Individual Details


(1722 - 1 Feb 1807)

In one place, Hank Adams had this marriage date as 1758, but that's after birth dates of several of the children - in another he had c 1749 which seems more reasonable. Donald Kearney, another Fry family historian, believed Abraham might have married before leaving Pennsylvania.

Abraham was living on the 200 acres on Cedar Creek apparently deeded to him by his father by 1751, when Benjamin gave the remainder of his homestead to his son Joseph, because Joseph's land was bounded by Abraham's plantation. No direct record has been found.

1764 Rent Rolls, Frederick Co, VA - Abraham Fry.

19 Apr 1765, land grant to Abraham Fry at the request of William Thomas to whom the land was assigned by John Thomas in the presence of Jos/Jno Hite. The Thomases were brothers, sons of Ellis Thomas who was killed by Indians in 1763. On 13 Apr 1751, the petition to grant 400 acres to James Stuart was recorded. Said to be 400 acres of ungranted land adjoining Ellis Thomas on the head branches of Hoggs [Hogue] Creek. The land was surveyed the following week but contained only 200 acres. James Stuart was an orphan and his guardians requested a more desirable tract of land for him. Ellis Thomas then offered to take the land and add to his own holdings. 28 Jan of 1764 the heirs of Ellis Thomas and James Stuart appeared at the proprietor's office and agreed that a deed should issue to John Thomas, eldest son of Ellis Thomas, having purchased it from Stuart. In 1765, John Thomas transferred his rights in the land to his brother William. Subsequently this tract became Abraham Fry's. According to Donald Kearney, this 200 acres was later sold to Henry Secrist.

Researcher Donald Kearney relates a reminiscent story regarding Abraham Frye and an Indian incident. In 1768, William White who lived on Cedar Creek, and another man, shot and killed two Indians in the woods. This was after the cessation of hostilities and White and his companion were jailed in Winchester. Capt Abraham Frye [a complimentary rank?] raised a party of perhaps 50-60 volunteers who proceeded to Winchester and freed the two men, apparently with the blessings of most of the community. Perhaps this occurrence was part of reason Abraham Fry decided to leave Cedar Creek the next year.
Frey Family Association Journal, Spring 2011, p.36-37.

Family lived in Frederick County, VA - some of children born there. Moved to southwest Pennsylvania about 1769 - Washington County was created in 1781. Other families moving from VA to PA included Henry Speers and Jacob & Paul Froman, the Kellars, and the Crists, as well as Abraham's brothers William, Samuel, and Benjamin.

Incorrect DAR Lineage: In 1778 Abraham Fry was a private in Capt. Charles Maclay's Co., 1st Battalion, Cumberland County PA militia. This is a different man who continued living in Cumberland County.

Abraham served in the 5th PA Regt of Foot, commanded by Col. Francis Johnston; he served in Capt William Oldham's Company from Washington Co PA. The service can be found in the Pennsylvania Archives.

FREDERICK FINDINGS: Vol. 9, #1, Spring 1996 , p.13
At a Court held for Frederick County [VA] on Tuesday 8th August 1749. The Appraisment of Estate of James Young Deceased was presented into Court by Jane Young & Abraham Frey, Executors & admitted to record.

Northern Neck Grants M, p.344. 19 Apr 1765. 200 acres granted Abraham Fry on head branches of Hogg's Creek, Frederick County.

Ohio County Record, Entry Book, Yohogania County 1779-1785
Began Nov 17 1779. Containing Entrys In Right of Settlement
22 Feb 1780
#189 Abram Fry, provided a Certificate from the Comr. for adjusting Claims of settling Titles to lands in the Counties Yohogania, Monogalia & Ohio, for four hundred acres land, in this county, on the River Monongalia, to inlcude his Settlement amde in the year 1773. Which Entry I have Certd. on Sd. Certificiate.

Virginia Land Grant: To Abraham Fry, 31 Dec 1783 in Jefferson Co KY; 500 acres on Beech fork, branch of Salt River adjacent Jacob Froman. [Grant in Library of VA Cardfile on line but link to document is incorrect and I could not get a copy.] This is the land Joseph Foreman held in trust to settle dispute over said land and mentioned in Abraham's Will. The land was to be sold and proceeds divided equally among the daughters.

The same grant from Filson:
Grantee: Fry, Abraham
Acres: 500
Book: 2
Survey Date: 7-20-1783
County: Jefferson
WaterCourse: Beech Fk
Volume 1
Part 1
page 52 More Info: Grantee: Fry, Abraham
Acres: 500
Book: 2
Page: 35
Date Survey: 7-20-1783
County: Jefferson
Watercourse: Beech Fk

1798 Pennsylvania Tax List - Greene, Washington & Allegheny
Fallowfield Township
Abraham Fry - 178 acres; 160 acres
Samuel Fry, 375 acres

