little over two years ago they moved down there to give it their personal supervision. Mrs. Adamson and the boys will retain the farm this year at least. Mr. Adamson was one of the most popular men that ever lived in Rogers and his list of friends was only limited by the number of his acquaintances. Big, jolly and with a hearty welcome for everyone, he was known from one end of the division to the other and the news of his sudden death will be learned with much regret by all. Mrs. Adamson and children request us to thank the friends who so kindly assisted her in preparing and conducting the funeral and for other kindnesses shown. [Rogers Democrat - Rogers, Benton County, Arkansas - January 13, 1910]


Birth19 Feb 1841Indiana
Military1863 - 18642nd Lt, Co G, 57th Regiment Indiana Volunteers, Civil War
Marriage18 Oct 1868Oregon, Holt County, Missouri - MARY ELIZABETH "Molly" HARMON
Death7 Jan 1910McAlester, Pittsburg County, Oklahoma
Burial10 Jan 1910Rogers, Benton County, Arkansas


SpouseMARY ELIZABETH "Molly" HARMON (1849 - 1912)
ChildLee Harmon Adamson (1869 - 1949)
ChildMinnie M. ADAMSON (1872 - 1927)
ChildBlanche Adamson (1877 - 1905)
ChildRAY WEYMOUTH ADAMSON (1884 - 1958)
ChildClair Donald Adamson (1892 - 1969)
FatherANDREW JACKSON ADAMSON (1817 - 1869)
MotherRACHEL ANN GARNER (1816 - 1898)
SiblingEdom Adamson (1835 - 1885)
SiblingJohn Wesley Adamson (1843 - 1864)
SiblingSarah E. ADAMSON (1846 - 1907)
SiblingMary Emily ADAMSON (1847 - 1929)
SiblingRachel Ellen ADAMSON (1851 - 1855)
SiblingAndrew Fredrick Adamson (1855 - 1913)
SiblingHester "Hattie" ADAMSON (1857 - 1890)

