Individual Details
(13 Jul 1887 - 3 May 1958)
Delayed Arkansas Birth Certificate #1167
Kenney Marcus Comstock was born 15 Jul 1887 in Uniontown, Crawford, AR. His father was James Monroe Comstock, age 27, b. MO. Mother was Lucretia Ellen Wood, age 20, b. Kansas. He was the 2nd child born in the family. Lucretia Ellen Comstock signed as his mother - she was age 77. 8 Jan 1945.
I found an old newspaper clipping - probably from the Press Argus in Van Buren. It was in poor shape and torn but this is the best transcription I can come up with:
Three cheers for Uniontown! Uniontown is on a boom. Our streets are in apple-pie order -- over $100 spent and not done yet.
Prof. Hicks is teaching a fine school here. Over 100 pupils are in attendance. At the beginning of the holidays the school gave a fine exhibition.
After divine services on Dec. 23rd. Prof. Hicks and Miss Mary Spier, one of Uniontown's most charming young ladies, were joined together in the holy bonds of matrimony. This notice helped me find their wedding date and dated this article - it was 23 Dec 1896 as found in Mary Jane Comstock's book COMSTOCK-HAGGARD AND ALLIED FAMILIES.
We want to say something about our Christmas tree - the biggest thing out - and well loaded with presents. The exhibition was opened by singing by the little Sunday School children. The opening prayer was offered by Master Kenny Comstock - Hon. Mon. Comstock's little nine-year-old boy - which speaks well for Sunday School and home training. Bro. A. Comstock [I know of no A. Comstock - this initial wrong; it may have been R. for Randolph Comstock] is Superintendent of the Sunday School. Pupils enrolled, 82; average attendance, 60. This shows some one else is at work in the right direction. We can but say "amen" to such work.
As to our business men they are too well known to need any commendations at our hands. Comstock Bros., headquarters for goods; Walter Henry a wide-awake, jolly good fellow on the corner, always ready to accommodate his customers; then J. C. Wood [Kenney's maternal grandfather] a jolly old fellow, with his stock of drugs, ever ready to supply his customers; and if you need anything in his line and step in and don't happen to see Joe, you'll see a large wooden pipe; just take a look down the stem and you'll find Uncle Joe sticking on the other end of the stem, puffing away for dear life. After all, Joe is all O.K. As to doctors, we have two - Blakemore and Wood [Dr. Tom Wood, son of J. C. Wood] - both enterprising sober, nice young men, and very attentive to their profession. In conclusion we will say to all Uniontown people: God bless you all in all honest and upbuilding enterprises.
We wish the grand old ARGUS a Happy New Year.
Aug 17, 1907, VAN BUREN PRESS
An outing party, consisting of 32 in number, went to Copper Springs in the Indian Territory. The party consisted of Mr. John J. Hays & family, Mr. F. L. Pease & family, Mr. J. C. Wood, wife and daughter, Mr. John S. Rainwater and wife [Nora Comstock, my grandpa's sister, was his wife], Messrs. Gratis M. Comstock & Guy Wood. The party reports a good time, but not very much game. Miss Lella M. Wood [I think this should have been Zella Wood], Nora & Minnie Hays and Virgie Bragg are given high credit for making good rifle shots, and the boys say the girls did not leave any white spots on the trees near the spring for any other parties to shoot at. Kennie Comstock was given credit for being the best huntsman, as he killed more game than any one else in the party.
Minister, Samuel A. Cox, married Kenney and Nora. They were married at the Bride's Home in Cove in Uniontown. The license was issued 8 Jan 1908. They both said they were age 20.
1910 Census. Occupation: Farmer. Age 22; Nora L. age 23; Graydon age 1 4/12
Kenney registered for the World War I draft on 22 Jun 1917. He gave his present employement as Merchant and himself as the owner. He stated he had a wife and three children and claimed exemption because of support of family with children under twelve years. He stated he had been a Private in the Military at the University of Arkansas. His description was short, stout, dark blue eyes and dark brown hair. He signed his name as "Kinney Marcus Comstock".
1920 Census. Occupation: Merchant, Own Store. Lived with Nora's parents in Van Buren - no street given, but it was up on the hill above Fairview Cemetery. Mt. Vista given as road on page before.
Dwelling 291, Family 358. K. M. Comstock, 32. Nora, wife, 32. Graydon, son 11. K. M. Jr., son, 5. Joe Ellen, dau, 3. John J., son, 5 months.
Same dwelling. Family 359. J. J. Hays, 63, Manage, Gin. Josie, wife, 63
Obituaries, Death Notices & News Items Extracted from the Van Buren Press Argus 1925
Vol 10, Fran Alverson Warren, p.8
1 May 1925
Freddie Kidd auto victim last Thursday.
