Individual Details

Henry Frye

(Aug 1724 - 13 Apr 1812)

Henry apparently did not receive a gift of land from his father. He lived on the other side of the great north Mountain, in the Capon Valley, from the rest of the family along Cedar Creek. He is reputed to have been a hunter. He obtained his land by purchase and grant.

Possibly the first purchase, although he may have been living on a grant, dated later since it took longer to obtain a grant.
Frederick County Court Order Book 2, p.231-235
By deeds of lease and release, on May 13 & 14, 1751, Henry purchased 400 acres from John Woodfin for 300#'s current money of Virginia. Upon the great Cacapehon [Capon] River, granted to Woodfin by the Proprietors, 11 Jun 1749, both sides of the River.
Henry Fry's grant was originally applied for by Solomon Carpenter who sold his rights to Benjamin Fry who then asked for the survey. Ben apparently assigned the same to Henry as the grant was issued in Henry's name. The survey was ordered by Lord Fairfax on 10 Oct 1753 and completed on 10 Nov 1753, but the grant is issued 30 Dec 1762. It was for 213 acres, both sides of the Capon River, adjoining lands of Hugh & Thomas Hughes.
Frey Family Association Journal, Spring 2011, p.29-30

Hampshire Co was formed from Frederick Co, 1756.

12 Feb 1759. Hampshire Co. Thomas Hughes & Susannah his wife of Hampshire Co, sold to Henry Fry of Frederick Co, 219 acres on Great Cape Capon. On the same day, Hugh Hughes and his wife, also Susannah, of Hampshire Co sold 33 acres to Benjamin Fry of Frederick Co, slong Cape Capon Creek.
Both deeds seem to have been recorded a second time and both Frys were then noted as being of Hampshire Co. The deed to Benjamin Fry on 6 May 1763, stated the grantors were Susanna Hughes, widow, and William Hughes, eldest son of Hugh Huges. The deed for the 219 acres was essentially the same and dated 8 Jun 1761. The will of Hugh Hughes was entered for probate that same month.
Three days after the last deed, 8 Jun 1761, Benjamin Fry sold his 33 acres to Henry.
9 May 1763, Henry Fry bought another 200 acres on the Great Cape Capon from Thomas and Susannah Hughes, all living in Hampshire Co.
Frey Family Association Journal, Spring 2011, p.45

A survey was made for Henry Fry, 29 Oct 1760, for 53 acres on the south side of Cacapehon River, touching land already held by Henry. This tract was patented 5 Sep 1765.
Another survey was dated 20 Apr 1761 for 46 acres on the southeast side of the Cacapehon River, also adjacent to land already owned by Henry. Patent issued 6 Sep 1765. [The surveyor also on 20 Apr 1761, surveyed a tract of 138 acres for Joseph Cloisier [Clowser] which was later assigned to Joseph Fry. It was on the northwest side of the Capon.]
Frey Family Association Journal, Spring 2011, p.46

In 1808, at age 84, Henry deeded 2,397 acres of land to his four sons, Henry, Jr., Abraham, Benjamin, & Thomas omitting John; thus disposing of his real property by deed rather than leaving a will. These tracts of land talley with the purchases of Henry Sr.

1810 Census. Hampshire, VA
Henry Frye, 1m over 45
Benjamin & John Frye also listed - both with family and age 26-45.

Hampshire Will Book, 5, p.308
18 Sep 1812
Inventory and Appraisement of the estate of Henry Frye, Senr, Dec'd.
Included balck walnut desk, corner cupboard, clock & case, dishes, 5 Dutch books, linens, clothes, shot gun
molatoe man slave, James. Black woman Slave, Winny.
12 sheep, sorrel mare
... shown to us by Warner Throckmorton, administrator.
Signed: James McBride, James Smith, Timothy Smyth
Returned to court and ordered recorded 19 Oct 1812.

Buried Frye Family Cemetery. Now West Virginia


BirthAug 1724Perkiomen, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania
MarriageAbt 1758Fannie Littler
Death13 Apr 1812Hampshire County, Virginia


SpouseFannie Littler (1737 - 1805)
ChildRebecca Frye (1761 - 1835)
ChildHenry Frye Jr. (1762 - 1811)
ChildThomas Frye (1765 - )
ChildSarah Frye (1768 - 1834)
ChildJohn Frye (1771 - 1826)
ChildBenjamin Frye (1774 - 1840)
ChildAbraham Frye (1784 - 1875)
FatherBENJAMIN FREY (1696 - 1753)
MotherREGINA CHRISTENA ?Markley (1699 - 1760)
SiblingElizabeth FREY ( - )
SiblingABRAHAM FRYE (1722 - 1807)
SiblingJacob Frye (1726 - 1808)
SiblingJoseph Fry (1727 - 1781)
SiblingSamuel Frye (1729 - 1814)
SiblingBenjamin Frye Jr. (1730 - 1813)
SiblingChristena Anne Frye (1733 - 1782)
SiblingWilliam Frye (1735 - 1796)
