Individual Details


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A Mathew Wood is listed as having a will, Lancaster, PA #1092 in the Index. The dates are from 1683-1993. This is an index to Vol. 24 of the Will Abstracts done by the Historical Society of Pennsylvania. I suspect this is much too late to be this man. The Indices to Wills of Lancaster are available at FamilySearch - the W's begin with a will written 1749 and are listed by year, not alphabetized. There were also separate groups of W's that begin early and proceded to the later day without explanation - I finally figured out that they were grouped by the first letter of the given name!
A Rev. Mathew Woods had a will 1785 - Book E, p.178 (img 524 in the index) - so they had transcribed his name wrong. When I went to Will Book E, the page numbers were obscured but found on (img 99) This was obviously a much younger man than the father of the Wood brothers in Kentucky.
9 Jul 1783. Mathew Woods, Minister of the Gospel, Paster to the Presbyterian Congregation in Hanover Twp, Lancaster. All debts to be paid - the whole of estate to be committed to the care & management of his wife for her to cloth & educate my child or children, as my wife is now pregnant. If the child is a son he is to share equally with my son Andrew now living. If a girl to have 1/3 part of my estate when she is 18. My wife is to have all furniture of every kind, a horse, saddle & bridly. Should she marry the estate to be put into the hands of a proper buardian for my child or children. Samuel Kearsley and John Aisworth, trusty and well beloved friends to be executors.
Signed: Mathew Woods. Wit: Wm Brown, James McCreight, Danl Bradley
Proved by McCreight and Bradley on 3 Feb 1785. Letters testamentary grant Samuel Kearsley and John Ainsworth.

According to Goodspeed article of a great-grandson, he was a Cabinetmaker in London. Immigrated to Pennsylvania. No other information has even been located. The name Matthew is not continued that I have found. I believe this lineage to be highly questionable. Research into other Wood/Woods family living in Madison Co, KY (they left more traces such as wills, deeds, etc.) has proved that James, Thomas, and William, are not part of their families.

There are errors in the following article, as in most of the county history bios, although much of has been proved by other documentary evidence. William Moore Wood's wife was Nancy Winkler - her mother Nancy Noland. I have often seen bad transcriptions - from the old handwriting, and probably the article was submitted in handwriting, when the names Mary and Nancy were confused. They can look deceivingly the same. Also, also William Winkler's family had come from Germany, but it was not in his generation - he was born in Rowan County, NC to Henry Winkler and Susannah Ross. Winkler's wife was Nancy Noland - her surname is plain in the Madison County, KY records, as was her given name - and her mother, the great-grandmother cited, was Clarinda Noland, not Sarah. Nancy's father's name was never been discovered but he was undoubtedly kin to the other Nolands in Madison Co. It's likely he died in or during the Revolutionary War, or soon after, and Clarinda came with his kin from North Carolina to Kentucky. Clarinda was very aged when she died in Missouri, but probably in her 90's rather than 130, based on early census records beginning in 1810. She was living with her daughter Nancy Winkler in 1850. Nancy claimed her mother to be 110, blind and a pauper.

"Biography of Joseph C. Wood", The Goodspeed Biographical and Historical Memoirs of Northwestern Arkansas, 1889.
Joseph C. Wood was born November 21, 1841, and is a son of William M. and Mary C. (Winkler) Wood. The father was born and reared in Madison County, Ky., and when twenty-four went to Missouri, where he bought and sold land until 1840, when he married the mother of our subject, who bore him two children, Joseph and Williams (deceased). September 12, 1852, Mr. Wood went to Benton County, Ark., and a few months later bought land near Uniontown, Crawford County. A year later he went to Schuyler County, Mo., again returned to Crawford County, and in 1864 went to Iowa until the close of the war. Two years after the death of his first wife, in Arkansas, he married Susan M. Biswell, a native a Adair County, Mo., who bore him seven children: John W., Martha, George, Minnie, Charles, Lee and Livinia (deceased). Mr. Wood farmed in Douglas County, Kan., a short time after the war, and then returned to Crawford County, where he died in 1882, aged sixty-seven. The mother of our subject was a native of Madison County, Ky., and died in Crawford County. Thomas Wood, the grandfather, was born in Pennsylvania of English parents, immigrated to Kentucky, and died in Madison County, aged sixty-two. He was a mechanic and stone mason. His wife Agnes (Kinkaid) Wood, was also born in Pennsylvania, of Scotch-Irish parents, and died in Kentucky. William Winkler, the maternal grandfather was born in Germany, there became a shoemaker, and immigrated to Kentucky, where he married Mary Nolan, a native of Kentucky, of Irish descent. He died in Kentucky and she in Missouri. Matthew Wood, the great-grandfather, was a cabinetmaker in London, England, who immigrated to Pennsylvania in an early day. The maternal great-grandmother, Sarah Nolan, died in 1853, in Schuyler County, Mo., aged one hundred and thirty, and her husband was a Revolutionary soldier. Joseph C. Wood, our subject, was born in Adair County, Mo., and when twelve came with his father to Crawford County, afterward accompanied him to Iowa and Kansas, and after returning to Crawford County engaged in farming. He gained the greater part of his education by burning the midnight oil, and when of age enlisted in the Confederate army, under Capt. Duncan. He remained in this company about three months, and fought in the battles at Pea Ridge and Sugar Creek. After the evacuation of Fort Smith he worked on train duty in the Federal army three months, then on the ferry at Van Buren. He served until May, 1864, after which he lived in Kansas two and a half years. After returning to Arkansas he farmed until 1865, and has since enjoyed a good mercantile trade at Uniontown. In February, 1860, he married Letitia Mayberry, a native of Virginia, and a daughter of Charles and Ellen Mayberry. To Mr. and Mrs. Wood ten children have been born, eight now living: Thomas F., Lucretia E., Andrew B. C., Antoinette, Nancy, Walter M., Ola, Omega, and Zellie. Charles W. and Dora E. are deceased. Mr. Wood is a Democrat, and has served two terms as justice of the peace. He is the postmaster of Uniontown, and a Mason. His wife belongs to the Missionary Baptist Church, and he to the Christian.


BirthLondon, England


ChildJames Wood Sr. (1780 - 1831)
ChildTHOMAS WOOD Sr. (1780 - )
ChildWilliam Wood (1787 - )