While Van Buren has had her full quota of automobile fatalities, that of Thursday evening of last week when Freddie Kidd, the 7-year-old son of Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Kidd, South 13th Street, was the most distressing of all, for he was a general favorite with all who knew him.
The accident occurred shortly after 4 o'clock on East Main St as the little victim and his companions and classmates were returning home from school. Mr. Edgar Covey was returning to town after attending the funeral services for O. R. Lobdill on East Main. W. J. Martin, O. D. Thomas, and K. M. Comstock were riding in the car with Covey, Mr. Martin occupying the seat with the driver. The story of a number of eyewitnesses to the tragedy was to the effect that the child started to run diagonally across the street in front of the Covey car, his vision probably impaired by the wide-brimmed straw hat he was wearing. Someone shouted at him and seeing his danger became confused and instead of continuing across turned and started to run back and was struck by the car with sufficient force to throw him against the curb and crush his skull, the car continuing until it mounted the curb and collided with a tree growing in the parking in front of the L. C. Tate residence.
The occupants of the car were the first to reach the child and he was lying full length under the rear of the car, none of the wheels having touched his body. An ambulance was called from Fort Smith and the child was hurried to the St. John Hospital where he died immediately after being taken out of the ambulance. The news that he died spread quickly...
As the news of the tragedy spread, all recalled the fact that three years ago, Harry Kidd, the older brother had been run down by an automobile on Main Street and died a few days later in a Fort Smith hospital. ...the first Van Buren automobile accident was Harry Kidd, young son of Mr. & Mrs. Fred W. Kidd and uncle of Harry & Freddie Kidd.
1930 Census. The family had moved to Fayetteville in Washington Co. They were renting a house at 18 East Dickson. Kenney & Nora were both age 42, married since they were 20. Kenney was selling dry goods. Kenney M. was 15, JoEllen 13, John J 10, and Ira 5.
Fayetteville City Directory, 1939
Comstock, Graydon E. (Mary C.) teller McIlroy Bank & Trust Co r 530 N. Washington Av
Comstock, J. Ellen tchr r 504 N. Willow Av
Comstock, Kenney M. (Nora) bkpr Vickers Lndry & Clnrs h 504 N Willow Av
Comstock, Kenney M. jr student U of A r504 N Willow Av
Comstock Mary C Mrs. tchr Wahington Sch r 530 N Washington Av
Later edition of the directory, prob 1947:
Kenny M Comstock (Nora) slsmn. h428 N. College Av
prob 1951
Comstock, Kenneth M (Emma L) slsmn Berry Dry-Goods h 930 Rush Dr
-- Kenney M (Nora H) slsmn Ft. Smith h 321 W. Holly
1940 Census. Fayetteville, Washington, AR, ED 72-26A, Sheet 8B, Hh 196
Kenney M. Comstock, renting at 504 N. Willow [this would have been the two-story house on the corner]. Age 52, has had two years of college. He was a traveling Salesman for a wholesale dry goods [Berry Dry Goods in Ft. Smith] and had made $2400 the previous year.
Nora L., wife, gave the information - she was 53. She had 1 year of high school [I know that she stayed in school just long enough to get a certificate to teach primary grades.]
Kenney M. Jr. was 25, still at home; he had 3 years of college.
John J., son, age 20, 1 year of college; Learning window trimming
Ira A., son, age 15, still in high school.
Richard Clark, lodger, age 28, Assistant manager, Retail Ice Plant.
The Fourth Registration of the Draft for World War II conducted 27 Apr 1942, was sometimes referred to as the "old men's registration" as it was for men born between 28 Apr 1877 and 16 Feb 1897, men between 45 and 64 years old. Kenney did register and at that time was living at 433 North Willow in Fayetteville, AR. His employer was Berry Dry Goods in Ft. Smith. He gave the expected date and place of birth. Nora Comstock was listed as the "Person Who Will Always Know Your Address". His description was: Height: 5'5", Weight 176 lbs., Blue eyes, Lt. Brown hair, Light complexion. His signature is on the card.
Northwest Arkansas Times, Fayetteville, AR
24 Dec 1946, p.3
Comstock Family Re-United for Christmas
For the first time in eight years, the K. M. Comstocks, prominent Fayetteville family, will be reunited on Christmas Day.
Captain Kenney M. Comstock, back from four years with the Army in the European theatre, has arrived to spend 45 days leave with his parents, Mr. & Mrs. K. M. Comstock, 428 N. College, and his wife's parents, Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Denney, 516 Highland.