Washington County, Pennsylvania
Will Books 1 & 2 1781-1814
LDS #0863624
Will Book 2, p.98
Will of Abraham Frye
Be it remembered that on this fourth day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and one I Abraham Frye Senior of Fallowfield township Washington County and state of Pennsylvania being in a good state of health and of sound disposing mind and memory: yet calling to mind the uncertainty of time do make and ordain this my last will and Testament, touching the disposal of my temporal estate hereby revoking all other will or wills by me heretofore made and this only to be taken for my last will and testament and none other. Imprimis. I will that all my just debts [if any should appear tho I know of none] be fully paid, and all such legacies as I may hereafter mention in this Instrument of writing - Item I have already given unto
My son Benjamin Frye and to his heirs and assigns four hundred acres of land for which I have made him a deed lying on Lost River a branch of Capon in Virginia. I have also given my said son Benjamin a good horse and saddle with other articles not necessary here to be enumerated which I consider his full share and dividend of my estate both real personal or mixed. Item: I have already given unto my son James and to his heirs and assigns four hundred and fifty acres of land lying in Washington County where Samuel Moody now dwells which my said son James Frye sold to John West and received the full amount thereof. I also gave my son James a good horse and saddle and other articles not necessary here to be within stated which I consider to be his full share and dividend of my estate both real personal or mixed - Item: I give and bequeath unto my son Abraham Frye and to his heirs and assigns two tracts of land one of which is the place where I now dwell containing one hundred and seventy eight acres and allowance of six pct. Patented the twenty ninth day of August one thousand seven hundred and eighty five the other adjoining the last mentioned tract containing one hundred and eighty three and three Fourth acres and allowance of six pct. Int. Subject to the maintainance of his mother which he shall do in a decent manner at least to comply with the following particulars relative to her maintainance to wit, I will that he shall give her full possession of that part of the dwelling house which she and myself now reside in and to find her in a plenty of provision suitable to make a person of her age a comfortable living and also to provide for his sd Mother as much dressed flax as she shall see cause to make use of for her own particular use and to furnish her with a good horse and saddle and bridle to ride at any time when she may have use for the same -- Item I give and bequeath unto my well beloved wife Agness one Negro boy [who is free at the age of twenty eight years] during her natural life and at her decease I will that he the said boy named Derry shall belong to my son Abraham and to his heirs until he the said Derry shall be twenty eight years old at which time he is free.
And furthermore I will that my beloved wife shall have all my household funrature at her own disposal - Item I will that all my personal estate (exclusive of what is above mentioned) money which I may have on hand or due on bond note or book acct may be equally divided amongst my daughters to wit my daughter Margaret and to her heirs one share, to my daughter Christina and to her heirs one share, also to my daughter Elizabeth and to her heirs one share also to my daughter Mary and to her heirs one share also to my daughter Rebeccah and to her heirs one share, also to my daughter Catherine and to her heirs one share, also to my daughter Nancy and to her heirs one share. And whereof I have five hundred acres of land lying in Kentucky on the beach fork a branch of ?Salt River I have lately conveyed to Joseph Foreman in trust in order to give him full power to commence a law suit and settle a dispute which a man in that state pretends to hold about said land. I also will that if the said five hundred acres of land should be gained by the said Joseph Foreman at law, that it be sold by my executors and be equally divided between all of the above named daughters. And lastly I do hereby nominate and appoint my son Abraham my son in law Noah Speers to be my Executors to execute this my last will and Testament according to the true intent and meaning thereof - as witness my hand and seal the day and year first above written - Abraham Frye
Sealed signed and acknowledge in the presence of us Samuel Frye senior - William Crawford - Benjamin Hough - Samuel Frye Junior
Washington County
Be it remembered that on the twenty sixth day of February in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seven, before me, Isaac Kerr, Register for the Probate of Wills and granting Letters of Administration, in and for the county aforesaid came William Crawford and Samuel Frye Junior two of the subscribing witnesses to the within last Will and Testament of Abraham Frye Senior late of Washington County, deceased, and being sworn as the law directs, depose and say, that they were personally present, and did see the Testator therein named sign and seal this Will and that they heart him publish pronounce and declare the same to be his last Will and Testament, That at the time of his so doing, he was to the best of their apprehensions of sound and disposing mind memory and Understanding, that they respectively subscribed their names as Witnesses to the Will in the presence and at the request of the Testator and in the presence of each other, and that they also saw Samuel Frye Senior and Benjamin Hough the other witnesses, signed to this Will Subscribe their names thereto as such. William Crawford, Samuel Frye Junior
Sworn to and Subscribed before me - Isaac Kerr, Register
February 26th 1807. Letters Testamentary with copy of Will annexed, issued to Abraham Frye and Noah Speers, Executors herein named, and on the same day, the said Abraham & Noah were Sworn. Isaac Kerr, Register
Registered 26th February 1807.


Birth1722Perkiomen, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania
Marriage1749Frederick County, Virginia - AGNES ANN YOUNG
Military17765th PA Regt of Foot; Capt William Oldham's Company, Washington Co PA, Revolutionary War
Death1 Feb 1807Fallowfield Township, Washington County, Pennsylvania


SpouseAGNES ANN YOUNG (1730 - 1809)
ChildBenjamin Frye (1749 - 1807)
ChildChristina Frye (1752 - 1810)
ChildMargaret Frye (1754 - 1783)
ChildELIZABETH FRYE (1756 - 1837)
ChildJAMES FRYE (1759 - 1821)
ChildMary Frye (1760 - 1837)
ChildRebecca Frye (1767 - 1848)
ChildAbraham Frye Jr. (1764 - 1813)
ChildCatharina Frye (1770 - 1837)
ChildNancy Virginia Frye (1774 - 1845)
FatherBENJAMIN FREY (1696 - 1753)
MotherREGINA CHRISTENA ?Markley (1699 - 1760)
SiblingElizabeth FREY ( - )
SiblingHenry Frye (1724 - 1812)
SiblingJacob Frye (1726 - 1808)
SiblingJoseph Fry (1727 - 1781)
SiblingSamuel Frye (1729 - 1814)
SiblingBenjamin Frye Jr. (1730 - 1813)
SiblingChristena Anne Frye (1733 - 1782)
SiblingWilliam Frye (1735 - 1796)
