Individual Details
Andrew Pickens
(Abt 1770 - 1801)
From the Pickens database online:
p. 15. "Andrew PICKENS, a son of Capt. Joseph and Eleanor PICKENS, was born at least before 1770. He died in 1801 in Anderson Co., SC. [He married] Margaret DOWDLE, daughter of Robert DOWDLE, SR, of Anderson Co., SC...
We know nothing about the life of Andrew PICKENS except what is revealed in his will, and the fact that he is proved to be a son of Capt. Joseph and Eleanor PICKENS. He died in Anderson Co., SC in 1801 and the following is a copy of his will:
'In the name of God, Amen. I, Andrew PICKENS of Pendleton District, South Carolina, Farmer, being very sick and weak in body but of perfect mind and memory, Thanks be to God, calling to mind the mortality of my body and knowing that it is appointed for all ment to die, do make and ordain this my last will and testament, that is to say, principally and first of all I give and recommend my soul into the hands of Almighty God that gave it, and my body I recommend to the earth to be buried in decent Christian burial; nothing doubting that at the general resurrection I shall receive this same body again by the mighty power of God - and touching such worldly goods wherewith it has pleased God to bless me with in this life, I give, devise, and dispose in the following manner, and form after paying all just debts.
First, I will and bequeath to Margaret, my well beloved wife, all my household goods and movable effects except one young horse during her widowhood, and if she marrys then each of my three daughters to receive two cows if they be there for them and if not what is to be divided between my wife and three daughters. Also I give to my sone Joseph PICKENS my plantation, on which I now live, lying in the district and state aforesaid, with one young horse as soon as he comes of age. The plantation to be rented by my wife Margaret from that time to my son comes of age and applied to the schooling of my children at the Duration [sic] of the executors.
Also, I appoint my wife, Margaret PICKENS, Robert DOWDLE, and John WARNOCK my executors of this my last will and testament. In witness thereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this eighteenth day of October in the year of our Lord one Thousand Eight hundred and one. Signed, sealed and delivered by the said Andrew PICKENS as his last will and testament in the presence of us the subscribing witnesses:
John GEORGE signed: Andw PICKENS
Israel PICKENS [seal]
Robert DOWDLE, Jr."
Robert Dowdle as Executor of the estate of Andrew Pickens, dec'd, received a legacy of $80 from the estate of Andrew's father. The estate was not settled until after the death of his mother in 1803.
Birth | Abt 1770 | Abbeville, Ninety-Six District, South Carolina | |||
Death | 1801 | Pendleton District, South Carolina | |||
Marriage | Margaret Dowdle |
Spouse | Margaret Dowdle (1775 - 1830) |
Child | Jane Pickens (1792 - 1851) |
Child | Joseph William Pickens (1794 - 1868) |
Child | Ann Pickens ( - ) |
Child | Nancy Pickens ( - ) |
Child | Elender Pickens ( - ) |
Father | Capt. Joseph Pickens (1737 - 1781) |
Mother | Eleanor Pickens (1746 - 1803) |
1. E. M. Sharp, Pickens Families of the South (Self-published; Memphis, TN; c1963), p.13.
2. E. M. Sharp, Pickens Families of the South (Self-published; Memphis, TN; c1963), p.13.
3. E. M. Sharp, Pickens Families of the South (Self-published; Memphis, TN; c1963), p.13.