Another son, Jay Comstock, of New York, arrived today to spend the holiday with his parents.
Others who will be present for the Christmas reunion include Mr. & Mrs. Graydon Comstock and son Donnie, and Mr. & Mrs. Joe McKim and daughter Karen Kay, and Ira A. Comstock, all of Fayetteville, and Mr. & Mrs. Ira Comstock and John J. Hays of Van Buren.
1947 Fayetteville, AR, City Directory
Comstock, Kenny M. (Nora), slsmn, home, 428 N. College Av
Northwest Arkansas Times, Fayetteivlle, AR
29 Dec 1949
Comstocks Have Holiday Family Get-Together
Mr. & Mrs. K. M. Comstock had their children and other relatives as holiday guests. They were: Mr. & Mrs. Graydon Comstock and son, Donnie & Dave, of Harrison; Mr. & Mrs. K. M. Comstock Jr. and son, Kenny, of Fayetteivlle; J. Comstock fo Fayetteville; Mr. & Mrs. Joe McKim and daughter, Kay, of Springdale; Mr. & Mrs. Ira A. Comstock of Norman, Okla. John Hays of Van Buren, father of Mrs. K. M. Comstock Sr; Mrs. J. M. Comstock of Van Buren, mother of Mr. Comstock; Ira B. [sic] Comstock of Van Buren, his brother and Mrs. Ira B. Comstock. The Ira A. Comstocks are spending a week here before returning to Norman.
1950 Census. Fayetteville, Washington Co, AR, Hh 55
428 N. College
Kenney M. Comstock, 62, b. AR, traveling salesman, dry goods
Nora L., wife, 63, b. AR
John J., son, 30, b. AR, traveling salesman, foods
1951 Fayetteville AR City Directory
Comstock, Kenney M. (Nora H), salesman, Ft. Smith, home: 321 W. Holly
In 1952, Nora and Kenney were living in a farm home near Elkins, AR. He had a severe stroke. Nora had never driven a car but she learned driving up and down the driveway at the farm. They sold the farm and moved back to Van Buren two doors from Ira & Minnie Comstock. In 1958, Nora and Kenney decided to move to Springdale to live near JoEllen and son K. M. and their families.
Probably from The Springdale News
Parents of Local Residents Observe Golden Anniverserary
Mr. & Mrs. K. M. Comstock, 721 Drennen St, Van Buren, observed their golden wedding anniversary Sunday and were the honorees of an open house held from 2 until 5 p.m. at the home of Mr. Comstock's brother and sister-in-law, Mr. & Mrs. Ira V. Comstock, 711 Drennen St.
Assisting at the reception were members of the family including the sons and daughters of the couple and their families: Mr. & Mrs. Graydon Comstock of Tulsa, Okla., Mr. & Mrs. Kenney Comstock Jr, Springdale, Ark.; Mr. & Mrs. Ira Allen of Kansas City, Mo., and Mr. & Mrs. Joe McKim of Springdale. Mrs. McKim is the former Miss Jo Ellen Comstock. The couple also have a son, John J. Comstock in Los Angeles, Calif.
Other relatives who assisted were a cousin, Mrs. C. A. Riddle of Longview, TX, and Mr. Comstock's brothers and sisters and their families, including Mrs. J. S. Rainwater, Mrs. Maude Redman, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Comstock of Van Buren; Dr. & Mrs. A. C. Clark, Little Rock, and Mr. & Mrs. Cy Carney of Fayetteville, AR.
Mr. & Mrs. Comstock were married in Uniontown, AR on 12 Jan 1908. Mrs. Comstock is the former Miss Nora Hays, a poineer of Crawford County.
Arkansas Death Certificate 3008161. Kenney Marcus Comstock died of acute heart failure, 3 May 1958 at his home, 700 S. Pleasant St., Springdale, Washington Co, AR. He was born 13 Jul 1887 in Arkansas. He was married. Was a salesman, Dry Goods. His father was John (sic -James) Monroe Comstock; his mother Ellen Wood. Mrs. K. M. Comstock of Springdale was the informant. Buried Grace Lawn Cemetery in Van Buren, AR, May 6th.
Springdale (Special) -- Kenney Marcus Comstock, 70, resident of 700 South Pleasant Street, died unexpectedly Saturday night [3 May 1958] at his home. Born July 13, 1887 at Uniontown, he was a member of the First Christian Church and a retired salesman for Berry Dry Goods Company of Fort Smith where he worked for 26 years. Mr. Comstock was a former resident of Van Buren and Fayetteville and moved to Springdale this year. Mr. and Mrs. Comstock observed their 50th wedding anniversary in January.
Survivors are his wife, Mrs. Nora Lee Hays Comstock, of the home; four sons, Graydon Comstock, Tulsa, Okla., Kenney M. Comstock, Springdale, Jay Comstock, San Francisco, Calif., and Ira A. Comstock, Merriam, Kan.; one daughter, Mrs. Joe McKim, Springdale; his mother, Mrs. Ellen Comstock, Van Buren; four sisters, Mrs. Nora Rainwater and Mrs. Maude Redman, Van Buren, Mrs. Lettie Carney, Fayetteville, and Mrs. Pauline Clark, Little Rock; and nine grandchildren.
The body will be sent to Van Buren today by Callison-Cisco Funeral Home, and funeral services will be conducted Tuesday at 2 p.m. at Wood Memorial Christian Church by the Rev. Robert E. Brown of Van Buren and the Rev. William Cloud of Springdale. Burial under the direction of Ocker Funeral Home, will be in Grace Lawn Cemetery.
Southwest American, Fort Smith
Kenney M. Comstock, 70, of springdale, Ark., died at his home Saturday night after a brief illness. Mr. Comstock was a retired salesman for the Berry Dry Goods Company of Fort smith. He retired in 1950 after 26 years of service.
He and his wife celebrated their 50th wedding anniversay in January.
Survivors are his wife, Mrs. Nora Lee Hays Comstock of the home; his mother, Mrs. Ellen Comstock of Van Buren; one daughter, Mrs. Joe McKim of Springdale; four sons, Graydon of Tulsa, Okla., Kenney of springdale, Jay of San Francisco, Calif., Ira of Merriam, Kan.; two brothers, Ira and Paul fo Van Buren; four sisters, Mrs. Nora Rainwater and Mrs. Maude Redman of Van Buren, Mrs. Cy Carney of Fayetteville, and Mrs. Pauline Clark of Little Rock, and nine grandchildren.
Funeral service at 2 pm Tuesday at the Wood Memorial Church, Rev. Robert Brown, paster, and Rev. William Cloyd of the Springdale church will officiate.
Burial is to be in Gracelawn under the direction of Ocker Funeral Home.
The body will lie in state at the Callison-Sisco Funeral home in Springdale until noon today and be removed to the Ocker Funeral home in Van Buren where it will lie in state until the funeral hour.
Another Obituary that appeared in the PRESS ARGUS of Van Buren, included additional information. His mother was at the time aged 91.
The sanctuary of Wood Memorial Christian Church was filled with relatives and friends at 2 o'clock Tuesday afternoon when the funeral service took place. Active pallbearers were H. C. Farmer, George Crofton, Perry Newman, L. L. Rapier, Wilbur Watkins, and C. E. Riddle. Members of the Men's Bible Class of Wood Memorial Christian Church were honorary pallbearers.
Birth | 13 Jul 1887 | Uniontown, Crawford County, Arkansas | |||
Marriage | 12 Jan 1908 | Crawford County, Arkansas - NORA LEE HAYS | |||
Death | 3 May 1958 | Springdale, Washington County, Arkansas |
Spouse | NORA LEE HAYS (1887 - 1973) |
Child | Graydon Earl Comstock (1908 - 1983) |
Child | Kenney Maurice Comstock (1914 - 2006) |
Child | JOSIE ELLEN COMSTOCK (1916 - 2008) |
Child | John James "Jay" Comstock (1919 - 2006) |
Child | Ira Allen Comstock (1924 - 2021) |
Father | JAMES MONROE "MON" COMSTOCK (1860 - 1928) |
Mother | LUCRETIA ELLEN WOOD (1867 - 1963) |
Sibling | Dora Comstock (1886 - 1886) |
Sibling | Nora Hessa Comstock (1889 - 1973) |
Sibling | Lelia Ethel Comstock (1890 - 1904) |
Sibling | Ira Vard Comstock (1892 - 1968) |
Sibling | Fannie Maude Comstock (1894 - 1988) |
Sibling | Edna Eugenia Comstock (1899 - 1956) |
Sibling | Letisha Miranda "Lettie" Comstock (1901 - 1980) |
Sibling | Rebecca Pauline Comstock (1905 - 1984) |
Sibling | Ruel Paul Comstock (1906 - 1991) |
1. Mary Jane Comstock, Compiler; Comstock-Haggard and Allied Families; (Chicago: Adams Press, 1973).
2. Mary Jane Comstock, Compiler; Comstock-Haggard and Allied Families; (Chicago: Adams Press, 1973).
3. Obituary.